Unit 1 Discovering Useful Structures (ppt课件) (2)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、 Unit 1Teenage LifePeriod 3Discovering Useful Structures人教版(2021)必修一Lead-inDid you notice the phrases in this unit?What categories can they be divided into?Lets look at more examples!观察以下课文原句并思考红色部分红色部分的功能与构成:1.Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge.2.The first

2、 week was a little confusing.3.I know that Chinese is a very difficult language.4.I had to think very carefully about which courses I wanted to take.5.Im a bit worried about keeping up with the other students in my advanced course.6.I joined a volunteer club instead.PresentationNoun Phrase(NP)Noun P

3、hrase(NP)名词短语名词短语Adjective Phrase(AdjP)形容词短语形容词短语very carefullya really big challengea very difficult languagea volunteer cluba little confusinga bit worriedAdverb Phrase(AdvP)副词短语副词短语word group with a noun as its head word以一个以一个名词为中心词名词为中心词构成构成的词组,在句子中的功能的词组,在句子中的功能相当于相当于名词名词。word group with a adje

4、ctive as its head word以一个以一个形容词为中心词形容词为中心词构构成的词组,在句子中的功成的词组,在句子中的功能相当于能相当于形容词形容词。word group with a adverb as its head word以一个以一个副词为中心词副词为中心词构成构成的词组,在句子中的功能的词组,在句子中的功能相当于相当于副词副词。Noun Phrase(NP)名词短语名词短语 是指以一个是指以一个_为中心构成为中心构成的短语;的短语;语法功能相当于名词。它由语法功能相当于名词。它由几个名词几个名词或或名词及其修饰语名词及其修饰语构成。名词短语比起单个名词表述得构成。名词短

5、语比起单个名词表述得更加具体、形象更加具体、形象。名词名词Noun Phrase(NP)以名词作为中心词的以名词作为中心词的名词名词短语短语,在句中可以做在句中可以做主/宾/表/宾补。名词短语的组成:(限定词)(形容词/形容词短语/描述性名词)名词(介词短语)。Word group with a noun as its head word名词短语中的限定词包括四类:名词短语中的限定词包括四类:(1)冠词冠词(a/an/the);(2)指示代词指示代词(this/that/these/those等等);(3)物主代词物主代词(my/your/his/her/its/our/their等等);(4

6、)不定代词不定代词(some/no/neither/both等等)。常见的名词短语:常见的名词短语:1 1)冠词冠词+形容词形容词+名词名词 a long history a long history 一段悠久的历史一段悠久的历史2 2)冠词冠词+名词名词+介词介词+名词名词 a piece of breada piece of bread3 3)名词所有格名词所有格+名词名词 Toms bookToms book4)4)名词名词+to/with/for+to/with/for 等介词短语等介词短语 the key to the bicyclethe key to the bicycle5 5

7、)名词名词作定语的名词短语作定语的名词短语 flower shop flower shop(限定词限定词)+()+(数词数词/形容词形容词/形容词短语形容词短语/描述性名词描述性名词)+)+名词名词+(+(介词短介词短语语)Noun Phrase(NP)名词短语的名词短语的句法功能句法功能1.These red roses are for you.2.I have three close friends.3.He is my best friend.4.We found him a very clever boy.作主语作主语作宾语作宾语作宾语补语作宾语补语作表语作表语在句中作:在句中作:主语

8、、宾语、表语、宾语补足语主语、宾语、表语、宾语补足语EXERCISES:指出下列句子中,哪个成分是指出下列句子中,哪个成分是名词短语名词短语,并说出并说出作什么句子成分作什么句子成分。1)These ideas may seem strange to you.2)We love our great motherland very much.3)The man wearing a black coat is our teacher.4)We made him captain of our team.EXERCISES:指出下列句子中,哪个成分是指出下列句子中,哪个成分是名词短语名词短语,并说出并

9、说出作什么句子成分作什么句子成分。1)These ideas may seem strange to you.(主主)2)We love our great motherland very much.(宾宾)3)The man wearing a black coat is our teacher.(定定)4)We made him capital of our team.(宾补宾补)Adjective Phrase(AdjP)形容词短语形容词短语 是指以一个是指以一个_为中心构成的短为中心构成的短语;语;是由是由几个形容词几个形容词或或形容词及其修饰语形容词及其修饰语构成构成的短语的短语形容

10、词形容词常见的常见的形容词短语形容词短语:1 1)两个或多个形容词可以由)两个或多个形容词可以由and,butand,but等等连词连接连词连接,构成形容词,构成形容词短语。短语。safe safe andand sound.young sound.young butbut clever clever2 2)veryvery等等程度副词程度副词作修饰语时,可作修饰语时,可与形容词构成与形容词构成形容词短语,形容词短语,以加深形容词的程度以加深形容词的程度.veryvery hot/long hot/long enough/extremelyenough/extremely lazy lazy

11、3)3)介词及其宾语介词及其宾语可用在可用在形容词后形容词后修饰形容词,构成形容词短语。修饰形容词,构成形容词短语。I am I am sure of success.sure of success.4)4)不定式在形容词后不定式在形容词后作修饰语,可作修饰语,可与形容词构成与形容词构成形容词短语。形容词短语。He is He is sure to comesure to come.(副词副词)+形容词形容词+(+(介词短语介词短语)Adjective Phrase(AdjP)形容词短语的形容词短语的句法功能句法功能 在句中的功能相当于形容词,在句中的功能相当于形容词,可作可作表语表语,定定语

12、,语,宾宾语语补补足语,足语,状状语语1)作表语)作表语:The bridge is long and wide.2)作定语)作定语:You have a small but beautiful room.He is a worker worthy of praise.3)作宾语补足语)作宾语补足语:Execise can make you healthy and energetic.4)作状语作状语:He spent seven days in the wind and snow,cold and hungry.EXERCISES:EXERCISES:指出下列句子中,哪个成分是指出下列句子中

13、,哪个成分是形容词短语,形容词短语,并说出作什么并说出作什么句子成分句子成分。1)The air today is nice and clean.2)He is a friendly and patient teacher.3)He found the film very interesting.4)Safe and sound,we have arrived home.EXERCISES:EXERCISES:指出下列句子中,哪个成分是指出下列句子中,哪个成分是形容词短语,形容词短语,并说出作什么并说出作什么句子成分句子成分。1)The air today is nice and clean.

14、(表语表语)2)He is a friendly and patient teacher.(定语定语)3)He found the film very interesting.(宾补宾补)4)Safe and sound,we have arrived home.(状语状语)Adverb phrase(AdvP)副词短语副词短语常见的常见的副词短语副词短语:1 1)两个两个或或多个副词多个副词可以由可以由and,but 等连词连接,构成副词短语。等连词连接,构成副词短语。again and again,quickly and correctly.2)2)very,extremely等程度等程度

15、副词作修饰语副词作修饰语时,可时,可与其他副词与其他副词构成副词短语。构成副词短语。extremely fast,clearly enough3)3)介词及其宾语介词及其宾语可用在可用在副词后副词后修饰副词,与副词构成副词短语。修饰副词,与副词构成副词短语。He went on studying deep into the night yesterday.定义:定义:是指由是指由几个副词几个副词或或副词及其修饰语副词及其修饰语构成的短语构成的短语。(副词副词)+副词副词Adverb phrase(AdvP)副词短语的副词短语的句法功能句法功能1.I think my life in the f

16、uture will be great,so I must study quite hard now.2.This pair of shoes is far too suitable for me.3.He worked much more carefully on the new design.4.Very luckily,he was not in the house then.修饰动词修饰动词修饰形容词修饰形容词修饰句子修饰句子(副词副词)+副词副词句法功能句法功能:在句中在句中作状语作状语,修饰修饰动词动词、形容词形容词、副词副词或或句子句子等等。修饰副词修饰副词EXERCISES:指

17、出下列句子中,哪个成分是指出下列句子中,哪个成分是副词短语副词短语,并说出并说出修饰哪一部分修饰哪一部分。1)She types quickly and correctly.2)I am much too pleased to see you.3)You should do things much more carefully.4)Surprisingly and sadly,he refused our offer.EXERCISES:指出下列句子中,哪个成分是指出下列句子中,哪个成分是副词短语副词短语,并说出并说出修饰哪一部分修饰哪一部分。1)She types quickly and c

18、orrectly.(修饰动词修饰动词)2)I am much too pleased to see you.(修饰形容词修饰形容词)3)You should do things much more carefully.(修饰副词修饰副词)4)Surprisingly and sadly,he refused our offer.(修饰句子修饰句子).写出画线处的短语类型写出画线处的短语类型1.We have a much better life now.()2.Even worse,the amount of fast food that people eat goes up.()3.She

19、types quickly and correctly.()4.Interested in their work,she picked up a pair of scissors.()5.Eager to improve farming conditions,they tried out this new crop on a large area.()6.The festival is one of the four largest ice and snow festivals in the world!()NPAdvPAdvPAdjPAdjPNP宾语宾语状语状语状语状语状语状语状语状语宾语宾

20、语Presentation7.Nowadays young people never willingly let their creativity be limited by their parents or traditional rules.()8.It is obvious that the widespread and recognition of Western holidays is harmful to our traditional value.()9.Recent studies show that we are far more productive at work if

21、we take short breaks regularly.()10.He can finish that much quicker.()AdvP状语状语NP主语主语AdjP表语表语AdvP状语状语PresentationLets put them in right word groups.1.a freshman 2.much more confident 3.a good first impression4.quickly and correctly 5.really amazing 6.my best friend7.most importantly 8.one of the most

22、 beautiful cities 9.suitable for the jobNP(名词词组名词词组)AdjP(形容词词组形容词词组)AdvP(副词词组副词词组)1,3,6,82,5,94,7Lets learn Find and mark the phrases in the sentences that fit the categories below.Then state their functions.Noun Phrase(NP)Adjective Phrase(AdjP)Adverb Phrase(AdvP)word group with a noun as its head w

23、ordword group with an adjective as its head wordword group with an adverb as its head wordE.g.1.The first week was a little confusing.NPAdjP2.The building is so big that Im completely lost.3.The kids over there are putting something on a round paper plate.4.Linda thinks and speaks quite quickly,and

24、she can do well in the debate.NPAdjPAdjPNPNPNPAdvPNP5.The new coach told me that I didnt play well enough.6.My first French class was very confusing.The teacher spoke so fast!NPAdvPNPAdjPNPAdvP2 Answer the questions using the phrases in brackets.1.How soon do you think youll finish your homework?(pr

25、etty soon)2.What do you think of your new teachers?(very nice and patient)3.How many clubs have you joined this year?(two clubs)Ill finish my homework pretty soon.AdvP在句子中作时间状语。在句子中作时间状语。My new teachers are very nice and patient.AdjP在句子中作表语。在句子中作表语。Ive joined two clubs this year.NP在句子中作宾语。在句子中作宾语。Pr

26、esentation4.How well does Rita play the violin?We need a new violist in our music club.(quite well)5.What did your adviser say about the advanced literature course?(too difficult but very interesting)Rita plays the violins quite well.AdvP副词短语在句中充当状语。副词短语在句中充当状语。My adviser said that the advanced lite

27、rature course was too difficult but very interesting.AdjP形容词短语在宾语从句充当表语。形容词短语在宾语从句充当表语。Complete the passage with the appropriate-ing form Cheerleader Try-outsIve wanted to be a cheerleader.Yesterday,I tried out for the team.It was hard.First,we had to dance.The teacher showed us how to move,and then

28、 we tried.high schoolmy schools cheerleading reallyup and down around the basketball court for 20 minutes.very hardSecond,we practiced singing a song about the school basketball team.Finally,some girls had to lift their partners.The other girls jumped and cheered.I think I did well,but the other gir

29、ls were better.Im not sure if Ill make the team or not.short fightof the strongervery highso loudlyquitein the try-outmany ofevenwhethercheerleadingthis year1)预习及完成课本预习及完成课本p16p16练习。练习。2 2)完成创新设计及课时测评上句子短语的)完成创新设计及课时测评上句子短语的相关练习。相关练习。Lets play Read the poem aloud and see how the underlined parts wor

30、k in the poem.Nothing so rare As a day in June,The air so fine And the blossoms all blue.NPAdjPThe weather just perfect,The skies never grayThe bugs always buzzing And the trees seem to sway.AdjPAdjPLets playThe sun beats so warmlyOn the tenderness of my skin,And the birds.they fly,Far away in the wind.NPNPAdvPJune is the month That carries a tune.Its beautiful melody Floats like a balloon.by Danielle Owens


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