2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册Unit 3 全单元词汇讲解(ppt课件) .pptx

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1、Unit 3 vocabularydiverse adj.不同的,多种多样的people from diverse cultures 不同文化背景的人My interests are very diverse.我的兴趣非常广泛。diversity n.差异(性);不同(点)a diversity of 各种各样的fortune n.机会,运气,巨款make a fortune 发财 seek ones fortune 寻找成功致富之路try ones fortune 碰运气fortunate adj.幸运的,吉利的fortunately adv.unfortunate/unfortunatel

2、yethnicadj.民族的,种族的;具有民族特色的,异国风味的ethnic clothes/jewellery 具有民族特色的服装珠宝首饰n.少数民族的人admitv.承认;准许进入(某处)admit sb to/into 准许进入 admit sb to/into college=sb be admitted to/into college admit doing/having done sth 承认做了某事 admit(to sb)that 承认admission n.准许加入,入场费 gain admission to 获准进入(1)语法填空语法填空I still remember t

3、hree years ago when I was admitted _ this university.She admits _(make)an error herself.Her _(admit)to Tsinghua University made her parents very happy.to/intomakingbeing admitted(2)一句多译一句多译他承认违反了交通规则。他承认违反了交通规则。He admitted _ the traffic rules.He admitted _the traffic rules.He admitted _the traffic r

4、ules.breakinghaving brokenthat he had brokendefinitely adv.肯定,确实I definitely remember sending the letter.我记得这封信肯定发出去了。-Was it what you expected?-Yes,definitely.(当然是)occur vi.发生,出现(-rr-)Something unexpected occurred.When exactly did the incident occur?被想到;出现在头脑中 sth occur to sb It occurs to sb that/t

5、o do sth 某人想到某人想到做某事Its a city that was able to rebuild itself after the earthquake that occurred in 1906.A good idea occurred to me while I was walking home.It never occurs to him that he should make such great progress.occurvi.可指某事可指某事偶然偶然发生发生,可与可与happen互换互换,但比较正式。表但比较正式。表示示“某人想到某人想到”时时,用用occur,后接

6、介词后接介词tohappenvi.特指某事特指某事偶然偶然发生。表示发生。表示“某人发生了某事某人发生了某事”,要用要用sth.happen(s)to sb.;happen to do sth.表示表示“碰巧做某碰巧做某事事”take place多指有计划、有目的、有步骤地发生多指有计划、有目的、有步骤地发生,比如举办活动、发比如举办活动、发生变化等生变化等break out多指自然灾害、战争、疾病的突然爆发多指自然灾害、战争、疾病的突然爆发以上这些表示以上这些表示“发生发生”的单词或短语都的单词或短语都不能用于被动语态不能用于被动语态(1)语法填空语法填空Its incredible tha

7、t the idea occurred _ the scientist in a dream.It never occurred to me _(ask)such a silly question.toto ask(2)选词填空选词填空(occur,happen,take place,break out)The terrible war _in 1937.What _ to you yesterday?When will the sports meeting _?It suddenly _to him that he had left his keys in his car.broke out

8、happenedtake placeoccurreddowntown adv.在市中心,往市中心(尤指商业中心区)go/work downtown 到商业中心区去;在商业中心区工作adj.a downtown store 闹市区的商店head to/for(朝)前进;(向)去In the afternoon,I headed to a local museum that showed the historical changes in California.下午,我前往当地的一家博物馆,这家博物馆展现了加利福尼亚的历史变迁。(1)If you work hard and never give

9、up,you will _ sooner or later.如果你刻苦工作且从不放弃,你迟早会走向成功。(2)He _the park.他朝公园走去。head for successheaded for/tohistorical/historic adj.historical 有关历史的,在历史上发生的 historical research 史学研究 a historical event 历史上的事件historic 有历史意义的,历史上重要的 a historic event 有历史意义的事件seek v.寻找,寻求;争取;(向人)请求,试图 seek to do sth.(正式)试图做某

10、事seek ones fortune 寻找致富(或成功)的机会;闯世界seek after/for 追求,寻求(1)Youd better try to seek _ the information you need.(2)Local schools are seeking _(reduce)the tuition fees.(3)The man gave up his job in Beijing and tried to seek _(he)fortune in his hometown.for/afterto reducehisseeksoughtsoughtbuyboughtbough

11、tfightfoughtfoughtbringbroughtbroughtthinkthought-thoughtearn v.挣得,赚得,赢得,博得earn/make ones/a living 谋生earn/make a living by/from 靠谋生earn ones own living 自食其力earn/make money 挣钱earn a fortune 挣大钱earn sbs praise/a reputation 赢得赞扬/名声(1)Since his parents died early,he had to _when he was a teenager.因双亲早亡因

12、双亲早亡,他十几岁的时候就不得不独自谋生。他十几岁的时候就不得不独自谋生。earn his own living(2)People of their village _from angora rabbit farming.他们村的人都是靠饲养安哥拉兔挣大钱的。他们村的人都是靠饲养安哥拉兔挣大钱的。(3)It is honorable _with your hands.靠双手来养活自己是光荣的。靠双手来养活自己是光荣的。earned a fortuneto earn a livingselect v.选择,挑选,选拔be selected to do sthbe selected asHe wa

13、s selected as our leader.He _(select)to design a poster for the film.selection n.选择,挑选;入选者,可供挑选的事物was selectedclaim vt.&n.夺取(生命);宣称;断言(1)claim vt.声称,宣称;索要,索取 claim to do/that.声称 claim for sth.要求某物;索要某物 claim sth.back索回某物,要回某物(2)claim n.要求;主张;索赔 It is claimed that.有人主张;据说 make a claim 声称语法语法填空填空(1)So

14、 far nobody _(claim)the keys discovered in the playground.(2)The scientist claimed _(discover)a new kind of medicine.(3)It _(claim)that music can help patients recover faster.has claimedto have discoveredis claimedseries n.一系列;连续;接连(pl.series)a series of eventsa series of lecturesShe was offered the

15、 leading role in the new TV series.系列剧,连续剧;(广播或电视的)系列节目apart from except besides,in additionapart fromApart from Li Hua,eight other students are going to take part in the sports meeting to be held his Friday.minority n.少数民族,少数派,少数人a minority ofOnly a small minority of people were in favour of the pl

16、an.minor adj.较小的;次要的;轻微的 n.辅修科目;辅修课程 v.辅修 (+in)majority/majorescape v./n.逃跑,逃脱,避开,解脱escape fromtoescape(doing)sthescape punishment=escape being punishedhave a narrow escape 死里逃生 熟词生义:vi.(气体、液体等)漏出;vt.被忘掉,被忽视,未被注意 prevent heat from escaping escape ones attention/notice His name escapes me.bring about

17、 导致;引起What do you think brought about the cultural diversity?bring up养育,抚养;提出;呕吐 bring back带回;使想起 bring down降低;减少 bring in引进;赚得,挣得 bring out 出版;阐明;使表现出用用恰当的介、副词填空恰当的介、副词填空(1)The famous basketball player Lin Shuhao was brought _ in the US.(2)What brought _ the change in his attitude?(3)The photos bro

18、ught _ many pleasant memories.(4)Can you make a sentence to bring _ the meaning of the phrase?upaboutbackoutpoison n.毒药;毒物;毒素 v.毒死;毒害poem/poetfinance n.财政,金融,财务;资金 v.提供资金(反)unfoldShe was super when I was having problem.He has been super understanding.a stamp collectiona collection of 一批 collect v.收集

19、,收藏 collect information collect moneyunder construction 在建造中a modern constructionconstruct v.建造,建筑constructive adj.建设性的,积极的a mild punishment 轻微的责罚Use a soap that is mild on the skin.不刺激的a mild climate 温和的气候a mild womanmild cheese 淡味奶酪Activities available include football,archery and swimming,to name

20、 but a few.settle v.定居;结束(争论);解决(纠纷)settle down 定居下来,(使某人)安静下来 settle down in their new home settle the boy downsettle down to do sth 定下心来做某事settle the differences 解决分歧settle an argument 解决争论settlement n.解决;定居点protective clothing clothes n.(pl.)U(某种服装)first handI had the chance of seeing this first

21、hand on a weekend.first-hand adj.直接的,第一手的adv.Can I pay for each item separately?Whats the next item?an item of news/a news item 一条新闻a neat moviea neat deskneat handwritingsuit v.适合,满足需要,相配,合身 suit ones needs/tastes 适合某人的需要/口味n.西服,套装 a business suit 公务装suitable adj.合适的,适当的 be suitable for 适合 be suita

22、ble to do sth 适合做This programme is not suitable for children.I dont have anything suitable to wear for the party.contain v.包含,含有;容纳;克制,抑制(强烈的感情)contain oneself 克制自己contain ones excitement 抑制某人的激动She was unable to contain her excitement.This drink doesnt contain any alcohol.A contains B=B is inside AA includes B=B is part of Acontainer n.容器,集装箱


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