Unit2 Language points(ppt课件) -2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx

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1、1.“To a person nothing is more precious than their life,and if they entrust me with that life,how could I refuse that trust,saying Im cold,hungry,or tired?”“对对一个人来说,没有什么比他们的生命更加珍贵了一个人来说,没有什么比他们的生命更加珍贵了,而且,而且如果他们把生命托付给了我,我怎么能拒绝那种信任呢?如果他们把生命托付给了我,我怎么能拒绝那种信任呢?”if引导的条件状语从句引导的条件状语从句现在分词短语作伴随状语现在分词短语作伴随状语

2、nothing is+(形容词形容词)比较级比较级+than 没有没有什么比什么比更加更加 (表最高级表最高级)eg To me,nothing can be more important than a healthy body.对对我来说,没有什么比健康的身体更重要。我来说,没有什么比健康的身体更重要。句中句中their相当于相当于his or her。在现代英语中,人们对诸如。在现代英语中,人们对诸如 person、somebody、anyone这类性别不明的指代,除了宽泛地使用这类性别不明的指代,除了宽泛地使用 he or she、him or her或或 his or her外,更多时

3、候会结合语境选用复外,更多时候会结合语境选用复数概念进行指代,即使用数概念进行指代,即使用 they/them/their。eg Lets keep our voices low someone is taking their(/his or her)naps in the classroom.我们我们说话低声些,有人在教室里午休呢。说话低声些,有人在教室里午休呢。If anyone finds my glasses,could they(/he or she)let me know?如果如果有哪位看到我的眼镜了,麻烦告诉我好吗有哪位看到我的眼镜了,麻烦告诉我好吗?【语境运用语境运用】用合适的

4、代词完成用合适的代词完成句子。句子。The truth is that the only way to help someone is to make _ aware of _ own power and ability to heal _(oneself).theirthemthemselves2.These words of Dr Lin Qiaozhi give us a look into the heart of this amazing woman,and what carried her through a life of hard choices.林巧稚这一席话使我们得以窥见这

5、位非凡女性的内心世界,并林巧稚这一席话使我们得以窥见这位非凡女性的内心世界,并了解是什么支撑她度过充满艰难抉择的一生。了解是什么支撑她度过充满艰难抉择的一生。carry sb through sth:to help someone to manage during an illness or a difficult period 帮助某人渡过难关帮助某人渡过难关 eg My confidence,together with the skills you taught me,carried me through the exams.我我的信心,加上您教给我的技巧,帮助我通过了考试的信心,加上您教

6、给我的技巧,帮助我通过了考试。【拓展拓展】carry on with sth.继续做某事继续做某事carry on 继续;参与继续;参与carry away 带走带走carry out 实行实行;执行执行;完成完成carry off 运走运走;带走带走;获得获得(奖项奖项)【语境应用语境应用】用适当的副词或介词填空。用适当的副词或介词填空。1)Turn off the water supply before carrying _ repairs.2)Mr Dean carried _ his business until he retired.3)He carried _ most of th

7、e prizes for swimming.4)I hate it when she calls me at work Im always too busy to carry _ a conversation with her.onout on off汉译汉译英。英。5)这本书帮助我度过了艰难时期。这本书帮助我度过了艰难时期。The book has carried me through the hard times.6)他的勇气使他战胜了病症。他的勇气使他战胜了病症。His courage carried him through his illness.3.At age 18,instead

8、 of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority of girls,she chose to study medicine.18岁的时候,她没有像大多数女孩岁的时候,她没有像大多数女孩一样走上婚姻这一条传统一样走上婚姻这一条传统道路,道路,而是选择了学医。而是选择了学医。majority n.most of the people or things in a group 大部分;大大部分;大多数多数eg The majority of students find it quite hard to live on t

9、he amount of money they get.大多数大多数学生都觉得很难靠他们得到的那点钱生活学生都觉得很难靠他们得到的那点钱生活。【归纳归纳】the majority of 大多数大多数,大半大半 be in the/a majority 占大多数占大多数【拓展拓展】minority n.少数,小部分少数,小部分 major adj.主要的主要的 vi.主修主修;专门专门研究研究 major in 主修主修1)the majority/minority+单数单数/复数复数谓语谓语动词动词(由句意而定由句意而定)e.g.The majority was/were in favour

10、of banning smoking.2)“the/a majority of名词名词”用作主语,其用作主语,其谓语动词的数应谓语动词的数应与名词的数保持一致与名词的数保持一致。e.g.The majority of my patients come to me from other cities.Only a minority of British households do not have a car.【语境应用语境应用】单句语法填空。单句语法填空。1)For one thing,I hope to gain a bit more knowledge of gardening so th

11、at it can help me to major _ the gardening after attending college.2)An agreement seems to be impossible because the majority of the committee members _(be)against it.inare3)The _(major)of them take an online language test before starting their programme.majority4.her brother complained,thinking of

12、the high tuition fees.一想到高昂的学费,她的哥哥就抱怨一想到高昂的学费,她的哥哥就抱怨complain vi.&vt.to say that you are annoyed,not satisfied,or unhappy about something or someone 抱怨;发牢骚抱怨;发牢骚【归纳归纳】complain(to sb)of/about sth 向某人向某人投诉投诉/抱怨某事抱怨某事 complain(to sb)that.抱怨抱怨【拓展拓展】complaint n.抱怨;投诉;不满抱怨;投诉;不满 make a complaint against

13、对对投诉投诉 make a complaint(to sb)about/of sth 向某人向某人抱怨抱怨/投诉某投诉某事事作原因状语作原因状语【语境应用语境应用】根据提示完成根据提示完成句子。句子。1)She _(和我们抱怨和我们抱怨)that no one had been at the airport to pick her up.2)If you wish to make a _(complain)about that,you should see the manager.3)Im writing to _(投诉投诉)the bad service of your hotel.4)我要

14、就噪音问题提出投诉我要就噪音问题提出投诉。(。(complaint)Id like to _ the plained to uscomplaintcomplain aboutmake a complaint about 5.She responded,“Id rather stay single to study all my life!”她她回答回答,“我宁愿一辈子不嫁人,也要学医!我宁愿一辈子不嫁人,也要学医!”respond vt.to say or write something as a reply 回答回答;回复;回复 vi.to do something as a reactio

15、n 做出做出反应;回应反应;回应 常常与介词与介词to连用连用e.g.When mother asked Peter if he would go to the party,he responded that he wouldnt.Mary responded(to my letter)with a phone call/by calling me.response n.反应;回答;回复反应;回答;回复常用结构:常用结构:in response(to)作为对作为对的回答的回答 make no response 没做任何回答没做任何回答e.g.In response to these custo

16、mers complaint,the company can respond to those angry customers with an open letter,instead of making no response.【语境运用语境运用】用适当的介词填空。用适当的介词填空。1)He responded _ her question _ walking out of the room.2)When I said hello to Lisa,she responded _ a smile.3)_ response to their invitation,we wrote a letter

17、 to them.tobywith In6.Dr Lin,however,rejected the offer.然而,然而,林医生谢绝了林医生谢绝了邀请。邀请。reject vt.to refuse to accept,believe in,or agree with something 拒绝拒绝接受;不录用接受;不录用e.g.Mr.James rejected the suggestion that it was time for him to retire.One of my favourite students was rejected by this university.reject

18、ion n.拒绝接受;否决拒绝接受;否决eg He never asked her to marry him out of fear of rejection.他他因为怕被拒绝,所以从未向她求婚。因为怕被拒绝,所以从未向她求婚。【语境运用语境运用】用用reject的正确形式填空。的正确形式填空。1)The football coach _ him for the first team yesterday.2)What are the reasons for his _ of the plan?rejectedrejection7.At times she was even seen ridin

19、g a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care.有时人们甚至会看到她骑着毛驴到遥远的村庄给人看病。有时人们甚至会看到她骑着毛驴到遥远的村庄给人看病。see+sb.+doing sth.,动词动词-ing形式充当宾语补足语,用来形式充当宾语补足语,用来补充说明宾语的动作和情况补充说明宾语的动作和情况。相同用法的词还有:。相同用法的词还有:hear,watch,notice,feel等。等。e.g.We often see her dancing in front of the public.We saw the teacher mak

20、ing the experiment.I heard an English song being sung by a little girl when I passed by her room yesterday.faraway adj.遥远的,主要遥远的,主要用作前置定语,用作前置定语,修饰名词修饰名词。eg We enjoy his stories of all the faraway countries he has visited.我们我们喜欢听他讲所有他去过的遥远国度的故事。喜欢听他讲所有他去过的遥远国度的故事。而而 far away短语则不同,除用作状语外,还可作后置定语,对短语则

21、不同,除用作状语外,还可作后置定语,对名词进行限定。名词进行限定。eg We could hear the sound of water not far away.我们我们听得见不远处水的响声。听得见不远处水的响声。Sam lives far away from his school.Sam住住的地方离他的学校很远。的地方离他的学校很远。8.She was more interested in tending patients,publishing medical research on care for women and children 她她对照料病人,发表妇幼医护方面的医学论文对照料病

22、人,发表妇幼医护方面的医学论文更感兴趣。更感兴趣。tend vt.to look after someone or something 照顾照顾;照料照料 vi.to be likely to behave in a particular way 倾向;趋于倾向;趋于 e.g.The nurse tending the patient in the hospital is one of my classmates.We tend to get cold winters and warm,dry summers in this part of the country.【归纳归纳】tend to

23、do sth 易于做某事;往往会发生某事易于做某事;往往会发生某事 tend to/toward sth 趋向趋向,倾向倾向 tend to sb/sth(=look after)照顾照顾,照料照料【拓展拓展】tendency n.倾向、倾向、趋势趋势 (其后其后多跟动词多跟动词不定式不定式)【语境应用语境应用】用用tend的适当形式填空的适当形式填空。1)Readers also _ articles that were exciting or funny.读者们也往往分享让人激动或有趣的文章。读者们也往往分享让人激动或有趣的文章。2)He always has a _ to Latin m

24、usic.他对拉丁音乐一直情有独钟他对拉丁音乐一直情有独钟。3)His views _(趋向于趋向于)extremes.4)Sofia was in the bedroom _(照顾她的照顾她的儿子儿子).tended to share/have a tendency to sharetendency tend to/towardstending his sonpublish vt.1)to arrange for a book,magazine etc to be written,printed,and sold 出版出版,发行,发行2)to make official informatio

25、n such as a report available for everyone to read 公布公布,公开,宣布,公开,宣布e.g.This company publishes childrens books.The names of the winners of the competition will be published in June.University teachers are under pressure to publish.publisher n.出版商,发行商出版商,发行商 publishing n.出版业,出版界出版业,出版界9.Though Lin Qiao

26、zhi never married,she was known as the“mother of ten thousand babies”,having delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime.句句意:意:林巧稚虽然从未结婚,但她被誉为林巧稚虽然从未结婚,但她被誉为“万婴之母万婴之母”,她,她一生中共接生五万多名婴儿。一生中共接生五万多名婴儿。though引导的让步状语从句引导的让步状语从句因因而被人们熟知而被人们熟知现在分词短语作原因状语现在分词短语作原因状语having delivered是现在分词的完成式,表示动作先于谓语是现在分词的完成

27、式,表示动作先于谓语动词的动作发生。动词的动作发生。10.Dr Lin did not retire until the day she died,22 April 1983.notuntil 直到直到才才定语从句定语从句同位语,修饰同位语,修饰the day句意:句意:林医生一辈子奋斗在工作岗位,直到林医生一辈子奋斗在工作岗位,直到1983年年4月月22日她去世的那一天。日她去世的那一天。11.to elect someone to replace the secretary.选举一个人来代替秘书。选举一个人来代替秘书。replace vt.to start doing something instead of another person,or start being used instead of another thing 取代;取代;接替;更换接替;更换 e.g.Well have to replace all the furniture that was damaged in the flood.【拓展拓展】replacement n.替换物;更换替换物;更换 e.g.Robot hands are a replacement for human hands.


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