1、武汉纺织大学2016 年招收硕士学位研究生试卷武汉纺织大学2016 年招收硕士学位研究生试卷科目代码科目代码849科目名称科目名称语言学基础理论语言学基础理论考试时间考试时间2015 年年 12 月月 27 日下午日下午报考专业报考专业1、试题内容不得超过画线范围,试题必须打印,图表清晰,标注准确。2、试题之间不留空格。3、答案请写在答题纸上,在此试卷上答题无效。题号一二三四五六七八九十十一得分得分本试卷总分 150 分,考试时间 3 小时。一、Explain the FollowingTerms(40 points)1、Dispalcement(10 points)2、ErrorAnalys
2、is(10 ponits)3、Hyponym(10 ponits)4、Morphology(10 ponits)二、Give Brief Answers to the Following Questions.(60 points)1.State the differences between the sentence meaning and utterance meaning.(15points)2.Why is Saussure hailed as the father of modern linguistics?(15points)3.What are the seven types of
3、 meaning proposed by G.Leech in his Semantics?(15points)4.In what way can linguistics contribute to the research in language learning?(15points)三、Make an Analysis of the Following Questions:(50 points)1.What functions does language have?Give some examples.(25 points)2.How do you define Machine Translation、(25 points)共页第页共1页;第1页共页;第页共页;第页共页;第页共页;第页共页;第页