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1、姓名:报考专业:准考证号码:密封线内不要写题2018年全国硕士研究生招生考试初试自命题试题科目名称:翻译硕士英语(A卷B卷)科目代码:211考试时间:3小时 满分100分可使用的常用工具:无 计算器 直尺 圆规(请在使用工具前打)注意:所有答题内容必须写在答题纸上,写在试题或草稿纸上的一律无效;考完后试题随答题纸交回。Part I. Vocabulary and Grammar (20 points, 1 point for each) Directions: There are 20 statements in this section. After each statement there

2、 are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Select the only one choice that best completes the statement. Write your answers on your answer sheet. 1. Animal mothers are devoted to their young and_ them with love and discipline.A. mind B. watch C. help D. tend2. Having been discussed, the proposal was _

3、 unanimously.A. adapted B. adopted C. admitted D. adjoined 3. If you _ the bottle and cigarettes, youll be much healthier.A. keep offB. take offC. get offD. set off4. After a careful investigation, the committee decided to _the old hall.A. change B. build C. innovate D. renovate5. The American profe

4、ssor came to realize that he had underestimated the _of most of the Chinese students.A. magnitude B. gradient C. potential D. firmness 6. The girl was so _by the mighty river that she would spend hours sitting on its bank and gazing at the boats and rafts going and coming.A. absorbed B. fascinated C

5、. moved D. touched 7. We are convinced_ the righteousness of our cause.A. of B. on C. over D. at8. Urban congestion would greatly be relieved if the _ charged on public transport were more reasonable.A. prices B. tickets C. fares D. fees9. Youd better let me know as soon as there is a(n)_position in

6、 the branch office.A. empty B. vacuum C. hollow D. vacant10. Since the father died a year ago, there has been _in the family about the division of the estate.A. distinctions B. discord C. disadvantages D. disappointment 11. “The president made a brilliant decision, didnt he?”“Yes, he did. I dont kno

7、w what I would have done if I _ to make that decision.”A. had had B. were C. have had D. had 12. The physicists propose that our attention _ the use of special methods of thinking and acting.A. would be directed towards B. should be directed towardsC. is directed towards D. directs towards13. They w

8、ill never reconcile themselves to_.A. their defeat B. defeat C. be defeated D. have their defeat 14. I meant_ you about it, but I forgot to do so.A. telling B. having told C. to tell D. to have told15. Everything _into consideration, I propose that the first prize should be given to Liu Qiang.A. to

9、take B. taking C. taken D. took16. They _the park of late.A. will visit B. are visiting C. have visited D. visited17. Id just as soon you _ those important papers with you.A. dont take B. hadnt taken C. didnt take D. were not taking18. _ the claim about German economic might, it is somewhat surprisi

10、ng how relatively small the German economy actually is.A. To give B. Given C. Giving D. Having given19. In selecting a material, the engineers interest is in its properties which determine how it will perform under the loads and condition _ it is subject.A. where B. which C. in which D. to which 20.

11、 The fierce heat of this summer withered most of the crops_ his farm.A. on B. in C. of D. fromPart II. Error Correction (10 points, 1 point for each) Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You are required to c

12、hange a word, add a word or delete a word. If you add a word, put an insertion mark () in the right place and write the missing word in the corresponding blank on your answer sheet. If you delete a word, cross it and put a slash (/) in the corresponding blank on your answer sheet. If you change a wo

13、rd, cross it and put your word in the corresponding blank on your answer sheet. Remember to write the correct number beside each blank on the answer sheet. Every week hundreds of CVs(简历) land on our desks.Weve seen it all: CVs printed on pink paper, CVs that are 10 pageslong and CVs with silly mista

14、kes in first paragraph. A 21. _good CV is your passport to an interview and ,ultimate , to 22. _the job you want. Initial impressions are vital, and a badly presentedCV could mean acceptance, regardless of whats in it. 23. _Here are a few ways to avoid end up on the reject pile. 24. _Print your CV o

15、n good-quality white paper.CVs with flowery backgrounds or pink paper willstand out upon all the wrong reasons. 25. _Get someone to check for spelling and grammaticalerrors, because a spell-checker will pick up every 26. _mistake. CVs with errors will be rejected it shows that youdont pay attention

16、to detail. Restrict your self to one or two pages,and listing any publications or referees on a separate sheet. 27. _If you are sending your CV electronically, check theformatting by sending it to yourself first. Keep up 28. _the format simple. Do not send a photo unless specifically requested. Ifyo

17、u have to send on ,make sure it is one taking in a 29. _professional setting, rather than a holiday snap.Getting the presentation right is just the first step. Whatabout the content? The rule here is to keep it factual and truthful exaggerations usually get find out. And remember 30. _to tailor your

18、 CV to each different job.Part III. Reading Comprehension (40 points, 2 point for each) Directions: Read the following passages and answer the questions. Choose the most appropriate answer for each question and circle the letter on the answer sheet. Remember to write the letter corresponding to the

19、question number.Questions 31-35 are based on the following passage:In the world of entertainment, TV talk shows have undoubtedly flooded every inch of space on daytime television. And anyone who watches them regularly knows that each one varies in style and format. But no two shows are more profound

20、ly opposite in content, while at the same time standing out above the rest, than the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey shows.Jerry Springer could easily be considered the king of “trash talk (废话)”. The topics on his show are as shocking as shocking can be. For example, the show takes the ever-com

21、mon talk show themes of love, sex, cheating, guilt, hate, conflict and morality to a different level. Clearly, the Jerry Springer show is a display and exploitation of societys moral catastrophes (灾难), yet people are willing to eat up the intriguing predicaments (困境) of other peoples lives.Like Jerr

22、y Springer, Oprah Winfrey takes TV talk show to its extreme, but Oprah goes in the opposite direction. The show focuses on the improvement of society and an individuals quality of life. Topics range from teaching your children responsibility, managing your work week, to getting to know your neighbor

23、s.Compared to Oprah, the Jerry Springer show looks like poisonous waste being dumped on society. Jerry ends every show with a “final word”. He makes a small speech that sums up the entire moral of the show. Hopefully, this is the part where most people will learn something very valuable.Clean as it

24、is, the Oprah show is not for everyone. The shows main target audiences are middle-class Americans. Most of these people have the time, money, and stability to deal with lifes tougher problems. Jerry Springer, on the other hand, has more of an association with the young adults of society. These are

25、18-to 21-year-olds whose main troubles in life involve love, relationship, sex, money and peers. They are the ones who see some value and lessons to be learned underneath the shows exploitation.While the two shows are as different as night and day, both have ruled the talk show circuit for many year

26、s now. Each one caters to a different audience while both have a strong following from large groups of fans. Ironically, both could also be considered pioneers in the talk show world.31. Compared with other TV talk shows, both the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey are _.A. more family-orientedB.

27、unusually popularC. more profoundD. relatively formal32.Though the social problems Jerry Springer talks about appear distasteful, the audience _.A. remain fascinated by themB. are ready to face up to themC. remain indifferent to themD. are willing to get involved in them33.Which of the following is

28、likely to be a topic of the Oprah Winfrey show?A. A new type of robot.B. Racist hatred.C. Family budget planning.D. Street violence.34.Despite their different approaches, the two talk shows are both _.A. ironicalB. sensitiveC. instructiveD. cynical35.We can learn from the passage that the two talk s

29、hows _.A. have monopolized the talk show circuitB. exploit the weaknesses in human natureC. appear at different times of the dayD. are targeted at different audiencesQuestions 36-40 are based on the following passage:To understand the marketing concept, it is only necessary to understand the differe

30、nce between marketing and selling. Not too many years ago, most industries concentrated primarily on the efficient production of goods, and then relied on “persuasive salesmanship” to move as much of these goods as possible. Such production and selling focuses on the needs of the seller to produce g

31、oods and then convert them into money.Marketing, on the other hand, focuses on the wants of consumers. It begins with first analyzing the preferences and demands of consumers and then producing goods that will satisfy them. This eye-on-the-consumer approach is known as the marketing concept, which s

32、imply means that instead of trying to sell whatever is easiest to produce or buy for resale, the makers and dealers first endeavor to find out what the consumer wants to buy and then go about making it available for purchase.This concept does not imply that business is benevolent (慈善的) or that consu

33、mer satisfaction is given priority over profit in a company. There are always two sides to every business transaction-the firm and the customer-and each must be satisfied before trade occurs. Successful merchants and producers, however, recognize that the surest route to profit is through understand

34、ing and catering to customers. A striking example of the importance of catering to the consumer presented itself in mid-1985, when Coca Cola changed the flavor of its drink. The non-acceptance of the new flavor by a significant portion of the public brought about a prompt restoration of the Classic

35、Coke, which was then marketed alongside the new. King Customer ruled!36.The marketing concept discussed in the passage is, in essence, _.A. the practice of turning goods into moneyB. making goods available for purchaseC. the customer-centred approachD. a form of persuasive salesmanship37.What was th

36、e main concern of industrialists before the marketing concept was widely accepted?A. The needs of the market.B. The efficiency of production.C. The satisfaction of the user.D. The preferences of the dealer.38.According to the passage, “to move as much of these goods as possible” (Line 4, Para. 1) me

37、ans “_”.A. to sell the largest possible amount of goodsB. to transport goods as efficiently as possibleC. to dispose of these goods in large quantitiesD. to redesign these goods for large-scale production39.What does the restoration of the Classic Coke best illustrate?A. Traditional goods have a str

38、onger appeal to the majority of people.B. It takes time for a new product to be accepted by the public.C. Consumers with conservative tastes are often difficult to please.D. Products must be designed to suit the taste of the consumer.40.In discussing the marketing concept, the author focuses on _.A.

39、 its main characteristicB. its social impactC. its possible consequenceD. its theoretical basisQuestions 41-45 are based on the following passage:Conventional wisdom about conflict seems pretty much cut and dried. Too little conflict breeds apathy (冷漠) and stagnation (呆滞). Too much conflict leads to

40、 divisiveness (分裂) and hostility. Moderate levels of conflict, however, can spark creativity and motivate people in a healthy and competitive way.Recent research by Professor Charles R. Schwenk, however, suggests that the optimal level of conflict may be more complex to determine than these simple g

41、eneralizations. He studied perceptions of conflict among a sample of executives. Some of the executives worked for profit-seeking organizations and others for not-for-profit organizations.Somewhat surprisingly, Schwenk found that opinions about conflict varied systematically as a function of the typ

42、e of organization. Specifically, managers in not-for-profit organizations strongly believed that conflict was beneficial to their organizations and that it promoted higher quality decision making than might be achieved in the absence of conflict.Managers of for-profit organizations saw a different p

43、icture. They believed that conflict generally was damaging and usually led to poor-quality decision making in their organizations. Schwenk interpreted these results in terms of the criteria for effective decision making suggested by the executives. In the profit-seeking organizations, decision-makin

44、g effectiveness was most often assessed in financial terms. The executives believed that consensus rather than conflict enhanced financial indicators.In the not-for-profit organizations, decision-making effectiveness was defined from the perspective of satisfying constituents. Given the complexities

45、 and ambiguities associated with satisfying many diverse constituents executives perceived that conflict led to more considered and acceptable decisions.41.In the eyes of the author, conventional opinion on conflict is _.A. wrongB. oversimplifiedC. misleadingD. unclear42.Professor Charles R. Schwenk

46、s research shows _.A. the advantages and disadvantages of conflictB. the real value of conflictC. the difficulty in determining the optimal level of conflictD. the complexity of defining the roles of conflict43.We can learn from Schwenks research that _.A. a persons view of conflict is influenced by the purpose of his organizationB. conflict is necessary for managers of for-profit organizationsC. different people resolve conflicts in different waysD. it is impossible for people to avoid conflict44.The passage suggests that in for-profit organizations _.A. ther


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