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    • 扬州某学校译林版四年级英语上册国庆假期练习及答案(第一二单元).docx--点击预览


国庆练习国庆练习 译林三起译林三起 三上三上Unit 1一、找出不同类的单词()1.A.morningB.goodC.afternoon()2.A.Miss LiB.Liu TaoC.Mike()3.A.BB.aC.D()4.A.helloB.hiC.I()5.A.SamB.classC.Bobby二、单项选择()1.-Good morning.-Good_.A.morningB.afternoon()2.Hi,_Li Hua.A.IB.Im()3.Good afternoon,_Hu.A.missB.Miss()4.-Hello,Sam.-_,Bobby.A.HelloB.Morning()5.-Hi,Im Liu Tao.-Hi,_.A.Wang BingB.Im Wang Bing()6.Hello,_am Mike.A.IB.Miss Li()7.-Hi,Yang Ling.-Hi,_.A.Im Liu TaoB.Miss Li三、根据所给情景,选择正确的英文表达()1.下午遇到朋友,你不能向对方说:A.Hello.B.Good morning.C.Good afternoon.()2.迈克向刘涛介绍自己,他可以说:A.Hi,Liu Tao.B.Hi,Im Mike.C.Hello,Im Liu Tao.()3.早上遇到邻居阿姨,你可以说:A.Good morning.B.Good afternoon.C.Good evening.()4.早上开始上课了,李老师会对大家说:A.Morning,my dear.B.Good morning,Miss Li.C.Good morning,class.()5.波比遇见了好朋友萨姆,想向他打招呼,他可以说:A.Hi,Im Bobby.B.Hello,Sam.C.Hi,Im Sam.四、连词成句1.Su HaiHello.,_2.Mike,Im.Hi_3.class.Good,afternoon_4.GoodSam Im.morning,_5.morning Good.Li,Miss_五、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)A:Hello,Im Mike.B:Hello,Im Yang Ling.A:Good morning,Yang Ling.B:Good morning,Mike.A:Lets play(玩).B:OK.()1.A is Yang Ling.()2.B is Mike.()3.Its in the afternoon.()4.They play together(一起).Unit 2一、选出每组单词中不同类的一项()1.A.amB.areC.my()2.A.yesB.goodC.no()3.A.IB.youC.are()4.A.goodB.rightC.morning()5.A.JohnB.MissC.Moe()6.A.helloB.classC.goodbye二、单项选择()1.-Are you Mike?-_.I am Tim.A.YesB.NoC.Not()2.Hello._Yang Ling.A.Are youB.IC.I am()3.-_you Su Hai?-No.I_Su Yang.A.Am,amB.Are,am notC.Are,am()4.-_-No,Im not.Im Miss Liu.A.You are Miss Li.B.Are you Miss Liu?C.Are you Miss Li?()5.-_,class.-Goodbye,Miss Li.A.Good morningB.GoodbyeC.Good afternoon()6.-Hi._Wang Bing?-_,I am.A.Are you,YesB.Am I,YesC.Are you,No三、根据所给情景,选择正确的英文表达()1.迈克询问对方是不是刘涛,刘涛可以回答说:A.No,Im not.B.Yes,I am.C.Are you Liu Tao?()2.下午放学时,你跟李老师说:A.Hello,Miss Li.B.Good afternoon,Miss Li.C.Goodbye,Miss Li.()3.当你想确定对方是不是杨玲时,你可以说:A.Hi,Yang Ling.B.You are Yang Ling.C.Are you Yang Ling?()4.别人问你是不是迈克,而你不是时,你可以说:A.Yes,I am.B.No,Im not.C.Yes,Im Mike.()5.萨姆和波比初次见面,萨姆介绍自己说:A.Hi,Im Bobby.B.Are you Sam?C.Hello,Im Sam.四、连词成句1.you?Wang Bing Are_2.right You.are_3.HuGood.morning,Miss_4.am,I.JohnYes_5.,No not I.am Su Hai_五、从 II 栏中选出与 I 栏相对应的答句III()1.Are you Han Ming?A.Hello.Im Wang Bing.()2.Goodbye,John.B.Good afternoon,Miss Ma.()3.Good morning,Mike.C.Yes,I am.()4.Good afternoon,class.D.Goodbye,Sam.()5.Hello.Im Liu Tao.E.Good morning.八、阅读对话,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)A:Good morning.B:Good morning.A:Are you Jack?B:No,Im not.I am Jerry.Jack is my brother(哥哥).Are you Miss Li?A:No.Im Miss Wang.Miss Li is my friend(朋友).B:Nice to meet you,Miss Wang.A:Nice to meet you too.()1.Its in the afternoon.()2.A is Miss Wang.()3.B is Jack.()4.Jack and Jerry are friends.()5.Miss Li is Miss Wangs friend.国庆练习国庆练习 译林三起译林三起 三上(参考答案)三上(参考答案)Unit 1一、1-5 BABCB二、1-5 ABBAB6-7 AB三、1-5 BBACB四、五、1-4 FFFTUnit 2一、1-6 CBCCBB二、1-6 BCCCBA三、1-5 BCCBC四、五、1-5 CDEBA六、1-5 FTFFT国庆练习国庆练习 译林三起译林三起 五上五上Unit 1一、选出下列画线部分读音不同的一项()1.A.cinemaB.cakeC.cup()2.A.doctorB.iceC.come()3.A.riceB.ice creamC.coat()4.A.clockB.juiceC.city()5.A.coolB.canC.Science二、英汉互译1.在森林里_2.in the room_3.一些汤_4.in the fridge_5.在她前面_6.too hard_7.又饿又渴_8.find my cousin_9.刚刚好_10.beside the window_三、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.There_(be)many grapes in the box.2.My mother is sitting in front of_(she).3.There arent_(some)sofas in the living room.4.The girl is too_(tire),and she cant walk.5.There are four_(bedroom)in the house.6.I can see_(a)English teacher in the classroom.7.There isnt any_(milk)here.8.I can see the school is between_(they).9.There_(be)a book and two pencils on the table.10.The bread_(be)in the fridge.四、单项选择()1.There_some apples on the tree.A.haveB.hasC.are()2.There_some water in the glass.A.haveB.isC.are()3.I cant_a pie on the table.A.watchB.look atC.see()4._is popular in China.A.CoffeeB.TeaC.Milk()5.You can sit_Lucy and Lily.A.betweenB.onC.for()6.-_my sweater?-Its on the bed.A.WhereB.WheresC.Wherere()7.I dont like dogs.Im_of them.A.happyB.sadC.afraid()8.There_any soup in the bowl.A.isB.isntC.arent()9.Helen is a beautiful girl.We all like_.A.sheB.heC.her()10.-_is the house?-Its the birds.A.WhoseB.WhoC.Where五、根据中文提示完成句子1.课桌上没有书。_ _any books on the desk.2.碗里没有汤。There_ _soup in the bowl.3.不要听她说。请听我说。Dont listen to_.Listen to_,please.4.你害怕那只熊吗?_you_of that bear?5.这儿有一些球给你。_ _some balls for you.六、按要求完成句子1.There are three beds in the room.(对画线部分提问)_ _beds are there in the room?2.There are three tigers in the forest.(改为单数句)There_ _tiger in the forest.3.Put on your coat.(改为否定句)_ _on your coat.4.There are some cakes in the fridge.(改为否定句)There_ _cakes in the fridge.5.What a beautiful house!(改为同义句)_ _the house is!七、根据短文内容,选择正确的答案Ben is playing with his toy car beside Mr Blacks house.An old man wants to visit Mr Black.He comes up to him and asks,“Is your father at home?”“Yes,”Ben says.The old man rings the doorbell,but there is no answer.He rings the doorbell again.There is still no answer.The old man is not happy.He asks Ben again,“Is your father at home?”“Yes,he is,”Ben says.“I rang the doorbell twice,but nobody opened the door!”the old man says.“Oh,Im sorry.This is not my house.My house is over there.”()1.Ben plays with his toy car_Mr Blacks house.A.behindB.besideC.in front of()2.The old man wants to see_.A.BenB.Mr BlackC.Bens father()3.The old man_Ben.A.knowsB.likesC.doesnt know()4.The old man rings the doorbell_.A.twiceB.three timesC.four times()5.Bens father is_.A.at schoolB.at homeC.in the parkUnit 2一、选出下列每组单词中划线部分读音不同的一项()1.A.cupB.comeC.coatD.cinema()2.A.doctorB.clockC.pencilD.cake()3.A.clockB.closeC.cutD.rice()4.A.bikeB.picnicC.findD.like()5.A.climbB.bedC.bookD.table二、英汉互译1.在第三层_2.three music rooms_3.两名新来的学生_4.great fun_5.在秋千上_6.so heavy_7.多少_8.Dont push me._9.看一看_10.show her around_三、单项选择()1.There is some_on the table.A.juiceB.noodleC.hamburgerD.cake()2.There arent_books on the desk.A.someB.aC.anyD.much()3.-Are those your storybooks?-_A.No,there arent.B.Yes,that is.C.Yes,there are.D.No,they arent.()4.How many_are there in your house?A.bathroomsB.a bathroomC.bathroomD.bathroomes()5.Here_some flowers_you.A.is,toB.are,forC.are,toD.is,for()6.This is_art room.A.ourB.usC.weD.ours()7.I can see some_on the tree.A.monkeysB.birdsC.catsD.apples()8.-Who plays on the swing?-_A.Bobby does.B.Bobby is.C.Bobby are.D.Bobby do.()9.-Is there a dog near the tree?-_A.No,there arent.B.Yes,there is.C.Yes,it is.D.No,it isnt.()10.-_in your classroom?-There are some desks and chairs.A.WhatsB.WheresC.How manyD.Whos四、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.The table tennis room is on the_(three)floor.2.Would you like_(go)to the park?3.This is_(Mike)basketball.4._(be)there any noodles on the plate?5.This bed_(not be)soft.6.Its time_(have)dinner.7.How many_(student)are there in your class?8.We cannot see_(some)swings in the park.9.Can you show_(they)around?10.There are a lot of_(people)in the room.五、按要求改写下列句子1.There arent any orange jackets on the boys bed.(改为单数句)There_ _orange jacket on the boys bed.2.There arent any eggs in the basket.(改为同义句)_ _egg in the basket.3.There is some milk in the glass.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)-_ _ _milk in the glass?-No,there_.4.There are twenty apple trees in the garden.(对画线部分提问)_ _apple trees are there in the garden?六、完形填空Its Saturday today.Peters_1_is in the hospital.He is_2_.Peter is going to_3_his grandpa.The_4_is near his house.So he would like_5_there by_6_.Now he is at the bus stop.There_7_many people there.The bus is_8_,so he wants to go there_9_.When his grandpa sees Peter,his grandpa is very_10_.()1.A.grandfatherB.grandmotherC.grandparents()2.A.thirstyB.hungryC.ill()3.A.seeB.lookC.watch()4.A.libraryB.schoolC.hospital()5.A.goB.to goC.goes()6.A.busB.bikeC.plane()7.A.isB.areC.be()8.A.lateB.bigC.small()9.A.by busB.take bikeC.on foot()10.A.angryB.happyC.tired七、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)Look!There is a picture.Its a picture of my bedroom.Look at it,please.What is in the picture?There is a bed,a desk and a chair.What is on the wall?There is a map and a kite.What map is it?Its a map of China.I can see a lamp,some books and some flowers on the desk.Where are my coats and trousers?Oh,theyre in the box.You cant see them.()1.This is a picture of a classroom.()2.There is a map of China on the wall.()3.The lamp is in the desk.()4.The coats are in the box.()5.There arent any trousers in the bedroom.国庆练习国庆练习 译林三起译林三起 五上(参考答案)五上(参考答案)Unit 1一、1-5 ABCAC二、1.in the forest2.在房间里3.some soup4.在冰箱里5.in front of her6.太硬7.hungry and thirsty8.找到我的表弟9.just right10.在窗户旁边三、1.are2.her3.any4.tired 5.bedrooms6.an7.milk8.them9.is10.is四、1-5 CBCBA6-10 BCBCA五、1.There arent2.isnt any3.her,me4.Are,afraid5.Here are六、1.How many2.is a3.Dont put4.arent any 5.How beautiful七、1-5 BBCABUnit 2一、1-5 DCDBA二、1.on the third floor2.三间音乐教室3.two new students4.很有趣5.on the swing6.如此重7.how many8.别推我。9.have a look10.带她参观三、1-5 ACDAB6-10 ADABA四、1.third2.to go 3.Mikes4.Are5.isnt6.to have7.students8.any9.them 10.people五、1.isnt an2.Theres no3.Is there any,isnt4.How many六、1-5 ACACB6-10 ABACB七、1-5 FTFTF国庆练习国庆练习 译林三起译林三起 六上六上Unit 1一、判断下列单词画线部分的发音是(S)否(D)相同()1.wearear()2.throughthose()3.magicclever()4.eachtea()5.turnThursday()6.hardstart()7.quicklive()8.agohot()9.foodfoolish()10.parkarm二、单项选择()1.The clothes are beautiful.Please_.A.try it onB.try them onC.try on them()2._like to wear kilts.A.The ChineseB.The Scottish menC.The Americans()3.Its_turn.A.youB.HelensC.I()4.The boy is often late for school,so Mr Green is very_.A.happyB.sadC.angry()5.I like my new friends.They are_me.A.nice toB.good forC.bad for()6.-Where_you just now?-I_at home.A.are,amB.were,wasC.were,am()7.-Can you_your pictures?-OK.A.show meB.show IC.show you()8.-Do the shoes_?-Yes,they do.I like them.A.fit wellB.fit goodC.fits well()9.Willy says_sentence.A.nextB.the nextC.a next()10._nice jackets!A.What aB.HowC.What三、用所给词的适当形式填空1.Long long ago,there_(be)many trees in the forest.2.Dont_(shout)in the library.Be quiet,please.3.He is_(point)at the monkey and laughing in the zoo.4.I want_(visit)him today.5.Why dont you_(make)a puppet?6.One day,Mr Wang_(tell)us a story.7.He_(be)ten years old two years ago.8.Wang Bing runs_(quick).9.Listen!The children_(sing)an English song.10.They_(go)to Beijing last year.四、根据中文提示完成句子1.很久以前,有一座山。_ _ _,there_a mountain.2.请试穿这些神奇的衣服。Please_ _these_ _.3.他们不聪明,他们很笨。They arent_.Theyre_.4.博比正在努力思考。他正在给我们讲一个故事。Bobby is_ _.Hes_us a_.5.我们不得不重新开始上课。We_ _start our lesson again.6.我们房子前面有一条河。There is a river_ _of our house.7.上周,他们摘了许多梨子并且做了很多派。They_a lot of pears and_many pies last week.8.狮子变成了一个王子。The lion_ _a prince.9.请把你的孩子给我。Please_ _your child.10.他们正在努力思考。They are_ _.五、阅读理解A man was travelling abroad(到国外)in a small red car.One day,he left the car and went shopping.When he came back,the roof of his car was badly damaged(毁坏).Some boys told him that an elephant had damaged it.The man did not believe them,but they took him to a circus(马戏团).The owner of the elephant said,“I am very sorry!My elephant has a big,round,red chair.He thought that your car was his chair,and he sat on it!”Then he gave the man a letter.He also said that he was sorry and that he would pay for all the damage.When the man got back to his own country,the customs officers(海关官员)didnt believe his story.They said,“You sold your new car while you were abroad and bought this old one!”At last the man showed them the letter from the circus man,then they believed him.()1.A man was travelling abroad_.A.in a big busB.in a green jeepC.in a red carD.in a red taxi()2.The car was damaged because_.A.there was a traffic accidentB.the circus man damaged itC.it rushed into a shopD.the elephant sat on it()3.The circus man said that_.A.he would clean the carB.he would pay for all the damageC.he wouldnt pay for the damageD.he would buy a new car()4.When the man got back to his country,the customs officers_at first.A.checked his new carB.didnt check his carC.helped himD.didnt believe what he said()5.Showing_made the customs officers believe him.A.the letter from the circus man B.a newspaper from the countryC.the elephantD.the letter from the boysUnit 2一、选出画线部分读音与其他单词不同的一项()1.A.parkB.warmC.startD.arm()2.A.magicB.manC.policeman D.again()3.A.thereB.thoseC.theseD.think()4.A.nearlyB.dearC.bearD.ear()5.A.laughedB.livedC.showedD.played二、用所给词的适当形式填空1.It was_(rain).There was a lot of_(rain).2.It was_(cloud).There were black_(cloud)in the sky.3.Children_(go)to the park by bike last Sunday.4.It_(rain)all day on 20th September.5.He_(look)sad this morning,because he_(lose)a new toy car.6.We_(can)not_(watch)TV last year.三、单项选择()1.-Where_you last Sunday?-I_in Nanjing.A.was,wasB.was,wereC.were,wasD.were,were()2.They had to_their lunch to the park and_them quickly.A.bring,eatB.brought,eatC.bring,eatingD.took,ate()3.There_some honey in the bottle yesterday.I_some.A.was,eatB.were,ateC.are,ateD.was,ate()4.It_all day yesterday.We couldnt_football in the playground.A.rained,playedB.rainy,playedC.rains,playD.rained,play()5.There_many_in the street now.A.was,peopleB.are,peopleC.were,peopleD.were,peoples()6.Dont shout_the old man.Please be nice_him.A.with,toB.in,toC.at,forD.at,to()7.My sister_the picture and_a sentence.A.point at,sayB.pointed at,saysC.pointed at,saidD.points,said()8.The little prince_through the city_his new clothes.A.walked,inB.walked,wearC.walk,inD.walked,wore()9.It was_in the morning.But it_in the afternoon.A.sunny,rainyB.sunny,rainedC.rainy,sunnyD.sunny,rains()10.It is time_class.Lets_now.A.for,goingB.to,goC.to have,goD.for have,going四、从下列 II 栏中选出与 I 栏相对应的答句III()1.What are they doing in the kitchen?A.Because she lost her new book.()2.Was it sunny yesterday?B.No,thanks.()3.Would you like some bread?C.By taxi.()4.When do you get up?D.I get up at seven.()5.Why is she not happy?E.They are making some nice cakes.()6.How do you go to school?F.Yes,it was.五、按要求完成句子1.It was windy this morning.(对画线部分提问)_ _the weather this morning?2.They often see a parrot show.(用 just now 改写句子)They_a parrot show just_.3.There was some milk on the table.(改为一般疑问句)_there_milk on the table?4.He could jump high.(改为否定句)He_ _jump high.5.It was Monday two days ago.(对画线部分提问)_ _was it two days ago?六、根据中文提示完成句子1.这是我的新风筝。我在公园里发现了它。This is_new kite.I_it in the park.2.-发生什么事了?-我丢掉了我的新书包。-What_?-I_my new schoolbag.3.-你想和我一起看电影吗?-好啊,我们一起去吧!-Do you want_ _a film with me?-OK.Lets go!4.天气变得下雪了,孩子们非常开心。The weather_snowy.And the_were very happy.5.你可以带一些面包当做早晨。You can_some bread for_.七、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)A golden touch Once there lived a king named Midas in England.He was a greedy(贪婪的)man and loved gold(金子)better than anything else in the world.One day,he asked a fairy(仙女)to give him more gold.The fairy decided to punish(惩罚)him and said,“Your wish has been granted already.Everything you touch will turn to gold.”Midas was very happy when he heard this.The next morning,he got up early to text his skill.When he touched his bed,it turned into gold.“Gold!”cried Midas,laughing like a little boy.“It works!”Not only stones,flowers,and the furniture in his house,but also the food he ate and the water he drank turned into gold.He was unhappy now.Just then his daughter ran up to him.Midas touched her hand.At once she became a gold statue(雕像)!Midas cried sadly.At last,he begged the fairy to free him from his wish.“Go to the r
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