20春三英下(PEP)Unit 4分课时练习2.doc

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1、Unit 4 Where is my car?Period 1一、选择正确的单词,将其序号填在题前括号里。1使用 AexcuseBuse2课桌 Adesk Bchair3当然可以Ahere Bsure4在哪里 Awhat Bwhere5在下面Aon Bunder二、看图,选择与图片对应的对话。A-Wheres the bird? -Its on the house.B-Wheres the bird? -Its under the house.C-Wheres the bird?-Its in the house三、选择正确的选项填空。( )1Lets home.AgoBto( )2Can I

2、 use crayon?AyouByour( )3 is my pencil?AWhereBWheres( )4 in your desk.AItsBIs四、根据情景选择合适的句子。( )1你想借用一下同桌的铅笔,你应该这样问:AExcuse me, can I use your pencil?BCan I use your pen?()2你说小狗在盒子里面,你应该这样说:A Its under the box.BIts in the box.()3同学向你借尺子,你愉快地答应说:ASure, here you are.BNo, I cant.Period 2一、看图,选择与图片对应的单词。A

3、chair Bdesk Cunder the chairDon the chair Ein the desk1()2()3()4()5()二、根据中文意思选择正确的词组,将其序号写在提前括号里。()1在椅子底下Ain the chairBunder the chair()2在课桌上面Aon the deskBunder the desk()3在书包里面A. in the bagBon the bag()4在书的下面Aon the chairBunder the book三、读句子,将相应图片的序号填在提前括号里。ABC()1-Where is the pen?-Its in the penci

4、l box.()2-Where is the book?-Its on the desk.()3-Where is the bird?-Its under the house.Period 3一、看图,选择与图片对应的单词。AdogBorangeCbox 1()2() 3()二、拼一拼,写一写。1box 2dog 3orange 4body 三、看图选择正确的方位词,将其代号填在题前括号里。()1The pencil is the book AunderBon()2The pen is the pencil box Ain Bon()3The toy car is the box Aunder

5、 Bin()4The bird is under the boxAonBunderPeriod 4一、看图,选择与图片对应的单词。AchairBboxCbagDcap1234() ()() ()二、为下列句子选择正确的中文释义,将其代号写在题前括号里。() 1Where is my map?A我的地图在哪里?B我的书包在哪里?() 2Its on your deskA它在你的课桌里。B它在你的课桌上。() 3Is it in the box?A它在椅子上面吗?B它在盒子里面吗?() 4Its hereA它在这儿。B它在下面。() 5Have a good time!A玩开心点儿!B再见.三、选

6、择词填空,将代号填在题前括号里。() 1 in the desk?AIt isBIs it() 2 good time!AHaveBHave a( ) 3 is my cap?AWhereBWhat a() 4 under your chairAIt isBIs itPeriod 5一、看图,选择与图片对应的单词。 AcapBballCmapDboatEcar1()2()3()4()5()二、根据中文意思选择正确的词组,将其序号写在提前括号里。()1划小船AShow me your carBRow a boat()2开小汽车ADrive a carBPut your car on the ba

7、g()3排球 A.Bounce a ballBPut on your hat()4看地图ARead a mapBLook at me三、选词填空,将相应的序号填在题前括号里。()1This is carA/Bmy()2I can the ballAdriveBbounce()3 the book, pleaseARowBread()4 your hatAPut onBPut()5 the teacherALookBLook atPeriod 6一、读单词,选择对应的图片。ABCD()1desk( ) 2map()3bag()4chair二、根据给出的情景,选择正确的句子。()1你想知道你的铅笔

8、盒在哪里,你这样问:AWheres my car?BWheres my pencil box?()2你想知道小猫是不是在盒子里面,你这样问:AIs it in the box?B Is it under the desk?()3你想告诉同桌他的钢笔在椅子下面,你说:AIts on the deskBYour pen is under the chair()4你祝朋友玩得开心,你说:AGood morning!BHave a good time!三、读句子,与图片相符的画“”,不相符的画“”。()1The boat is on the map()2The cap is under the desk()3The car is in the toy box()4The ball is on the floor


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