人教pep版三年级下册英语Unit 1 单元课件全套Welcome back to school.pptx

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1、Unit 1,Welcome back to school,pep人教版(三年级起点)三年级英语下册单元优质课件,Unit 1 Welcome back to school!,人教版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part A Lets talk Look and say,Lets talk 视频,boy and girl, Lets talk, Look and say,Warm-up/Revision,【复数】 boys 【例句】 Tom is a clever boy. 汤姆是个聪明的男孩。,Presentation,They have two boys and a girl.,Try,他们有

2、两个男孩和一个女孩。,They have three boys.,Try,他们有三个男孩。,【复数】girls 【例句】She is a beautiful girl. 她是一个漂亮的女孩。,She is a beautiful girl with long hair.,Try,这是一个女孩。,This is a girl.,她是一个长着长头发的 美丽的女孩。,【短语】 a new friend 一个新朋友 a new book 一本新书 a new student 一个新学生,new,old,【反义词】 old 旧的,Mom bought me new skirts, new shoes a

3、nd new hats.,This is my new dress.,Try,妈妈给我买了新裙子,新鞋子和新帽子。,这是我的新裙子。,【复数】 friends 【例句】 Zhang Peng and Mike are friends. 张鹏和迈克是朋友。 【短语】 make friends 交朋友,This is my friend, Alice.,Try,他是我的朋友。,He is my friend.,这是我的朋友, 艾丽斯。,【用法】 today在句中作时间状语, 可放在句首,也可以放在 句尾。 【例句】 I want to go shopping today. 今天我想去购物。,Tod

4、ay is her birthday.,【用法】welcome用于对他人表示欢迎。 【例句】Welcome to my home! 欢迎来到我家! 【短语】Welcome back to 欢迎回到,Welcome to China.,Try,欢迎来到美国。,Welcome to America.,欢迎来到中国。,气球飞出时,快速翻译单词,看谁打中的气球多。,游戏时间,girl,boy,new,welcome,today,friend,Lets talk,点击“Lets talk”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Boys and girls, we have two new friends today

5、.,Hi, Im Amy. Im from the UK.,Hi, Im Zhang Peng. Im from Shandong.,Lets talk,Hi, Im Amy. 嗨,我是埃米。,重点句型一,Whats your name?,Im Lily.,Im from the UK. 我是英国人。,【拓展】 be from = come from 表示“来自”, “I come from ”也表示“我来自;我 是人”。,重点句型二,I come from Beijing.,Im from Shanxi.,Where are you from?,Hi, Im Mike.Im from Can

6、ada.,What about you?,Hi, Im Sarah.Im from the USA.,Look and say,Lets talk,Im from .,Mr Beaver,Practice,Im from .,Harry Potter,Im from .,Statue of Liberty,I am a boy and you are a girl. I am a boy and you are a girl. I am a boy and you are a girl. Do you want to be my friend? I am a girl and you are

7、a boy. I am a girl and you are a boy. I am a girl and you are a boy. Yes I want to be your friend.,Lets chant!,b y,一、把下列单词补充完整。,o,g l,n w,fr end,toda,i,r,e,i,y,男孩,女孩,新的,朋友,今天,Test,二、读句子,选择恰当的答语。,( ) 1. Nice to see you again! _ A. Nice to meet you! B. Nice to see you, too. ( ) 2. We have a new friend

8、 today! _ A. Welcome! B. Good morning! ( ) 3. Whats your name? _ A. Im from Canada. B. My name is Mike.,B,A,B,重点词汇,girl 女孩,boy 男孩,new 新的,friend 朋友,today 今天,welcome 欢迎,Sum-up,重点句型,Homework,Thank you!,Unit 1 Welcome back to school!,人教版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part A Lets learn Lets chant,Lets learn 视频, Lets learn

9、, Lets chant,China,中国,Presentation,中国的标志性建筑物Great Wall,The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,英国,the UK,绿色圃中小学教育网,英国的标志性建设物Big Ben,加拿大,Canada,加拿大的标志性建筑物CN Tower,the United States of America,the USA,美利坚合众国,绿色圃中小学教育网,美国的标志性建筑物Statue of Liberty,Lets learn,点击“Lets learn”,

10、跟我一起读吧!,视 频,UK,Canada,USA,China,Lets learn,Where are you from?,Im Zhang Peng. Im from China.,Hi,Im Yao Ming. Im from China.,Who can read this?,Im a girl. A girl from the UK.,Im a boy. A boy from Canada.,We are friends. We like to play. A boy from Canada. A girl from the UK. Friends from China and th

11、e USA.,We are friends. We like to play. A panda from China. A beaver from Canada. Friends from the UK and the USA.,We are friends. We like to play. We are friends. We like to play. A boy from Canada, A girl from the UK, Friends from China and the USA.,Lets chant,看一看,圈一圈。下面的建筑属于哪个国家?将它们的国旗圈出来。,2.,1.,

12、Test,看一看,圈一圈。下面的建筑属于哪个国家?将它们的国旗圈出来。,绿色圃中小学教育网,4.,3.,Canada 加拿大,重点词汇,China 中国,UK 英国,Sum-up,USA 美国,重点句型,将新学的单词制成单词卡片, 并出示给朋友看。,Homework,Thank you!,Unit 1 Welcome back to school!,人教版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part A Lets spell,Lets spell 视频, Lets spell,Warm-up/Revision,We are friends. We like to play. We are friends

13、. We like to play. A boy from Canada, A girl from the UK, Friends from China and the USA.,Lets chant,Presentation,cat,bag,dad,hand,cat (英) /kt/,bag (英) /bg/,dad (英) /dd/,hand (英) /hnd/,发音要领:,在重读闭音节中,字母“a”发/音。,舌尖抵下齿;舌前部稍抬高,舌位比/e/更低;双唇平伸,成扁平形。,小结,Practice,Dad has a black cat. The cat is in the bag. Da

14、d has a black cat. The bag is in his hand.,Read loudly,Lets spell,点击“Lets spell”,跟我一起练吧!,视 频,Read, listen and circle. 1. cat bag 2. bag dad 3. Canada panda 4. hand dad,Practice,Look, listen and write.,cat,bag,dad,hand,Can you read?,cat,rat,at,Can you read?,cat,mat,at,Can you read?,cat,hat,at,Can you

15、 read?,cat,bat,at,bag,Test,一、拼一拼,写一写。,1. a, t, c 2. g, b, a 3. a, d, h, n 4. a, d, d,cat,bag,hand,dad,( )1.A. head B. cat C. that ( )2.A. apple B. what C. Canada ( )3.A. dad B. hand C. name ( )4.A. cake B. cat C. panda ( )5.A. hand B. crayon C. at,二、选出下列每组中画线部分读音不同的一项。,A,B,C,A,B,发音要领:,在重读闭音节中,字母“a”发

16、/音。,舌尖抵下齿;舌前部稍抬高,舌位比/e/更低;双唇平伸,成扁平形。,Sum-up,试着将下列单词读给你的家人听: hat, camp, bat, pal, flag, jacket, lamp, sad,Homework,Thank you!,Unit 1 Welcome back to school!,人教版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part B Lets talk Look and say,Letstalk 视频,boy and girl, Lets talk, Look and say,Warm-up/Revision,Lets chant,【用法】 she为人称代词的第三人称单数

17、形式,指代上文已经提过的或身份已明的女性,一般在句中作主语,Presentation,【例句】 Amy is from the UK. Shes very cute. 埃米是英国人。她非常可爱。,She is my student.,She is my teacther.,Try,她是我的老师。,【复数】students 【例句】Tom and Lucy are students. 汤姆和露西是学生。,Try,Her name is Wang Fang. She is a student, too.,她叫王芳,她也是一名学生。,My name is Zhang Ming. I am a stu

18、dent.,【用法】 可用作疑问副词,引导特殊疑问句。,【例句】 Where are you from? 你是哪里人?,Try,Where is my pencil?,我的橡皮在哪里?,Where is my eraser?,气球飞出时,快速翻译单词,看谁打中的气球多。,游戏时间,where,boy,new,student,Lets talk,点击“Lets talk”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Mr Jones, this is Amy.She is a new student.,Hi, Amy.,Hi, Mr Jones.,Im from the UK.,Where are you from

19、?,Lets talk,Mr Jones, this is Amy. 琼斯老师,这是埃米。,重点句型一,This is my brother, Tom.,Try,这是我的妹妹,莉莉。,This is my sister, Lily.,Shes a new student. 她是一名新学生。,【句型结构】主语 + be + (描述职业、身份的)名词.,重点句型二,She is a teacher.,She is a doctor.,Try,她是一名老师。,Where are you from? 你是哪里人?,【句型结构】Where are you from? 【回答】 Im + from + 地

20、点(国名/地名).,重点句型三,Where are you from?,Im from Beijing.,Try,我来自西安。,Im from Xian.,绿色圃中小学教育网,绿色圃中小学教育网,Hi,Im from China. Where are you from?,Look and say,绿色圃中小学教育网,Where are you from?,Where are you from?,Where are you from?,Animals are our friend.动物是人类的好朋友!,s e,一、把下列单词补充完整。,h,wh r,stud t,e,e,她,在哪里,学生,Tes

21、t,e,n,二、情景搭配。 1. Where are you from?( ) 2. This ia Amy. She is a new student.( ) 3. Lets play a game. ( ) 4. Whats your name?( ) A. Welcome. B. OK. C. Im from Australia. D. My names Sarah.,C,A,B,D,重点词汇,she 她,where 在哪里,student 学生,Sum-up,重点句型,Homework,Thank you!,Unit 1 Welcome back to school!,人教版(三年级起

22、点)三年级下册,Part B Lets learn Lets chant,Lets learn 视频,Lets chant 视频, Lets learn, Lets chant,Warm-up/Revision,pupil,小学生,Presentation,【复数形式】 pupils 【短语】 a pupil 一名小学生,Lucy and Tom are pupils. 露西和汤姆是小学生。,【用法】 he为人称代词的第三人称单数形式,指代上文已经提过的或身份已明的男性,一般在句中作主语。,【例句】 This is Jack. Hes a driver.这是杰克。他是一名司机。,绿色圃中小学教

23、育网,Try,他是我的朋友。,教师,teacher,【复数形式】 teachers,【例句】 He is our English teacher.他是我们的英语老师。,my Chinese teacher,my new English teacher,Lets learn,点击“Lets learn”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Lets learn,Hes a teacher. 他是一名教师。,重点句型一,绿色圃中小学教育网,【拓展】 常见人称代词,Practice,若你是Amy,如何向同学做自我介绍呢?,Hi, my name is Amy. Im a girl. Im from the UK

24、. Im a student. Nice to meet you!,视 频,Test,一、连连看:在规定时间内,选择相应的单词和图片。,He,pupil,girl,new,B. My name is Jenny.,A. Hi, Amy. Nice to meet you.,C,A,B,teacher 教师,重点词汇,pupil学生,Sum-up,he 他,重点句型,自己准备一篇自我介绍, 下节课给大家展示。,Homework,Thank you!,Unit 1 Welcome back to school!,人教版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part B Start to read Lets c

25、heck Lets sing,Lets check 视频, Lets sing,Start to read, Lets check,Warm-up/Revision,Lets sing,Presentation,同学们你们做对了吗?,周行,王明,郭芳,This is ZhouHang. He is my friend. He is a student.,Practice,This is Wang Ming. He is my friend. He is a pupil.,This is Guo Fang. She is my friend. She is a student.,Lets che

26、ck,点击“Lets check”, 跟我一起读吧!,视 频,4,2,3,1,同学们你们做对了吗?,Lets sing!,Test,一、给下列单词选择对应的汉语翻译。 ( )1.he A.它 B.他 C.她 ( )2.new A.不 B.旧的 C.新的 ( )3.teacher A.教师 B.学生 C.教 ( )4.boy A.玩具 B.男孩 C.女孩 ( )5.friend A.朋友 B.学生 C.家庭,B,C,A,B,A,二、选择正确的答案。 ( )1. This is Lucy. my new friend. A. She B. Shes C. Hes ( )2. Mr Green is

27、 a . A. boy B. student C. teacher ( )3. I have three . A. friends B. teacher C. friend,B,C,A,三、根据句意及汉语提示,完成句子。 1.This is Jack. (他) is a pupil. 2.Chen Jie is a (小学生). 3.I have a (新的) bag. 4.Kate is a (女孩). 5.Mr Smith is our English (教师).,He,pupil,new,girl,teacher,1.国家名词: UK英国 Canada加拿大 USA美 China中国 2

28、.与人相关的名词: student学生 pupil学生;(尤指)小学生 teacher教师 boy男孩 girl女孩 friend朋友 3.常见人称代词: she 她 he 他 4.其他: new新的 today今天 and和;与,Sum-up,重点词汇,1. Where are you from? 你是哪里人? Im from the UK. 我是英国人。 2. Nice to see you again. 再见到你们很高兴。 Nice to see you, too. 见到您也很高兴。 3. Hi, Im Amy. Im from the UK. 嗨,我是埃米。我是英国人。 4. This is Amy. Shes a new student. 这是埃米。她是一名新学生。,重点句型,1、试着将核心单词读给你的家人听,并背写; 2、运用核心句型编一段对话, 和同学一起表演给大家看。,Homework,Thank you!,


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