2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册第五单元 词汇学习(ppt课件+学案).rar

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人人教版教版(2019)新教材高中英语选择性必修新教材高中英语选择性必修第四册第四册 Unit 5 LAUNCHING YOUR CAREER Words and Expressions bounce bounce Air Jordan1.bounce bans:n.弹性弹性;弹跳弹跳;活活力力 vi.&vt.(使使)弹起弹起;上下晃动上下晃动spring:n.春天春天;弹簧弹簧;弹性弹性;弹弹力力;泉水泉水1)The ball bounced twice before he could reach it.2)The girls long black hair bounced as she walked.3)There is not much bounce left in the ball.4)Bounce is one of the most important special qualities for high jumpers.5)The student came back full of confidence and bounce.2.bounce around:蹦来蹦去蹦来蹦去;弹来弾去弹来弾去 1)Some people know what they want to do from a young age,but many others just have a few ideas bouncing around in their heads.2)When thinking about what makes a career great,many ideas may bounce around in your head,such as the desire for money,power,or fame.3)All at once,the three children began to bounce around in the clasroom,laughing and dancing.3.aptitude pttjud:n.天资天资;天赋天赋attitude ttjud:n.态度态度;看法看法altitude lttjud:n.海拔海拔have an aptitude for.:对对有天赋有天赋 =have a gift/bent/talent for(career)aptitude test:(职业职业)能力倾向测试能力倾向测试gift ft:n.礼物礼物;天赋天赋gifted:adj.有天赋的有天赋的;有才华的有才华的talent tlnt:n.天才天才;人才人才;天资天资;天赋天赋talented:adj.有天赋的有天赋的;有天资的有天资的1)One of the most effective ways to get some insight on a possible career path is to complete a“career aptitude test”.2)There are many different kinds of career aptitude tests.3)In conclusion,career aptitude tests are clearly a very useful tool.4)As a child,he showed an aptitude for the piano.5)Edison had a remarkable aptitude for inventing new things.4.head start:起步前的优势起步前的优势;有有利开端利开端;占先占先;抢先抢先have/get a head start(over.):占占优势优势give sb a head start over.:使使.比比.占优势占优势1)Getting a head start in considering your future career may help you for the rest of your life.2)A good education gives your child a head start in life.3)Being able to speak French gave her a head start over the other candidates.4)I have got a head start over my classmates,because I am good at maths.5.scenario snri(复复:scenarios):n.设想设想;方案方案;预预测测 1)But there is a problem with this scenario.2)In the worst-case scenario,many people could become homeless persons.3)Is that the scenario we would set for the future?4)Lets make this scenario even more perfect.lawyer judge judge 6.lawyer lj(r):n.律师律师judge dd:n.法官法官;审判官审判官;裁判裁判court kt:n.法院法院;法庭法庭1)Some ask questions about your personal interests and attitudes.Others focus more on asking you to rate different kinds of work scenarios,like working as a librarian or a lawyer.2)Her lawyer made a statement outside the court.3)I went to a lawyer for some independent advice.assemble7.assemble sembl:vt.组装组装;装配装配vi.&vt.收集收集;聚集聚集;集合集合put.together:组装组装collect:v.收集收集;采集采集;收藏收藏;搜集搜集gather:v.聚集聚集;集合集合;召集召集;1)The bed/machine is easy/difficult to assemble.2)She assembled/collected a great deal of information for the report.3)He is assembling evidence concerning a murder.4)The tourists will assemble/gather in front of the hotel tomorrow.drawer8.drawer dr(r):n.抽屉抽屉draw dr:v.画画;描绘描绘;拖拖(动动);拉拉(动动);吸引吸引in the top/middle/bottom drawer of the desk:写写字台的上层字台的上层/中层中层/下层抽屉下层抽屉1)He opened a drawer in his writing-table and found a mouse in it.2)The money is safely locked in a drawer.9.a chest of drawers:抽屉柜抽屉柜 1)Assemble a chest of drawers.2)Last week she bought a chest of drawers made of wood.3)Other parcels contained larger items such as a bed,a book case and a chest of drawers.10.breast brest:n.乳房乳房;胸部胸部 chest:n.胸部胸部;胸膛胸膛;大箱子大箱子1)Help develop a cure for breast cancer.2)My aunt developed breast cancer three years ago.Seeing her suffering makes me want to become a doctor to protect people from such diseases3)The mother put the baby to her breast.4)The baby sucked at its mothers breast.11.hydrogen hadrdn:n.氢氢;氢气氢气nitrogen natrdn:n.氮氮气气oxygen ksdn:n.氧气氧气1)Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.2)Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.3)The professor filled the glass tube with hydrogen.12.radium redim:n.镭镭 1)Analyze the elements hydrogen and radium.2)To this something still unseen they gave the name radium.3)Madame Curie was well-known for her discovery of radium.13.wrist rst:n.手腕手腕;腕关节腕关节 1)Design a new range of wrist accessories.2)Jane broke her wrist during a competition last week and needed a few months rest.bridegroom bride14.bridegroom/groom bradrum:n.新郎新郎 bride brad:n.新娘新娘1)Design clothes for brides and bridegrooms.2)She is lucky to have married a good bridegroom.3)When the wedding day came,the bridegroom appeared.15.geometry dimtri:n.几何学几何学;几何图形几何图形algebra ldbr:n.代代数数math/maths/mathematics:n.数数学学1)Teach children geometry.2)Tom enjoys spending time with middle school students,and he is really interested in geometry.3)Middle school students have to learn both algebra and geometry.debt16.debt det:n.债务债务;欠款欠款grant rntrnt:n.拨款拨款loan ln:n.贷贷款款;借款借款in debt:欠债欠债out of debt:不欠债不欠债get into debt:欠债欠债pay off the debt:还清债务还清债务 1)Help and advise people in serious debt.2)You need to pay off all your debts before you leave the country.3)Brazil is putting forward a new debt repayment plan.17.categorise/categorize ktraz:vt.把把分类分类(加以归类加以归类)category ktri:n.种类种类;类别类别;范畴范畴catalogue ktl:n.目录目录sort st:v.把把分类分类;整整理理1)Tom Brown,like his films,is hard to categorise.2)Categorise the plants into four groups.3)Her work is difficult to categorise.18.profile prfal:n.简介简介;概述概述;侧面轮廓侧面轮廓vt.扼要介绍扼要介绍;概述概述;写简介写简介 1)Categorize employee profiles.2)The newspaper publishes a profile of Yao Ming,a great Chinese basketball player.3)The actress has a beautiful profile.4)The new president was profiled in the newspaper.19.participant ptspnt:n.参与者参与者;参加者参加者 participate ptspet:v.参加参加;参与参与participate in=take part in.=join in.:参加参加1)China is now a key participant in the international system.2)One popular test asks the participants to grade their preferences for a variety of work tasks.3)The participant is then given a chart showing their score for each type of work personality.4)He has been an active participant in the discussion/activity/experiment.20.code kd:n.代码代码;密码密码 vt.编码编码;把把译成密码译成密码in code:用密码用密码break/crack a code:破译密码破译密码1)The top three scores are used to make a code that indicates the participants overall work personality.This code is then used to generate a list of career suggestions.2)The letter is written in code.3)If you want to draw/withdraw some money from your bank account,you must tap your code number into the machine.4)The books were coded so that we could find them easily.5)We should code the message/information for security reasons.21.orient rient:vt.使适应使适应;使使面对面对;确定方向确定方向adjust/adapt(oneself)to sb/sth:适适应应.be oriented to/towards.:适适应应;面向面向;朝向朝向orient oneself:确定自己的方向确定自己的方向;适应适应;使自己熟悉新环境使自己熟悉新环境/形形势势1)It took him some time to orient himself in his new school.2)The five students are oriented towards science subjects.3)All the temples are oriented towards the sun.4)The climbers found it hard to orient themselves in the fog.detective22.detective dtektv:n.侦探侦探;警探警探 detect dtekt:v.发现发现;查明查明;侦察出侦察出a detective story/novel:侦侦探故事探故事/小说小说1)The detective discovered more than ten fingerprints.2)She hired a private detective in an attempt to find her lost daughter/son.23.graphic rfk:n.图表图表;图形图形;图图画画(尤指电脑荧屏或书籍、报纸上的尤指电脑荧屏或书籍、报纸上的)adj.绘画的绘画的;图案的图案的graph rf:n.图图;图表图表;曲线图曲线图diagram darm:n.简图简图;图解图解;图表图表;示意图示意图chart tt:n.图图表表;海海图图graphic design:平面设计平面设计graphic art:平面设计艺术平面设计艺术a graphic designer/artist:平平面设计人员面设计人员/艺术家艺术家1)The graphic on the box suggested a high-tech product.2)His father is a graphic designer/artist.estate estate estate24.estate stet:n.庄园庄园;住宅区住宅区;工工业区业区 park:n.公公园园;园区园区;(英国英国)庄园庄园;庭庭院院zoo zu:n.动物园动物园1)John prevents uninvited visitors from entering a business estate.2)The driver will take me to the Smith Estate tomorrow.3)My cousin used to live on the estate near the university.4)I walk to my office in Rose Garden Estate every day.25.(real)estate agent:房地产经纪人房地产经纪人real estate:房地产房地产1)An estate agent a person whose job is to sell houses and land for people.2)You will see an estate agent showing some people around the houses.3)I will contact the estate agent and tell him weve changed our minds.4)His brother made a fortune in real estate six years ago.5)He owns a lot of real estate in Chongqing.26.accountant kantnt:n.会计会计;会计师会计师 cashier k(r):n.出纳出纳员员account kant:v.占占(比例比例);认认为为;说明说明;总计总计n.账户账户;账目账目;解释解释;记记载载 count kant:v.计数计数;数数数数;重重要要;有有影影响响1)He is going to college at night in order to become an accountant.2)She works as an accountant in a big company.3)The accountant checked out the bills and found them OK.spy27.spy spa:n.密探密探;间谍间谍vi.从事间谍活动从事间谍活动 vt.突然看见突然看见;发现发现 (spy -spies -spying -spied)spy on.:暗中监视暗中监视;窥探窥探;刺探刺探spy out:暗中查明暗中查明a spy plane/satellite:间谍飞机间谍飞机/卫卫星星1)A spy used all kinds of means to find out secrets.2)The hostess spied for Australia for nearly 19 years.3)That day he spied on her while pretending to work at the zoo.4)He was walking down the street when he spied/saw his old mother.28.justice dsts:n.公平公平;公正公正;合理合理just:adj.公正的公正的;公平的公平的;正当的正当的 1)I want to become a lawyer because I think fairness and justice is of great importance to society,and I hope I can make some contributions in that respect.2)There is no justice in this world!3)We are demanding equal rights and justice.4)You wanted justice;so you shall get justice-more than you wanted.5)Do you think that there is justice in the Japanese claim?29.accuse kjuz:vt.控告控告;控诉控诉;谴责谴责 accuse sb of:控告某人控告某人charge sb with:控告某人控告某人1)We dont want to accuse anyone unjustly.2)The manager accused me of stealing things from the supermarket.3)A local man was accused of the murder/e to a conclusion:得出结论得出结论draw/reach a conclusion:得出结论得出结论jump/leap to a conclusion:匆匆忙得出结论忙得出结论conclude knklud:v.推断推断;断定断定;结束结束1)So I come to a conclusion that if you want a great career,you need to commit yourself to something meaningful.2)It will be long before we can come to a conclusion.3)From above,we may come to a conclusion that she will succeed in the future.greedy31.greedy ridi:adj.贪婪的贪婪的;贪心的贪心的greed:n.贪婪贪婪;贪心贪心;贪欲贪欲selfish self:adj.自私的自私的selfless:adj.无私的无私的be greedy for.:对对.渴望渴望/贪婪贪婪 1)Different people might have different opinions about this,but wouldn t it be kind of greedy to focus on money and fame rather than on something more meaningful?2The merchants are greedy for profit.3)They stared at the diamonds/money with greedy eyes.32.entrepreneur ntrprn(r):n.创业者创业者;企业家企业家 enterprise entpraz:n.公司公司;企业单位企业单位;事业单事业单位位1)The entrepreneurs success was largely due to his excellent judgment.2)Every entrepreneur uses the legal system to defend his interests.3)So I quit/quitted and decided to become an entrepreneur.receptionist33.receptionist rsepnst:n.接待员接待员reception rsepn:n.接待处接待处;接接待仪式待仪式;招待招待会会1)Al is developing rapidly.Lawyers,teachers,librarians,drivers,and receptionists may find their jobs replaced by Al in the future.2)The receptionist recognized the thief at once.3)I used to be a receptionist at a bank.34.CV sivi(NAmE:rsum rezjume rezme):n.履历履历;简历简历 1)Send your CV and cover letter(附函附函)to:receptionistFAFSC.com.2)Please find my CV attached.3)Please send a CV and brief letter to the address below.4)You should try to get some experience in sales-it would look good on your CV.35.socialist slst:adj.社会主义的社会主义的 n.社社会主义者会主义者social s()l:adj.社会的社会的;社交的社交的society ssat:n.社会社会;协会协会;学学会会;社团社团in society:在在社会上社会上socialist beliefs:社会主义信仰社会主义信仰1)China is a socialist country.2)They are all socialists munist kmjnst:adj.共产主义的共产主义的 n.共产主义者共产主义者the Chinese Communist Party:中中国共产党国共产党(CCP)1)This book introducing the history of the Chinese Communist Party is selling well.2)You will not meet an actual communist in that country now.37.dedicate dedket:vt.把把奉献给奉献给.dedicate oneself/ones life to sth/doing.:致致力于力于.;献身于献身于.devoteto 名名/代代/doing:专心于专心于;献身于献身于;把把.用于用于be devoted to 名词名词/doing:致致力于力于;专心于专心于;被被用在什么用在什么上上1)She dedicates herself to her work/research.2)The woman dedicated her life to helping the poor/disabled.3)The soldier dedicated his life/himself to serving the people.fox38.fox fks:n.狐狸狐狸;狡猾的人狡猾的人 (复数复数:foxes)1)The fox has never been seen in this region now.2)Britain has the largest fox population in Europe.3)You cant trust the boss.He is a sly(狡猾的狡猾的)old fox.39.council kansl:n.(顾问、立法、研究、基金等顾问、立法、研究、基金等)委员会委员会;市市政服务机构政服务机构committee kmt:n.委员会委员会a city/county/district council:市市/郡郡(县县)/区政务委员区政务委员会会1)The Frog&Fox Summer Camp Council is looking for enthusiastic high school students to join our team as camp helpers at our summer camp next year!2)Simon needs to submit his article about the council meeing before midnight tonight.3)The council is expected to adopt the new policy at its next meeting.4)The council has committed large amounts of money to housing projects.canal canal40.canal knl:n.运河运河;灌溉渠灌溉渠river:n.江河江河stream:n.小河小河;溪溪brook:n.溪溪;小河小河the Panama/Suez Canal:巴巴拿马运河拿马运河/苏伊士运河苏伊士运河1)Our camp is located in a beautiful area near a quiet canal,where you will sleep in tents under the stars.2)In order to turn the desert into green land that is able to produce crops,Dr Zhang designed a 50 km canal.3)The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.4)The canal was built between 1793 and 1797.5)The Grand Canal joins the Hai River at Tianjin.41.attend to.:关怀关怀;照料照料;处理处理attend(on/upon)sb:看护看护;照料照料look after.:照料照料;照顾照顾;照管照管take(good)care of.:照顾照顾;照看照看;看看护护;处理处理1)We are building a team of keen young people to help us attend to hundreds of students from all over the world.2)Parents must attend to the education of their children.3)She attends to the old lady in the wheelchair.4)I have some urgent business to attend to.42.supervise supvaz:vt.&vi.主管主管;指导指导;监督监督supervisor:n.监督者监督者;指导者指导者;主管人主管人supervise the examination:监考监考1)You will be required to supervise and/or help out in a variety of tasks and recreational activities.2)She supervises a health services office.3)He supervised and trained more than 800 volunteers.4)The professor has refused to supervise students examinations.handwriting calligraphy handwriting calligraphy43.handwriting hndrat:n.书法书法;书写书写;笔迹笔迹calligraphy klrfi:n.书法书法;书法艺书法艺术术1)A friendly,welcoming attitude,and good handwriting will be very important to applicants.2)Teachers cant read his handwriting.The student will pay for it.3)I know peoples handwriting changes as they get older.44.disk dsk:n.磁盘磁盘;盘盘tapetep:n.磁磁带带;录音带录音带;录像带录像带1)Send your CV and cover letter to:receptionist FAFSC com(FYI:Applications can also be made on paper or disk.)2)Every file on the same disk must have a different name.3)How much disk space will the film take up?4)My computer cant read the disk you sent me.parking lot45.parking pk:n.停车位停车位;停车停车park pk:v.停放停放(车)车)a parking lot:停车场停车场(US)a car park:停车场停车场(UK)a parking space:停车停车位位1)Keep the parking area clean,guide new guests to the reception area,etc.2)There is lots of parking at the hospital.3)In these busy streets,parking is not allowed in the daytime.camel camel46.camel kml:n.骆驼骆驼tiger:n.老虎老虎lion lan:n.狮子狮子giraffe drf:n.长颈鹿长颈鹿 (复数复数:同形或同形或+s)1)Thats why the camel can go for many days without drinking water.2)The car crashed into a camel,killing the actress.3)It was the la
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