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1、选择性必修四unit 3 单词讲解tend 伸展/趋势extendintendpretendtimespaceinfluencebodywelcomeinvitationto extend an invitation 发出邀请to extend my sincere gratitude表达我衷心的感谢to extend a fence/road/house 扩建护栏公路房子to extend a deadline/visa/life 延长最后期限签证/寿命to extend business 拓展业务拓展业务to extend a very warm welcome to our visito

2、rs向我们的客人表示热烈的欢迎 extended his hand 伸手 泛读 extensive reading精读 intensive readingextend:延伸;扩大;推广;伸出;给予extension:延长;扩大;范围;大小;尺寸;电话分机extent:程度;范围;长度intend:打算;想要;意指 intention 意图,打算intensive:加强的;集中的;透彻的;加强语气的intension:强度,烈度;加强,加剧;紧张intent:意图;目的;含义;专心的;急切的;坚决的pretend 假装attend 参加tend 照料;趋向于 tendency 趋势 trend趋

3、势;趋向;倾向;动态;动向tense 紧张的,紧绷的;拉紧,绷紧;时态Press conference 记者招待会,新闻发布会Press n.报刊,印刷媒体;记者;新闻界;出版;印刷 v.按压 press the button ImpressExpress Depress Compress Repress SuppressWhen she finished her song,there was a moment of silence,stillness,as if the world was holding its breath.Suddenly,thunderous applause bro

4、ke out.They greeted him with thunderous applause.他们用雷鸣般的掌声欢迎他。be greeted with thunderous applause受到雷鸣般的掌声I still kept running on when a thunderous applause burst,which signaled the birth of the champion.As/When he entered,the hall burst into thunderous applause.No sooner had Mo Yan stepped on the st

5、age than the audience broke into thunderous applause.(半倒装)applaud sb 为某人鼓掌applaud her decision称赞她的决定As a painter,he is in a league of his own(=much better than others).作为画家,他独领风骚。Theyre in a different league from us.他们与我们不属同一个级别。When it comes to cooking,Im not in her league(=she is much better than

6、me).A house like that is out of our league(=too expensive for us).Shes way out of my league.I mean shes rich and beautiful.I dont have a chance.the League of Nations 国际联盟the Womens League for Peace 妇女和平联盟会议cover1.He covers his face with his hands.他用手遮住了他的脸。2.The place is covered with snow.这个地方被雪覆盖。3

7、.He covers his ears when stealing a bell.他掩耳盗铃。1.占地占地:The town covers an area of five square kilometers.2.走路走路:The red army covers twenty-five thousand li through the long march.By sunset,we had covered thirty miles.3.看完看完:How many pages have you covered?4.支付支付:Do you have enough to cover all your h

8、ousehold expenses?5.报道报道:The reporter is covering international news.6.掩护掩护,掩饰掩饰:Cover me while I move forward.A smile is frequently employed to cover true feelings.he tried to cover up his crimes.1.他大笑来掩饰他的紧张。2.打喷嚏的时候应该捂住嘴巴。3.冬天车主们用毯子盖住车。4.我来买单。5.我祖父主动提出支付我第一年的学费。6.三名记者被派去报道这次会议。Cover/kv(r)/n.覆盖物,套

9、子,盖子,掩蔽物;(书刊的)封面;掩护;幌子,借口 vt.包括;采访,报导;涉及;行走(一段路程);掩护;翻唱Coverage/kvrd/n.新闻报道;(书、课程学习、电视等的)信息范围Discover/dskv(r)/v.发现;了解到,认识到【dis-=否定;使失去掩盖】Discovery/dskvri/n.发现;被发现的事物(或真相、人)Recover/rkv(r)/v.康复,痊愈;恢复(常态);寻回;【re-=back再,重新】Recovery/rkvri/n.恢复,痊愈;改善,复苏Uncover/nkv(r)/v.移去覆盖物;发现,揭露novel 小说romance 爱情故事,言情小说

10、fiction 虚构的小说 science fiction 科幻小说story 故事fable 寓言故事tale 可与story换用fairy tale folk tale to raise/cut taxes 增加削减税收tax increases/cuts 税款的增加削减changes in tax rates 税率的变化profits before/after tax 税前税后利润a tax on cigarettes 香烟税1.taxmoney that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay for public se

11、rvices:income tax 所得税2.dutya tax that you pay on things that you buy,especially those that you bring into a country 3.customstax that is paid when goods are brought in from other countries 婚礼准备的怎么样?还债 欠你的钱 投诉你 盛宴 冒险还钱 签合同 拘捕/逮捕他 给某人一个教训 承担损失 为Portia 买了一个戒指 毁了我的生意/破坏我的计划 一切属于你的都会变成我的,成交吗?那个来到法庭为我辩护的律

12、师是谁?他再也不敢说 我的朋友有幸娶了像你这般一位智慧的,聪明的,勇敢的正直的女人You are something.Forget about him.make purchases That is so noble.Had he not interfered,I would have got a shop worth five hundred ducats for fifty ducats.A terrible storm struck the coast of Mediterranean Sea.Your ship and goods are safe.loan court legal de

13、liberately honor the contract/honor the word 婚礼准备的怎么样?还债 欠你的钱 投诉你 盛宴 冒险还钱 签合同 拘捕/逮捕他 给某人一个教训 承担损失 为Portia 买了一个戒指 毁了我的生意/破坏我的计划 一切属于你的都会变成我的,成交吗?那个来到法庭为我辩护的律师是谁?他再也不敢说 我的朋友有幸娶了像你这般一位智慧的,聪明的,勇敢的正直的女人You are something.Forget about him.make purchases That is so noble.Had he not interfered,I would have g

14、ot a shop worth five hundred ducats for fifty ducats.A terrible storm struck the coast of Mediterranean Sea.Your ship and goods are safe.loan court legal deliberately honor the contract/honor the word withdraw money You can withdraw a message in two minutes.He was found guilty of murder.他犯有谋杀罪。She h

15、as been charged with the attempted murder of her husband.to commit(a)murder 犯谋杀罪a murder case/investigation/trial 凶杀案件调查;谋杀案的审判水稻,航道;水渠,沟渠;海峡方式,途径;渠道follow my channel 关注我的频道change/switch channel 换台 was arrested for was under arrest oppose v.反对;抵制;阻挠opposite adj.对面的,另一边的;相反的opponent n.对手;反对者;竞争者migra

16、te v.迁徙,迁移;移动;移居 migration n.immigrate v.移居,移民immigrant n.移民(人)immigration n.移民 emigrate v.移民emigration n.移民Martha and I have a very intense bond.We are connected at a primal level.我和玛莎关系非常紧密。我们心有灵犀。注释注释:我们可以用 bond 一词,可以用 be connected;bond 表示人与人之间的人与人之间的关系纽带关系纽带(something that forms a connection bet

17、ween people or groups,such as a feeling of friendship or shared ideas and experiences),例句:the special bond between mother and child 母子间的独特亲密关系纽带A bond of friendship had been forged between them.他们之间形成了友谊的纽带。have a very intense bond 的意思就是说两人的关系非常密切;a special bond感情深,特殊感情bond n.“纽带,关系,感情”例:Do we have

18、a special bond?Absolutely.我们父女感情深吗?当然。bond也可以做动词表达“建立感情,增进感情”例:Lily was raised by very loving Asian women,in an orphanage,with whom she clearly bonded.莉莉在孤儿院由热心的亚洲女性抚养,莉莉和她们的感情很深。bond with sb 与某人好好相处、建立信任与联系与某人好好相处、建立信任与联系,跟某人套近乎,搞好关系,培养感情跟某人套近乎,搞好关系,培养感情We should bond with our neighbors so that we can become closer with each other.我们要和邻居建立联系/好好相处,这样彼此之间才会更亲近。


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