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1、单一词性单一词性1.grade(n.)年级;成绩等级,评分等级 get a good grade 取得好成绩2.time(n.)次,回;时间;时期,时代95次 一天三次 准时 及时 in different times 在不同时期3.free(adj.)空闲的;免费的;自由的,不受束缚的 (n.)自由12次 free time 空闲时间three times a dayon timein timefreedom熟词新义 免费 (可以)随便(做某事)4.true(adj.)真的,真实的;确实的,的确 (n.)事实,真相 (adv.)真正;确实26次 变为现实,成为事实 It is true th

2、at.确实双词性双词性5.need(v.)需要 (n.)(食物、钱等的)短缺,缺乏;需要的事物,欲望30次 在危难中;处于困境 in need of 缺少;需要 satisfy peoples needs 满足人们的需求for freefeel freetruthtrulycome truein need熟词新义6.fun(adj.)有趣的;使人快乐的 (n.)享乐,乐趣;有趣的事 (adj.)好笑的,滑稽的17次 玩得高兴 为了高兴;为了好玩 取笑某人;开某人玩笑7.match(n.)比赛,竞赛;火柴;相配,般配 a football match一场足球赛 a good match十分般配

3、(v.)与相配,般配 (使)与相配;与一致8.rest(n.)休息,歇息;其余的部分(人)休息一下funnyhave funfor funmake fun of sb.match withhave a rest熟词新义 的剩余部分 (v.)放松,休息6次 lie down and rest 躺下休息9.show(v.)引,带,领;教,演示,展示 (过去式)(过去分词)17次 show sb.around 领某人参观 炫耀 出现 (n.)演出,秀 上演;展示 10.sure(adv.)(口)当然(adj.)确知,肯定,有把握 (反义词)不确定,没把握21次the rest ofshowedsho

4、wn/showedshow off show upon showunsure熟词新义 be sure about 确信;对有把握 确保;查明三词性三词性11.past(prep.)晚于;在另一边,到另一侧 (n.)过去(adj.)过去的8次 a quarter past eight 8:15 walk past the house 走过房子 past and present 过去与现在 the past life 过去的生活make sure熟词新义Unit 1 This is me!(这是我!这是我!)1.n.学生10次 2.n.同班同学3.n.教室4.n.年龄11次 在岁时5.adj.可爱

5、的;讨人喜欢的6.adj.高兴的8次 7.pron.每人,人人12次8.n.(复)眼镜Unit 2 Lets play sports!(让我们做运动吧!)9.n.碗,盆student classmateclassroomage at the age ofcutegladeveryoneglassesbowl重点单词(针对单词拼写)10.n.网球 乒乓球11.n.排球 12.v.享受的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱24次 玩得愉快13.n.运动员14.n.成员15.n.俱乐部 16.n.周末7次 在周末17.adv.另外;其他18.n.队;组6次tennistable tennisenjoyenjoy one

6、selfplayermemberclubweekendat/on weekends=at/on the weekendelseteamvolleyball重点单词(针对单词拼写)Unit 3 Welcome to our school!(欢迎来到我们学校!)19.pron.哪一个61次20.n.地理21.n.历史22.n.日期23.n.大门24.adv.到处,向各处29次25.n.前面 在前面26.n.地,地面27.adj.明亮的28.adj.现代的;新式的29.n.礼堂,大厅7次30.n.墙 whichgeographyhistorydategatearoundfrontin front o

7、fgroundbrightmodernhallwall重点单词(针对单词拼写)31.excl.(用于请求别人重复)什么,请再说一遍32.n.(=telephone)电话6次 通电话33.adv.只,只有,仅38次34.n.种类16次 各种各样的35.v.借,借用 向借36.n.信,函37.det.&pron.不多(的),少数(的)14次 一些,少量38.adv.离开,远离15次 远离pardonphoneon the phoneonlykindall kinds ofborrowborrow.fromletterfewa fewawayfar away from重点单词(针对单词拼写)Unit

8、 4 My day(我的一天)39.n.小山40.adv.很少,不常41.adv.只是30次42.n.家庭作业11次43.adv.从不,绝不28次44.v.开始,着手45.n.一刻钟46.v.练习;训练=practice6次47.v.n.希望,祝愿21次48.n.博物馆7次49.n.野餐hillseldomjusthomeworkneverstartquarterpractisewishmuseumpicnic重点单词(针对单词拼写)去野餐50.n.原因,理由51.adj.准备好,准备完毕 7次 准备好做某事 为准备好52.n.世界35次have a picnicreasonreadybe r

9、eady to do sth.get ready for sth.world重点单词(针对单词拼写)1.hobby(n.)业余爱好 (pl.)2.hero(n.)偶像;英雄 (pl.)3.diary(n.)日记 (pl.)记日记4.life(n.)生活,生命 (pl.)46次5.luck(n.)好运,幸运 (adj.)幸运的 (adv.)幸好,幸运的是8次6.read(v.)阅读 (n.)(n.)读者36次7.dance(v.)跳舞 (n.)(n.)舞蹈者hobbiesheroesdiarieskeep a diary livesluckyluckilyreadingreaderdancing

10、dancer词汇拓展8.swim(v.)游泳 (过去式)(过去分词)(n.)游泳 (n.)游泳者7次 去游泳9.walk(v.)散步,步行 (n.)18次10.draw(v.)画画 (过去式)(过去分词)(n.)画画 7次11.shop(v.)购物 (n.)17次 去购物 买东西12.meet(v.)相遇,相逢,遇见 (过去式/过去分词)(n.)会议;集会42次swamswumswimmingswimmergo swimmingwalkingdrewdrawndrawingshoppinggo shoppingdo some shoppingmetmeeting词汇拓展13.build(v.)

11、建造,建筑 (过去式/过去分词)(n.)建筑物,房子,楼房15次14.take(v.)需要时间,费时 (过去式)(过去分词)54次 记录,写下 长得像 占据,占用 照顾 更多take 短语见考纲词汇检测本P37builtbuildingtooktakentake downtake aftertake uptake care of 词汇拓展15.wake(v.)醒,醒来;唤醒 (过去式)(过去分词)(adj.)醒着的 醒来 保持清醒16.learn(v.)学,学习,学会 (过去式/过去分词)36次 了解 向学习17.real(adj.)真正的;真实的 (adv.)(答话时表示感兴趣或惊讶);的确

12、,确实22次wokewokenawakewake upstay/keep awakelearnt/learnedlearn aboutlearn.from.really词汇拓展18.good(adj.)好的 (比较级)较好,更好 (最高级)最,最好的112次 擅长于 对有好处 对和善 与相处融洽19.usual(adj.)通常的;寻常的 (adv.)通常,经常 (反义词)不寻常的27次 照例,像往常一样better bestbe good atbe good forbe good tobe good withusuallyunusualas usual词汇拓展20.one(num.)一 (ad

13、v.)一次 (序数词)第一127次21.two(num.)二 (adv.)两次 一周两次 think twice(about sth.)三思而行 (序数词)第二59次 第二次双词性22.dream(n.&v.)梦想;梦;做梦 (过去式/过去分词)梦想;想像twicetwice a weeksecondthe second timedreamed/dreamtdream of/about oncefirst词汇拓展23.act(v.&n.)行动;表演 (n.)活动 (n.)行动;行为 (adj.)积极的,活跃的;主动的 (n.)演员 (n.)女演员9次 采取行动activityactionact

14、iveactoractresstake action词汇拓展名词短语1.来自 2.听3.注意 4.尽力做某事5.谈论 6.做运动7.住在 8.看一看 9 与谈话 10.起床11.去上学 12.组成13.考虑 14.出去15.吃早饭/中饭/晚饭 16.上课come from listen topay attention totry to do sth.talk about/ofplay/do sportslive inlook attalk to/withget upgo to schoolmake upthink aboutgo outhave breakfast/lunch/dinnerha

15、ve lessons重点短语17.去睡觉 18.与聊天19.与讨论 20.写下;记下形容词短语21.迟到介词短语22.根据23.放学后/下课后24.从到25.在途中26.在上午/下午/晚上27.和之间(两者之间)be late foraccording toafter schoolfrom.to.on ones waybetween.and.in the morning/afternoon/eveningdiscuss.with.go to bedchat withwrite down重点短语人物介绍1.,but now I live with my family in Beijing.我来自

16、南京,但是现在我和家人住在北京。2.,and I wear glasses.我的头发非常短,并且戴着眼镜。3.I like all the lessons at Sunshine Middle School and .我喜欢阳光中学的所有课程,并且擅长数学。4.Sometimes I go swimming with my dad.我经常待在家里。有时候我和爸爸一起去游泳。5.and plays football very well.他看起来强壮,而且足球踢得很好。6.It makes him happy.他也喜欢听音乐。它使他快乐。I come from NanjingMy hair is

17、very shortI am good at MathsI often stay at homeHe looks strongHe also enjoys listening to music写作佳句学校生活7.我希望他梦想成真。8.Thanks for your email.感谢你的邮件。我想告诉你关于我在这儿的生活。9.从我家到这所学校有很长一段路。10.I go to school on foot every day.我每天步行去学校。去学校大约花费我一个小时。It is a long way from my home to the schoolIt takes me about an

18、hour to go to schoolI hope his dream comes trueI would like to tell you about my life here写作佳句语法1.动词be的一般现在时(P176)2.行为动词的一般现在时(P176)3.人称代词(P135)4.时间介词(in/on/at)(P144)5.频度副词(P12)语法 命题探索 分析安徽近11年中考真题可知,对“学生学习”这一话题的考查仅1次,主要是针对“小组合作学习”和“自主学习”的介绍。此外,分析全国近几年与学生学习相关话题的书面表达的命题来看,通常有以下命题角度:1.对初中三年学习生活的回忆(如:2

19、018邵阳);2.学习方法探讨(如:2018滨州,2018绍兴,2018达州,2018泰州);3.与学生学习相关的一些行为的看法(如:2018随州,2018温州)。话题1 学生学习中考常考作文话题突破典例剖析 (2008安徽)一个美国中学生代表团将到你校交流学习,并与你校学生座谈。请根据表格中的内容写一个发言稿。介绍你校学生开展小组合作学习和自主学习的情况。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可适当发挥,加入自己的观点;3.发言稿的开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数。小组合作学习自主学习互相帮助学会倾听与他人合作发表个人见解制订学习计划合理安排时间独立思考做学习的主人中考常考作文话题突破参考词汇:

20、study in groups,work together,make good use of timeDear friends,Welcome to our school._ Thanks for listening!【定人称、定时态】人称:由题干内容和开头句中的“our”可知,应用第一人称。时态:文章要求介绍当下的学习方法,主要用一般现在时。【列提纲、写句子】中考常考作文话题突破列提纲写句子两种学习方法介绍小组学习(1).(我们可以互相帮助。)(2).(学会倾听,并且知道如何合作学习。)(3).(每个人都有机会表达他/她自己的想法。)自主学习(4).(我们可以制定自己的学习计划并学会利用好时

21、间。)(5).(我们可以学会思考,做学习的主人。)结束语Thanks for listening!中考常考作文话题突破【巧衔接】文章可以使用the first way和the other way来衔接两种学习方法,层次分明。【成篇章】Dear friends,Welcome to our school._.Thanks for listening!中考常考作文话题突破【句子升格】I want to tell you two ways of studying in our school.(用would like升格)_ We study in groups.We can help each ot

22、her.(用when引导的时间状语从 句升格)_ We can learn to listen to others.We can know how to work together.(用并列连词and升格)_ The important thing is that we can be the master of our own study.(用形容词的最高级升格)_ 中考常考作文话题突破【范文升格】Dear friends,Welcome to our school.I would like to tell you two ways of studying in our school.The

23、first way is to study in groups.When we study in groups,we can help each other.We can learn to listen to others and know how to work together.Also,everyone can have chances to express his or her own ideas.The other way we like is to study by ourselves.We can make our own plans for study and learn to

24、 make good use of time.We can also learn to think by ourselves.And the most important thing is that we can be the master of our own study.Thanks for listening!中考常考作文话题突破同类话题好句积累【学习方法】1.The more practice you do,the fewer mistakes you will make.2.When I have some problems with my spoken English,I will

25、 turn to my teachers and friends for help.3.Youd better prepare for the new lessons.While having classes,you must listen to the teachers carefully.【课堂学习形式】4.Our teachers encourage us to think by ourselves in class.5.We often share our ideas with our teacher after class.6.You should be brave and ask

26、teachers for help when you meet problems that you dont understand.中考常考作文话题突破【对学习方法的看法和建议】7.I think studying in groups can not only help me get good grades,but also make me happy.8.In this way,we can learn English better and better.9.If someone doesnt want to exchange his or her ideas,he or she may l

27、ose the chances to know more new methods about learning English.中考常考作文话题突破 (2019原创)假如你是李华,前几天收到笔友Dave的邮件。邮件中说他不久 要来中国学习中文,他想了解如何学好中文。请你用英文给他回复一封邮件,提出一些如何学好中文的建议。要点如下:1.多记忆汉语词汇;2.多读写、看电视、听广播等;3.抓住每个可以用汉语交流的机会。注意:1.词数80100;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.信中不能出现与本人相关的信息;4.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。写作练兵中考常考作文话题突破【思路点拨】1.人称:

28、;2.时态:.3.写作导图:中考常考作文话题突破Dear Dave,Im glad youll come to China to learn Chinese.Chinese is becoming more and more useful.Many foreigners are interested in it and studying it now.It may be difficult for you because it is really different from English.You have to learn more Chinese words by heart and r

29、emember them as many as possible.Its also important to do some reading and writing.You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practice your listening.Its a good way to catch every chance to talk in Chinese.You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you.If you have any question,please let me know.Im sure youll learn Chinese well.Hope to see you soon.Yours,Li Hua中考常考作文话题突破


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