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1、 第五单元第五单元第第三三课时课时Defining attributive clauses限制性定语从句(Restrictive relative clauses)Defining attributive clauses从句定语从句限制性定语从句WhyWhat How Why should we have attributive clauses?WhyWhat How whitelovelyfaithful(忠诚的忠诚的)two years oldThe dog is white.The dog is lovely.The dog is a faithful animal.Its a two

2、years old.I have a lovely,faithful,two-year-old white dog.How to describe a dog?cute描述对象描述对象定语定语I have a lovely,faithful,two-year-old white dog.my best friendaccompany(vt.陪伴陪伴)meTip 1:Use good simple sentences.Tip 2:Extend a sentence only when necessary.My best friend is a lovely,faithful,two-year-o

3、ld white dogwho/that I have a lovely,faithful,two-year-old white dog.He is my best friend.He accompanies me every day.accompanies me every day.引导定语引导定语从句从句描述对象描述对象(先行词先行词)(Not good enough)“A dog wags its tail with its heart.”“A dog wags its tail with its heart.”A dog is excited.His tail moves fast.A

4、 dog whose tail moves fast is excited.A dog is pleasant about a person or an animal.His tail is wagging right.A dog is excited when his tail moves fast.A dog is submissive and concerned.He lays his tail down.时间状语从句定语从句;定语从句;whose tailwhose tail作主语作主语先行词先行词 A dog whose tail is wagging right is pleasa

5、ntabout a person or an animal.定语从句;定语从句;whose tailwhose tail作主语作主语先行词先行词 A dog who/that lays his tail down is submissive and concerned.先行词先行词定语从句;定语从句;who/thatwho/that作主语作主语I came back from the supermarket with lots of food.My dog loves the food very much.I built a dog house on the balcony(阳台阳台).My

6、dog doesnt like it at all.Taking care of my baby is a job(which/that)my dog loves to do.I came back from the supermarket with lots of food(which/that)my dog lovesvery much.从句的宾语从句的宾语先行词先行词I built a dog house on the balcony(which/that)my dog doesnt like at all.Taking care of my baby is a job.My dog l

7、oves to do it.从句的宾语从句的宾语先行词先行词从句的宾语从句的宾语先行词先行词 My best friend is a lovely,faithful,two-year-old white dog who/that accompanies me every day.引导词(关系代词)who(m)/that(who(m)/that(指人指人);which/that);which/that (指物指物);whose);whose (指所属关系指所属关系)引导词(关系词)的作用:引导词(关系词)的作用:引导引导从句;在从句中作主语主语或宾语宾语(作宾语可省略)A dog whose t

8、ail moves fast is excited.What What are attributive clauses?位置:位置:功能:功能:特征:特征:先行词(名词/代词)之后修饰、描述先行词小结小结1从句的主语从句的主语从句的主语从句的主语先行词先行词先行词先行词Taking care of my baby is a job(which/that)my dog loves to do.从句的宾语从句的宾语先行词先行词 A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.Quiz 1:Expl

9、ain the grammar先行词先行词:引导词在定语从句中的成分引导词在定语从句中的成分:定语从句定语从句:特殊情况特殊情况:thing引导词引导词:thatthat loves you more than he loves himself主语主语当先行词被the only,the very,序数词,形容词最高级修饰时,引导词只能用引导词只能用thatQuiz 1:Explain the grammar先行词先行词:引导词在定语从句中的成分引导词在定语从句中的成分:定语从句定语从句:引导词引导词:person被省略被省略(who/whom/that)(who/whom/that)your

10、dog thinks you are宾语宾语(可省略可省略)Quiz 1:Explain the grammar先行词先行词:引导词在定语从句中的成分引导词在定语从句中的成分:定语从句定语从句:引导词引导词:personwho(that)who has never owned a dog主语主语Quiz 1:Explain the grammar先行词先行词:引导词在定语从句中的成分引导词在定语从句中的成分:定语从句定语从句:引导词引导词:dog;dogthat(which);that(which)that you want;that you need宾语宾语;宾语宾语I got my dog

11、 in 2017.I was suffering a serious disease that year.I got my dog in 2017 when I was suffering a serious disease.We walked in the park.We walked in the park where he could meet and play with other dogs.We walked in the park which/that was only two blocks away from home.There are many reasons why dog

12、s make the best pets.There he could meet and play with other dogs.从句的时间状语从句的时间状语先行词先行词从句的地点状语从句的地点状语先行词先行词从句的原因状语从句的原因状语先行词先行词从句的主语从句的主语先行词先行词区别区别:引导词(关系代词)who/that(who/that(指人指人);which/that);which/that (指物指物);whose);whose (指所属关系指所属关系)引导词(关系词)的作用:引导词(关系词)的作用:引导引导从句;在从句中作主语主语或宾语宾语(作宾语可省略);What What a

13、re attributive clauses?位置:位置:功能:功能:特征:特征:先行词(代词/名词)之后修饰、描述先行词小小结结2I got my dog in 2017 when I was suffering a serious disease.We walked in the park where he could meet and play with other dogs.There are many reasons why dogs make the best pets.引导词(关系副词)when;where;why在从句中作时间状语时间状语、地点状语地点状语或原因状语原因状语Ti

14、p 3:定语从句引导词中,没有 what 和how。1.who follows a word referring to _.A.a person B.a thing2.which follows a word referring to _.A.a thing B.a person3.Instead of which you can say _.A.who B.that4.where follows a word that refers to _.A.place B.time5.when follows a word that refers to _.A.place B.time6.whose

15、means _.A.of whomB.whoA brief summaryA brief summaryAAAABB体会句意的重心体会句意的重心:Ancient China was a place where states were often at war with each other.But it was also a time when there were many great philosophers.Mencius was a thinker whose teaching were very similar to those of Confucius.Mozi taught th

16、at we should look after those who are weaker than ourselves.Mozi was another teacher who was very influential.How How to use attributive clauses?Tip 4:限制性定语从句是句意的重心。让主句简单些,才显出从句的价值。限制性定语从句是句意的重心。让主句简单些,才显出从句的价值。对比对比:Mozi was another influential teacher.My best friend is a lovely,faithful,two-year-ol

17、d white dogwho/thataccompanies me every day.A correct sentence may not be a GOOD one:句意的重心在哪里?句意的重心在哪里?My best friend is a dog who/that accompanies me every day.He is lovely and faithful.Weve just celebrated his second birthday recently.My best friend is a lovely,faithful,two-year-old white dog,whoa

18、ccompanies me every day.添加逗号添加逗号Mary is a girl who is fifteen years old.Mary is a fifteen-year-old girl.Mary is 15 years old.He is a man whose name is James.He is James.Mary is a 15-year-old girl who has become a popular singer in our country.James is a teacher whose way of teaching is unique.并非所有的定

19、语从句都有意义并非所有的定语从句都有意义:His name is James.Quiz 2:Understand and translate“在我们这个世界里,有太多的事你都还没开始想呢。在我们这个世界里,有太多的事你都还没开始想呢。”“书是在读者的头脑中上映的电影。这就是为什么我们看完书是在读者的头脑中上映的电影。这就是为什么我们看完电影之后会说:电影之后会说:哎,还是书更精彩。哎,还是书更精彩。”Quiz 2:Understand and translate“不读书的人并不比不识字的人高明。不读书的人并不比不识字的人高明。”Quiz 2:Understand and translate “

20、我们都有点古怪,生活就是一件怪事儿。当我们发现有人的古怪方式和我们我们都有点古怪,生活就是一件怪事儿。当我们发现有人的古怪方式和我们的一样时,我们就和他们一起,陷入一种共同的古怪中去的一样时,我们就和他们一起,陷入一种共同的古怪中去那就是爱。那就是爱。”Quiz 2:Understand and translate“并不是所有辗转徘徊的人都找不到方向。并不是所有辗转徘徊的人都找不到方向。”Quiz 2:Understand and translateThe book is a film that takes place in the mind of the reader.The man who

21、 doesnt read has no advantage over the man who cant read.Not all those who wander are lost.There are a whole lot of things in this world of ours you havent started wondering about yet.These attributive clauses are essential to the nouns/pronouns they modify.小结小结3 这些定语从句对于描述对象来说至关重要、不可或缺,所以称为“限制性(def

22、ining/restrictive)”定语从句。在句子形式上,紧随先行词,没有逗号作为分隔。思考:“非限制性”定语从句,使用逗号将其与主句隔开,意义表达有何不同?Zoomy is one of the dogs _ I can recognize from very far.Zoomy is the only one of the dogs _ I can recognize from very far.This is the house _ I specially built for my little Zoomy.This is the house _ Zoomy has lived fo

23、r five years.This is the house _ color and smell are Zoomys favourite.Ill never forget the day _ I first saw Zoomy in my friends home.Ill never forget the day _ was very special to both Zoomy and me.Rule:先行词被the only,the very,序数词,形容词最高级修饰时,引导词只能用that。Quiz 3:Fill in the blanks(which/that)(that)(which

24、/that)wherewhoseTip:即使先行词相同,但由于引导词在从句中的成分不同,引导词就不同。whenwhich/thatTip:即使先行词相同,但由于引导词在从句中的成分不同,引导词就不同。Please tell me all _ you know about Zoomy and his family.My Zoomy is the smartest dog _ I have ever seen.Zoomy barks at anybody _ tries to break into the house.Zoomy is interested in anything _ I brou

25、ght home from outside:my bag,my hat,his food or his toys.We have reached the point _ we have to separate from each other for a while.Quiz 3:Fill in the blanksRule:先行词被the only,the very,序数词,形容词最高级修饰时,引导词只能用that。(that)(that)Rule:先行词为不定代词 all时,引导词只能用that。Rule:先行词是指人的不定代词anybody,anyone,somebody,someone,

26、those时,引导词只能用who/whom,不能用that。who(that)Rule:先行词是指物的不定代词anything,something,nothing时,引导词只能用that,不能用which。whereRule:先行词是point,situation等抽象概念时,引导词用where(或介词+which)。He gave me the book he bought in Hong Kong many years ago.Mencius believed that the reason why man is different from animals is that man is

27、good.We remember the ancient philosophers because their ideas are important.He told me that he loved reading the books by Confucius and Mencius.The places where Confucius lived and taught are very popular destinations for visitors.Id like to listen to anyone who has his own idea about the book.The a

28、rticle you mentioned yesterday is really good.Quiz 4:Pick out attributive clauses In 1966,the World Cup was held in England.It was a big event.The event meant a lot to the English people (用定语从句改写)(用定语从句改写)They took it so seriously probably because they had felt that they might win.这事儿后来还真的发生了这事儿后来还真

29、的发生了(用用something+定语从句)定语从句)But right before the games started,the World Cup was stolen.It could be a big thing.It would embarrass the whole country.(用定语从句改写)(用定语从句改写)Fortunately,a dog,whose name was Pickles,sniffed something out in the bushesthe missing World Cup.This hero dog soon got famous.He sav

30、ed the nation from international embarrass-ment.(用定语从句改写)(用定语从句改写)Pickles even attended a banquet.In the banquet he was given a bone and a check for 1,000.(用定语从句改写)(用定语从句改写)He later went on to star in several TV shows and even some movies.Quiz 5:Rewrite and complete the passage In 1966,the World Cup

31、 was held in England.It was a big event that/which meant a lot to the English people.They took it so seriously probably because they had felt that they might win.That was something that actually happened later.But right before the games started,the World Cup was stolen.It could be a big thing that w

32、ould embarrass the whole nation.Fortunately,a dog,whose name was Pickles,sniffed something out in the bushesthe missing World Cup.This hero dog who saved the nation from international embarrassment soon got famous.Pickles even attended a banquet where he was given a bone and a check for 1,000.He lat

33、er went on to star in several TV shows and even some movies.Quiz 5:Rewrite and complete the passagePickles the HeroDefining attributive clauses限制性定语从句(Restrictive relative clauses)WhyWhat How Review引导词(关系代词)who/that(who/that(指人指人);which/that);which/that (指物指物);whose);whose (指所属关系指所属关系)引导词(关系词)的作用:引导

34、词(关系词)的作用:引导引导从句;在从句中作主语主语或宾语宾语(作宾语可省略);位置:位置:功能:功能:特征:特征:先行词(代词/名词)之后修饰、描述先行词小小结结引导词(关系副词)when;where;why在从句中作时间状语时间状语、地点状语地点状语或原因状语原因状语 这些定语从句对于描述对象来说至关重要、不可或缺,所以称为“限制性(defining/restrictive)”定语从句。在句子形式上,紧随先行词,没有逗号作为分隔。思考:“非限制性”定语从句,使用逗号将其与主句隔开,意义表达有何不同?Defining attributive clausesReviewTip 1:Use go

35、od simple sentences.Tip 2:Extend a sentence only when necessary.Tip 3:定语从句引导词中,没有what 和how。Tip 4:限制性定语从句是句意的重心。让主句简单些,才显出从句的价值。Rule:先行词被the only,the very,序数词,形容词最高级修饰时,引导词只能用that。Tip:即使先行词相同,但由于引导词在从句中的成分不同,引导词就不同。Rule:先行词为不定代词 all时,引导词只能用that。Rule:先行词是指人的不定代词anybody,anyone,somebody,someone,those时,引

36、导词只能用who/whom,不能用that。Rule:先行词是指物的不定代词anything,something,nothing时,引导词只能用that,不能用which。Rule:先行词是point,situation等抽象概念时,引导词用where(或介词+which)。ReviewHomework Write a passage to describe something you like(you pet,your book,your hobby anything).Try to use GOOD(meaningful,necessary)attributive clauses.下节预告教学内容:Listening and speaking预习内容:Page 45-46;94-95


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