2、k averse Bureaucrat Subordinate Delegated authority Impersonal Reactive Specialist Avoid change Do things right Problem solver Guidelines Respect the customer Risk manager Team member Stakeholder Empowered Customer oriented Proactive Generalist;multi skilled Embrace change Do the right thingsHOW ORG
3、ANISATIONS ARE RESPONDING Being organised differently Employing and paying people differently Being managed and led differently Developing new workforce policies Training and developing workers in new ways and new skillsMANAGEMENT/LEADERSHIP IS CHANGINGNOW NEEDS TO MANAGE Independent professionals D
4、ispersed workforce Contingent workforce(casuals,temps,contractors)Disillusioned workforce Non-committed workersNEEDS NEW LEADERSHIP SKILLS IN:Communicating vision Flexible strategy and tactics Motivating workersMANAGEMENT/LEADERSHIP IS CHANGINGATTRIBUTES OF MANAGERS AND LEADERSMANAGERSLEADERSPlanRea
5、ctAccommodateDistant relationshipGroup orientationFormalImpersonalCoerceControlTransactAvoid changeAvoid riskDo things correctlyFollow a planStabilisePosition powerMonitorEnvisionActInitiateFace-to-face contactIndividualised orientationInformalPersonalEncourageDelegateTransformThrive on changeTake r
6、isksDo the correct thingsCommunicate a visionAdvancePersonal powerEmpowerNEW MODELS OF LEADERSHIPRESULTS-BASED LEADERHIPKEY ELEMENTS(Ulrich,Zenger,Smallwood,Harvard 1999)DEMONSTRATE PERSONAL CHARACTER(habits,integrity,trust,analytical thinking)MOBILISE INDIVIDUAL COMMITMENT(engage others,share power
7、)ENGINEER ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE(build teams,manage change)SET DIRECTION(vision,customers,future)THREE CRUCIAL HR CHALLENGES FACING LOCAL GOVERNMENT1.The ageing population2.Changing workforce expectations3.Labour and skills shortagesPOPULATION AGEING 4 DIMENSIONSNumerical ageing Increase in numbers o
8、f elderly due to increased life expectancy 5000 people now over the age of 100(500 a few years ago).Will generate huge demand for services and local jobsStructural ageing increase in proportions of elderly caused by low/falling birthratesNatural decline More elderly than children,therefore more deat
9、hs than birthsAbsolute decline Inability of replacement migration to replace the lost births and increased deathsPOPULATION AGEING 4 DIMENSIONSTherefore,labour market entry/exit ratio goes negative in 2017.Options1.Accept2.Buffer plans,policies,improved conditions3.Celebrate population ageing is ful
10、l of opportunitiesPOPULATION AGEING 4 DIMENSIONSIndonesian DemographicsFemaleMaleIndonesia 2005Population(millions)Source:US Census BureauFemaleMaleAustralian DemographicsAustralia 2005FemaleMalePopulation(millions)Source:US Census BureauLOCAL GOVERNMENT DEMOGRAPHICSWinter 2004,organisational survey
11、:5,000 staff from:Blacktown,Burwood,Camden,Cessnock,Dungog,Gosford,Gwydir,Liverpool,Newcastle,Richmond Valley,Rockdale,Rous Water,Shellharbour,Singleton,Tumut,Yass1 Regional NSW CouncilLOCAL GOVERNMENT DEMOGRAPHICSPOPULATION,PRODUCTIVITY AND PARTICIPATION Population,productivity and participation ar
12、e the fundamental equation of skills shortage and the ageing society We either have to increase our population,raise our productivity or increase participation rates if we want to continue to grow In reality increasing participation rates is the key,but it will bring unique challenges,as we have to
13、learn how to work with a more diverse workforce(aged,disabled,long term unemployed,ethnic,indigenous etc)!POPULATION,PRODUCTIVITY AND PARTICIPATIONWHO CAN AFFORD TO RETIRE?Average superannuation holding for Australian is$62,000 9%will mainly rely on superannuation 51%will work part timeNewspoll Aust
14、ralian Superannuation Association 2004WHERE HAVE THE WORKERS GONE?Annual net new entrant to workforce now is 160,000 p.a.By 2010 it will be 75%less or little more than 40,000 p.a.By 2015 it will fall to 20,000 p.a.Businesses will have to recruit from non-traditional areas to sustain their workforce!
15、The Australian,September 18-19 2004,Vartina Nissen,Manpower AustraliaAGEING POPULATION IMPLICATIONS Need for more and different services Sea change and tree change Access and equity issues,transport Seniors policy/mechanisms Community wellness Strategies for inclusion Impact on volunteerismTHE CHALL
16、ENGES Staff turnover;what level is acceptable,and what are we paying to replace our staff?Effective recruitment strategies Retention strategies:holding on to our good people Poaching staff versus“growing our own”Is skilled migration a solution?The impacts of baby boomer retirementTHE OPPORTUNITIES T
17、raining?.TAFE,Australian Technical College,traineeships,cadetships,on-the-job?Skilled migration.but why arent local employers using it?Industry restructuring,technology,innovation Workforce planning and succession planning?Being an“employer of choice?”Selling our lifestyle and“sea change”?THE OPPORT
18、UNITIESEFFECTIVE RECRUITMENT STRATEGIES Ensuring selection and promotion is based on merit,not seniority or other factors Using defined selection criteria to assess and compare candidates Using selection panels to ensure a balanced approach Ensuring panels are well briefed and competent Getting a se
19、cond opinion on candidates Referees Psychological tests Giving feedback to unsuccessful candidatesEFFECTIVE RECRUIMENT STRATEGIESRETENTION STRATEGIESREWARDS ARE CHANGING Broad banding Fee based contracts Bonuses Competency based arrangements Profit sharing Non-monetary rewards Self-managed benefitsR
20、ETENTION STRATEGIESTHE RISE OF THE“GOLD COLLAR”WORKER New skills in short supply Workers who can name their price Suits independent contractors Challenge of attracting and retaining such workers The increasing importance of employer reputation/attitude to workers Importance of good“people policies”a
21、nd strategiesPOACHING STAFF vs“GROWING OUR OWN”Price of poaching Demise of investment in training(apprenticeships,cadetships etc)Advantages of“home grown”workersBRINGING IT ALL TOGETHERThe skills crisis in local government now requires strategic action to be taken at four levels:1.National level ALG
22、A/LGMA/professional associations/Federal Government2.State level LGAs,LGMA,professional associations,State agencies3.Regional level ROCs,shared services,strategic alliances,informal arrangements4.Council levelBRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER There is a need for a full understanding of the size and complexit
23、y of the skills shortage issue across local government through research,surveys,taskforces There is a need for implementation of remedial strategies in the short,medium and long termBRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER Potential short term solutions includes:Skilled migration programs Graduate recruitment progr
24、ams Training courses for para-professionals Sharing resources across Councils Using Local Government Week to build brand awareness of local government as a career destination Improving remuneration packagesBRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER Potential medium/long term solutions include:Developing image marketi
25、ng strategies for local government Promoting careers in local government Entry level programs “growing our own”Flexible exit strategies for older workers Employment of target groups women,workers with disabilities,NESB Greater investment in training and development Succession planning Restructuring
26、to achieve internal efficiencies,including process improvements and greater use of technologyBRINGING IT ALL TOGETHERNATIONAL SKILLS SHORTAGE COMMITTEE INITIATIVESPriorities identified in addressing the skills shortage issue:Image marketing for local government Becoming an“employer of choice”:eg.Fle
27、xible work arrangements,pay,work and family initiatives,merit Growing our own people traineeships,cadetships,entry and exit strategies,upskilling Progressive leadership approaches,inclusive,transformational,inspirational Giving staff greater autonomyNATIONAL SKILLS SHORTAGE COMMITTEE INITIATIVESNATI
28、ONAL INITIATIVES UNDERWAY National Skills Shortage Committee comprises all national professional bodies in local government Members have put in funding to employ a project officer A draft national strategy has been completed in 2007 and is seeking implementation fundingQLDProfessional Staff Recruitm
29、ent Working Group State funding to employ a project officer to help develop a skills formation strategy for local governmentEXAMPLES OF SKILLS INITIATIVES:STATE LEVELREGIONAL INITIATIVES Local government graduate programs clusters of Councils Regional Organisations of Councils partnership with unive
30、rsity to offer engineering cadetships Shared services arrangements eg.Armidale/Dumaresq strategic allianceCOUNCILS WORKING TO BECOME EMPLOYERS OF CHOICEProviding guidance/checklists on good HR practices in:Workforce analysis and planning Succession planning Merit based recruitment and selection Dive
31、rsity management Work and family balance strategies Enterprise bargaining Remuneration strategy Performance management Career planning and development Consultative mechanisms Workplace health and safety/zero harmCOUNCILS WORKING TO BECOME EMPLOYERS OF CHOICE Employee wellness Flexible work policies
32、and practices Work redesign Optimising technology Leading change Employee assistance and safety netsCOUNCILS WORKING TO BECOME EMPLOYERS OF CHOICE Employee relations Investment in flexible learning and development strategies Leadership development Measuring HR outcomesAND.walking on water too.!COUNC
33、ILS WORKING TO BECOME EMPLOYERS OF CHOICESO,IF YOUR ORGANISATION ISNT YET AN EMPLOYER OF CHOICE?1.ADD VALUEActively participate in corporate planning processes and continually put skills and ageing issues on the agenda(eg.During SWOT analysis)Submit useful discussion papers/agenda items to your exec
34、utive teamArrange for visiting speakers to attend meetings to educate on key issues2.BE A PLAYERActively participate on corporate committees and project teams to ensure HR dimensions of projects are addressedNominate HR staff for internal and external recognition awards,leadership programs etc.and s
35、ay what good things they are doingSO,IF YOUR ORGANISATION ISNT YET AN EMPLOYER OF CHOICE?3.KEEP LOOKING OVER THE NEXT HILLKeep up to date with emerging trends,best practices,and what progressive organisations are doing,and regularly feed that back to your leadersSO,IF YOUR ORGANISATION ISNT YET AN EMPLOYER OF CHOICE?4.NEVER STOP LEARNINGKeep up to date via professional development,formal and informal training,mentoring,reading,study tours,conferences etc.Be a role model!SO,IF YOUR ORGANISATION ISNT YET AN EMPLOYER OF CHOICE?QUESTIONS/DISCUSSION