Unit 5 Lesson3 Understanding (ppt课件+素材)-2022新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.rar

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UNIT5EducationLesson3UnderstandingNew Wordsobvious/b vi s/adj.显然的,明显的;易理解的obviously adv 显然地,(用于强调)显然,显而易见 analysis/n l s s/n.分析analyses 复数形式analyse vt.分析,剖析rank/r k/n.等级 hold an important rank 占据重要的地位in the front rank 著名;在前列royal r l/adj.皇家的;王室的royal court宫廷inefficient/n f n t/adj.效率低的efficient adj.生效的,效率高的efficiently adv.高效地efficiency n.效率,效能worthy/w i/adj.有价值的;值得尊敬的worth adj.值钱的;值得的worthwhile adj.值得花时间/金钱/精力的church/t t/n.教会;教堂go to church 去教堂做礼拜at church/in church 做礼拜universe/ju n v s/n.宇宙primitive/p r m t v/adj.原始的BCE(before Common Era)公元前BC 公元前AD公元approve/p ru v/vt.赞成;赞许;批准approval n.赞成,同意;批准;认可meet with sb.s approval 得到某人的批准win/earn sb.s approval 赢得某人的同意urge/d/vt.强烈要求;敦促urgent adj.紧急的,急迫的;急切的urgently adv.紧急地urgency n.紧急;催促紧急的事prison/p r zn/n.监狱put sb in/into prison 把某人投进监狱abandon/bn dn/vt.放弃;抛弃assumption/s m p n/n.假定,假设assumption of risk 承担风险assumption of duty 就职;任职assume v.假定,假设,认为;装出,assume responsibility 承担责任respected/r s pe k t d/adj.受尊敬的,受敬重的respect n.尊敬,敬重respectable adj.值得尊敬的wisdom/w z d m/n.智慧owe/vt.有是由于;把归功于owing adj.欠着的;未付的owing to=because of/due to/on account of 因为,由于shadow/d/n.阴影conventional/kn ven n l/adj.守旧的;传统的conventional thought 传统思想kingdom/k d m/n.王国civilisation/s v la ze n/n.文明civil adj.公民的,国民的,国内的vital/va tl/adj.极其重要的,必不可少的beneficial/be n f l/adj.有利的,有帮助的benefit n.好处,益处;v.对(某人)有用,使受益mankind/mn kan d/n.人类UNIT 5 Education Lesson 3 Understanding Lesson 3重点词汇obvious/b vi s/adj.显然的,明显的;易理解的itisobviousthat显然Itisobviousthat you do not hold the same opinion.很明显你的观点不同。Itisobviousthat smoking does harm to our health.很显然吸烟对健康有害。obviously adv.(用于强调)显然,显而易见obviouslyadv.显然,明显地【语境应用】完成句子。1)很明显他在说谎。_heistellingalie.2)这个问题的答案对他来说再清楚不过了。Theanswertothequestioncouldnotbe_.3)那个小女孩眼里含着泪。很明显,她很伤心。Thelittlegirlwasintears._,shewasveryupset.ItisobviousthatmoreobvioustohimObviouslyrank/r k/n.等级inrank成队列;排队Options inrank order,best to worst.按照从最佳到最劣的顺序。rankwith与并列He can never take rankwith the great writers.他绝不能与伟大的作家相提并论。inthefrontrank著名;在前列Britain is no longer inthefrontrank of world powers.英国再也不是位于前列的世界强国。worthy/w i/adj.有价值的;值得尊敬的Hisbehaviorisworthyofgreatpraise.Theireffortsareworthyofyoursupport.Hankwastheworthywinnerofthecompetition.Johnfeltthathehaddonesomethingwhich,hebelieved,wasworthy.beworthyof值得;配得上的If you be loved,beworthyof love.如果有人爱你,你就该做个值得爱的人。Worthydeath死得其所Devoted to the interests of the motherland,is It is a worthydeath.为祖国的利益而献身,就是死得其所。worthy/w i/adj.有价值的;值得尊敬的worthwhileadj.重要的,有益的,值得做的beworthwhileto做是值得的It should always beworthwhileto listen to and understand other opinions.别人的观点总是值得倾听和认真理解的。worthlessadj.无价值的,没用处的1)worthadj.值钱的;值得的beworth钱(价值数量词)值多少钱doing值得做(用主动语态表被动)bewellworthdoing很值得做worth,worthy,worthwhile2)worthyadj.值得的值得做ofsth.ofbeingdonetobedonebeworthy3)worthwhileadj.值得花时间/金钱/精力的Itisworthwhile/worthoneswhiletodo/doingsth.值得花时间(精力、钱)去做某事abandon/bn dn/vt.放弃;抛弃withabandon恣意地,放纵地They were smoking and drinking withabandon.他们肆意抽烟、喝酒。abandononeselfto沉溺于Ive met much difficulties,but I dont abandonmyselftodespair.我也遇到过很多困难,但是我没有气馁,没有自暴自弃,没有泄气。abandonedadj.被抛弃的,废弃的 eg There was an abandoned house in the forest.【语境应用语境应用】单句语法填空单句语法填空1)Feelingfrustrated,Ifoundmyselfabandoningmyselfto_(play)computergames.2)Heownedafarm,whichlookedalmost_(abandon)3)Thatmightmeaneitherdevelopingauniformwaytomarkvideosandimages,showingwhenandwhotheyweremadeby,or_(abandon)phonecallsaltogether.(2019北北京京)playingabandonedabandoningassumption/s m p n/n.假定,假设assumptionofrisk承担风险assumptionofduty就职;任职assumev.假定,假设,认为;装出,做出assumeresponsibility承担责任I made a mistake and I will assumeresponsibilityfor it.我错了,我愿为此承担责任。beneficial/be n f l/adj.有利的,有帮助的benefit n.好处,益处;v.对(某人)有用,使受益benefitfrom得益于;得利于Young people benefitfrom various kinds of outdoor activities.年轻人能从各种户外活动中受益。Children of every age benefitfrom patient parenting.每个年龄段的孩子们都从耐心的养育中受益。UNIT 5 Education Lesson 3 Understanding Lesson 3课文1 Pair Work Which of the following may help you acquire knowledge more effectively?下列哪项可以帮助你更有效地获取知识?Discuss in pairs and give explanations.两人一组讨论并给出解释。to be interested in the topic;对某个话题感兴趣,to ask questions;会问问题,to discuss topics with friends;会和朋友讨论话题;to be relaxed and happy;放松和快乐,to have time to think about what you have learnt;有时间思考你所学到的东西;2 Read paragraph 1.阅读第1段。According to the writer,how do we acquire knowledge and achieve understanding?作者认为,我们如何获得知识和获得理解?Complete the flow chart.完成流程图。It seems obvious now how we acquire knowledge and understanding.今天,如何获取知识、认识世界,显而易见人人皆知。To start withTo start with,we need questions.首先首先,我们需要问题。Then,to find answers,we observe the world around us and study the facts.然后,为了寻找答案,我们观察周围的世界并研究相关事实。it是形式主语,真正的主语是how we acquire knowledge and understandingAfter that,we consider possible answers and test each to find the right ones.之后,我们思考可能的答案并逐个验证,以找到正确答案。Although today we are more used to typing a few key words into a search engine and waiting for the Internet to give us an answer,modern scientists and thinkers are still solving the worlds problems with this type of analysisluckily for us.尽管我们现在更习惯于在搜索引擎搜索引擎中敲几个关键词,等待互联网为我们提供答案,但当代科学家、思想家仍采用这种分析方式来解决问题我们应该为此感到庆幸。However,in the 17th century when Francis Bacon(1561-1626)suggested that this type of thinking was the way to gain knowledge,he was going was going against against the views of the day.17 世纪时,弗朗西斯培根(15611626)提出用这种思考方式获取知识时,他的观点却与当时的观念背道而驰背道而驰。Although Bacon held an important rank in King James royal court of England,his true interest was not the day-to-day,slow and inefficient working style of the government,but the worthy search for knowledge.尽管培根在英国国王詹姆斯的宫廷中位高权重,但他真正感兴趣的不是政府日复一日、拖拉、低效的工作作风,而是那些值得探索的知识。This was certainly not the interest of most people in in his dayshis days.当然,这并不是他那个时代他那个时代大多数人的兴趣所在。who引导非限制性定语从句,对前面的人物补充说明。that引导同位语从句,解释idea的内容At that time,people believed more in the church than in facts,and people like Galileo Galilei(1564-1642),who proved the idea that“the Earth is not the centre of the universe”,were often punished by the church with no one coming to their defencecoming to their defence.那时人们相信教会胜过相信事实,像伽利略伽利莱(15641642)那样证明了“地球不是宇宙中心”的人物,往往会被教会惩罚,也没有人会为他们辩护为他们辩护。The church and many people tended to tended to ignore the facts and didnt want to challenge what they had always comfortably believed.In fact,when Galilei proved that the Earth was not the centre of the universe,instead ofinstead of believing him,people chose to believe views that were almost 2,000 years old!教会和多数人一样往往往往忽视事实,不愿意去挑战自己一直以来相信的东西。事实上,当伽利略证明地球不是宇宙的中心时,人们没有没有选择相信他,而宁愿相信2000年前的陈旧观点!It is not surprising that people wanted to believe these primitive ideas as they had been put forwardput forward by the great philosopher Aristotle(384-322 BCE).人们愿意相信伟大哲学家亚里士多德(公元前384前322)提出提出的那些陈旧的观点,这一点并不奇怪。He said that the Earth must be the centre of the universe because it felt like the Earth was standing still.亚里士多德坚信地球是宇宙的中心,因为人们感觉地球是静止不动的。It 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的people wanted to believe these primitive ideasGalilei disagreed.但伽利略却不同意。At first,people approved ofapproved of his studies and urged him urged him toto continue,but later when he proved Aristotle wrong,they grew angry and put him in prison.起初人们认可认可他的研究成果,催促他催促他继续研究,但是当他证实亚里士多德有错时,人们生气了,并把他送进监狱。They didnt want to abandon what theyd always thought as true.And this is still often true today.他们并不想放弃自己一直认为正确的知识。如今这种现象也很常见。People make the assumption that if someone important and respected says that something is right,then it must be so.But even though Aristotle was a great man who inspired many great scientists and philosophers after him,he was wrong at timesat times.人们会假设,如果某个重要的、受人尊敬的人说某事是对的,那么它就一定是对的。但即使是亚里士多德这样曾鼓舞了无数科学家和哲学家的伟大人物,有时有时也会犯错误。that引导同位语从句,解释前面引导同位语从句,解释前面assumption的内容。的内容。And Galilei also made mistakes.伽利略自己也犯过错误。He is is now known as known as the father of astronomy but he believed that the Earth moved round the sun in a perfect circle.虽然他现在被称为被称为天文学之父,但他认为地球绕太阳旋转的轨迹是一个正圆。He was wrong.他错了。Therefore,our understanding of the world around us is constantly growing and changing.In other wordsIn other words,we learn more every day and none of us can ever sit back and say,“We know it all.”因此,我们对周围世界的认识在不断地增长、变化。换句话说换句话说,我们每天都在学习更多的知识,谁也不能停止学习并且说:“我什么都知道了。”We need to thank the great men of the past for their wisdom.我们需要感谢先辈伟人的智慧。They understood that we dont know everything and probably never will,as this would mean a world with questions.他们早就知道,人不可能什么都懂,而且或许永远都不会知道所有的事情,也就是说世界总是充满问题的。We owe so much of our knowledge and understanding of the world to people like Bacon and Galilei,我们对世界的认识和理解,很大程度上要归功于培根和伽利略这样的人,who were brave enough to step out step out from the shadows of conventional thought in order to in order to find the kingdom of knowledge that todays civilisation is built upon.他们勇敢地走出走出了传统思想的阴影,只为了为了帮我们找到今日之文明赖以建立的知识王国。who引导非限制性定语从句,对前面的Bacon and Galilei补充说明These men knew that knowledge and understanding are things to fight for;这些伟人懂得,知识和对世界的认识才是值得追求的;more vital to a man,and more beneficial to mankind,some might say,than all the money in the world.正如一些人所言,和全世界的金钱相比,这些对个人而言更重要,对全人类而言更有益。Who questions much,shall learn much,and remember much.Francis Bacon多问,多学,多得。弗朗西斯 培根All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;the point is to discover them.Galileo Galilei所有的真理一旦被发现,都很容易理解。最难的是发现真理。伽利略 伽利莱2 Read paragraph 1.阅读第1段。According to the writer,how do we acquire knowledge and achieve understanding?作者认为,我们如何获得知识和获得理解?Complete the flow chart.完成流程图。To start with,we need _.首先,我们需要问题。Then,to find answers,we _.然后,为了找到答案,我们观察周围的世界,研究事实。After that,we _.之后,我们考虑可能的答案,并对每个答案进行测试以找到正确的答案。questions and study the factsobserve the world around us and test each to find the right onesconsider possible answers3 Read paragraphs 2-3.Complete the sentences.阅读第2-3段。完成句子。1 Francis Bacon believed that the way to gain knowledge is _.弗朗西斯培根认为获得知识的方法就是思考。But most people in his days believed _.但在他那个时代,大多数人更相信宗教。thinkingmore in religion2 Galileo Galilei proved that _.伽利略证明地球不是宇宙的中心。But many people in his days _.但在他那个时代,许多人倾向于忽视事实,不想挑战他们一直舒服地相信的东西。the centre of the universethe Earth was not comfortably believedtended to ignore the facts and didnt want to challenge what they had always3 Aristotles understanding of the universe was that _ because _.亚里士多德对宇宙的理解是地球一定是宇宙的中心,因为他感觉地球是静止的。the Earth must be the centre of the universeit felt like the Earth was standing still4 It is still often true today that _.人们不愿意放弃他们一直认为正确的东西,这在今天仍然经常是正确的。abandon what theyve always thought as truepeople dont want to 4 Answer the questions.回答问题。Bacon held an important rank under King James(1566-1625)of England.培根在英国国王詹姆斯(1566-1625)的统治下拥有重要的地位。His true interest was the worthy search for knowledge他真正的兴趣是对知识的有价值的探索。1 What position did Bacon hold during his days and what was his true interest?培根在他的时代担任什么职务?他真正感兴趣的是什么?2 At first people approved of Galileis studies,but later they got angry.Why?起初,人们赞成伽利莱的研究,但后来他们生气了。为什么?They didnt want to challenge what they had always thought was true.他们不想挑战他们一直认为正确的东西。3 Why did people choose to believe views that were about 2,000 years old?为什么人们选择相信大约有2000年历史的观点?Because they were unwilling to challenge what they had always comfortably believed.因为他们不愿意去挑战他们一直深信不疑的东西。No.Galilei made mistakes.没有。伽利略犯了错误。He believed that the Earth moved round the sun in a perfect circle.But he was wrong.他相信地球围绕太阳在一个完美的圆上运行。但他错了。4 Were great men in history always correct?Give examples.历史上的伟人总是正确的吗?给出例子。5 According to the writer,will anyone be in the position to say We know it all.?Use examples to explain.根据作者的观点,会有人有资格说“我们知道一切”吗?用例子来解释。None of us can say we know it all.Bacon and Galilei knew that knowledge and understanding are things to fight for.没有人能说“我们无所不知”。培根和伽利略知道,知识和理解是需要奋斗的。5 Find out what each pronoun refers to refers to in the text.找出每个代词在文中指的指的是什么。Example:After that,we consider possible answers and test each to find the right ones.(Para.1)ones=answers在此之后,我们考虑可能的答案并进行测试以找到正确的答案。1.he was going against the views of the day.他违背了当时的观点。(Para.2)he=_.2 This was certainly not the interest.这当然不是兴趣所在(Para.2)This=_.3.what they had always comfortably believed.他们一直相信的东西(Para.2)they=_.Francis Baconsearch for knowledge the church and most people4.they grew angry and put him in prison.他们很生气,把他关进了监狱。(Para.3)they=_.5.then it must be so.那就一定是这样。(Para.3)it=_.6 He is now known as.他现在被称为(Para.3)He=_.peopleassumptionGalilei6 Circle the linking words in the text that the writer used in order to express his/her opinion coherently.圈出文章中作者为了连贯地表达他/她的观点而使用的连接词。Understanding Coherence in Context在语境中理解连贯性The repetition of key terms or phrases makes meaning coherent in a text.关键术语或短语的重复可以使文章的意思连贯。The use of synonyms and antonyms helps enhance coherence in a text.同义词和反义词的使用有助于增强文章的连贯性。Understanding Coherence in Context在语境中理解连贯性Linking words such as since,so,afterwards,then,although,but,however,etc.can help connect meanings in sentences.例如since,so,afterwards,then,although,but,however等连接词可以帮助连接句子中的意思。Pronouns such as he,she,it,they etc.help carry meaning on into the next point in a text.代词如he,she,it,they等有助于将意义延伸到文章的下一点。6 Circle the linking words in the text that the writer used in order to express his/her opinion coherently.圈出文章中作者为了连贯地表达他/她的观点而使用的连接词。to start with;then;after that;however;at that time;at first;later;therefore;in other words7 Group Work Think and share.思考和分享。1 What do you think the last sentence of the passage means?你认为这篇文章的最后一句话是什么意思?2 What is the writers attitude towards the way to acquire knowledge?作者对获取知识的方式的态度是什么?How did the writer make his her opinion clear to the readers?作者是如何向读者阐明自己的观点的?Underline the expressions that show the writers attitude.在表达作者态度的词语下面画线。8 The following sentences all contain false information.下列句子都含有错误的信息。Use the words and phrases below to correct them.用下面的单词和短语改正它们。inefficient;approve of;didnt want to;abandon;constantly growing and changing;continue;低效的低效的;赞成的赞成的;不想的不想的;放弃放弃;不断成长变化不断成长变化;继续继续;1 In Bacons days,the working style of the government was very efficient.在培根的时代,政府的工作方式非常高效。In Bacons days,the working style of the government was very _.在培根的时代,政府的工作方式非常低效。inefficient2People were strongly against Galileis studies at first and then they urged him to give up.人们起初强烈反对伽利雷的研究,后来他们敦促他放弃。People _ Galileis studies at first and then they urged him to _.人们起初赞成伽利雷的研究,后来又鼓励他继续下去。approved ofcontinue3 Our understanding of the world is stable.我们对世界的理解是稳定的。Our understanding of the world is _.我们对世界的理解是不断增长和变化的。growing and changingconstantly 4 People in the past were willing to give up what they had always thought as true.过去的人们愿意放弃他们一直认为是正确的东西。People in the past _ what they had always thought as true.过去的人们不想放弃他们一直认为正确的东西。didnt want to abandon10 Group Work Look at the three critical thinking questions below.Prepare at least two more questions you can ask about this passage.Then ask and answer the questions in groups.看看下面的三个批判性思维问题。准备至少两个关于这篇文章的问题。然后分组提问和回答问题。Why did the writer write this passage?作者为什么写这篇文章?How do I know what Im reading is true?我怎么知道我读到的是真的?What is the relationship between the ideas in the text?文章中观点之间的关系是什么?UNIT5EducationLesson3Understanding课本本习题3课本47页3.Complete Chen Yangs presentation of the ways we acquire knowledgew
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