Unit 5 Topic Talk (ppt课件+3课时+音视频)-2022新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.rar

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UNIT 5 Education Topic Talk1.promote/p r m t/vt.促进,增进promote cooperation 促进合作promote reform 促进改革promoter n.促进者;发起人促进者;发起人This guy is a great promoter,a great businessman.这个家伙是个伟大的推广者,一个伟大的商人。promotion n.提拔,晋升;促销,推销提拔,晋升;促销,推销To gain a promotion,you might have to work overtime.为了得到晋升,你可能得加班。【归纳】promotedevelopment/growth/understanding促进发展/增长/加深了解promotesb.fromsth.tosth.把某人从某职位提升至某职位bepromotedto.被升为【拓展】promotionn.提升,晋级;促销产品gain/getpromotionofsth.(对某事业的)促进,提倡,赞助winpromotion获得晋级,争取晋升【语境应用语境应用】完成句子。完成句子。1)Theorganisationworks_(促进友谊促进友谊)betweennations.2)Lindahopesto_(被提拔到一个更高的职位被提拔到一个更高的职位)throughherhardwork.3)Therewasa_(promote)inthesupermarketandtheyweregivingawayfreeglassesofmilk.bepromotedtoahighertopromotefriendshipposition/postpromotion2.consistent/kn s s tn t/adj.一贯的,一致的consistent with 符合;与符合;与一致一致Still,the results are consistent with the evidence.尽管如此,研究结果与证据是一致的。consistent in(在某方面)一致(在某方面)一致These leaders are consistent in their standards.这些领导者坚持标准一致。consistently adv.一贯地,始终;一致地一贯地,始终;一致地He consistently matches his words with his action.他总是言行一致的。3.sympathy/s m p i/n.同情,同情心in sympathy with 同情;赞成同情;赞成We are in sympathy with one another.我们赞同赞同彼此的观点。Tom is in sympathy with that little bird.汤姆对那只小鸟很同情同情。sympathy for 对对表示同情表示同情We should express sympathy for the people who are unlucky.我们应该对不幸的人表示同情。4.insist/n s s t/vt.坚称;坚持主张insist on doing坚持,坚决要求;督促,强调坚持,坚决要求;督促,强调They insist on playing their music late at night.已是深夜,他们却依然在放音乐。insist upon=insist on 坚持坚持They insist upon solving problems for themselves.他们坚持要独立自主地解决问题。insist that+从句从句 坚持坚持.We all insist that our jobs should mean something.我们都坚信,自己的工作应该有一定意义。.Comenius,insistedthatwhenteaching,thesubjectmattershouldbeadaptedtolearnersinsistv.to demand that sth happens or that sb agrees to do sth 坚称;坚持主张insiston/upon(doing)sth坚决要求;执意继续做egSheinsistsondoingeverythingherownway.Weinsistonthehigheststandardsofcleanlinessinthehotel.insist后接that引导的宾语从句常常用should+动词原形,should常可省略。egHeinsistedIshouldtakeataxi.MyfamilyinsistedthatIshouldnotgivein,butstayandfight.Theladyinsistedthattheboyacceptthesegifts.【语境应用】用所给词语的适当形式完成句子。1)He_everythinghimself(insistupon;check).2)Theoldwoman_meeverysingledetailofwhattheydidtoherinhospital(insiston;tell).3)Sheinsistedthathe_totheparty(be;invite).insisteduponcheckinginsistedontelling(should)beinvitedUNIT 5 Education Topic TalkUNIT 5Topic Talk1 Pair Work Do you think education is important in personal and social development?Why or why not?你认为教育对个人和社会发展重要吗?为什么或为什么不?Example:I think education is important for both personal and social development.我认为教育对个人和社会发展都很重要。For example,it provides opportunities for us to acquire knowledgeacquire knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems.例如,它为我们提供了获得知识获得知识和技能的机会,以解决现实世界的问题。2 Read the Text Builder carefully.请仔细阅读“Text Builder”。Then listen to the dialogue and complete it by underlining the expressions you hear.然后再听一遍对话,在所听到的表达下划线,完成对话。Topic Talk听力材料听力材料5.15.1I:Hello,Professor Wilson,and thank you for joining us today.I:你好,威尔逊教授,谢谢你今天参加我们的节目。Would you please tell us something about education?你能给我们讲讲教育吗?W:Sure.W:当然。Education has great social and personal significance;教育具有重大的社会和个人意义;thus,philosophers and educators have devotedevoted a good deal of time to to exploringing its meaning.因此,哲学家和教育家投入了大量的时间来探索它的意义。devote to+Ving致力于做某事;献身于做某事a good deal of 大量的I:So,what are some of their thoughts?I:那么,他们是怎么想的呢?W:Well,for example,the first great educational philosopher of modern times,Comenius,W:嗯,比如,现代第一个伟大的教育哲学家夸美纽斯,insisted that when teaching,the subject matter should be adapted to be adapted to learners interests,and the method of instruction should be consistent withbe consistent with their mental development.他坚持认为,教学的主题应该适应适应学习者的兴趣,教学的方法应该与他们的智力发展相一致相一致。I:Thats very true.I:那倒是真的。Its important to make education match the learners interests and meet their needs.使教育与学习者的兴趣和需求相匹配是很重要的。W:Yes.W:是的。Another world-famous philosopher and educator,John Dewey,said that education is not preparation for life;education is life itself.另一位世界著名的哲学家、教育家杜威说:“教育不是为生活做准备;教育就是生活本身。”I:What does that mean exactly?Could you explain,please?I:那具体是什么意思?你能解释一下吗?W:Well,I think it means that education is not simply about passing on knowledge passing on knowledge and skills necessary for a future life,but to provide a rich experience of living while learning to use that knowledge and those skills to solve real-world problems.W:嗯,我认为这意味着教育不仅仅是传授传授未来生活所需的知识知识和技能,而是提供丰富的生活经验,同时同时学习使用这些知识和技能来解决现实生活中的问题。I:Indeed,education and society should be closely be closely connectedconnected.I:的确,教育和社会应该紧密相连紧密相连。W:Yes.Nowadays,education stresses more onstresses more on cultivating creative minds,exploring the truth and developing sympathy for and understanding of our fellow men.W:是的。如今,教育更强调更强调培养创造性思维,探索真理,培养对同胞的同情和理解。I:Thank you,Professor Wilson.I:谢谢你,威尔逊教授。2 Read the Text Builder carefully.请仔细阅读“Text Builder”。Then listen to the dialogue and complete it by underlining the expressions you hear.然后再听一遍对话,在所听到的表达下划线,完成对话。Education _.has great social and personal significanceText builderEducationMeaning意义Text builderEducationMeaning意义When teaching,the subject matter should _,and the method of instruction should _.Education is _.在教学中,教学内容要与学习者的兴趣相适应,教学方法要与学习者的心理发展相适应。教育就是生活本身。learners interestsbe adapted tobe consistent with their mental developmentlife itselfAims目标Text builderEducationEducation stresses more on _,_.教育更强调培养创造性思维,探索真理,培养对我们同胞的同情和理解。cultivating creative mindsexploring the truth and developing sympathy forand understanding of our fellow men3 Use the Text Builder to talk about your understanding of education.使用Text Builder谈谈你对教育的理解。4 Listen to the dialogue.Complete the table and the diagram.听对话。完成表格和图表。Then tell your partner what they show.然后告诉你的搭档它们显示了什么。Topic Talk听力材料听力材料5.25.2Y:Ive been looking at ways we learn.Y:我一直在研究我们学习的方法。I saw a diagram on the Internet the other day the other day.我前几天前几天在网上看到一个图表。It showed that we remember ten percent of what we hear.研究表明,我们记住了所听到内容的10%。We remember twenty percent of what we read,thirty percent of what we see,fifty percent of what we see and hear,seventy percent of what we discuss with others,eighty percent of what we do and ninety-five percent of what we teach to others.我们记住了读到的20%,看到的30%,看到和听到的50%,与他人讨论的70%,所做的80%,教给他人的95%。J:Wow,that is interesting!J:哇,真有意思!It ties in with ties in with what Ive been told,that if you want to be surebe sure you understand something then try and teach it to someone else.这与与我被告知的有关:有关:如果你想确定确定你理解了什么,然后试着把它教给别人。If you cant explain it,then you dont understand it clearly yourself.如果你解释不清楚,那说明你自己也不明白。that引导同位语从句,解释说明what Ive been told的内容Y:That is true.Y:没错。Rememberwhat our teacher told us the other day about how we learn?还记得前几天老师告诉我们如何学习吗?J:Yes,actually I do!J:是的,我记得!It goes in this order:first we remember,then we understand,then we apply what we have learnt.它的顺序是这样的:首先我们记住,然后我们理解,然后我们应用我们所学到的知识。After that we analyse and evaluate what happened and then create something new from what we have learnt.之后,我们分析和评估发生了什么,然后从我们所学到的东西中创造新的东西。Y:Exactly!Lets give it a try!Y:没错!让我们试一试!teach to others We remember _ of what we _.10%20%30%50%70%80%95%hear read see see and hear discuss with others do How We LearnC _ 创建E _ 评估Analyse 分析A _ 应用Understand 理解R _ 记得CreateEvaluateApply Remember5 Use the language you have learnt to write a short paragraph about your school education and how to learn better.用你学会的语言写一段关于你的学校教育和如何更好地学习的短文。Quote.UnquoteEducation is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.-Nelson Mandela教育是你可以用来改变世界的最强大武器。纳尔逊曼德拉Quote.UnquoteI hear and I forget.I see and I remember.I do and I understand.-Xunzi不闻不若闻之,闻之不若见之,见之不若知之,知之不若行之。荀子Quote.UnquoteEducating the mind without educating the heart is nono education at allat all.-Aristotle只教育头脑而不教育心灵,根本算不上根本算不上教育。亚里士多德Quote.UnquoteWe should build an education system which comprehensively fosters the students all-round moral,intellectual,physical and aesthetic grounding with a hard-working spirit.-National Education Conference held in 2018我们要努力构建德智体美劳全面培养的教育体系。2018年 全国教育大会UNIT 5 Education Topic Talk Topic TalkNew words Topic Talk significance/s n f kn s/n.重要性,意义 significant adj 有重大意义的,显著的 a highly significant discovery 有重大意义的发现 significantly adv 显著地,明显地promote/p r m t/vt.促进,增进promote social development 促进社会发展get promoted 获得晋升promotion n 晋升,促销活动promotor n 倡导者,发起者facilitate/f s l te t/vt.促进;使便利facilitate individual development 促进 个人发展facility pl.设施,设备sports/leisure facilities 体育/休闲设施consistent/kn s s tn t/adj.一贯的,一致的consistently adv 一贯地,一致地*cultivate/k l t ve t/vt.培养,养成(技能、态度或素质)cultivation n 培养sympathy/s m p i/n.同情,同情心sympathetic adj 同情的fellow man人类analyse/n la z/vt.分析,剖析analysis n 分析analysist n 分析家,分析师philosopher/f l s f/n.哲学家physicist n 物理学家psychologist 心理学家educator/e dju ke t/n.教育工作者educate v.(在学校)教育(在学校)教育education n.(尤指学校)教育;培养(尤指学校)教育;培养educational adj.教育的;有教育意义的教育的;有教育意义的educationalist n.教教育家;教育工作者育家;教育工作者insist/n s s t/vt.坚称;坚持主张evaluate/v lju e t/vt.评估,评价evaluation n 评价,评估总结:cultivate cultivation educate educationevaluate evaluation
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