Unit 2 Lessons in life Section A Starting out & Understanding ideas (ppt课件) -2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx

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Unit 2 Lessons in life Section A Starting out & Understanding ideas (ppt课件) -2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 2 Lessons in life Section A Starting out & Understanding ideas (ppt课件) -2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx_第2页
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Unit 2 Lessons in life Section A Starting out & Understanding ideas (ppt课件) -2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx_第3页
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Unit 2 Lessons in life Section A Starting out & Understanding ideas (ppt课件) -2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx_第5页
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1、Unit 2 Lessons in life MENULeading-inWhile-classAfter-classPart.1 Leading-inPart.1 Leading-in词汇积淀素养初探.根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词1.a _(悲观的)view of life2._(不正常的)heart rhythms3.personal _(财物)4._(广泛的)support5.beyond _(认出,识别)6.result _(导致)failure7.far _(远非)perfectpessimisticabnormalpossessionswidespreadrecognition

2、infrom.选词填空tend to,after all,get through,lose touch with,be made up of,be reunited with,far from,make the most of,keep in touch with,be based on1.The outcome is still _clear.2.People _have very strong feelings about which style they prefer.3.Both countries agreed that normal relations would _noninte

3、rference in each others internal affairs.far fromtend tobe based on4._he is still a schoolboy.5.I think you can _the first two chapters.6.After liberation he _his sister,whom he had had no news of for years.7.We _him last year,but we had _each other for ten years before.8.No matter what substance it

4、 may be,it _atom.9.Weve only got one day in London,so lets _it and see everything.After allget throughwas reunited withlost touch withkept in touch withis made up ofmake the most ofPart.2 While-classPart.2 While-class要点精研素养奠基1.pessimistic adj.悲观的,悲观主义的*I think youre being far too pessimistic.我觉得你过于悲

5、观了。*It is easy to be pessimistic about the future of financial services in the current climate.在当前环境下人们很容易对金融服务业的未来感到悲观。*At any rate,we should be optimistic about it and keep in a good mood.不管怎么样,我们应该乐观,并保持好心情。【语块积累】be pessimistic about/over 对悲观be optimistic about 对乐观2.recognition n.承认,认可;认出,识别*He g

6、lanced briefly towards her but there was no sign of recognition.他瞥了她一眼,但似乎没认出她来。*The place has changed beyond recognition.这地方变得认不出来了。*We recognise this as a genuine need.我们承认这是一种真正的需要。*It is generally recognised that the main reason of global warming is the increasing concentration of greenhouse gas

7、es.众所周知,全球变暖的主要原因是温室气体浓度的增加。【语块积累】beyond/out of recognition使人认不出来recognise.as/to be.承认/公认是Its generally recognised that.人们公认3.make the most of 充分利用,尽情享受*You only have one ride through life so make the most of it and enjoy it.生命是条单行道,所以好好利用,并且享受它吧。*Lets make the most of what we haveby turning it back

8、 into something new.让我们充分利用我们所拥有的来变废为宝。*If you only have 20 minutes,take advantage of it!如果你只有20分钟的时间,利用起来!【语块积累】(1)“充分利用”短语总结make full/good use ofmake the best ofmake the most of(2)take advantage of 利用机会;(贬)钻空子;占便宜【易混辨析】make the best of(对不利的条件等)充分利用make the most of尽量利用有利的条件4.up to 多达,至多;直到(某个时刻或日期)

9、;能胜任,适合(做);正在做(尤指坏事);由决定*Its up to us to find out what is important in our lives and establish our own values.找出生活中重要的事情并树立自己的价值观是由我们决定的。*Its up to us to change things we dont like.能否改变那些我们不喜欢的事情取决于我们自己。*After four years of university studies,Jim is absolutely up to the job of a network engineer.经过了

10、四年的大学学习,吉姆完全能胜任网络工程师这份工作。*Hed have a fit if he knew what we were up to!要是他知道我们在干什么会气疯了的!【语块积累】up to now直到现在be up to the job能胜任这项工作be up to sb.由某人决定;是某人的义务Its up to sb.to do sth.做某事是某人的义务5.get through(设法)处理;完成;接通电话;(使)正式通过,获得采纳;消耗掉;用完,耗尽*It is hard to see how people will get through the winter.难以想象人们

11、将怎样熬过这个冬天。*Officers felt their point of view was not getting across to ministers.官员们感觉自己的观点并未准确地传达到大臣们那里。*The policeman cant have the thief getting away with stealing peoples money.警察不能容忍小偷偷了人们的钱而跑掉。【语块积累】get across(使)被理解,(把)讲清楚get away with被放过,(做坏事)不受惩罚get down to(doing)sth.开始认真地做某事get on/along wel

12、l with.与相处得好;(事情)进展顺利(多用于进行时)get over爬过;克服(困难);从中恢复过来6.keep in touch with 保持联系*Remember to keep in touch with me when you get there.记住到了那里要和我保持联系。*I tried to get in touch with you yesterday evening,but I think you were out.我昨晚想要和你联系,但好像你不在家里。*In my job one tends to lose touch with friends.干我这行,往往会与朋

13、友失去联系。*Washington politicians are out of touch with the American people.华盛顿的政客们脱离了美国民众。【语块积累】get in touch with取得联系lose touch with 失去联系stay in touch with保持联系be in touch with保持联系be out of touch with失去联系阅读精研素养构建.文本整体理解:理清文章架构.文本细节理解:探寻语篇细节信息1.According to the passage,the following sentences are right e

14、xcept _.A.Morrie suffered from a serious diseaseB.The book is more about life than deathC.The four people are all fond of the bookD.Mitch was very content with his life2.What cant we infer from Vivians comments?A.She cried while reading the book.B.She has lost track of some good friends.C.The book m

15、akes a difference to her.D.Auden is her favorite poet.3.Which topics arent mentioned in the book in the passage?A.Friendship and love.B.Joy and hope.C.Power and art.D.Death and value.4.What is the main idea of this passage?A.The introduction to Tuesdays with Morrie.B.Comments on Tuesdays with Morrie

16、 by different readers.C.Lessons on the meaning of life.D.How to live a full life.答案:14.DDCB.文本素养提升:阅读技能综合运用1.根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句。译文:我认为知道这一点对年轻人很重要:赚了很多钱并不总是让他们快乐,或者_!看起来与众不同并不意味着一个人不正常看起来与众不同并不意味着一个人不正常译文:尽管它得到了广泛的认可,但我的第一印象是,相约星期二只是由一系列过度情绪化的想法和信息组成的,_。其中很多都是重复的其中很多都是重复的2.根据课文完成短文。Tuesdays with Morr

17、ie is(1)_ popular book about the weekly conversations between Mitch and Morrie.Readers can learn lessons on the meaning of life and how best to live it.a After reading Tuesdays with Morrie,the four readers benefit a lot from(2)_.Arthur K found the book(3)_(fill)with joy and hope.Besides,the book als

18、o encourages him to appreciate(4)_ he has and to make the most of each day.Amy Wang felt she(5)_(give)a deeper insight into the world and thought people should choose what is important in their lives themselves,so she thinks the book should be on all school reading(6)_(list).Martys first impression

19、was that the book is just made up of a collection of over-emotional thoughts and messages,(7)_ thinking back,he found the book made him stop and think about how much he is influenced by popular culture and the importance of creating his own valuesitfilledwhatwas givenlistsbut(8)_(base)on love and op

20、en communication.The book made Vivian cry because Morries reflections(9)_ love and friendship made her think about her life and all the good friends(10)_ she has lost touch with along the way.basedonthat/who3.阅读主题活动。(1)What would you do if today were your last day?_ I would make the most of every se

21、cond of my life,trying to live happily andmeaningfully with my most valued family members and beloved ones.(2)What would you do to make your life meaningful?_ Life is meant to be meaningful.As far as I am concerned,I like to make plansat certain periods of the year.Choose to focus on one thing and t

22、ry every effortto make myself expertise in a life skill,such as devoting all my spare time tolearning English at the first half of the year.Part.3 After-classPart.3 After-class.结合课文主题使用本单元词汇与句型,根据提示写一篇50词左右的短文。1.在我们的生活中,有许多事情远不能(far from)令人满意。2.尽管(despite)有很多挫折,但我们应该鼓励自己珍惜我们所拥有的,并充分利用(make the most

23、of)每一天。3.尽情地去生活(live life to the full),知道你被爱着,并尽力去爱别人。(名词性从句)_【参考范文】In our lives,there are many things which are far from satisfactory.Despite there being many setbacks,we should encourage ourselves to appreciate what we have and to make the most of each day.Live life to the full,knowing that you are loved and that you have loved others as much as you could.Thank you!


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