Unit 2 Lessons in life Developing ideas (ppt课件)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx

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1、Unit 2 Lessons in life MENULeading-inWhile-classAfter-classPart.1 Leading-inPart.1 Leading-inLeading inlean v倚,靠;使斜靠lean against/on 靠在上lean.against/on.使斜靠lean forward/back 向前/向后靠lean forward sb.向某人探身子He was leaning on the bridge,watching the boats go by.他靠在桥上,看着船来船往。He leant his bicycle against the

2、fence.他把自行车倚靠在篱笆上。They were leaning forward,facing each other.他们面对面身体前倾。She leant forward him and listened.她探过身子去听他说。Leading indespair n绝望to ones despairto the despair of sb.令某人绝望的是in despair 绝望地She let out a cry of despair.她发出了绝望的叫声。To his despair,his partner took away all their money and went to A

3、merica.令他感到绝望的是,他的合伙人拿走了他们所有的钱去了美国。He gave up the struggle in despair.他绝望地放弃了斗争。比较辨析:despair/disappointment/depressiondespair普通用词,指因灾难等因素而丧失希望和信息,陷入沮丧、绝望的境地;disappointment多指愿望或期望的落空;depression侧重指因遭受重大失利或挫折而产生的低落情绪。Part.2 While-classPart.2 While-classWhile-class1.burst out laughing突然大笑起来;不禁大笑burst vi

4、.(burstburstburst)爆裂;爆发n.突然破裂;爆发burst out laughingburst into laughter 突然大笑起来burst out cryingburst into tears 突然大哭起来a burst of laughter/applause 突然的一阵笑声/掌声While-classOn hearing the shocking news that her son couldnt recover after the operation,the mother burst out crying.一听到儿子手术后仍无法恢复的噩耗,这位母亲就突然大哭起来。

5、When I handed him the gift card,saying he could use it for whatever his family might need,he burst into tears.当我递给他那张礼物卡,跟他说可以用它来买家里可能需要的任何东西时,他突然哭了起来。联想拓展:burst with anger勃然大怒burst with joy心花怒放While-class2.cram v挤满;把塞进cram sth.into.把某物塞进cram into 挤进be crammed with 塞满,填满Terry crammed the dirty cloth

6、es into his bag.特里把脏衣服塞进了包里。We crammed into my car and set off.我们挤进我的小汽车里,出发了。His life was crammed with desire of possessing power and money,which caused his unhappiness and divorce.他的生活中充满了权力欲和金钱欲,这导致了他的苦恼和离异。联想拓展:chock up/be packed with塞满,填满While-class3.pure adj.纯净的,纯的;洁净的;完全的,纯粹的purely adv.纯粹地;仅仅

7、,只不过purify vt.使纯净In much of the animal world,night is the time set aside for sleeppure and simple.在大多数动物世界里,夜晚就是完全用来睡觉的时间纯粹而简单。It was purely a question,no blame or anger in my tone.这纯粹是一个问题,我的语气里没有责备或愤怒。Putting green plants in the house will purify the air inside.在房间内放绿色植物可以净化室内空气。While-class归纳拓展:ad

8、j.ifyvt.just adj.justify vt.使公平,使正当beautiful adj.beautify vt.使漂亮terrible adj.terrify vt.使害怕simple adj.simplify vt.使简单;使简易While-classWriting概要写作技法指导概要写作是对阅读理解和写作的综合考查,需要学生在正确理解文章的基础上,在不改变原文中心思想、体裁和结构的前提下,用精简的语句高度概括文章的主要内容和观点。考试中的概要写作一般提供350词左右的短文,以说明文和议论文为主,要求学生根据短文写出一篇60词左右的概要。1写作步骤(1)仔细阅读并理解文章大意;(2

9、)从宏观角度抓住主题句,忽略次要信息;(3)运用自己的语言高度概括文章,形成全文的概要。While-class2写作中语言表达的注意事项(1)准确运用词汇和语法结构:巧妙运用英语中常用的高分表达,如定语从句、强调句、非谓语动词等。(2)有效使用逻辑关系词,保证上下文的连贯性。常见的逻辑词有:并列关系:and,or,also,too,as well(也),both.and.,either.or.(或者或者)等递进关系:whats more(而且),besides(除此以外),in addition(此外),furthermore/moreover(再者),not only.but also.(不

10、但而且)等转折关系:but,however,though等先后顺序关系:first,second,first of all,to begin with,finally,last but not least等因果关系:because,because of,owing to(因为),due to(由于),as a result of(由于),therefore,consequently(结果),as a result(结果),thus/therefore(因此)等归纳总结:on the whole(总体来说),in a word/in conclusion/in summary/in short(

11、总之)等While-class(3)保证语言表达的独立性,学会通过同义转换、句子重构等方法用自己的语言概括原文的主题句。例如:a tsunami that crashed into the coasts of Asia中crashed into可以换成hitgovernment officials said中said可以换成statedI have looked for my missing dictionary everywhere.中missing可以换成lostThe number of deaths is expected to grow even higher.中 is expect

12、ed可以换成is predictedkilling more than 6,500 people可以改写成with more than 6,500 people killedHowever,dangerous conditions and damaged roads make it difficult to deliver food and supplies.可以改写成However,it is difficult to deliver food and supplies because of/owing to/due to dangerous conditions and damaged r

13、oads.While-class精品展示阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Speed is very important in avalanche(雪崩)rescues.There will be narrow chances to escape if a skier is buried for 30 minutes or more.Now that 30 minutes can mean the difference between life and death for a skier lost on a snowy mountain,most people would d

14、epend on lifesaving dogs.Noble works as a rescue team member in a vacation land,California.He tells us,“Dogs run fastest when an accident happens.”His partner Wylee,a lifesaving dog,can search an accident scene the size of a football field.It only needs 5 to 10 minutes.However,5 rescue team members

15、have to spend a couple of hours in the same area.While-classApart from its excellent speed,Noble chooses Wylee as his partner partly because it weighs only about half what other kinds of dogs weigh.Rescue team members have to carry their dogs to search sites in addition to carrying 60pound backpacks

16、 with food,water and other equipment.The dogs need the lift so that they dont get tired before they start working.There arent adequate data on how often dogs take part in avalanche searches or how often they are able to help local people in danger.But the dogs dont save that many people.Thats becaus

17、e there arent that many to save.A quarter of people in danger die from serious injuries before the snow stops moving.Of those buried who arent killed by injuries,half die within 20 minutes.If there is a chance of rescue,though,the dogs also cut search time for the remains.While-classErica Mueller,a

18、famous director,wanted to see how the lifesaving dogs worked,so she volunteered to spend part of an hour in a roomy snow cave waiting to be found.She was armed with a radio and was wearing several layers to stay warm.After being rescued by Wylee,she said,“I cant talk like a survivor,but it was defin

19、itely a cool way to see how well trained those dogs are.”_While-class审题谋篇第一步:确定时态和人称该写作是对说明文的概括,以一般现在时为主,用第三人称。第二步:用高度概括的语言说明救生犬在挽救生命中的优势第三步:提炼要点1_ 至关重要的2_ 由于3_ 此外4_ 高度评价While-class连句成篇_Part.3 After-classPart.3 After-classAfter-class审题谋篇第三步1be of vital importance2.due to3.in addition4.speak highly o

20、f连句成篇Lifesaving dogs are of vital importance and help in avalanche rescues due to their excellent speed.(要点1)In addition,another advantage of lifesaving dogs is their light weight.(要点2)Nonetheless,the number of people rescued is not large owing to serious injuries and limited time.(要点3)However,through all experiment,a famous director Erica Mueller,spoke highly of the lifesaving dogs in avalanche rescues.(要点4)Thank you!


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