Unit 1 Laugh out Loud Using language 语法(ppt课件) --2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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Unit 1 Laugh out Loud Using language 语法(ppt课件) --2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 1 Laugh out Loud Using language 语法(ppt课件) --2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx_第2页
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Unit 1 Laugh out Loud Using language 语法(ppt课件) --2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx_第3页
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Unit 1 Laugh out Loud Using language 语法(ppt课件) --2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx_第5页
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1、 Using language:GrammarNon-defining Attributive ClausesFill in the blanks.Lead-in(that/which)Love is one big illusion _I should try to forgetbut there is something left in my headYoure the one _ set it up now youre the one to make it stop Im the one _ feeling lost right now Now you want me to forget

2、 every little thing _ you saidbut there is something left in my headI wont forget the way _youre kissingThe feelings so strong were lasting for so longBut Im not the man_ your heart is missingThats why you go away I knowThats why you go away who whos(that)(that/in which)(whom/that)Review Draw a mind

3、 map of attributive clauses.物物:人人:修饰名词或代词做定语的从句先行词+关系词+从句that,which,whosewho,whose,that,whomwhen,where,why只用只用which只用只用that 非限制?性 Lead-in Guess who it is with the sentences below.1.He is a comedy actor.He is a comedy actor,whose facial features always make people laugh.2.He is also a filmmaker and c

4、omposer.He is also a filmmaker and composer,who won his reputation throughout the world.3.He became famous in the 1910s.He became famous in the 1910s,when films were silent and in black and white.4.One of his most successful films is Modern Times,where his way of walking impressed the audience a lot

5、.Understand the form&meaningActivity 1 on Page 5Questions:1.What do“where”,“which”and“when”refer to in each sentence?2.Which sentences contain a clause with essential information and which with extra information?If you take away the clauses,do the sentences still make sense?3.Which clauses are separ

6、ated by a comma,the ones with essential information or the ones with extra information?Understand the form&meaning Activity 1 on Page 51.What do“where”,“which”and“when”refer to in each sentence?Understand the form&meaningActivity 1 on Page 52.Which sentences contain a clause with essential informati

7、on and which with extra information?If you take away the clauses,do the sentences still make sense?Sentences a/b:extra information;make senseSentence c:essential information;not complete Understand the form&meaningActivity 1 on Page 5Sentences a/b:extra information;make senseSentence c:essential inf

8、ormation;not complete3.Which clauses are separated by a comma,the ones with essential information or the ones with extra information?对先行词加以描述、解释或补充说明的定语从句。它不是句中不可或缺的部分,如果去掉它,不会影响主句意思的完整性。在形式上,非限制性定语从句同主句之间一般用逗号隔开。非限制性定语从句的定义:限制性与非限制性定语从句的区别Defining Attributive Clauses:1)A comedian is a person who ma

9、kes people laugh by telling jokes or funny stories.2)A cat is an animal which has soft fur and is often kept as a pet.Non-defining Attributive Clauses:The foreigners really enjoyed the sketch made by our class,which is a short humorous piece of acting about our school life.Explore the use:Why do we

10、use non-defining attributive clauses?Mr.Bean is a British comedy.It ran for fourteen episodes from 1990 to 1995.Mr.Bean is a British comedy,which ran for fourteen episodes from 1990 to 1995.Rowan Atkinson stars as Mr.Bean.His remarkable gestures make everyone laugh.Rowan Atkinson stars as Mr.Bean,wh

11、ose remarkable gestures make everyone laugh.More More informativeinformative and and cohesivecohesive Explore the useFang Qingping is a stand-up comedian.He brings the audience with happiness.Fang Qingping is a stand-up comedian,who brings the audience with happiness.Stand-up Comedy(单口单口)Explore the

12、 useSketch(小品小品)Crosstalk(相声相声)True or False Teacher was staged in CCTV stuido.The Spring Festival Gala was held.True or False Teacher was staged in CCTV stuido,where the Spring Festival Gala was held.Tracy loves watching crosstalk on weekends.She has some leisure time.Tracy loves watching crosstalk

13、 on weekends,when she has some leisure time.Compare:Do the two sentences share the same meaning?1.His daughter,who studied filming in Chengdu,is now working in Beijing.翻译:_2.His daughter who studied filming in Chengdu is now working in Beijing.翻译:_他的女儿曾在成都学电影拍摄,现在在北京工作。他曾在成都学电影拍摄的女儿现在在北京工作。1.Yue Yun

14、peng lived a hard life when young,which contributed to his career development.2.Zhao Benshan,who always makes people laugh through his vivid facial expressions,is a productive comedian.3.The sun,which gives off a great deal of heat,is a great source of energy.4.There are 10 great comedies,some of wh

15、ich were produced in China 1 year ago.How do we translate the Non-defining Attributive Clauses?限制性定语从句限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句 FormComma Meaning Information provided Translation UseAntecedent(先行词)R e l a t i v e p r o n o u n s/adverbs(关系词)按定语翻译,译为“.的”NecessaryExtra按并列分句翻译,译成两个独立句子人,物人,物,事which(从句在先行

16、词后),that,who,whom,whose,as,when,where,whywhich,that,Who,whom,whose,as(从句在句首),when,where,why summary根据句意或中文提示完成句子。1.This city,_ lies in the northeast and _ I spend my childhood,has been one of the countrys busiest ports since the 1950s.2.They were well trained by their masters _ had great experience

17、with caring for these animals.【全国III卷】3.She and her family bicycle to work,_ helps them keep fit.【北京卷】Practice Iwhichwherewho/thatwhich用定语从句完成或翻译下面的句子1.To begin with,a fabulous new stadium has been built up,_ (它已成为我们学校的新地标).【课标全国卷】1.This unexpected appearance frightened my horse,_ (这让它疯狂地跑).【浙江卷】3.I

18、 would like to interview Zhang Haidi,_(她的经历深深地鼓舞了我).1.This summer I intend to take up a part-time job in a foreign company,_(借助它我想开阔我的视野)and gain some working experience.【课标全国卷】Practice IIwhich has become the new landmark in our school which made it run wildly through which I would like to broaden m

19、y horizons whose experience has inspired me deeply Use the grammar Use the grammarActivity 2 on Page 5Rewrite the tips using non-defining attributive clauses.1.Go for a walk in the countryside,where you can enjoy the beautiful views and a peaceful atmosphere.2.Spend time with your family and friends

20、,which will activate chemicals in your brain to make you feel happier.3.Try to accept your mistakes,through which you can learn a lot.4.Close your eyes and picture the future,when youve made your dreams come true.More tips?More tips?Use the grammarMore tips to maintain a positive mind Share your sor

21、row with your best friends,who _must be willing to give advice and relate to you.Read some jokes and watch some crosstalk shows,which _ will relieve your pressure.Use the grammarActivity 3 on Page 5Complete the joke.One day,Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson go camping.They put up their tent under the st

22、ars and go to sleep.Suddenly,in the middle of the night,Watson is woken up by Holmes _.“Watson,”Holmes says,“look up at the stars,and tell me what they tell you.”Not quite sure what he means,Watson thinks Holmes is joking _ at this time of night.Even so,he replies,“I see millions of stars and its qu

23、ite likely there are some planets like Earth.And if so,this means that there might also be life on other planets.”Watson is pleased with his answer _.But Holmes _ shouts,“Watson,look around you!Use your eyes!Somebodys stolen our tent!”,who has lost his patience by now,who is lying next to him,which

24、he finds annoying,which he thinks will impress HolmesYale College Opening Assembly Address to Class of 2025When the World Is on Fire1.What is question posed by the president of Yale University at the opening ceremony?2.What is the answer to the question?Where then is the purpose which makes patient

25、learning supportable when the world is on fire?We need to improve ourselves and then improve the world for future generation.Good morning,everyone!To all Eli Whitney students,transfer students,visiting international students,and first-year Yale College students:Welcome to Yale!Let me begin by saying

26、 it is good,really good,to see you here today.And many families and loved ones are watching todays ceremonies online.And 1 _ _ _ my colleagues here on stage and the entire Yale community,I want to 2_ a warm greeting to everyone joining us,wherever you are right now.Fifty-one years ago,university Pre

27、sident Kingman Brewster 3 _ an address to the entering class of new undergraduates,welcoming them to Yale,just as I am doing now.At the time,the university was coming out of a very unusual year.(We can 4 _!)Just a few months earlier,in May 1970,tens of thousands of people from across the country had

28、 come to New Haven and to Yale to protest(抗议)the trials(审判)of Bobby Seale and Ericka Huggins,leaders of the Black Panther Party,who were being tried for murder.Thousands of National Guard troops had been deployed(部署)to the city as some expected the protests to turn violent.The situation was extremel

29、y tense.Fortunately,reason prevailed(占上风),the protests remained largely peaceful,and no one was seriously injured,5_ _ killed.on behalf of extend delivered relate let aloneStill,these events rocked Yales campus.War was raging(激烈进行)in Southeast Asia.Movements for civil rights and womens rights were 6

30、 _ in new directions.And across society,it seemed like a younger generation was rising up to challenge the old guard.Against this backdrop,many people were wondering about Yales future.They were uncertain about the universitys role its purpose in a rapidly changing and unpredictable society.Standing

31、 here today,Im feeling many of the same emotions that President Brewster must have felt in 1970.Looking out over that gathering of new students,he knew many of them were anxious;he knew they had questions about what they would do at Yale and many more about the kind of society they would 7 _ when th

32、ey graduated.Yet,in his speech,he was asking them to study,to go to the library,to write papers,to 8 _ experiments.He was asking them to be students.And so he gave voice to a question that was probably on the minds of many,a question I also 9 _ to you today.He asked,and these are his words,“Where th

33、en is the purpose which makes patient learning supportable when the world is on fire?”Where then is the purpose which makes patient learning supportable when the world is on fire?heading encounter conduct poseToday,again,it seems like the world is on fire,literally(字面上)and metaphorically(隐喻地).The Un

34、ited States is in the midst of its greatest crisis since 9/11.We are fighting a global pandemic,which will be,for many of us,the most significant geopolitical,and perhaps personal,event of our lives.But that is not all.This summer,we have witnessed terrible wildfires,drought,and flooding in many cor

35、ners of the globe.Some of you have experienced these climate disasters firsthand.Not only climate change,but also racism,extremism,the widening gulf between the rich and poor these are complex challenges that 10 _ _ _ urgent and concerted action.In thinking about the answer to this question,I was re

36、minded of Musar,sometimes called Mussar in English,a nineteenth-century Jewish movement that came out of Lithuania,very close to where my ancestors were rabbis(拉比,犹太教神职人员).The central idea of the Musar movement and of similar religious and ethical(伦理的)practices beyond Judaism is that we must improve

37、 ourselves before looking outward at society 11 _ _ change it.We must examine our values,expand our knowledge,and develop our empathy and imagination.call out for seeking to One of the rabbis of the time is said to have told this story:“I set out to try to change the world,but I failed.So I decided

38、to scale back my efforts and only try to influence the Jewish community of Poland,but I failed there,too.So I 12 _ the community in my hometown of Radin,but achieved no greater success.Then I gave all my effort to changing my own family and failed at that as well.Finally,I decided to change myself,a

39、nd thats how I had such an impact on the world.”Much like this sage(圣贤),we are here to make an 13_ _ our communities and on the world.Dont get me wrong.But first,we must start by improving ourselves.Your college years are a time to develop your strengths and talents;to challenge yourself in ways you

40、 did not think possible;to gain knowledge and understanding;and to explore.Here at Yale,you will encounter new ideas and 14 _ _ people from different backgrounds and walks of life.You will take intellectual(智识的)risks,and ask questions about everything from the structure of the cosmos to the structur

41、e of a novel.Improving yourself means leaving your comfort zone.Signing up for classes that sound interesting but unfamiliar.Going to office hours with slightly intimidating(令人生畏的)professors;you may be surprised by the conversation that unfolds.Attending talks by speakers whose views are different t

42、han yours and really listening to their arguments.15 _ _ what you study or the clubs you join,I promise you that you will not leave Yale the same person you are today.You will be changed,transformed,by Yale.impact on targetedengage with Regardless ofYou,too,are joining the Yale community at a histor

43、ic moment.We are surrounded on all sides by fires small and large.And yet I can think of no better moment to be at Yale.We begin this 16_ _ with a renewed commitment(承诺)to nurture(培养)this community and the people in it.Yalies,you will soon discover,love to learn.They seek out new experiences,and the

44、y immerse(沉浸于)themselves fully in everything they do.At Yale,you can study with top public health experts who are advising governments on the pandemic response.You can take a seminar with a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian of Frederick Douglass or a leading authority on John Milton.You can conduct r

45、esearch alongside faculty members in over 1,200 laboratories.Yales great strength now,as always is that we learn from and are inspired by one another.Although we come from different places,we share a common purpose,and that is to improve ourselves,so that we can improve the world.Yales mission state

46、ment expresses our highest ambitions.It says,in part,“Yale 17 _ _ _ improving the world today and for future generations.”It goes on to say,“Yale educates aspiring(有抱负的)leaders worldwide who serve all sectors of society.”academic yearis committed toYou,you are those aspiring leaders,and this mission

47、 is our answer to the question my predecessor(前任;前辈)asked over fifty years ago.I believe the“patient learning”President Brewster spoke of means deep engagement in your studies;it means challenging your thoughts and beliefs;it means 18 _ the frontiers of knowledge your own,and then the worlds.It mean

48、s using your time at Yale to prepare for the trials ahead.In this sense,patient learning is not only supportable but essential if we are to 19 _ Yales mission and,indeed,improve the world.I will end with lyrics written by one of my favorite folk singers,Woody Guthrie,in his song,“Worlds on Fire.”His

49、 words are only too applicable(适用的):“While the skies theyre clearingWell rise up dreaming;Build our city from the 20 _.”Yes,the world is on fire,but right in front of me,I see many reasons for optimism.Together,as part of this community,you will dream,you will build,and you will prepare for lives of leadership and service.Welcome to Yale!expandingfulfillashes Assignment1.维克多阅读 Week 9 阅读两篇&完形一篇;2.语境记忆3500 Passage 37 Ex5&6;3.早读朗读演讲稿.


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