Unit1 lesson 3 Language points (ppt课件)-2022新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、1.graduate from university graduate in+major(专业)专业)2.get a teachers certificate3.be inspired by 4.for that reason5.apply for sth6.live up to ones hopes7.give up8.deal with9.be responsible for1.毕业于毕业于2.获得教师资格证获得教师资格证3.被被.激励激励/鼓舞鼓舞4.因为那个原因因为那个原因5.申请申请6.不辜负某人的期望不辜负某人的期望7.放弃放弃8.处理,与处理,与.打交道,涉及打交道,涉及9.对对

2、.负责负责10.it is not surprising that.11.as well as12.be full of13.be satisfied with14.set up a library15.make contributions to.16.treat sb as.17.intend to do sth18.follow his heart10.不足为奇不足为奇11.和和.也也12.充满充满13.对对.很满意很满意14.建立图书馆建立图书馆15.为为.做贡献做贡献16.把某人当作把某人当作.17.打算做某事打算做某事18.遵从自己的内心遵从自己的内心1.After a long d

3、ay,Zhang Tian finally got back to his small room,feeling tired.1.After 4 days military training,we.1.This is a typical day for Zhang Tian.typical adj.1)happening in the usual way 一贯一贯的,平常的的,平常的 2)having the usual features or qualities of a particular group or thing 典型典型的的It is typical of sb.to do st

4、h.做做某事是某人的某事是某人的特点其中特点其中(typical指某人在品质、性格等方面所特有指某人在品质、性格等方面所特有的的)eg On a typical day,our students go to classes from 8:30 am to 12:00 am.Can you give me a typical example?This painting is typical of his work.It is typical of her to forget.Jack is late again.It is typical of him to keep others waitin

5、g.2.Zhang Tian graduated from university and got a teachers certificate last year.graduate v.1)to complete your education at high school 中学毕业中学毕业 2)to obtain a degree,especially a first degree,from a college or university 大学毕业大学毕业graduate from 毕业于毕业于graduate in 毕业于毕业于graduate n.毕业毕业生生graduation n.毕业

6、毕业eg Anna was a graduate who graduated from Beijing University.She graduated in English.After graduation,she became a teacher.【拓展拓展】eg Jerry graduated from high school last year.杰杰里去年中学毕业。里去年中学毕业。He graduated in physics from Cambridge University.他他是剑桥大学物理学专业毕业的。是剑桥大学物理学专业毕业的。站在桌旁的是他毕业于重点大学的儿子。站在桌旁的是

7、他毕业于重点大学的儿子。(graduate)。Standing beside the table was his son who graduated from a key university.【语境运用语境运用】翻译句子。翻译句子。3.and he was inspired by them to go and teach where he was needed the most.inspire v.:to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to do something 鼓舞鼓舞,激励,激励inspire sb

8、.激励激励某人某人inspire sb.to do sth.激励某人做某事激励某人做某事eg We need someone who can inspire us.Though I failed,my fathers encouragement inspired me to try again.inspiration n.灵感灵感inspiring adj.激励激励人的人的inspired adj.受到受到启发的启发的e.g.Helen Kellers story is very inspiring and I am so deeply inspired that I hope her sto

9、ry can inspire more people to stick to run after their dreams.据括号内的汉语提示补全下面句子。据括号内的汉语提示补全下面句子。1)His example _(激励我更加努力激励我更加努力工作工作).2)Our teacher tried to _(鼓励我们作出更大的努力鼓励我们作出更大的努力).inspired me to work harderinspire us to make greater efforts4.For that reason he applied for and became a volunteer teach

10、er in a village school.apply v.:to request something,usually officially,especially by writing or sending in a form 申请申请;请求请求apply for.申请申请apply to.for.向向申请申请 eg He applied for a job in the company.You have to apply to the U.S.embassy(大使馆大使馆)for a visa.apply vt.:to use something such as a method,idea

11、,or law in a particular situation,activity,or process 应用应用apply.to.把把应用于应用于 eg He is eager to apply the technology to practical business problems.In this way they can better apply theory to practice.eg The nurse applied some medicine to her swollen arm.apply v.:to put or spread something such as pai

12、nt,liquid,or medicine onto a surface 贴贴,涂,敷,涂,敷apply.to.把把贴贴/涂涂/敷到敷到eg What I have said applies only to some of you.apply v.:to have an effect on or to concern a particular person,group,or situation 适用适用apply to.适用于适用于【拓展拓展】apply oneself to./apply ones minds to.致力于致力于,专心于,专心于application n.应用应用applic

13、ant n.申请人申请人(尤指求职、进高等学校等)(尤指求职、进高等学校等)eg Frank has applied himself to this task with considerable energy.We applied our minds to finding a solution to our problem.The university welcomes applications from overseas students.How many applicants did you have for the job?用所给词的正确形式填空。用所给词的正确形式填空。1)His _(

14、apply)for membership of the organization was rejected.2)Please clean the wound with a clean cloth and then apply the medicine _ it.3)Later I decided to apply my previous experience to _(learn)how to read and write.application to learning 5.Bringing with him lots of books,clothes,and two pairs of tra

15、iners,Zhang Tian travelled to the village with an eager heart.Bringing with him 现在分词短语作伴随状语现在分词短语作伴随状语eager adj.:very keen and excited about something that is going to happen or about something you want to do 热切热切的,渴望的的,渴望的be eager for sth.渴望得到某物渴望得到某物be eager to do sth.渴望做某事渴望做某事eg She looked at th

16、e eager faces waiting for her news.The girls felt bored and were eager for new experiences.My brothers so eager to learn that he stays late every evening.【拓展拓展】eagerly adv.热切热切地,渴望地地,渴望地 eagerness n.渴望渴望(不可数)(不可数)据汉语意思补全下面句子(每空一词)。据汉语意思补全下面句子(每空一词)。1)很明显,杰克渴望取得成功。很明显,杰克渴望取得成功。It is obvious that Jack

17、 _ _ _ _.2)班上每个人似乎都渴望学习。班上每个人似乎都渴望学习。Everyone in the class seemed _ _ _.is eager for successeager to learnis eager to succeed6.He imagined all sorts of exciting things about living independently and teaching in a village.sort n.:a group or class of people,things etc that have similar qualities or fe

18、atures 种种,类,类;类型类型=type,kindsort of:used to say that something is partly true but does not describe the exact situation 有几分,有点有几分,有点all sorts of 各种各样各种各样 a sort of 一一种;有点像是某物种;有点像是某物eg What sort of shampoo do you use?The movie was sort of disappointing.I am sort of hoping to leave early today.All so

19、rts of strange sounds met the ear.Its a sort of pale orange colour.翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。1)他看起来对那部电影有点心烦他看起来对那部电影有点心烦。2)有各种各样的工作你可以做。有各种各样的工作你可以做。He looked sort of bored with that film.There are all sorts of jobs you can do.7.but he quickly gave up on the ideas and found ways to deal with the challenges.dea

20、l with:to take the necessary action,especially in order to solve a problem=handle 处理处理eg Dont worry,Ill deal with this.Have you dealt with these letters yet?二者二者均侧重处理手段、方法或方式。均侧重处理手段、方法或方式。do with常与常与what连用连用deal with常与常与how连用连用eg June didnt know what to do with herself after she retired.琼不知道退休后该如何打

21、发时间。琼不知道退休后该如何打发时间。How did you deal with a challenge?你是如何对待挑战的?你是如何对待挑战的?do with,deal with8.It is not surprising that PE is the kids favourite subject!本句中本句中it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句。从句。It is+形容词形容词+that从句从句该句式中常用的形容词有该句式中常用的形容词有clear,obvious,true,natural,possible,likely,certain,fortuna

22、te,strange,necessary,important等。等。eg Its likely that well be in Spain this time next year.It is quite certain that it was he who helped us out.It is important that we should master a foreign language.9.Their school lives are now more attractive and interesting,and they enjoy playing football in the

23、playground,as well as singing songs theyve learnt.attractive adj.:1)having qualities that make you want to accept something or be involved in it 有有吸引力的吸引力的 2)pleasant to look at 好看好看的,漂亮的,美观的的,漂亮的,美观的eg an attractive offer a big house with an attractive garden as well as :in addition to something or

24、 someone else 以及以及eg They own a house in Beijing as well as a apartment in Tianjing.eg Im confident about the exam.You need to be a bit more confident in yourself.She is a good student but she lacks confidence in herself.10.and they became more confident in learning.confident adj.sure that something

25、 will happen in the way that you expect;sure that you have the ability to do things well 自信自信的,有把握的,有把握的的confidence n.信心信心;信任;信任(+in)【语境应用语境应用】翻译句子。翻译句子。1)我确信你将得到那份工作。我确信你将得到那份工作。Im confident that you will get the job.2)他对未来充满信心。他对未来充满信心。He is quite confident about the future.3)She had complete conf

26、idence in the doctors.她对这些医生完全信任。她对这些医生完全信任。11.He connected charity organisations about rebuilding the playgroundcontact vt.:to write to or telephone someone 联络联络;联系;联系 n.联系联系;接触;接触be in/out of contact with.与与有有/失去联系失去联系keep in contact with.与与保持联系保持联系lose contact with.和和失去联系,离开失去联系,离开make contact wi

27、th 与与来往来往eg I had been in contact with her.We lost contact with the Wangs when they moved away.I finally made contact with her in Paris.【语境应用语境应用】单句语法填空单句语法填空。1)I have tried hard _(contact)my old monitor many times but in vain.He seemed to have disappeared.2)Tom told me that I could keep _ contact w

28、ith him through WeChat.3)Do write to me as often as you can.I dont want to lose _ with you.into contactcontact12.The contribution he made to the village was great,so he became very popular among the villagers and they treated him as one of them.contribution n:something that you give or do in order t

29、o help something be successful 贡献贡献make contributions/a contribution to对对做出贡献;向做出贡献;向捐款捐款(to 是介词是介词)eg The young man has made an important contribution to the companys success.eg His research has contributed greatly to our understanding of this disease.They would like to contribute more to charity,b

30、ut money is tight this year.contribute v.贡献贡献;捐助捐助contribute to 为为做出做出贡献贡献 /捐献捐献contribute to 为为做出做出贡献贡献 /向向捐款捐款【拓展拓展】13.Although he had only intended to stay for one year,he now feels ready to stay for another year.intend vt:to have something in your mind as a plan or purpose 计划,打算,想要计划,打算,想要intend

31、 to do sth.打算打算/想要做某事想要做某事intend+that从句从句 打算做打算做eg We intend to go to Australia next year.Mr.Smith intends that his son shall go to college.eg This book is intended for children aged five to seven.The talk,which was intended to solve the problem,turned out to be a failure.Ive no intention of changin

32、g my plans just to fit in with his.be intended for 打算打算供供之用,是为之用,是为而准备的而准备的be intended to do sth.打算用来做某打算用来做某事事intention n.计划,打算,意图,目的计划,打算,意图,目的(常与常与of连用,其后也常跟连用,其后也常跟that从句或不定式从句或不定式)【拓展拓展】根据括号内的汉语提示补全下面句子(每空一词)。根据括号内的汉语提示补全下面句子(每空一词)。1)I _ _ _ _ _(打算做打算做一名志愿者一名志愿者)in an environmental protection organization during the upcoming summer holidays.2)I _ _ _ _ _ _(打算拜访你打算拜访你)last night,but an unexpected visitor came.3)This book,which _ _ _ _ _(是为年轻人准备的是为年轻人准备的),is very popular with the old.intend to work as a volunteer had intended to call on you is intended for the young


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