
上传人(卖家):卧龙小子 文档编号:390642 上传时间:2020-03-23 格式:DOC 页数:10 大小:27KB
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1、八年级英语下册第六单元最全知识点重点难点总结(重点句型) 八年级英语下册第六单元最全知识点总八年级英语下册第六单元最全知识点总 结(重点句型)结(重点句型) 八年级英语下册第六单元最全知识点总结(重点句型) 重点句型: 1.Which hobby do you think takes up the most space ?你认为那种爱好最占空间? 2.Sorry ,it s a bit of a mess .不好意思,有一点乱。 3.Let me have a look .让我看一看。 4.They must be really valuable .它们一定很有价值。 5.My bobby d

2、oesnt cost as much as yours . 我的爱好不像你的那么值钱。 6.It came out as a book in .它在年做为一本书出版的。 7.Hobbies can make you grow as a person.爱好可以让你长大成人。 8.Ill show you my stamps too.我将展示我的邮票给你看。 9.As well as the usual activities ,such as sailing and climbing ,there was a writing class.除 了像帆船和爬山这些活动,还有写作课. 【知识点精讲】 1

3、. Which hobby do you think takes up the least space? 你认为哪种爱好占用空间最少? 点拨 1 take up 在句中意为填满,占据(某空间或时间)。 That big TV set takes up too much space. 八年级英语下册第六单元最全知识点重点难点总结(重点句型) 那个大电视太占地方。 Jims time is fully taken up with writing. 吉姆的时间都用于写作了。 点拨 2 least 是 little 的最高级,最小的;最少的;最小;最少;其比较级是 less,较少 的;更少的,在句中通

4、常用来修饰不可数名词。 Hes the best teacher even though he has the least experience. 他尽管经验最少,但教得最好。 2. Sorry its a bit untidy. Ill tidy up the table and chairs. 对不起,有点乱。我会收拾一下桌椅的。 点拨 1 a bit 稍微、一点儿 可以用来修饰动词以及形容词、副词的原级、比较级。 This book costs a bit(too)much. 这本书(太)贵了一点儿。 These trousers are a bit tight. 这条裤子有点儿紧。 T

5、his text is a bit more difficult than the other one. 这篇课文比那一篇稍难一点。 点拨 2 tidy up整理,收拾,也可以分开写 tidyup。 Youd better tidy this room up before the guests arrive. 你最好在客人到来之前把屋子整理好。 3. I play the violin and I listen to music all the time. 我一直拉小提琴和听音乐。 八年级英语下册第六单元最全知识点重点难点总结(重点句型) 点拨 1 play 与西洋乐器名词连用时,需要在该名词

6、前加上定冠词 the。 Kate can play the piano. 凯特会弹钢琴。 Jim could play the guitar. 吉姆会弹吉他。 注意:play 后接表示球类的名词时,在名词前不能有任何冠词。 I like playing basketball. 我喜欢打篮球。 点拨 2 listen to, hear, see 等感官动词后可接不带 to 的不定式作宾语补足语,即 listen to/see/hear sb. do sth.,意为听/听到/看到某人做某事。 I often hear the boy read English in the morning. 我经常

7、听到那个男孩在早晨朗读英语。 点拨 3 all the time 意为总是,一直,在句中作时间状语。 The little girl was laughing all the time.那个小女孩一直笑个不停。 【拓展】on time 准时;in time 及时;at times 有时;from time to time 不时 4.What made you so interested in music? 是什么让你对音乐如此感兴趣? 点拨 (be) interested in 对感兴趣 be/get/become interested in 的主语往往是人,常常表示某人对某事产生兴 趣。in

8、 在这里是一个介词,后面可以跟名词、代词或动词的-ing 形式。 Almost all children are interested in storybooks.几乎所有的孩子都对故事书感兴趣。 八年级英语下册第六单元最全知识点重点难点总结(重点句型) I became interested in making things last year.去年我对制作东西产生了兴趣。 辨析:interested 与 interesting interested:为表语形容词,只作表语,不作定语,表示人的状态。 interesting:既可作表语也可作定语,修饰名词或代词,表示事物的特征或性 质。 Bo

9、th of us are interested in interesting stories. 我俩都对有趣的故事感兴趣。 5. Theres concert at Radio Beijing.北京电台有一场音乐会。 点拨: There be 句型 本句为 There be 结构,它表示在某地方(或某事)存在什么人或物,指客观存 在。 动词 be 与后面相邻的名词在数上保持一致,即就近原则。 There be 结构与实义动词 have 不同,前者表存在,后者表所有。 There are some apple trees in the garden.花园里有一些苹果树。 They have so

10、me apple trees in the garden.他们在花园里有一些苹果树。 6. Many students have hobbies, such as reading, painting, growing vegetables in their gardens, and looking after animals. 很多学生都有爱好,比如阅读、绘画、在他们的花园里种菜和照顾动物。 点拨 1 such as像,例如,相当于口语中的 like。 There are many school things in the shop, such as pens, pencils, exerci

11、se books and rules. 商店里有许多学习用品,像钢笔、铅笔、练习本和尺子。 八年级英语下册第六单元最全知识点重点难点总结(重点句型) 辨析:such as 与 for example such as 用于列举前面概述过的同类事物,不需要用逗号与其他成分隔开,只能 位于名词或名词性词组前面。 for example 用于举例说明,一般用逗号与其他成分隔开。位置比较灵活,可位 于句首、句中或句末。 Jim has many good friends here,such as Liu Kai and Zhang Jun. Jim has many good friends here,

12、Liu Kai and Zhang Jun,for example. 吉姆在这里有许多好朋友,比如刘凯和张军。 点拨 2 look after 意为照管,照料,关心。 I must look after my old grandma.我必须照顾我的老奶奶。 【拓展】 look after 的同义词组是 take care of。 They take care of their babies.他们悉心照料他们的孩子。 look after 的另一同义词组是 care for。 He spent years caring for his sick mother. 他数年中一直在照顾他生病的母亲。

13、7. Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help your learn new skills. 爱好能够促进你成长,启发你的兴趣,还能帮助你学习新的技能。 点拨 make + 宾语 + do (即不带 to 的不定式)意为(迫)使某人做(某事)。 八年级英语下册第六单元最全知识点重点难点总结(重点句型) They made me repeat the story. 他们逼我又把那件事讲了一遍。 8. During the summer of 2000, he spent four weeks on

14、 a summer camp. 在 2000 年夏天,他参加了一个为期四周的夏令营。 点拨 spend 意为花费(钱/时间),主语一般是人,其结构是 Sb.spends money/time on sth.或 Sb.spends money/time(in)doing sth.。 He spends two hours on English every morning. =He spends two hours in learning English every morning. 每天早晨他用两个小时的时间学习英语。 【拓展】 表示某人花费多少时间做某事还可用动词 take,其结构为:It t

15、akes sb. some time to do sth.。 It takes me twenty minutes to walk to school every day. 我每天用 20 分钟步行去上学。 It will take us more than a year to build the tall building. 我们将用一年多的时间来建造这座高楼。 9. As well as the usual activities, such as sailing, climbing an professional writer. 除了像帆船、爬山和山地车等常见的活动外,还有一个由职业作家指

16、导的写作 研习班。 点拨 as well as 意为除之外,也,还。 He grows flowers as well as vegetables. 八年级英语下册第六单元最全知识点重点难点总结(重点句型) 他既种菜也种花。 She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer. 她不但是摄影师还是个天才的音乐家。 点拨 10. Many teenagers love his book, and as a result, David has become a successful young writer. 很多青少年都喜欢他的书

17、,大卫也因此成为一名成功的年轻作家。 点拨 1 as a result 意为结果,因此。 She didnt work hard, and as a result, she failed the exam. 辨析:as a result 与 so as a result结果,因此,一般放在句首,后面加逗号。 so 因此,既可放在句首,也可放在句中,两种情况时 so 后面都不加逗 号。 The traffic was heavy.As a result,I was late.交通很拥挤,结果我迟到了。 I got up late,so I missed the early bus.我起床晚了,所

18、以错过了早班车。 点拨 2 become 的用法 用作连系动词,其后接名词或形容词。 He became a teacher at the age of 17.他 17 岁就当了老师。 The weather became warmer.天气变得暖和起来。 注意: 八年级英语下册第六单元最全知识点重点难点总结(重点句型) become 是终止性动词,它不能与表示一段时间的单词或短语连用;become 也不 可与不定式连用。 11. Its sometimes difficult to remember that we shouldnt spend all our time on our fav

19、ourite hobby. 有时候,我们很难记住不要把所有的时间都用在最喜欢的爱好上。 点拨 1 这是一个含有 that 引导的宾语从句的复合句。It 是形式主语,to remember.动词 不定式短语是真正的主语。 Its + adj. + to do sth.做某事是的。 It is difficult to ride a horse.骑马不容易。 Its important to learn English well. =To learn English well is important.学好英语很重要。 点拨 2 句中 should 用作情态动词,指应该,表示说话人的建议或者意愿。

20、 You should say sorry to me.你应该向我道歉。 12. There are many other interesting things to do in life, and we should try to do something new or different. 生活中有很多其他有趣的事情可做,我们应该尝试做新的或不同的事情。 点拨 1 try to do sth.尽力做某事,试图做某事 The boy tried to ride the horse.那个男孩尽力骑上那匹马。 【拓展】 八年级英语下册第六单元最全知识点重点难点总结(重点句型) try doing

21、 sth.意为尝试做某事。 Why not try opening the door? 为什么不试着打开这扇门? try ones best to do sth.竭尽全力做某事 I must try my best to learn English well.我必须竭尽全力学好英语。 点拨 2 something new 意为新的东西,形容词修饰 something,anything,nothing, everything,somewhere,anywhere 等复合不定代词或不定副词时,须放在这些词 的后面。 Would you like something hot to drink? 你想

22、喝点热东西吗? 重点语法简单句 1.主语+系动词+表语(+状语) 2. 主语+谓语(不及物动词) (+状语) 3. (状语+)主语+谓(及物动词)+宾语(+状语) 4.主语 + 谓语(及物动词)+ 间接宾语 + 直接宾语 +(状语) 5.主语 + 谓语(及物动词)+ 宾语 + 宾语补足语(+状语) 6. There +be +主语(+状语) 写作话题 写一篇介绍你的好朋友爱好:包括下面几个方面 1.How did you learn your hobby? 2.When did you start it 八年级英语下册第六单元最全知识点重点难点总结(重点句型) 3.How often can

23、you do it? 4.Is it an expensive hobby? 5.Why does he /she like it ? 范文:I have a good friend His name is Li Wei. His favourite hobby is playing chess. His father taught him to play when he was only five years old, and as a result, he is good at it now. He has played in the school team as well as in many competitions. Paul is not just a chess player. He also enjoys outdoor activities such as walking in the countryside and climbing.


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