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1、九九年级年级上上册册Unit3 Topic2期中期末复习课件仁爱初中英语仁爱初中英语中考英语复习课件 基础过关基础过关福建省专用类别课标考点要求词汇拓展1.flight(名词)_(动词)2.strange(形容词)_(名词)3.center(名词)_(形容词)4.peace(名词)_(形容词)flystrangercentralpeaceful 基础过关基础过关福建省专用类别课标考点要求词汇拓展5.silence(名词)_(形容词)6.different(形容词)_(副词)_(名词)7.magic(名词)_(形容词)8.pride(名词)_(形容词)silentdifferentlydiffe

2、rencemagicalproud 基础过关基础过关福建省专用类别课标考点要求词汇拓展9.wise(形容词)_(名词)10.pronounce(动词)_(名词)11.German(名词;形容词)_(名词复数)_(名词)wisdompronunciationGermansGermany 基础过关福建省专用重点短语1.给某人送行_2.在某人去的路上_3.伸出某人的手_4.搭车 _5.让某人搭便车_ see sb.offon ones way toput out ones handask for a ridegive sb.a ride 基础过关福建省专用重点短语6.上车_7.发给某人某物/把某物发

3、给某人 _=_ 8.前往某地 _9.离开去_10.搭载;拾起_ get onsend sb.sth.send sth.to sb.leave forleavefor pick up 基础过关福建省专用重点短语11.在校门口_12.(向某人)问好_13.做调查 _14.胜利_15.冷静_at the school gate say hello(to sb.)do some researchhave a victorycalm down 基础过关福建省专用重点短语16.肢体语言_ 17.口头语言 _18.握手_ 19.被视为 _20.有时_body languagespoken language

4、hold handsbe considered(as)/be regarded asat times 基础过关福建省专用重点短语21.正如我们所知_22.在古代 _ 23.把 比作_24.代表 _ 25.注意(做)某事_as we knowin ancient timescompareto stand forpay attention to(doing)sth.基础过关福建省专用重点短语26.犯错误_ 27.从借用_ 28.也_ 29.一直_30.在过去的几个世纪 _ 31.更糟糕的是_make mistakesborrow from as wellall the timein the pas

5、t few centuries even worse/whats worse 基础过关福建省专用拓展词组1.避免误解_ 2.的象征_avoid misunderstandinga symbol of 基础过关福建省专用功能意念谈论事物在不同的文化中有不同的含义:1.In Japan,we bow when we are saying hello as a sign of respect.2.In Canada,we wave as a sign of peace and friendship.3.But people shake their heads from side to side to

6、 show agreement in India.基础过关福建省专用功能意念谈论事物在不同的文化中有不同的含义:4.But in western countries,dogs are considered honest and good friends of humans.5.But in western countries,dragons were dangerous animals.基础过关福建省专用考点解析1.put out ones hand意为“伸出某人的手”。put out 意为“伸出”,还可以意为“熄灭”。关于put 的短语还有:_ 穿上 _ 举起,张贴 _ 记下,写下,镇压 _

7、 推迟put onput upput downput off 基础过关福建省专用考点解析2.twenty minutes later/in twenty minutes 意为“二十分钟后”。(1)“时间段+later”表示“在之后”,适用于各种时态。(2)“in+时间段”表示“在之后”,经常与将来时连用。(3)“after+时间段”表示“在之后”,经常和过去时连用。1)我们将在三天后完成这项工作。We will finish the work _.2)三年后,他成为了一名教师。He became a teacher _.in three daysafter three years 基础过关福建

8、省专用考点解析3.Whenever you need help,send me an e-mail or call me.意思是 “无论何时你需要帮忙,就给我发电子邮件或打电话。”whenever=no matter when wherever=no matter wherewhatever=no matter what whoever=no matter who_ you do,_ you go,I will be right here waiting for you.=No matter what you do,no matter where you go,I will be right

9、here waiting for you.无论你做什么,无论你走到哪儿,我都在这等你。Whateverwherever 基础过关福建省专用考点解析4.The ancient emperors compared themselves to dragons.意思是“古代的皇帝把他们自己比作龙。”(1)compare A to B 意为“把A比作B”。e.g.We compare teachers to candles.我们把老师比作蜡烛。(2)compare A with B 意为“把A和B相比”。e.g.Compare American English with British English,

10、and you can find some differences.把美式英语和英式英语作比较,你会发现一些不同之处。基础过关福建省专用考点解析5.The English language has changed little in the past few centuries.意思是“英语在过去的几个世纪中变化很小。”“in the past+若干时间”,表示“近若干时间来”,用于现在完成时。They _ about 500 English words in the past two months.近两个月来,他们已经学习了大约500个英语单词。have learnt/learned 基础过

11、关语法梳理现在进行时表示将来 现在进行时表示将来时,常有“意图”、“安排”或“打算”含义,但“安排”并不是固定不变的,它表示最近或较近的将来,所用的动词多是位移动词come,go,arrive,leave,fly,start,begin,return,open,die等。e.g.Im going.我要走了。注意:表示将来的现在进行时除了用于位移动词外,亦可用于某些非位移动词如sleep,take,change,work,see,buy,get,meet等。e.g.My uncle is meeting us tomorrow.我叔叔明天会见我们。基础过关福建省专用巩固提升根据句意,用括号内所给

12、的提示完成句子。1.We were _(认为)as VIPs at the party last night.2.Maria is an_(诚实的)girl.She never lies to anybody.3.People in _/einnt/times wear animal skins to keep warm.4.He likes to _ his sons face_ a red apple.(把比 作)5.Dont_(犯错)next time!consideredhonestancientcomparetomake mistakes 基础过关福建省专用巩固提升看图写话be,hiking,tomorrowI am going hiking tomorrow.My brother/John is going hiking tomorrow.基础过关福建省专用巩固提升 看图写话New York,next Sunday I am flying to New York next Sunday.I am going to New York by plane next Sunday.I will fly to New York next Sunday.


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