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1、必修二必修二 Units 35Units 35Unit 5Music 教材复习篇.晨背5分钟一、短语晨背1dream of梦见;梦想;设想2to be honest说实在地;实话说3attach.to认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接4in cash用现金;有现钱5play jokes on戏弄6rely on依赖;依靠7be/get familiar with熟悉;与熟悉起来8or so大约9break up打碎;分裂;解体10in addition另外;也11sort out分类12above all最重要;首先二、佳句选粹1Sometimes they may play to passe

2、rsby in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money for themselves or to pay for their instruments.有时他们可能在街上或地铁里为过路者演奏,这样他们可以为自己或自己要买的乐器多挣一些钱。2The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music,most of which was based loosely on the Beatles.组成乐队的音乐人演奏音乐,还彼此打趣逗笑。这些玩笑

3、和音乐大多都在模仿“甲壳虫”乐队。.单词自查1 vt.(使)组成;形成;构成2 adj.额外的;外加的3n百万富翁;富豪4 vi.依赖;依靠5 adj.民间的 adj.友好的;有民间风味的6 n音乐家 adj.音乐的;美妙的;喜爱音乐的 n音乐formextramillionairerelyfolkfolksymusicianmusicalmusic7 vt.假装;假扮 n假装者,冒充者 n假装,虚伪8 vt.&vi.系上;缚上;附加;连接 n安装;附着;附属;夹子9 n过路人;行人复数10 vt.赚;挣得;获得 n所得,收入;收益11 n&v广播;播放 过去式 过去分词pretendpret

4、enderpretenseattachattachmentpasserbypassersbyearnearningsbroadcastbroadcastbroadcast12 adj.幽默的;诙谐的 n幽默13 adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的 n精通;熟悉 vt.使精通;使通晓14 adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的 vt.吸引,引诱 n魅力;吸引力15 n加;增加;加法 n增加,增添,补充16 adj.自信的;确信的 n信心humoroushumorfamiliarfamiliarityfamiliarizeattractiveattractattractionadditionaddconfide

5、ntconfidence17 adj.简短的;简要的n.摘要;大纲 adv.简要地;短暂地18 n投入;热爱 vt.奉献;把专用(于);致力于 adj.献身的;忠实的;专心致志的19 n邀请;招待 v邀请;征求20 adj.敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的 n感觉;知觉 adj.通晓事理的;明智的21 adj.痛苦的;疼痛的 n疼痛;忧虑;劳苦 briefbrieflydevotiondevotedevotedinvitationinvitesensitivesensesensiblepainfulpainpretend vi.&vt.假装,装扮;自称She pretended she didnt

6、know me/pretended not to know me when we met in the street.我在街上见到她时,她装作不认识我。The boy pretended to be writing something when his father entered the room.当他父亲进入房间时,这男孩假装正在写什么。When he went out of the managers office,he pretended to have been scolded.当他走出经理的办公室时,他装作受到了批评的样子。完成句子He(装死)when he met a bear.H

7、e(假装在看)an important document when the boss came in.pretended to be deadpretended to be readingattach vt.&vi.安装;贴上,拴上;附加;认为;重视One interesting experiment was to attach little magnets to the birds heads to block their magnetic sensejust as a loud radio can keep you from hearing a call to dinner.一个有趣的实验

8、:把小磁铁系到鸟的头上,阻止它们的磁感,就像一个噪音大的无线电阻止你听到去吃饭的叫喊声。The country should attach great importance to energy saving and environment protection.国家应当重视能源节省和环境保护。This institute is attached to the University of Texas.这个研究所附属于德州大学。attach sth.to把安装在/贴在/拴在上;在署名attach oneself to加入;依恋;接近be attached to附属于;爱惜;爱慕;敬慕完成句子他非常

9、爱惜那台旧打字机。He the old typewriter.这次事故的责任与他无关。No blame him for the accident.is deeply attached toattaches toform vt.&vi.形成;组织;养成,培养 n形式;表格;形状,外形;状况,精神She tied the two sticks together to form a cross.她把两根棍捆成了十字架。They formed the habit of getting up early when in high school.中学时,他们养成了早起的习惯。The team were o

10、n excellent form throughout the whole competition.这个队在整个比赛过程中一直处于良好的竞技状态。form a good habit养成好习惯form the habit offall/get into the habit of养成的习惯form an organization成立一个组织fill in the form填表格in the form of以的形式form A out of Bform B into A把B制成A完成句子Please(填写这张表)in ink.The old man (养成了早起的习惯)every morning.f

11、ill this formhas formed the habit of getting up earlyearn vt.挣得;赚得;获得;赢得If you arent earning,you simply cant afford a holiday.如果你不赚钱,你就不能去度假。I earn my living mainly by teaching.我主要通过教学谋生。earn ones living谋生(earn a living)earn fame赢得名望earnings n工资;收入;利润,收益earn“得,赚得”,侧重于劳动或功劳的报酬;如赚得工资、荣誉、地位及奖赏等。gain“获得

12、,赢得”,指获得利益,但不能指金钱方面的利益,侧重通过努力取得成功,获得成就及有价值的东西。acquire 指经过一点点的积累而获得,如获得知识、技能等。obtain指经过努力或要求而得到,强调达到目的这一点。get得到,获得,收到,是常用词。指以某种方法或手段得到某种东西,这种东西可能是需要的或企图获得的,也可能不是。完成句子He has (赚)a lot of money this month by working on a parttime job.She is young,but she(赚得高薪)earnedearns a good salaryperform vt.&vi.上演;扮

13、演;演奏;完成;履行He had two performances a day,which made him very tired.他一天演出两场,让他感到疲惫不堪。Can you get me two tickets for the afternoon performance?你能为我弄两张下午表演的票吗?A famous pianist is going to perform tonight.一位著名的钢琴演奏家今晚将演出。perform a dangerous operation施行一项危险的手术perform an experiment做实验perform ones promise履行

14、承诺give a performance上演(戏)put on performances表演完成句子明天将上演什么?What play will tomorrow?一个人应尽责任。One should .be performedperform ones dutiessort n种类,品种,类型 vt.&vi.整理;把分类This sort of animals is very rare.Animals of this sort are very rare.这种动物非常罕见。Sort out the papers to be thrown away,and put the rest back.把

15、要扔掉的文件挑出来,其余的放回原处。They sorted the apples into large ones and small ones.他们把苹果分成大小两类。a sort of一种;像的after/in a sort几分;稍微sort of几分;有点;稍微out of sorts情绪不好;没有精神sort out加以分类完成句子It was(有点奇怪)that he didnt come.(挑出来了)the apples that can be thrown away.sort of oddIve sorted out familiar adj.熟悉的,常见的;亲近的At the t

16、urn of the century,China was not really familiar to the average Indian.It was a strange country.世纪之交,印度对中国并不真正了解,它是一个奇怪的国度。St.Pauls cathedral is a familiar sight to all Londoners.圣保罗大教堂是所有伦敦人见惯了的一个景象。They are not familiar with charity work,which is still at an early stage in China.他们不太熟悉慈善工作,在中国还仍处于

17、初始阶段。be familiar with“熟悉,通晓”。其主语通常是指人的名词,with的宾语是主语通晓的事物。be familiar to“为所熟悉”。其主语通常是人们所通晓的事物,to的宾语通常是指人的名词。完成句子我们熟悉这出戏,这戏剧般的事件对我们来说是熟悉的。We the drama.The dramatic event us.这个故事是美国人不论老少都十分熟悉的。The story so Americans,young and old.are familiar withis familiar toisfamiliar to大多数人都熟悉这样一个概念,物质是由叫作原子的极小粒子组成

18、的。Most people the idea that matter consists of very small particles called atoms.are familiar withbreak up散(会);驱散(群众)等;(中小学)学期结束,停课放假;分开,拆散;表示物理分解She broke up the glass in her search for money.她在找钱时把玻璃打碎了。He can break up that stone with his hand.他用手能打碎那块石头。The boys will break up for the Christmas va

19、cation next week.孩子们下周放圣诞假。The party broke up at midnight.晚会在午夜结束。break down机器出故障;崩溃;瓦解break in破门而入;插嘴break into the house破门而入break ones promise/word食言break out战争、火灾等爆发break into laughter突然大笑break through突破;穿过理解下列各句中break up的意思The workers broke up the old ship.When will you break up for National Day

20、.The meeting broke up with no agreement reached.Mary and John were good friends,but then they had a quarrel and broke up.The police came and broke up the crowd.拆散放假散会绝交/关系破裂驱散 above all首先;最重要Never waste anything,and above all,never waste time.不要浪费东西,尤其不要浪费时间。We must work,and above all we must believ

21、e in ourselves.我们必须工作,尤其重要的是我们必须树立信心。温馨提示:above all(most important of all强调地位上的重要性)首要的是,尤其。first of all首先,第一(强调顺序)at all根本,全然after all终究,毕竟in all总共,共计all in all总之完成句子He longs(尤其)to see his family again.He has done it well.(毕竟),he is only a learner.(总之),he didnt agree with what his son said.above all

22、After allAll in allstick to坚持,固守,不舍弃;紧靠在旁,不离;对忠实;持续不断,孜孜不倦He decided to stick to his post.他决定坚守岗位。We all agreed to stick to our plan.我们都同意坚持我们的计划。He never sticks to anything for long.他什么事都坚持不久。get stuck受困stick by拥护,支持到底stick out伸出stick to指坚持真理、原则、观点、决定、计划、理论等。insist on指坚持认为,坚持主张或坚决要求某物,其后也可跟动名词作宾语。完

23、成句子He (受困)in the traffic jam.The man(把手插进)his pocket.was stuckstuck the hands intoFreddy and his band could not go out anywhere without being followed.弗雷迪和他的乐队无论走到哪里都会有人跟随。not.without.意为“没有就不能”。这是一种双重否定句式,表示肯定意义。其中否定词也可以是no,never或加否定前缀构成的否定意义的词。I couldnt have made so much progress without your help.

24、如果没有你的帮助,我就不可能取得如此大的进步。For them,nothing is seen as unchangeable.对他们而言,没有什么是一成不变的。(1)常见的双重否定结构还有:no(not).no(not).没有没有no(never).without.没有不;除不(2)常见的用否定形式表示肯定意义的结构有:cannot.too.越越;无论怎样也不为过cannot wait to do sth.急于做某事cannot help doing sth.禁不住/忍不住做某事完成句子没有水就没有生命。there would be no life.一个人拥有的朋友越多越好。A man have many friends.Without watercannottoo


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