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1、第六节第六节 形容词和副形容词和副词词一、形容词一、形容词()1.Its believed that playing computer games too much does _ harm than good.(2017广东省)A.many B.much C.more D.most()2.Among the four seas off the coast of China,East China Sea is the second _.(2016 广东省)A.deep B.deeper C.deepest D.the deepest()3.Bob knows how to cut the cos

2、t of the project.Im sure he can do the work with _ money and _ people.(2015广东省)A.less;less B.fewer;more C.more;fewer D.less;fewer 真题试练真题试练CCD()4.Ive heard that Zhuhai Chimelong Ocean Kingdom is one of ocean _ parks in Asia.(2014广东省)A.very large B.the larger C.much larger D.the largest()5.What do you

3、 think of the film So Young directed by Zhao Wei?Wonderful.I think its _ than the other films about youth in recent years.(2013广东省)A.the best B.the worst C.much better D.much worseDC二、副词二、副词()1.We can collect rainwater when it rains _,and use it to water plants.(2017广东省)A.softly B.heavily C.noisily

4、D.quietly()2.According to a recent survey,_ three fifths of working mothers in China dont want to have a second child.(2016广东省)A.mostly B.especially C.partly D.nearly()3.The final exam is very important.We must treat it _.(2015广东省)A.serious B.seriously C.careless D.carelesslyBDB()4.Take care when yo

5、u are driving,_ in a summer storm like this.(2014广东省)A.immediately B.especially C.probably D.recently()5._ is it from the village to your farm?About 10 minutes walk.(2013广东省)A.How often B.How soon C.How long D.How farBD考点解读考点解读形容词的比较等级和最高级5年5考,副词的词义辨析5年5考。一、形容词的用法一、形容词的用法1.形容词常用来修饰名词,放在名词前,作定语也可以用在系

6、动词之后作表语。如:This is a good book.这是一本好书。His English is good.他的英语很好。2.有些形容词不能修饰名词,通常只在系动词后,作表语。如:alive 活着的 asleep 睡着的 alone 单独的 glad 高兴的 (1)醒着的 _ (2)害怕的_ (3)生病的_ 3.形容词还可作宾语补足语。如:make me strong 使我强壮 keep the door _(关着的)awakeafraidillclosed4.某些形容词前加the,表示“一类人”。如:the old 老人 穷人 _5.形容词修饰不定代词时,要放在不定代词之后。如:som

7、ething important 重要的事情 没什么特别的事情 _the poornothing special 1.副词常用来修饰行为动词,放在动词(短语)之后,作 状语。如:(1)He speaks English very well.他的英语讲得很好。(2)史密斯先生努力工作。Mr.Smith _.2.频率副词作状语时,通常放在行为动词之前,情态动词、助动词和 be动词之后。如:(1)I have never heard him sing.我从未听过他唱歌。(2)他通常早起。He _ early.(3)她经常上学迟到。She _ for school.works hardusually

8、gets upis often late二、二、副词的用法副词的用法3.程度副词一般放在所修饰的形容词或副词的前面。如:(1)他开车很小心。He drives _.(2)这是一份挺难的工作。It is a _ job.very carefullyrather difficult三、易混词辨析三、易混词辨析词语词语用法用法例子例子1alone是形容词和副词,指“独自一人”Though he was _on the island,he didnt feel _.lonely是形容词,强调孤单的感觉alonelonely(续表)词语词语用法用法例子例子2too/also/as well(1)都表示“

9、也”,用于肯定句(2)also用于句中;too,as well 用于句末She can dance,and I can dance,too.=She can dance,and I can dance _.I _ know about it.Its not a secret.I havent read the book and my brother hasnt,_.either(1)表示“也不”,用于否定句(2)用于句末as wellalsoeither(续表)词语词语用法用法例子例子3hard(1)作形容词,意为“困难的;硬的”(2)作副词,意为“努力地;(下雨、下雪等)猛烈地”It is

10、_(困难的)to understand what he says.He studies _(努力地)every day.I could _(几乎不)believe it.hardly 作副词,意为“几乎不”,属于否定词hardhardhardly(续表)词语词语用法用法例子例子4good作形容词,意为“好”His Chinese is very _.He speaks Chinese very _.He is not feeling _ today.well(1)作副词,意为“好”(2)形容词,意为“身体好”5sometimes 意为“有时”I sometimes hear from him.

11、Lets go out sometime next week.He has lived here for some time.sometime意为“某个时候”some time 意为“一段时间”goodwellwell(续表)词语词语用法用法例子例子6quite修饰形容词时,要放在a或an之前,意为“相当”This is quite a nice garden.This is a very nice garden.very修饰形容词时,一般放在a或an之后,意为“非常;很”四、形容词、副词的比较级、最高级的构成和用法四、形容词、副词的比较级、最高级的构成和用法1.构成构成法构成法原级原级比较级

12、比较级最高级最高级规规则则变变化化1)一般在单音节词末尾加-er或-estsmallfew smaller _ smallest _(2)以不发音的e结尾的单音节词,在末尾加-r或-stnice largenicer_nicest _3)以重读闭音节结尾,结尾只有一个辅音字母(w,y除外)的词,先双写结尾的辅音字母再加-er或-estfat thinfatter _ fattest _fewerfewestlargerlargestthinnerthinnest构成法构成法 原级原级比较级比较级最高级最高级4)以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词变y为i,再加-er或-estdry early drie

13、r _driest_(5)部分以er或r结尾的双音节词,可在末尾加-er或-estclearnear clearer _clearest_(6)部分双音节词和多音节词,在前面加more或mostbeautifulslowly more beautiful _most beautiful_(续表)earlierearliestnearernearestmore slowlymost slowly注意注意:以-ing或-ed结尾的形容词和以“adj.+ly”构成的副词,其比较级通常是在原级前加more,在最高级前加most。如:tired more tired most tired easily

14、more easily most easily 原级原级比较比较级级最高级最高级词义词义不不规规则则变变化化(1)good,well_较好,更好;最好(2)ill,bad,badly_更坏,更糟;最坏,最糟(3)many,much_更多;最多(4)little_较少;最少(5)far_(表示距离)较远;最远furtherfurthest(表示程度)(更)进一步betterbestworseworstmoremostlessleastfartherfarthest 原级原级 比较级比较级 最高级最高级 词义词义 (6)old _ _ (表示相比之下年长多少、年龄大小)更年长;最年长 elder

15、eldest 只作定语,用于表示兄弟姐妹间年长多少(续表)olderoldest2.用法(1)使用原级的情况 形容词和副词前有very,quite,rather,too,so,as等 词修饰时。如:The car is much too expensive.这辆车太昂贵了。He spoke very slowly.他讲得很慢。表示程度相等,用“as as”(和一样);表示程 度不相等,用“not so(as)as”(不如)。如:This box is as big as mine.这个盒子和我的一样大。She doesnt run _ (和一样快)he does.as fast as(2)使用

16、比较级的情况两个人或两种事物相比较时,用比较级。如:The boys in her class are _ (高)than those in your class.比较级前可用a lot,much,a bit,a little,even,far等修饰。如:His English is much _(好)than mine.两者进行比较时,比较对象应属于同类。如:The climate in Beijing is _ (比的天气冷)in Guangdong.the+比较级,表示“两者中较的那个”。如:She is the older of the two girls.她是这两个女孩子中年龄较大的

17、那个。tallerbettercolder than that(3)使用最高级的情况 三个或三个以上的人和物进行比较时,用最高级。如:Shanghai is one of _ (最大的)cities in China.形容词最高级前要加the(有形容词性物主代词时不加 the);副词 最高级前可加可不加the。如:This is _ (我最高兴的)day.He listened to the teacher _(最仔细地).形容词前有序数词,用最高级。如:The Yellow River is _ (第二长的)river in China.the largest/biggestmy happi

18、est(the)most carefullythe second longest 五、含有形容词、副词的重点句型五、含有形容词、副词的重点句型 1.使用原级的句型句型句型例子例子(1)be different from His ideas _(与不同)ours.(2)the same as My book is _(和一样)yours.(3)too to do He is _(年纪太小而不能)go to school.(4)enough to do He is not _ (够年龄)to go to school.are different fromthe same astoo young t

19、oold enough(续表)句型句型例子例子(5)It is+adj.+for/of sb.+to do sth.(形容事物时用for;形容人的性格品质时用of)It _(对于我们来说有好处)to eat more fruit.It _(你真好)to help me out.(6)so+adj./adv.+that句子He _(跑得如此快)that nobody could catch up with him.(7)such+a/an+adj.+n.+that从句It was _(如此困难的)problem that I spent the whole night solving it.is

20、 good for usis nice of youran so fastsuch a difficult/hard2.使用比较级的特殊句型(1)“形容词比较级+and+同一形容词比较级”,或“more and more+形容词(多音节词)”表示“越来越”。如:hotter and hotter 越来越热 越来越贵 _(2)“The+形容词/副词比较级,the+形容词/副词比较级”表示“越就越”。如:你学习越努力,懂得就越多。_ you study,_ you know.more and more expensiveThe harderthe more1.以-ing结尾的形容词一般修饰或描述表

21、示事物的名词;以-ed结 尾的形容词则用来描述人对事物的感受。如:This is an _(有趣的)book.We are _(感兴 趣)in it.2.enough作副词用时,放在被修饰词的后面。enough作形容词 修饰名词时,常放在名词的前面。如:(1)我不够高,够不着那幅画。Im not _ to reach the picture.(2)别担心,我们有足够的时间。Dont worry.We have _.interestinginterestedtall enoughenough time易错点突破3.very和much这两个副词都可以表示“很”,但用法不同。very可以 用来修饰形

22、容词和副词的原级,但不可以单独修饰动词;much可以用来修饰形容词和副词的比较级,也可以单独修饰动词。如:(1)她是一个很不错的女孩。She is a _ girl.(2)我觉得好多了。Im feeling _ now.(3)我不是很喜欢这个想法。I dont like the idea _.very nicemuch bettermuch4.wide和widely,deep和deeply,high和highly wide adj.宽的 adv.宽;大 widely adv.广泛地deep adj.深的 adv.深 deeply adv.深深地 high adj.高的 adv.高 highly adv.高度地 如:(1)这条峡谷很宽。The valley is quite _.(2)英语在世界上广泛运用。English is _ used in the world.(3)请睁大眼睛。Please open your eyes _.widewidelywide


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