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1、任务型阅读解题策略任务型阅读解题策略Where is he from?What is he famous for?For more information,lets read some!1 .Michael Jackson2 .on August 29,1958Birthplacein Gary,IndianaEarly lifeWhen Jackson was young,his father 3 that his son had a lot of talents.Michael Jackson was born on August 29,1958,in Gary,Indiana Micha

2、els father,Mr Jackson realized that his sons had a lot of talents,and he knew he could train them to become fine musicians.In those days,there were lots of music groups and some of them were very good.He knew if his sons were different from others,they would have to be the best.NameBirthdayrealized1

3、 .Michael JacksonBirthdayon August 29,1958Birthplacein Gary,IndianaEarly lifeWhen Jackson was young,his father 2 that his son had a lot of talents.Michael Jackson was born on August 29,1958,in Gary,Indiana Michaels father,Mr Jackson realized that his sons had a lot of talents,and he knew he could tr

4、ain them to become fine musicians.In those days,there were lots of music groups and some of them were very good.He knew if his sons were different from others,they would have to be the best.a passage a table with some tasksTask-based reading概概括括 任务型阅读理解任务型阅读理解是阅读理解题是阅读理解题的一部分,它要求对文章中的的一部分,它要求对文章中的某些

5、某些内容内容或或整片文章整片文章做出做出概括概括,是一种,是一种读写结合题。读写结合题。常州市中考题常州市中考题表格形表格形字数的限制字数的限制是否可以用原文中的单词是否可以用原文中的单词短语类短语类句子类句子类对应对应时态语态、主谓一致、第三人称等时态语态、主谓一致、第三人称等动词的形式动词的形式形容词副词的比较级最高级形容词副词的比较级最高级名词的数和格名词的数和格连词,介词连词,介词字母大小写字母大小写整个文章结构整个文章结构(大小标题)大小标题)内容表达内容表达1.1.审题目审题目2.2.审内容审内容3.3.审语法审语法信息查找题信息查找题 2.常用方法常用方法:带着问题有意识地在关键

6、处带着问题有意识地在关键处 做做标记。标记。1.解题关键解题关键:根据问题句子查找根据问题句子查找定位定位信息。信息。原词不变原词不变 信息查找分值信息查找分值信息转换分值信息转换分值信息概括分值信息概括分值2011中考中考1312012中考中考1312013中考中考221SearchingTransformingConcludingProblems The world is becoming too _The _ around us is worse and worse.In the past,man didnt have to think about the protection of h

7、is environment.There were not many people on earth,and natural resources(资源资源)seemed to be unlimited(无限的无限的).But things are different today.The world has become too crowded,and were using up our natural resources too quickly,and at the same time environment around us is becoming worse and worse.crow

8、dedenvironment 定位查找定位查找 做标记做标记信息查找题,直接获取答案型(细读文章,找出信息)信息查找题,直接获取答案型(细读文章,找出信息)快速浏览文章后,阅读问题内容的提示快速浏览文章后,阅读问题内容的提示回到原文准确定位,在相关的段落中找出并回到原文准确定位,在相关的段落中找出并用笔画出与题目相关的信息点,对比原文原用笔画出与题目相关的信息点,对比原文原句与图表中的题干,做出答案。句与图表中的题干,做出答案。Student response(应答)system makes everyone able to express their opinions or answers

9、without having to speak up.(2010常州中考)常州中考)Student response system makes students give their opinions or answers without _(38)up and allows teachers to help students when necessary.speakingwithout doing sth挑战一下挑战一下Attracting the attention of students is always difficult,but these tools have made a bi

10、g difference in how pupils learn.(2010常州中考)常州中考)Make it much easier to attract pupils _(35)by using different tools.attentionTip.Find out the missing information.挑战一下挑战一下_DisadvantagesThe city is surrounded by beautiful mountainsThe air in the city center is being polluted 对比对比 反义词转换反义词转换Advantages(

11、1)词性转换词性转换常常见见的的 转转换换方方式式(2)词汇转换词汇转换(3)句型转换句型转换n.-v.-adj.-adv间的转化间的转化前缀前缀/后缀后缀同义词同义词/反义词反义词另选其它词来释义另选其它词来释义固定词组固定词组语法匹配语法匹配(to,-ing,-ed,主被动)主被动)连词、介词的运用连词、介词的运用固定句型固定句型信息转换题信息转换题 解题关键解题关键:根据问题查找根据问题查找定位定位信息,加工分析并信息,加工分析并转换转换成另一种表达方式。成另一种表达方式。Various audio(声音的声音的)tools also help to make sure that eve

12、ryone can hear what the teacher has to say.(2010年常州市中考年常州市中考题)题)Audio tools make students hear the teachers _(36)even if they sit too far away from the teacher.wordsTip.Make it right and proper(大小写等大小写等).考点:考点:另选其它词释义转换另选其它词释义转换挑战一下挑战一下Title A guide to e-book writing Information about e-books You ca

13、n read them _They become more and more _ An e-book is a book you can read on the Internet.People often read them in their spare time,the popularity(普及普及)of the e-books is growing.onlinepopular划线定位划线定位 对比对比 另选其它词释义转换另选其它词释义转换词性变化转换词性变化转换on the Internet=onlinepopularity(名名)popular(形形)同义转换同义转换词形转换词形转换

14、Finally,reading is also believed to be an excellent way to learn new words and build up your vocabulary.Read things you are interested in,because in this way,you are less likely to become bored.But dont skip over(忽略)those words you dont know.Instead,you should remember and use them in your own daily

15、 conversations.Use them more,and youll surely have a better chance of remembering them.(2012年常州市中考年常州市中考题)题)4.Learn words through reading.Read things you(38)_ _.Do not skip over new words,but remember and use them more.like/enjoy/love考点:考点:挑战一下挑战一下另选其它词来释义另选其它词来释义 The way in which we communicate wit

16、h others can be greatly improved by building a better vocabulary.In our personal life,we communicate and share experiences with others.However,how well we do it depends on(取决于)our ability to express ourselves through spoken and written language.Luckily,increasing(增加)our word power can make us own th

17、e skills we need to communicate better with others and can also help us get better results in our study.(2011年常州市中考题)年常州市中考题)Improve your ability to express yourselves and communicate better with others.Be(35)_ _to your study.helpful/usefulhelp vhelpful adj考点:考点:词性转换词性转换挑战一下挑战一下信息归纳题型信息归纳题型(考虑结构,关注细

18、节,调整答案)(考虑结构,关注细节,调整答案)These ways will cheer you up when you are down,but dont just use them when you are sad.Try and practice them every day to make them a habit.You will be surprised to learn that these simple ways will keep your sadness away.But if you are in a deep depression(沮丧),go to see a doc

19、tor.Try to make these simple ways a habit.Go to see a doctor when you are in a deep depression.Advice/Suggestions The social rules(细则)of standing in line are also interesting.For example,you need to be able to decide the correct distance to the person in front of you.Get too close and there is a dan

20、ger of entering other peoples personal space.This is a serious mistake and often makes other people angry.However,when you leave too much space,the next person is likely to ask:“Are you in the queue?”This may sound polite but in fact it means:“Cant you stand in line properly?”(2012年常州市中考题)年常州市中考题)So

21、cial rulesof queuing You should stand (36)too close to nor far from the person in front of you.Even if there is only one British person waiting for a bus,he queues too.If tourists do not queue,they will be strictly reminded to follow the local custom.neitherneithernor.既不。也不既不。也不挑战一下挑战一下考点:考点:另选其它词来释

22、义另选其它词来释义reason(s)cause(s)result effect conclusion advantages disadvantagesway(s)solution(s)常见概括性词常见概括性词原因原因方法方法优劣优劣结论结论观点观点Idea(s)opinion(s)thoughts结果结果目的目的 aim purpose 建议建议 advice suggestion(s)话题话题topic subject/title概括性概括性针对性针对性醒目性醒目性归纳词归纳词的特征的特征(在最大程度上覆盖栏内信息(在最大程度上覆盖栏内信息)(量体裁衣,大小适度(量体裁衣,大小适度)(简洁)

23、(简洁)1.1.解题关键:解题关键:根据问题查找定位信息,找共性的东西。根据问题查找定位信息,找共性的东西。2.2.3 3、熟悉并记住一些常用的归纳总结性的词。、熟悉并记住一些常用的归纳总结性的词。信息归纳题信息归纳题型(全文、片段归纳)型(全文、片段归纳)Its an amazing social behavior;it brings the British to a higher level of civilization(文明文明).At least that is what one German professor thinks.The professor named Joseph H

24、einrich and his workmates say that standing in line is the“highest form of cooperative(协作的协作的)group behavior”.(2012年常州市中考题)年常州市中考题)Professors )of queuing The British have reached a higher level of civilization.It is the highest form of cooperative group behavior.opinions/thoughts/ideas 挑战一下挑战一下The w

25、ay in which we communicate with others can be greatly improved by building a better vocabulary.In our personal life,we communicate and share experiences with others.However,how well we do it depends on(取决于取决于)our ability to express ourselves through spoken and written language.Luckily,increasing(增增加

26、加)our word power can make us own the skills we need to communicate better with others and can also help us get better results in our study.(2011年常州市中考题)年常州市中考题)(34)_of building up vocabularyImprove your ability to express yourselves and communicate better with others.Be helpful to your study.Importa

27、nce/Advantages/Value/Reasons 挑战一下挑战一下解题步骤 表格文章略读表格略读表格审清表格结构审清表格结构记住阅读任务记住阅读任务略读文章首尾句、段略读文章首尾句、段带表格中任务细读带表格中任务细读在文章中做在文章中做标记定位标记定位 (圈画关键词和关键句圈画关键词和关键句)对比文章中标记处和表格中对比文章中标记处和表格中 的对应任务的对应任务解解 题题 技技 巧巧 (一一):):信息信息查找查找题,题,直接获取答案型直接获取答案型 根据问题句子查找根据问题句子查找定位定位信息。信息。解解 题题 技技 巧巧 (二二):):信息转换题信息转换题型型 根据问题查找根据问题

28、查找定位定位信息,加工分析并信息,加工分析并转换转换成成另一种表达方式。另一种表达方式。解解 题题 技技 巧巧 (三三):):信息归纳题信息归纳题型型 根据问题查找根据问题查找定位定位信息,找共性的东西。信息,找共性的东西。Passage outline Detailed informationIntroductionShortsighted opinion:Music is only a way of entertainment,not the top choice for education.Truth:Music education is necessary and important

29、for all students.Main BodyA way to tell who we are:Music not only reflects the social environment it came from but also expresses peoples thinking and _37_A way to know the world:We cant discover and respond to our world in just one way.Science explains how nature 38.Music explores the emotive meani

30、ngs of nature.A way to communicate with others:We use music to 39 our feelings,our discoveries,our ideas,our imagination and our hopes with others.Music,40from science,tells us what it means to be human.ConclusionMusic education is necessary.Title:Music education is of 36 (2013年常州市中考题)年常州市中考题)Music

31、tells us who we are.Music reflects the creators thinking and values,as well as the social environment it came from.For example,just as Mozart music represents a lifestyle,rock music represents a lifestyle,too.The jazz influence that George Gershwin and other musicians introduced into their music is

32、obviously American because it came from American musical traditions.A way to tell who we are:Music not only reflects the social environment it came from but also expresses peoples thinking and _ _ _values信息查找题信息查找题考点:考点:How important is music?When they are asked this question,students and parents us

33、ually answer that music is nice,but not very important.It is often considered only as entertainment,but not the first choice for education.This opinion is shortsighted.In fact,music education is necessary and important for all students.Title:Music education is of 36 importance词性转换词性转换be important=be

34、 of importance Music is a form of thought,as powerful as science.It is a way we human beings“talk”to each other.Through the language we expresses our feelings,our discoveries,our ideas,our imagination and our hopes so that they can be shared with others.When we do not let our children receive good m

35、usic education,we take away from them the meanings that music expresses.Science does not tell us what it means to be human.Music does.A way to communicate with others:We use music to 39 our feelings,our discoveries,our ideas,our imagination and our hopes with others.Music,40 from science,tells us wh

36、at it means to be human.express different信息直接查找题信息直接查找题句义推断归纳题句义推断归纳题 Music provides a kind of ability to know the world in a different way.Science explains how the sun rises and sets.Music explores the emotive meanings.We need every possible way to discover and response to our world because no one

37、way can get it all.A way to know the world:We cant discover and respond to our world in just one way.Science explains how nature 38 .Music explores the emotive meanings of nature.works另选其它词来释义另选其它词来释义祝祝:同同 学学 们们 在在 今今 年年 中中 考考 中中 取取 得得 优优 异异 的的 成成 绩!绩!(1 1)Be confident of yourself.相信自己。相信自己。(2 2)Try

38、 to remember more words to help you and do more such exercises.拓展词汇量,多做类似题。拓展词汇量,多做类似题。(3 3)Study hard to make the dream of entering High School come true.努力学习,使得升入高中的梦想成真。努力学习,使得升入高中的梦想成真。If we want to get high marks,What can we do in the future study?Thank you!Thank you!任务型阅读一卷现任务型阅读一卷现 拿到文章要细读拿到文章要细读 三审表格是关键三审表格是关键三种技巧要多练三种技巧要多练 图表变换不慌忙图表变换不慌忙 反复检查不厌倦反复检查不厌倦summary


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