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1、2016小考小考:中秋节是我国的一个传统节日。每到中秋,人们就会团聚在一起,做月饼,吃月饼,赏月,讲有关月亮和嫦娥的故事。请你根据以上内容,用英语写一篇与中秋节有关的短文。提示词:Mid-Autumn Festival,get together,make/eat mooncakes,eat a big dinner,see the moon,tell stories,happy.要求:1、条理清楚,语句通顺连贯,单词标点正确,书写规范干净。2、字数在50字左右。NameLucyAge12ClassClass 1,Grade 6SchoolHongan Primary SchoolFavouri

2、te SubjectEnglishHobbiessinging,dancing,read booksFavourite Colourpink20152015小考小考:Lucy是我最要好的朋友,我现在用英语把她介绍给你们。请你们看看,我写得好不好呀?2014小考小考:我是一个快乐的小学生。上个周末我的活动可丰富啦!我把我上周末做的事用英语记了一些。你想看看吗?我是一个快乐的小学生。我是一个快乐的小学生。上个周末我的活动可丰富上个周末我的活动可丰富啦!我把我上周末做的事啦!我把我上周末做的事用英语记了一些。你想看用英语记了一些。你想看看吗?看吗?两天两天活活动写具体,动写具体,多样多样我我是一个快

3、乐的小学生。是一个快乐的小学生。上个上个周末周末我我的活动可丰富啦!的活动可丰富啦!我把我把我我上周末上周末做的事用英语记了一做的事用英语记了一些。你想看看吗?些。你想看看吗?一般过去时一般过去时第一人称第一人称人称:主要有第一人称和第三人称;如使用第三人称需注人称:主要有第一人称和第三人称;如使用第三人称需注意三单在意三单在一般一般现在时的用法,动词后需加现在时的用法,动词后需加s或或es。*写作过程中需注意代词的格式。写作过程中需注意代词的格式。一篇作文可以不止一种人称和时态。一篇作文可以不止一种人称和时态。1)使用时间词语衔接时间词语衔接:如写过去时的作文:Last Sunday,Las

4、t weekend;My holiday等。2)In the morning/afternoon/eveningOn Saturday morning/afternoonOn Sunday morning/afternoonOn Monday/Tuesday.On the 1st day,on the 2nd day.In the morning/afternoon/evening3)开头点开头点题,结尾呼应题,结尾呼应如写:Last weekendI was busy last weekend.On Saturday morning,.In the afternoon,.On Sunday

5、morning,.In the afternoon,.In the evening,I.I was very happy last weekend.1)be动词和行为动词动词和行为动词:同一个句子只能出现一种(现在进行时除外)错误:I was went to the park last Sunday.(把was去掉)2)like+V-ing 形式形式(like后紧跟的动词一定要加-ing),want to do sth例:I like going shopping.I want to go to the park.3)三单句子三单句子:动词后加s或esShe goes to school ev

6、ery day.她每天去上学。My sister often gets up early.我妹妹经常很早起床。4)There be句型句型There is a bird and two monkeys in the tree.树上有一只鸟和两只猴子。There is a book on the desk.桌子上有一本书。假期是快乐的,去年暑假你们全家去了哪里?怎么去的?在那里你们都干了什么?请以“My last holiday”为题,根据提示写一写你去年的假期生活,不少于5句话。(提示词:car,ride a horse,go camping,eat fresh food,take pictu

7、res,buy gifts.)假期是快乐的,去年暑假你们全家去了哪里?怎么去的?在那里你们都干了什么?请以“My last holiday”为题,根据提示写一写你去年的假期生活,不少于5句话。(提示词:car,ride a horse,go camping,eat fresh food,take pictures,buy gifts.)假期是快乐的,去年暑假你们全家去了哪里?怎么去的?在那里你们都干了什么?请以“My last holiday”为题,根据提示写一写你去年的假期生活,不少于5句话。(提示词:car,ride a horse,go camping,eat fresh food,ta

8、ke pictures,buy gifts.)第一人称第一人称(主要主要)第三人称第三人称一般过去时一般过去时开头点开头点题题:My family went to Qingdao last summer.中间部中间部分使用时间词语或表顺序的词语衔接分使用时间词语或表顺序的词语衔接On the first day,we went camping and rode a horse.On the second day,.On the third day,.On the last day,.结尾呼结尾呼应:应:We had a good time in Qingdao.1.On the first d

9、ay,we was went camping and rode a horse.2.On the second day,we ate fresh food.It is delicious.3.On the third day,we went to a park.My sister took a lot of beautiful photos.4.On the last day,we buy many gifts for our friends.Then we came back home.5.We have a good time in Qingdao.My last holiday My f

10、amily and I went to Qingdao last summer.We went there by car.On the first day,we went camping and rode a hose.On the second day,we ate fresh food.It was delicious.On the third day,we went to a park.My sister took a lot of beautiful photos.On the last day,we bought many gifts for our friends.Then we

11、came back home.We had a good time in Qingdao.审题、抓点人称、时态搭建、结构改错、誊写生活中有你最喜欢的人、事、物等,请你以“My favourite _”为题,写一篇作文,60字左右。作文专题作文专题作文要有中心思想。第一句体现中心思想。作文要有内容。第二段内容中体现时间,地点,人物,事情等。作文要有升华,最后一段得总结提升。内容采用总分总的形式内容采用总分总的形式1.角色角色1.构想演讲中有(些)什么?人物,动物,食物,生活用品,家具,2.这些事物的特征?数量,颜色,服饰,形状,位置,2.角色行为角色行为5.这些人或物在做什么?发挥自己的想象力6

12、.行为的结果和影响怎样好不好(不)可爱,(不)快乐,(不)累,3.场景场景3.在什么地方?海滩,公园,房间内,操场,教室,医院,商场4.场景中所呈现的天气,时间怎样?晴,阴,雨,雪,冷,热,早晨,中午,下午,晚上 学会整合梦想自己有一只小宠物,是一只绿色的熊猫,我的妈妈是一个老师,我的爸爸是一名警察周末,我和好友一起去公园玩圣诞节,我收到了一份礼物,那是一只小宠物,这就是我开心的一件事。(教师节,我送给老师一个小礼物,母亲节)我最喜欢的食物是西红柿,因为多吃青菜有助于身体健康。My favorite vegetable is tomato,because it is healthy food.

13、我假期里和妈妈一起去动物园,去电影院看电影,我最喜欢看功夫熊猫,熊猫是我最喜欢的动物。On my holiday,I go to the zoo with my mom.I see many animals.We go to the cinema to watch film.I like watching kung Fu Panda.I like pandas.时间:morning.Monday,weekend,June.summer,last year,Holiday.8:00地点:my home,school,classroom,on the street,bookstore,librar

14、y,museum,police station,cinema,supermarket,hospital.park/zoo,角色:family,myself,teacher,nurse,doctor,worker,neighbor,classmate,friend,pet(fish,bird,dog,panda,monkey)事情:hobbies,dream,exam,love,pollution,money动词:teach/study(learn),play,smile/cry,help,rain/snow,touch,sing/dance名词:party,city,clothes,sun/m

15、oon,stationary/tableware,color,food/fruit/vegetable,photo/picture,plants/animals,形容词:happy,sad,tired,bored,excited,warm,cool,hot,cold,sunny,rainy,snowy,windy,colors,healthy,clever/smart,big/short/lazy/clean,beautiful,开头:Hello,everyone,I am glad to be here,today,I will give you a speech about结尾:Thats

16、 all.Thank you very much!On Sunday morning,it is sunny and warm,my mom takes me to the park,there are many flowers and plants.You can hear the bird is singing.You can see the fish is swimming in the pool.I play with my little sister.We are happy.讲故事,先描述时间,天气,然后说地点,事讲故事,先描述时间,天气,然后说地点,事件,简单明了。件,简单明了。

17、I have a big room.There is a blue bed in my room.There is a small desk.I do my homework on the desk.There is a computer in my room.The computer is new.There is a big closet in my room.There are some flowers in my room.This is my room.介绍熟悉地点用 there be 句型。描述颜色,大小,新旧。介绍教室:desk,fan,window,blackboard,air

18、-conditioner介绍学校:play ground,building,classroom,music room,computer room,art room,some trees,flowers,a big gate介绍人物 描述姓名,年龄,高低 胖瘦 爱好 职业 如何上班,或者如何跟你一起做事情。I have a good mother.Her name is Lily,she is 32years old.She is tall.She is thin.She is very kind.She is a nurse.She likes apples and meat.She alwa

19、ys goes to work by bike.She often reads books with me.I love my mother.可以用于介绍 家庭成员,father mother grandfather等 也可以介绍邻居neighbor,朋友friend,teacher男的家庭成员,职业说成 teacher,名字是 Mike.加一句 He teaches English.老师就不用单独准备。She 换成 he 朋友可以说 We often play games together.She he it has 他她它 有。She he it likes 他她它 喜欢、关于时间,节日,

20、假期等,叙述做的事情即可。I have a buzy weekend.I do my homework on Saturday morning.I eat lunch at home.I eat turkey and potatoes.I clean my room in the afternoon.I watch TV in the evening.On Sunday,I play football with my friends.I am happy.节日前用介词节日前用介词on做的事情可以一样,把时间换掉。动物:描述大小,颜色,吃什么食物,经常做什么动作,可以拟人。凑不够数可以描述五官。

21、I have a little pet.His name is Tom.He is a dog.He is two years old.He is black and white.He has two yellow eyes and two big ears.He likes meat.He likes playing a ball.Sometimes we play together.I like Tom,we are good friends.动物园的动物 开头换成 I have a dream.I want to have a little monkey.把吃的东西换一下,熊猫吃竹子ba

22、mboo.其他动物吃草grass.颜色换一下结尾换成 This is my dream.I want to have a cute monkey.如果抽到如果抽到dream就背这篇即可就背这篇即可描述爱好,或者最喜欢的东西。注意like后面跟动名词形式,或者名词的复数形式。I have many hobbies.I like swimming,because I can swim in summer.I like drawing pictures,I like drawing rabbits.I like playing computer games.I like singing,my fav

23、orite pop star is Dongfang Shenqi.I like watching TV.What about you?Whats your hobby?描述最喜欢的物品,从颜色,形状,大小,味道,或者用途。e.g.My favorite fruit is orange.It is orange,it is big and small.It is sweet and sour.I like eating oranges.名词类别,出现总称可以逐个描述。从颜色,大小,形状,味道,用途,归谁所有等各方面。有生命的参照人物动物一栏。Gift (可以和pet整合)I have a beautiful gift.It is from my sister Ann.It is big and tall.It is brown.It has two eyes and a mouth.It has four long legs.It is a teddy bear.I like it very much.HappyHomePolicemanBookstoreBus SnowmanDreamSchool Family Weekendmorningzoo Food WaterMyselfSmileSundayGift LoveexamThanks a lot!


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