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1、如何使银行服务于庞大的小型微型企业市场如何使银行服务于庞大的小型微型企业市场Building an innovative SME franchise“征信产品在商业银行信用风险管理中的应用”国际研讨会 2007年6月20日 中国天津 Symposium on Credit Reporting and Retail&SME Banking,Tianjing,ChinaJune 20,20072印度工业信贷投资(ICICI)银行所采取的方法 ICICI Bank Approach 提纲 Agenda管理客户关系 Managing Customer Relationships建立创新的中小企业业务(

2、中小企业银行品牌)Building an innovative SME franchise 新兴的增长领域 Emerging Growth Horizons建立一个咨询模式 Building an advisory model为中小企业创建一个生态系统 Creating an eco-system for SMEs3ICICI银行所采取的方法 ICICI Bank Approach 提纲 Agenda管理客户关系 Managing Customer Relationships建立创新的中小企业业务(中小企业银行品牌)Building an innovative SME franchise 新兴

3、的增长领域 Emerging Growth Horizons建立一个咨询模式 Building an advisory model为中小企业创建一个生态系统 Creating an eco-system for SMEs4传统方法 Traditional Approach很少关注交叉销售 Limited focus on cross sell没有使用市场细分的方法 Un-segmented approach有限的交付渠道 Limited delivery channels根据财务报表进行的刻板风险评估 Rigid financial statement oriented risk assess

4、ment缺乏积极主动的销售体系 Absence of proactive sales architecture有限的产品系列 Limited product suite传统的中小企业银行业务是 Traditionally SME Banking was all about.5客户的要求和认识Customer surveys&insights 国际最佳实践 Global Best PracticesICICI银行的中小企业战略 ICICI Bank SME Strategy我们对中小企业进行了大量调研,以便了解 We have scanned the SME space to understan

5、d.66016177 5 年 years3-5 年 years1-3 年 years1 年 year长期的和忠诚度高的业务关系 Loyal,long banking relationships(百分比百分比 Per cent)价格敏感度较低 Lower price sensitivity分行与写字楼/住宅区的接近程度 Proximity of branch to office/residence优质服务 Superior service银行的声誉 Bank reputation与银行职员的关系Comfort/relationship with bank staff服务费用低 Low servi

6、ce fees7 70 06 61 15 54 45 53 34 41 1817258494441413928171715存款产品 Deposit products信贷产品 Credit products交易产品 Transaction products大量的交叉销售机会 Significant cross sell opportunities被调查对象中使用各类产品的百分比 Per cent of respondents using product支票账户 Checking account支付凭证 Pay orders电子转帐 Tele-graphic Funds transfer定期贷款

7、Term loan定期存款 Fixed deposit外汇 Forex透支/信用卡 OD/CC面值支付 Payable at par信用证 LC银行保函 BG保理 Factoring代发工资 Salary processing来源:麦肯锡研究报告 Source:Mckinsey Study Report中小企业客户具有特殊性 SME customer is unique客户调查和认识 Customer survey&insights7存款 Deposits=70-75%费用 Fees=20-25%贷款 Loans =3-8%利润比例利润比例 Profit Percentages 交易业务和存款

8、是中小企业业务赢利性的驱动因素 Transaction Banking and Deposits drives SME profitability来源:美国FIC咨询 Source:FIC Consulting,USA客户调查和认识 Customer survey&insights8国际最佳实践Global Best Practices市场细分 Market segmentation与零售战略和分销渠道相匹配 Aligned with retail strategies and channels个人银行业务和企业银行业务相结合 Integrated private and business b

9、anking多渠道获取业务 Multi-channel acquisition以信贷评分为基础的信贷评估 Credit score based credit assessment大量使用技术手段和自动化流程 Intensive use of technology&automation国际最佳实践 Global best practices9以客户为中心 Customer focus以销售为导向的市场细分 Sales oriented market segmentation全面的产品系列 Comprehensive product suite多样化的交付渠道 Multiple delivery

10、channels控制风险 Contain risk专业化的放贷 Focused lending以组合方式进行风险管理 Portfolio approach积极主动的监控 Pro-active monitoring不仅仅分析财务表现 Going beyond financials交叉销售 Cross-sell根据客户需求,为其提供全面服务 Holistic approach to customer needs成本效率最优化 Cost&efficiency optimization集中化处理流程 Centralized processes通过技术手段保证服务和产品交付的一致性 Leverage t

11、echnology for consistency of services&deliveryICICI银行中小企业战略 ICICI Banks SME StrategyICICI银行特有的中小企业业务4C方法 ICICI Banks distinct 4C approach to SME10产品Products方法Approach特定的产业集群 Specific industry clusters集群银行业集群银行业务务 Cluster Banking 与公司相连的渠道伙伴 Corporate Linked Channel partners与公司相关与公司相关的业务的业务 Corporate

12、Linked Business其它中小客户 Other Small&Medium Sized Cos小型业务小型业务 Small Business以客户为中心 Customer FocusICICI银行 I-Bank传统方式 Traditional通过专注于市场细分,拓展了中小企业资产覆盖模式 Expanded SME assets coverage model through focused market segmentation“无差异化 one shoe fits all”业务获取Acquisition 评估Assessment 监控Monitoring交付Delivery分散性的无差异

13、方法 Diffused undifferentiated approach以“无差异”为基调的分散性战略 Diffused strategy with“one shoe fits all”attitude以价格为主导,没有规模效益 Price led approach with no economies of scale不重视关系银行业务 No effort at relationship banking11以客户为中心 Customer Focus基于流程和风险来树立内部品牌 Internal Branding based on processes&risk价值主张 Value propos

14、ition客户 Customer 专注于资金类产品 Focused on Fund based products 针对性低 Low customization外汇/贸易 Forex/Trade第三方投资产品第三方投资产品 Third Party Investment products资金/非资金 Fund/Non-Fund 交易银行业务/现金管理服务 Transaction Banking/CMS公司连接贷款计划公司连接贷款计划 Corporate linked lending program信用卡 CC定期贷款 TL支票账户 CA银行保函 BG信用证 LC产品Products方法Approa

15、ch业务获取Acquisition 评估Assessment 监控Monitoring交付Delivery投资 Investment弹性信贷弹性信贷 Flexi Credit企业信贷企业信贷 Enterprise Credit快速外汇服务快速外汇服务 Rapid Forex信用卡证券化信用卡证券化 Credit Card Securitisation漫游服务Roaming Protect快速现金管快速现金管理服务理服务 Rapid CMS集群贷款计划集群贷款计划 Clusters lending programICICI银行 I-Bank传统 Traditional传统 Traditional

16、传统方式 Traditional12不断产生的客户需求 Emerging Customer Needs交叉销售和追加销售其它的业务产品 Cross sell and up-sell other banking products 提供理财产品 Offer Wealth Management products交叉销售共同创造业务增长机会 Cross Sell-Co-creating growth opportunities通过风险投资机构提供股权融资 Equity support through VC firms 结成伙伴,为印度的中小企业提供融资 Partnering for financing

17、 SMEs in India增长中的个人财富Growing personal wealth提供投资咨询服务Offer Investment advisory support13分行 Branch以客户为中心 Customer FocusTraditional单一的业务来源 Single source of acquisition 分行 Branch互联网 Internet电话服务中心 Call Centre移动电话 Mobile伙伴 Partners采用多渠道来获得客户 Use multiple channels for client acquisition接近程度 Proximity 接触

18、Touch使用方便 Ease of use安全性 Security客户经理 RM产品Products方法 Approach业务获取Acquisition 评估Assessment 监控Monitoring交付Delivery电子邮件E-mail客户 Customer客户 CustomerICICI银行 I-Bank传统 Traditional传统 Traditional传统方式 Traditional14贷款申请 Loan Application 风险控制 Contain RiskOld根据财务报表进行信贷评估 Credit appraisal based on financial state

19、ments信贷评分模型 Credit Scoring Model行业经验 Industry expertise集中化审批 Centralized sanctions产品Products方法 Approach业务获取Acquisition 评估Assessment 监控Monitoring交付Delivery客户 CustomerICICI银行 I-Bank传统方式 Traditional全方位评估 360 degree evaluation贷款主要集中于贷款主要集中于 Lending predominantly focused around:预先筛选出的集群预先筛选出的集群 Pre-selec

20、ted clusters 公司连接客户(产业链供应链关系)公司连接客户(产业链供应链关系)Corporate linkages 参数化参数化 Parametrisation15风险控制 Contain Risk分行 Branch事后监控 Post facto monitoring专门的清专门的清收部门收部门 FocusCollectionsunits贷款组合监控贷款组合监控 Portfolio Monitoring借记卡借记卡/信贷卡总和信贷卡总和Debit/Credit Summation 逾期信用证逾期信用证/银行保函银行保函/EPC单单 Over due LC/BG/EPC Bills早

21、期预警信号和贷款用途监控早期预警信号和贷款用途监控 Early Warning Signals&end-use monitoring无信贷交易无信贷交易 No credit transaction借记卡借记卡/信贷卡结清信贷卡结清 Rounded Debit/Credit 积极主动的监控 Pro-active monitoring 培养了解和评估各领域信贷风险的能力 Building domain capabilities to understand and assess credit riskICICI银行 I-Bank传统方式Traditional产品Products方法Approach业

22、务获取Acquisition 评估Assessment 监控Monitoring交付Delivery16分行 Branch成本效率最优化 Cost optimization&efficiency以分行为主要交付渠道 Mainly branch based delivery集中化运营 Centralised Operations互联网 Internet电话服务中心 Call Centre多种交付渠道 Multi-Channel delivery集中化处理,以保证速度和一致性 Centralisation for speed&consistency 信用卡 Cards自动提款机 ATMs分行 Br

23、anch客户经理 RM产品Products方法Approach业务获取Acquisition 评估Assessment 监控Monitoring交付DeliveryI-BankTraditional传统方式传统方式17客户数量比2004财年增加了5.4倍 5.4 X increase in customer base over FY04业务量比2004财年上升了4.5倍 4.5X growth in trade volumes over FY04 我们的业务模式推广实现了初步成功 We had achieved initial scale up.18ICICI银行所采取的方法 ICICI Ba

24、nk Approach 提纲 Agenda管理客户关系 Managing Customer Relationships建立创新的中小企业业务(中小企业银行品牌)Building an innovative SME franchise 新兴的增长领域 Emerging Growth Horizons建立一个咨询模式 Building an advisory model为中小企业创建一个生态系统 Creating an eco-system for SMEs19.未来的发展纲要必须基于客户不断变化的需求 our future agenda is driven by the changing voi

25、ce of the customer.以前客户说 Earlier said.现在客户说 Now saying.我需要方便可靠的银行服务 I want convenience&reliability in banking services 我需要品种丰富的银行产品 I want a wide range of banking products经济发展为业务增长带来了机遇。我需要获得融资,使我能够有效地参与到这种增长中去 The economy is offering growth opportunities.I need finance to participate in this growth

26、 in an efficient manner20特定的行业集群 Specific industry clusters集群银行集群银行业务业务 Cluster Banking 与公司关联的渠道伙伴 Corporate Linked Channel partners与公司客户与公司客户相关的业务相关的业务 Corporate Linked Business其它中小规模的企业 Other Small&Medium Sized Cos小型业务小型业务 Small Business 起始阶段Initial stage成长阶段 Growth stage向加强型覆盖模式发展 Leading to inte

27、nsified coverage model.以中小企业为中心的市场细分 SME centric market segmentation关键客户经理 Key account managers集群银行业务 Cluster banking强化型关系工作组 Intensive relationship group电话业务组 Tele-calling group与公司客户相关的业务 Corporate linked business小型业务 Small business产品开发 Product development市场营销 Marketing风险管理与合规 Risk management&compl

28、iance21商务信用卡 Business Credit Card 简单的商业贷款 Simple Business Loans 银团贷款和股权融资 Loan syndication and equity support.以及新产品主张 and new product propositions22我们的中小企业战略的成功实施已经显露成效,使ICICI银行在印度中小企业中树立起了品牌 Our successful execution of SME strategy has yielded results and established ICICI Banks presence in the SME

29、 sector.23向政策制定者反映中小企业问题,表彰创业精神 Voicing SME issues to policy makers&celebrating spirit of entrepreneurship2006年,ICICI银行荣获“新兴印度奖”,有35000名申请者.Overwhelming response of over 35000 applications for Emerging India Awards 2006.24中小企业对话 SME Dialogue 新兴企业杂志 Emerging Enterprises Magazine中小企业博览会 SME Expos中小企业评

30、级机构 SME Rating Agencies携手主要财经日报经济时报,在中小企业间共享最佳实践 Sharing best practices among SMEs in association with leading financial daily Economic Times发展商对商社区 Developing B2B community关注集群发展方面的问题 Addressing cluster specific issues与印度小企业发展银行/中小企业评级社合作,在印度创立一家新的中小企业评级机构 Co-participating with SIDBI/SMERA for crea

31、ting an SME rating agency in India树立一个富有意义的形象和品牌资产 Building a meaningful presence&brand equity25ICICI银行所采取的方法 ICICI Bank Approach 提纲 Agenda管理客户关系 Managing Customer Relationships建立创新的中小企业业务(中小企业银行品牌)Building an innovative SME franchise 新兴的增长领域 Emerging Growth Horizons建立一个咨询模式 Building an advisory mod

32、el为中小企业创建一个生态系统 Creating an eco-system for SMEs26如今,印度的中小企业正在重新整合以应对国际竞争。他们正在寻找能有效管理现金流和获得发展机会的产品/服务。Now,Indian SMEs are re-aligning themselves to face global competition.They are looking for products/services to manage their cash flows efficiently and capture growth opportunities.27中小企业门户 SME Porta

33、l获得客户 Customer Acquisitions商对商市场 B2B Market place企业咨询服务 Business Advisory Services在线交易 Online Transactions中小企业银行业务咨询框架 SME business banking advisory framework28安全港协议(关于本演讲内容的免责声明)Safe HarbourExcept for the historical information contained herein,statements in this Release which contain words or phra

34、ses such as will,would,indicating,expected to etc.,and similar expressions or variations of such expressions may constitute forward-looking statements.These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks,uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from

35、those suggested by the forward-looking statements.These risks and uncertainties include,but are not limited to our ability to successfully implement our strategy,future levels of non-performing loans,our growth and expansion in business,the adequacy of our allowance for credit losses,technological i

36、mplementation and changes,the actual growth in demand for banking products and services,investment income,cash flow projections,our exposure to market risks as well as other risks detailed in the reports filed by us with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.ICICI Bank undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date thereof.29谢谢Thank you


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