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2021-2022 学年度第一学期期中检测试题2021-2022 学年度第一学期期中检测试题 高 三 英 语高 三 英 语 2021.11第一部分第一部分 听力听力(共两节,满分共两节,满分 30 分分)第一节(共 5 小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的入、B、c 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What do we know about Mrs.Grant?A.She is easy-going.B.She is kind.C.She is serious.2.What does the woman need to do this weekend?A.To get her car fixed.B.To do her housework.C.To go to school.3.Why is the man late?A.He was caught in the traffic.B.He had to look for his car.C.He had to wait for someone.4.Which of the following will the woman use next time?A.Wechat or Skype.B.Letter.C.The telephone.5.What do the speakers both like?A.Dance.B.Singing.C.Walking.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5 秒钟的时间阅 读各个小题,听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段材料,回答第 6 和第 7 两个小题。6.What does the man order?A.Beef and tomato soup.B.Roast potatoes and peas.C.Iced tea and medium beef.7.How does the man want the beef?A.Rare.B.Medium.C.Well done.听下面一-段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。8.What are the speakers talking about?A.The local market.B.Chinese paper-cuts.C.Handmade products.9.What will the woman do tomorrow?A.Buy some paper-cuts.B.Learn to make paper-cuts.C.Send paper-cuts to her friends.听下面-段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10.What will Fiona do in Cornwall?A.Go surfing.B.Visit her sister.C.Do up her house.11.Whats the probable relationship between Fiona and the man?A.Friends.B.Colleagues.C.Husband and wife.12.How will the man get back home?A.By train.B.By car.C.By air.听下面一段材料,回答第 I3 至 16 题。13.Where does he conversation probably take place?A.At home.B.In a cafe.C.In their office.14.What do we know about the man?A.He has a new job.B.He often meets Sarah.C.He never believes his friends.15.With whom does the man come here now?A.His friends.B.His family.C.Sarahs family.16.What will the woman probably do next?A.Continue with her meal.B.Meet Jasons friends.C.Do her new job.听下面一段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17.Where can people find public bookshelves in Germany?A.On street corners.B.In the cinema.C.In the church.18.For whom is the project set up?A.The old.B.The children.C.Everyone.19.Who take care of the public bookshelves?A.Local librarians.B.The police.C.Local volunteers.20.Where are they going to put up future bookshelves next?A.In rich neighborhoods.B.In poor neighborhoods.C.In local supermarkets.第二部分阅读理解第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分共两节,满分 50 分分)第一节(共 15 个小题:每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。AHow to Pass Your Ohio Driving Test the First TimeFollow these tips to pass the Ohio driving test smoothly!Get Yourself and Your Vehicle Ready for the Ohio Driving TestThe best thing to do is get a good night rest before the day of test.Youll want to show up toyour appointment early.To refresh your memory of traffic laws,read through the Ohio Drivers Manual again and takea couple of online practice tests(free with our Ohio Drivers Education course).Make sure to bring a valid temporary instruction permit with you.Be familiar with your vehicle!The test administrator will ask you to demonstrate the following:Adjust your mirrors Tum on your windshield wipers,radio,headlights,heating and cooling systems.They will also inspect these it to make sure theyre in safe working condition:Current license plate Speedonneter Exhaust system Tail lights TiresGet some knowledge for the Ohio Driving TestThe test administrator will make sure you know about driving rules and regulations,whichinclude passing in the correct lane and knowing when passing other vehicles is prohibited.You willdemonstrate to them signals for lane changes and turns using both lights and arm signals.You must also understand and apply rules of right-of-way,which includes maintaining a spacecushion(缓冲)with a 4scond following distance.If you go over the speed limit or roll past a stop sign or red light without stopping,you can expect to fail your road test.Remember the basis of putting on your safety belt and placing both hands on the wheel.21.Who are these tips intended for?A.Test administrators.B.Skilled drivers.C.Car sellers.D.Test applicants.22.Which of the following is necessary for taking a driving test?A.The Ohio Drivers Manual.B.A valid temporary instruction permit.C.A couple of online practice tests.D.The Ohio Drivers Education course.23.Which of the following is acceptable during the driving test?A.You signal with your arm and lights.B.You place one hand on the wheel.C.You forget to put on your safety belt.D.You keep a 3-second space cushion.BShrinking Storm on Jupiter(木星木星)Its snowing,but the clouds are red.The wind howls at 400 miles an hour,faster than a hurricane.And its colder than the North Pole.Named the Great Red Spot,this storm is on Jupiter,the largest planet that goes around the Sun.The storm is shrinking.No one knows why-or what it will do next.Astronomers discovered the Great Red Spot by looking at Jupiter through telescopes.The spot,once estimated to be 25,500 miles across,was just 10,250 miles wide when the Hubble Space Telescope last observed it.Its at the smallest size that weve ever seen.says Dr.Amy Simon,anastronomer who studies the storm.Its also changing shape,looking more like a circle than is usualoval.Jupiter differs greatly from Earth.Its made mostly of hydrogen and helium(氦).But most of hydrogen and helium on Jupiter is not in the form of gas.Instead,Jupiters great gravity squeezes the hydrogen and helium,turning most of these elements into a liquid.Only the outer part of Jupiter is gas.And thats where the Great Red Spot is.No one knows why the Great Red Spot is red.Like Jupiters air,the spot is made mostly of hydrogen and helium gases.But they have no color.So something else must color the spot red.Mysteries abound about the spot,such as what powers it and why it is so red.Now another onearises.The Great Red Spot has lasted longer than any storm on Earth.On Earth,hurricanes weakenwhen they move from sea to land,and when they move north or south.Neither of these thingshappens on Jupiter.Yet the storm is shrinking,“Could it disappear?asks Dr.Simon.“Would I betmoney on it one way or the other?Probably not.24.What do we learn about the Great Red Spot?A.It is getting smaller and rounder.B.It is getting colder and faster.C.It is getting higher and more oval.D.It is getting redder and lighter.25.What can we learn about Jupiter from this article?A.It is bigger than the Sun.B.It has slight gravity.C.It contains liquid and gas.D.It usually looks red.26.What does the underlined word“abound mean in the last paragraph?A.Get solved finally.B.Go missing abruptly.C.Exist numerously.D.Decrease gradually.27.What is Dr.Simons attitude towards the disappearance of the Great Red Spot?A.Hopeful.B.Confident.C.Worried.D.Doubtful.CThe noise from living next to a busy road or railway could raise the risk of dementia(痴呆),research suggests.A study found that exposure to rail or road traffic sounds was linked to an increase in the riskof dementia by more than a quarter.The Danish researchers estimated that as many as 1,216 out ofthe 8,475 cases of dementia in a single year could be due to it.After air pollution,transport noise is considered the second worst environmental risk factor forpublic health in Europe.About 40 percent of the population is exposed to road traffic noise above55 decibels(dB).There is a known link between noise and health problems such as heart disease,obesity(肥胖症)and diabetes,but the impact on dementia is unclear.Researchers at the University of Southern Denmark investigated the association betweendementia and long-term residential exposure to road and rail noise among two million adults agedover 60 during an I.-year period.They found that road and railway noise were associated with ahigher risk of Alzheimers discase.The risk was up to 27 per cent higher for ss dB road noise andup to 24 percent higher for 50 dB railway noise,when compared with less than 40 dB.However.only road traffic noise was associated with an increased risk of vascular(血管的)dementia,and notrailway noise.Dr Rosa Sancho,head of research at Alzheimers Research UK,said that the research did notidentify why the risk was higher“but adds to evidence linking exposure to noise pollution.“Ifother studies confirm it,he said,“it begs the question of why the noise exposure is relevant todementia.28.What is special about the Danish research?A.It clarifies the link between noise and dementia.B.It confirms that noise leads to health problems.C.It stresses the necessity of reducing traffic noise.D.it warms people of the gravity of noise pollution.29.According to the research,findings,which or the following is rightA.Over a quarter of traffic sounds led to the risk of dementia.B.Transport noise is the second worst factor for public health.C.Railway noise may not raise the risk of vascular dementia.D.Railway noise lads to dementia more easily than road noise.30.What does Dr Rosa Sancho think of the research?A.He doubts the accuracy of its data.B.He thinks nothing of its discovery.C.He is optimistic about its limitation.D.He hopes to see its further exploration.31.Which of the following is a suitable tile of this article?A.Road and rail noise relating to dementiaB.Road and rail noise leading to poor healthC.A new way to reduce the risk of dementiaD.A new way to reduce road and rail noiseDZoe was only four when her hero father Gary was killed in the Battle of Goose Green in theFalklands.She was too young to understand when her mother proudly showed her his MilitaryMedal after collecting it from the Queen at Buckingham Palace.Now,unfortunately,mother and daughter are at war over the sale of the Medal,which is due to go under the hammer at London auction(拍卖)house today.Last night the heartbroken daughter made a final appeal to keep the Medal in the family.Zoe,who is estranged from her mother,is desperately trying to raise 70,000 to buy it after her mother,Jay,60,decided to part with it to fund her battle with ill health.Her daughter said,“My dad gave his life and the Medal should remain part of his family.Apart from the picture in the press when the Medal was given,I have never even been allowed tosee it since.The relationship with my mom is complex.I have not seen her since I was 14.I did try to contact her when I heard about the sale.I asked her to delay and give the family a chance to buy it.Zoe,a mother of two now,added,“My dad was my hero and a hero of the United Kingdom.This year he would have been 60.I have missed him my whole life,and am deeply saddened that my mum did not offer the family the chance to buy it first.Yesterday Gary Bingleys younger,brother,Steve,49,a former soldier took the interview.“Small things like medals become a symbol to those that are left behind that these brave deeds aremedals remembered,appreciated and are not in vain,The Medal was expected to passed to Zoe.However,Zoe and her mother become distant.At last,he said,Jay,we bear no hatred towards you,but find it difficult to understand why we had no chance to keep the medals within our family.”32.What did Zoe think of Jays decision?A.Jay shouldnt have sold the Medal for her ill health.B.Jay should let the family buy the Medal first.C.Jay had no right to sell the Medal without permission.D.Jay shouldnt have asked he family for a high price.33.What does the underlined part mean in the second paragraph?A Zoe is dependent on her mother.B.Zoe looks down upon her mother.C.Z0e feels distant from her mother.D.Zoe understands her mother well.34.What attitude did Steve take towards Jays decision?A.Understandable.B.Favorable.C.Unavoidable.D.Unacceptable.35.What will the next paragraph probably talk about?A.Garys heroic acts.B.Jays response.C.The Medals worth.D.Zoes choice.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Patience with kids is one of those things we wish for,but still,it feels like its an unreachable goal because kids are so good at pushing our buttons.36 You can get better at it if you continually exercise it.No weightlifter starts with a 200-pound weight.If youd like to grow your patience muscles,then I have a plan for you.When you feel your patience wearing thin,you can walk away or give yourself a time-out.37 You should know what you say in anger and what you say in peace are two different things.38 This means youll have to stop talking,and let them speak without your correction.As you listen,try to understand instead of being concerned about whether your child is listening to you.Try to find out why theyre acting in a certain way,Theres always a reason for your childs behavior.Listening to your kid can help you know the truth.I always encourage parents to filer(过滤)their words.Think about what you are about to sayand how it will sound to your child.39 But if you can start by filtering your responses in conversations about sensitive topics,its a very good start.As you exercise your patience muscles,start by being patient with yourself.The more you takesmall steps in patience building,the stronger your patience will become.40 A.You have run out of patience.B.Patience is actually like a muscle.C.You can also breathe deeply or count to 10.D.It takes time but finally your efforts will pay off.E.I understand it is not an easy job for every word.F.Once you feel somewhat calm,listen to your child.G.Your child could hardly grow up with your great patience.第三部分第三部分 语言知识运用语言知识运用(共两节共两节,满分满分 30 分分)第一节完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I will never forget such an uncomfortable conversation in my career life,but thankfully it Turned into the most 41 one Ive ever had.That was in my first year of work as a doctor.A woman in her early twenties was 42 After a traffic accident.She suffered multiple injures,and was rushed to theatre.I spent some time talking to the 43 as they waited for news.The surgeons 44 to save her life.The consultant told them he news.I sat with them for some time as they 45 quietly.When I left the room,the consultant was standing outside.“I think it would be 46 if it came from you.he said.I stared blankly.“What?I asked.“About organ donation.he replied.Why me?I was about to ask but swallowed it.Surely this would be the 47 thing theyd want to talk about.It was 48 to be considering this kind of conversation while someone was lost in grief(悲伤).Feeling 49 .I opened the door and sat opposite them,convinced that I was only going to make things 50 for them.Its what shed have wanted,the mother said 51 Id even finished.The father nodded,She was always so generous.52 I had imagined they might be angry with me,in fact they seemed calm.As I left them,it occurred to me that Id been 53 in thinking it would be an uncomfortable conversation.Nothing could take away the pain of having lost their daughter.Yet this final act had 54 them and helped them feel that the spirit of their daughter lived on in this act of 55 41.A.heart-broken B.strong-willed C.heart-warming D.open-minded42.A.taken out B.brought in C.ca
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