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1、高考复习高考复习高考词汇专项训练(高考词汇专项训练(t-zt-z)-北京四中北京四中 方芳方芳汉译英汉译英1.撕碎 tear _ 2.发脾气 lose ones _3.与关系好 be on good _ with4.高度评价 think _ of5.改变主意 on second _ 6.提前 _ of time7.参加选拔 try _ for8.走调,不协调 out of _ 9.求助 _ to10.盛衰;浮沉 ups and _ 高考复习高考复习uptempertermshighlythoughtaheadouttuneturndowns例句例句1.I tore the letter up

2、and threw it away.2.I lost my temper=got angry(with him)and yelled at him.3.He was on good terms with his ex-wife.4.We think highly of their research in this field.5.Wait there!Kathryn rose.No,on second thought,follow me.高考复习高考复习例句例句6.Find out ahead of time what regulations apply to your situation.7

3、.These teams are going to try out for the Olympic Games.8.Its no wonder the piano kept going out of tune.9.She became depressed and turned to drugs.10.Life is full of ups and downs,and without the downs,the ups would mean nothing.高考复习高考复习汉译英汉译英11.用光use _ 12.像往常一样as _ 13.徒劳in _ 14.各种各样的 a _ of15.鉴于;考

4、虑到in _ of16.拜访某人_ a visit to sb.17.嗓子哑了_ ones voice18.给让路make_ for19.增重put _ weight20.换句话说 in other _高考复习高考复习up usualvainvarietyviewpaylosewayonwords例句例句11.Dont shower too long and use up(all)the hot water.12.I was very tired at the end of the day,as usual.13.We searched in vain for the missing earr

5、ing.14.The talks covered a wide/great variety of topics.15.In view of the fact that your payment is late,youll have to pay a fine.高考复习高考复习例句例句16.He paid a visit to his parents last week.17.I shouted so much that I lost my voice.18.Several houses were torn down to make way for the shopping center.19.

6、The doctor says you shouldnt put any weight on that foot for a week.20.She said the movie was a bit predictable.In other words,she didnt like it.高考复习高考复习词性变化词性变化1.tense(adj./v.)_ (n.)2.terrible(adj.)_ (v.)3.thirst(n.)_ (adj.)4.threat(n.)_ (v.)5.tolerate(v.)_ (adj.)6.trick(n./v.)_ (adj.)7.trouble(n./

7、v.)_ (adj.)8.true(adj.)_ (adv.)9.upset(adj.)_ (v.)10.variety(n.)_ (adj.)高考复习高考复习tensionterrifythreatentoleranttrickytroublesometrulyupsetvariousthirsty例句例句1.There was a lot of tension at the meeting.2.The thought of dying alone terrifies her.3.The salty food was making her thirsty.4.She threatened t

8、o quit if they didnt give her a raise,but no one believed her.5.The people in the community are tolerant of each others differences.高考复习高考复习例句例句6.He and I have talked through this whole tricky problem.7.The economy has become a troublesome issue.8.The birth of a live healthy baby is a truly blessed

9、event.9.I hope I havent said anything to upset you.10.Specialists see various reasons for the recent surge in inflation.高考复习高考复习词性变化词性变化11.universe(n.)_ (adj.)12.usual(adj.)_ (反义词)13.value(v.)_ (adj.)14.visit(v./n.)_ (n.人)15.wealth(n.)_ (adj.)16.willing(adj.)_ (n.)17.wood(n.)_ (adj.)18.worry(v.)_ (n

10、.)19.tour(n./v.)_ (n.旅行者)20.violence(n.)_ (adj.)高考复习高考复习universalunusualvaluablevisitorwealthywillingnesswoodenworrytouristviolent例句例句11.The proposal he put forward has universal appeal/acceptance.12.Its not unusual for him to stay late at work.13.He made many valuable contributions to the field of

11、science.14.Visitors to the office must sign in at the desk.15.It was once the home of a wealthy nobleman.高考复习高考复习例句例句16.Self-discipline,willingness,enthusiasm,thats what you must depend on.17.They would have liked bare wooden floors throughout the house.18.She finally ended months of worry over her

12、credit card debt when she finished paying off her bill.19.The museum is a big tourist attraction.20.Her parents got into a violent argument.高考复习高考复习选择正确的词组并用正确形式填空选择正确的词组并用正确形式填空,有两个多余有两个多余选项。选项。1.I felt quite excited as the plane _ from the ground.2.Dont forget to _ the TV before you go.3.Its time

13、we _,or we will be late.4._,the lights went out.5.She was _ from exercising.高考复习高考复习wear out,get started,take off,switch offall of a sudden,in surprise,swallow up,took offswitch offgot startedAll of a suddenworn out选择正确的词组并用正确形式填空选择正确的词组并用正确形式填空,有两个多余有两个多余选项。选项。6.As we turned the corner,the distant

14、mountains _.7.Despite our worries everything _ well.8.Take it easy;we will get there _.9.There are many dangers that you need to _.10.He became depressed _ leaving his hometown.高考复习高考复习watch out for,at the thought of,in no time,in trouble,come into view,turn out,at timescame into viewturned outin no

15、 timewatch out forat the thought of翻译句子翻译句子1.除了自己之外你从来不为别人考虑!(think)_2.有的时候我不知道未来等待我的会是什么。(in store)_3.到海边去玩玩儿真是享受。(treat)_4.多谢您百忙之中拨冗参加我们的会议。(trouble)_高考复习高考复习You never think about anyone but yourself!There are times when I dont know what the future has in store for me.The visit to the seaside is a

16、 real treat.Thank you very much for the trouble you have taken to attend our meeting.翻译句子翻译句子5.今天我的车限行,我出不去了。(stick)_6.给我印象最深的是他上课时总是在睡觉。(strike)_7.警察把罪犯诱入一条狭窄的街道。(trap)_高考复习高考复习What strikes me most is that he is always sleeping in class.I am stuck at home because of the car restriction.The police t

17、rapped the criminal down a narrow street.翻译句子翻译句子8.没有工作经验你是不可能得到那份工作的。(unless)_ _9.他一直在疑惑这次游学能对自己有什么用处。(use n.)_ _10.沿途的风景美不胜收。(view)_ 高考复习高考复习You wont be hired unless you have previous working experience.He has been wondering what use he could make of this field trip.One splendid view followed another during our journey.翻译句子翻译句子11.当被问到是否需要帮助的时候,他们异口 同声地回答道:“是的!”(voice)_12.我想知道你能否告诉我邮局在哪儿。(wonder)_高考复习高考复习When asked if they needed help,they answered with one voice“Yes!”I wonder if you could tell me where the post office is.Thats all,and see you next time!高考复习高考复习


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