1、【 http:/ 精品教育资源文库】 精 彩 , 在 “ 意 外 ” 中 绽 放 -“因势利导、借题发挥”处理英语教学偶发事件案例及分析 【主题内涵】 偶发事件是指课堂教学中没有预先预见而在教学过程中出现的事件。由于偶发事件具有偶然性、突变性、多样性和不易控制等特点,很多老师非常担心课堂教学中偶发事件的发生。作为一线的教学工作者,上课时被突如其来的偶发事件打断,这并非什么新鲜事,面对偶发事件,我们有时扫兴,有时恼火,有时束手无策,有时则习以为常。 偶发事件,更多时候成为课堂教学的干扰性因素,甚至成为个别教师教学心理中的阴影。其实,偶发事件看似与教学目标无关, 或是影响课堂教学,但只要我们教师处
2、理得当,因势利导,以变应变,恰当运用,不但可以保证课堂教学的顺利进行,而且还可以将之转化为有价值的课堂教学资源,成为课堂教学的新亮点。 新目标英语教材的突出特点之一就是其话题与素材都源于生活,所以我们在教学过程中应该充分将生活中的“事件”溶入到课堂教学之中。将课堂教学中的偶发事件作为一种有效的教学资源,溶入到课堂教学之中,使其成为课堂教学的新亮点,让精彩在“意外”中绽放。 【案例描述与评析】 案例 1 一周四下午第一节课上新目标英语八年级(下) Unit 2 What should I do?第一课时Section A 1a-2c,到 1b 时: T: Everyone has some pr
3、oblems in their life. Now lets listen. What problems do you they have? 我走到已经准备好磁带的教学录音机旁,按下电源键。我大吃一惊,录音机大声地播放着“最近比较烦,比较烦,比较烦,总觉得钞票一天比一天难赚,朋友常常有意无意调侃,我也许有天改名叫周转, ? ”(原来是有学生将录音机功能调到了收音状态,这首歌是收音机里播放的。 )学生顿时一片大笑,有几个较调皮的学生还跟着录音机唱着歌词。于是,我就“因势利导”,“借题发挥”: T: Is it a nice song? Ss: Yes. / No. (有些学生说 Yes, 有些说
4、 No.) T: Listen carefully. What problems do they have in this song? 接着让学生听完这首中文歌曲。(大约用了 2 分钟时间) T: What problems do they have? 接着叫了三位同学起来回答,包括刚才跟着录音机唱着的其中一名同学。 S1: They have no money. S2: They are sad. And they dont have enough money. S3(就是刚才跟着唱的那位同学): They are upset. Its more and more difficult for
5、 Zhou Huajian to make money. And its more and more difficult for Li Zongsheng to write a good song. Xu Pinguan feels alone. (顿时,一片掌声。) T: Wonderful! Yeah. They have some problems. They are upset. Can you give them some advice? What should they do? 接着,我就顺势推进,继续围绕这首歌曲展开讨论。 S4: I think they shouldnt be
6、 upset. They should face their life. T: Yeah. We should face different difficulties in our life. 【 http:/ 精品教育资源文库】 S3: Maybe they could ask their companies for help. S5: Maybe Xu Pinguan should find some new friends in the new place. S6: Maybe Zhou Huajian should get her daughter a good math tutor.
7、 S7: I think Li Zongsheng and Zhou Huajian should talk with their wives. S8: I think they should write and sing more nice songs, then they could make a lot of money. T: Good ideas. I think if they hear our advice, their life will get better and better. But what problems do they have in the pictures.
8、 Listen and circle the problems you hear in activity 1a. 于是,我又将话题引回到了原先设计的课文内容教学上。 这是一个很普通的课堂教学偶发事件,我没有因此乱了方阵,而是因势利导、借题发挥,并充分利用它作为自己的有效教学资源加以开发利用。意想不到的是,它却成了这节课的高潮部分,成了这节课的亮点、精彩之处。学生发言积极,而且观点鲜明、独到。同时,经过这个临时的活动设计,不断巩固了教学内容,而且还深化了教学内容,使学生在语言知识、功能、结构等方面都有了一定的提高,同时也渗透了德育。 案例 2 一周二上午第二节课上新目标英语八年级(下) Unit
9、 8 Why dont you get her a scarf ?第三课时 Section B 3a-4, What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping such a pet? 借助于幻灯片上的句子及图片提示,学生讨论发言正积极,很多学生描述了其优缺点。突然电停了,学生一下惊叫了起来,喔 ? 。我愣了一下,接着,我就借题发挥,将话题转向了讨论有关停电的利弊。 T: Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Now there is no electricity. If there
10、s no electricity, what are the advantages and disadvantages? S1: We cant have lessons. We cant listen to English. S2: We cant watch TV, watch videos, and so on. S3: It will be very hot in summer, and it will be very cold in winter. S4: I think it will save a lot of money.(突然电又来了。) T: Yeah. Just now
11、we saved some money for our school. Anything else? S5: It will be very difficult for factories and companies to run. ? T: The electricity is very important in our daily life. We need it everywhere in our life. But we should try to save the energy for our country. Now lets have a look at these pictur
12、es again. Nowadays more and more people want to keep pets. What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping pets in an apartment? Advantages Disadvantages 于是,我又将话题引回到了原先设计的课本内容上。 在这个偶发事件的处理上,我因势利导,借题发挥,使学生在该话题的谈论中积极发言,并促使学生密切联系学习生活实际,发表自己的见解。使该偶发事件成为了这节课的又一精【 http:/ 精品教育资源文库】 彩亮点。通过这个偶发事件使学生充分意识
13、到了电的用途及电的重要性。同时,也对学生进行德育 -节约用电。 停电,是我们课堂教学中经常遇到的偶发事件,我们对此已经见怪不怪了,但是停电还是会影响到学生的注意力,还是会给我们原先设计好的课堂教学,特别是现代化的多媒体教学,带来较大的影响。所以,我们老师在课堂教学 过程中,要根据课堂教学的具体内容,因势利导,将停电这一偶发事件作为课堂教学一种资源溶入课堂教学之中,变“偶发事件”为课堂中的亮点,成为课堂活动的又一精彩之处。 案例 3 一周一上午第一节课上新目标英语 Unit 4 He said I was hard-working. 第一课时Section A 1a-2c, 上到 1c (Ask
14、 and answer questions about what the people in the soap opera said.)同桌正在进行 PAIRWORK 时,其中有一组同学没有在谈论该内容,而是在管自己开小差,于是我走到他们桌边做了暗示。可是在我叫了三组同学 Ask and answer 时,他们仍然在开小差,有说有笑,而我又不想打断课堂教学,于是我就借题发挥: T: We were asking and answering questions about what the people in the soap opera said just now. But Tom and D
15、avid were talking about their own things just now. They were talking happily. But do you know what they talked just now? Can you guess? What did they say just now? S1: I think Tom said he played computer games last weekend. S2: I think David said he played computer too. S3: I think David said the co
16、mputer games were exciting. S4: I think Tom said he watched TV last weekend. S5: I think Tom said he was unlucky last weekend. Because while he was playing computer games, his parents came back home. S6: I think David said his computer didnt work, so he couldn t play computer games last weekend. And
17、 he said he was unhappy. S7: I think they said they were busy playing computer games last weekend, so they had no time to do their homework. S8: I think David told Tom that he visited Wenzhou Amusement Park last weekend and what he saw there. ? T: Hmm. What did you say, Tom? Tom: I said I played a n
18、ew computer games last weekend. T: Oh? I think maybe its an exciting game. What did you say, David? David: I asked him what game it was and how to play it. T: They were talking about the computer games in English class. Can we do it? Ss: No. T: Yeah. We are students. We should listen carefully in cl
19、ass. I think they wont do it any more. Will you? Tom and David: No, we wont do it again. 学生举手发言非常活跃,而且表达清晰、句法正确,掀起了这堂课的高潮。 这两个学生是班级里有名 的“调皮生”,他们上课经常开小差,但是他们的英语学习成绩都还不错。从起来发言的学生的语句中,我们可以清楚地了解到有关这两位学生的周末生活情况,同时也可以了解到班级里同学跟他们的关系等。这个案例也说明了通过因势利导、借题发挥不仅使偶发事件成为了课堂教学资源,也有效地对学生进行了德育渗透。 【 http:/ 精品教育资源文库】 【教学反思与分析】 通过这三个课堂教学偶发事件案例,我对“偶发事件” 进行了深入的反思: 1. 课堂教学偶发事件的处理是教师教育机智的表现 我觉得如果课堂偶发事件处理得当,教学秩序不但得于继续顺利进行,而且可能成为课堂教学的 又一个亮点;但是如果处理不当,即时或将会影响教学进行。而正确处理偶发事件,最