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1、Unit 4 Then and nowU n i t 4 T h e n a n d n o wMake a sentence with“but now”.(用(用“but now”造句)造句)ago,but nowSay a sentence out.Say the sentence correctly.Ma k e a s e n t e n c e w i t h “b u t n o wMake a sentence with“but now”.(用(用“but now”造句)造句),but nowSay a sentence out.Say the sentence correctl

2、y.Ma k e a s e n t e n c e w i t h “b u t n o wMake a sentence with“but now”.(用(用“but now”造句)造句),but now .Say a sentence out.Say the sentence correctly.Ma k e a s e n t e n c e w i t h “b u t n o wMake a sentence with“but now”.(用(用“but now”造句)造句),but now.Say a sentence out.Say the sentence correctly

3、.Ma k e a s e n t e n c e w i t h “b u t n o wWhat could they do?What couldnt they do?Tips:could 和和couldnt 后面都要接动词后面都要接动词原形哦!原形哦!Tim was one year old.He could not walk.Helen was three years old.She could not draw.ride是动词是动词“骑骑”;by bike是介词是介词短语,本义是短语,本义是“借助自行车借助自行车”。Mr Brown was 16 years old.Mrs Brow

4、n was 15 years old.He could read.She could cook.Mike was six years old.He could not ride.Wh a t c o u l d t h e y d o?Wh a t c o u l dThis is an English lesson.T h i s i s a n E n g l i s h l e s s o n.?U4cartoon.swf?U 4 c a r t o o n.s w fMiss Fox gets angry.Why?Bobby looked out of the window.Bobby

5、 and Sam talked.They didnt listen carefully in class.Mi s s F o x g e t s a n g r y.Wh y?B o b b yWhat do you think of Sam and Bobby?Miss Fox,the egg was in the cake.Clever?Foolish?Cute(可爱)?Fun?Distracted(思想不集中)?Wh a t d o y o u t h i n k o f S a m a n d BHow was Miss Fox at that time?Guess.Speechle

6、ss?(无言以对)Happy?More angry?(更生气)H o w w a s Mi s s F o x a t t h a t t i m e?注意:人物的语气、动作和表情哦!注意:人物的语气、动作和表情哦!注意:人物的语气、动作和表情哦!There are many great inventions in the world.伟大的发明伟大的发明T h e r e a r e m a n y g r e a t i n v e n t i o nWho invented the aeroplane and the train?发明发明aeroplanetrainWh o i n v

7、e n t e d t h e a e r o p l a n e a n d 译林版小学英语六年级上册U n i t 4 C a r t o o n t i m e 课件Wright Brothers invented the first plane.莱特兄弟莱特兄弟Wr i g h t B r o t h e r s i n v e n t e d t h e f iA hundred years ago,there were no planes.Then Wright brothers made the first plane.A h u n d r e d y e a r s a g

8、o,t h e r e w e rThe Wright brothers lived in the USA.They made bicycles.T h e Wr i g h t b r o t h e r s l i v e d i n tThe brothers watched birds.They watched them fly in the sky.They wanted to fly like the birds.T h e b r o t h e r s w a t c h e d b i r d s.T hThey made a plane.They called it Fly

9、er 1.On the 17th of December 1903,Wright climbed into the plane.The plane flew.T h e y m a d e a p l a n e.T h e y c a l l e dNot many people saw this first flight.Only four men and a boy watched it.The plane did not fly very far:only 36 metres.It did not fly very high:only 3 metres.It did not fly f

10、or very long:only for 12 seconds.But it was the first plane!N o t m a n y p e o p l e s a w t h i s f i r s t1.Who invented the first plane?2.The brothers watchedfly in the sky.Then they wanted to invent the plane.3.Do you think invention is easy or difficult?困难1.Wh o i n v e n t e d t h e f i r s t

11、 p l a n eThe Four Great Inventions of ancient China:古老的古老的PrintingGunpowderCompassPapermakingT h e F o u r G r e a t I n v e n t i o n s o f aGreat inventions have changed our lives!G r e a t i n v e n t i o n s h a v e c h a n g e d 1.Act out the story in Cartoon time.2.Surf the Internet and find out the information about the first train.1.A c t o u t t h e s t o r y i n C a r t o o n译林版小学英语六年级上册U n i t 4 C a r t o o n t i m e 课件


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