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1、WARM-UP热身运动空间 在学校在学校/上课上课 at school 操场上操场上 On the playground 教室内教室内 In the classroom 阅览室阅览室 In the libraray 实验室实验室 In the laboratory 宿舍宿舍 In the dormitory 食堂食堂 In the cantine 舞台舞台 On the stage介词 在墙上 On the wall 在图画上 In the picture 黑板上方的一张地图黑板上方的一张地图 a map above the blackboard 去上学去上学 Go to school 步行步

2、行 on foot 回家路上回家路上 on ones way home 值日值日 on duty 轮流轮流 by turns 课堂上课堂上 in class 他们的英语老师在课课堂上堂上很幽默。Their English teacher is very humorous in class.语文语文 Chinese 英语英语 English 数学数学 mathematics 物理物理 physics 化学化学 chemistry 体育体育 PE 美术美术 Arts courses classesSubjects翻译 我们的英文老师让我们上英文课尽量说英文。Our English teacher

3、encourages us to speak English as much as possible in our English class.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件Encourage sb.To do sth.Encourage sb.in sth.她的父母鼓励他好好学习 Her parents encouraged her study well.Her parents encouraged her in her studies.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件As+形容词/副词+as possible 哈利以最快的速度逃离了杰克。Harry esc

4、aped from Jack as quickly as possible.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 We want a stall as visible as possible.我们要找个尽可能显眼的摊位。中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 尽快 As soon as possible 我要尽快做完功课 I should finish the homework as soon as poosible.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 the train leaves at 10.we should get to the station _

5、.A.as early as possible B.as possible as we can As early as possible=as early as we can 中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 我们应该尽可能地节约用水 we should save the water as possible as we can.As much as possible中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 同学同学 Schoolmates,classmates,deskmates 班长班长 monitor 老师老师 Teacher,professor 班主任班主任 Cl

6、ass teacher/head teacher 校长校长 headmaster中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 Faculty=the whole teaching stuff of a university,etc.职工职工 Staff中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件考考考,老师的法宝 考试 v have a test have 在英语里得了一个A got an A for English 考试合格 pass the exam 考试不合格 fail in the exam 考得好/不好 get good/poor marks/scores Perform w

7、ell/bad 提高分数 Raise the scores/marks 迎接挑战 Meet the challenge 中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件总体事件具体描述总结引出话题人+事观点感受中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件校园生活 毕业时分毕业时分(2004)Leaving school 成长的烦恼与欢乐成长的烦恼与欢乐(2005)Growing pains and gains 我是我是的一员的一员(2011)Im a member of.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件Leaving School Write at least 60 wor

8、ds on the topic”Leaving School”(以以“毕业时分毕业时分”为题写为题写话。词数不少于话。词数不少于60个,标点符号不占格,所给要个,标点符号不占格,所给要点仅供参考点仅供参考)Suggested points:Old school life Teacher(s)and schoolmate(s)Future plan 中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 In my life I have many treasurable memories,but the days in my old school are certainly one of them.

9、In my life中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件范文赏析 How time flies!Now it is time for us to graduate from our old school.Undoubtly,my old school life is impressive,unforgettable and I love it so deeply.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件开头 引入主题(又到了毕业时分)提出观点(具体人事物)中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件How time flies!岁月如白驹过隙,转眼我们已经长大。How

10、time flies!I suddenly found that We have already grown up.我们已经不再是小孩 we are not little children any longer.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件用于回忆过去一段时间的开头 假期、童年、中学时光、做志愿者的日子、和外国盆友一起的日子 书信开头中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 我的假期 时间过得真快,八天的假期已经过去。How time flies!The holiday of eight days has gone.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件T

11、ime flies 我的小学时光 时光飞逝,我不敢相信我已经成为一名中学生了。The time just flies.I cant believe I am in middle school already.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件15岁生日 时光飞逝,我不敢相信我已经过了十五岁的生日!How time flies,I cant believe that I have already had my 15-year-old birthday.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件Time flies 我的小学时光 时光飞逝,我不敢相信我已经成为一名中学生了。Th

12、e time just flies.I cant believe I am in middle school already.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 光阴似箭,我们已经三个月没见面了。How time flies!Its three months since we met.I miss you a lot.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 Time flies like an arrow;fruit flies like a banana.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件感叹句 多么美丽的校园啊!What a beautiful cam

13、pus it is!What+a/an+adj.+n.+主+谓+其它 What+n.(复数)+主+谓+其它 How beautiful the campus is!how+adj./adv.+主+谓+其它中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 Jill is drawing a nice picture.What a nice picture Jill is drawing!How nice the picture Jill is drawing!They started early.How early they started.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件It

14、is time for sb.To do.搭配How time flies我们又到了分别的时候。It is time for us to say farewell again.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件farewell Goodbye Say farewell to sb./sth.=No more of sb./sth.我将抛弃我的坏习惯。I will say farewell to my bad habit.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 a farewell party,lunch,speech,gift,song.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语

15、作文校园优质课件 表示号召 到了该采取坚决行动保护环境的时候了 It is time for us to take firm action to protect the enviroment.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件I want to do something for my school 到了我们该为学校做些事情的时候了 It is time for us to do something for our schools.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件It is time that.到了我们该互相帮助的时候了。It is time that we sho

16、uld help each other.早该是我们在那儿种树的时候了。It is high time that we should plant trees there.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件It+the+序数词+to do/that 这是我第一次用英语写信。It is my first time to write letter in English.这是我第一次到英国 It is my first time that Ive been to Britain.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件It is/has been+一段时间+since 自从已经过了

17、时间 自从我来上海已经5年了。It has been five years since I came to Shanghai.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件It is+adj.+for/of sb.to do sth.对某人来说做某事是 你能告诉我怎样去长城真是太好了。It is very kind of you to tell me how to go to the great wall.对我来说拿第一是非常简单的。It is easy for me to get the first prize.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件impressive a.给人

18、印象深刻的(尤指因巨大 壮观或重要)故宫是能给人留下深刻印象的建筑物。the Forbidden City is an impressive building.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 他发表了一篇感人的演说。He made an impressive speech.所有这些都是令人钦佩的成就。All of these are impressive achievements.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 I am really fond of my brilliant teachers as well as my warm-hearted class

19、mates.My teachers are very kind to me.They often help me with my study.In addition,I have also made friends with many schoolmates during the four years,therefore,I will keep them in mind forever and keep in touch with them in the future.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 I am really fond of my brilliant teach

20、ers as well as my warm-hearted classmates.拆开成连句话 As well as 表示并列中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 我不仅开始练习英语口语,而且开始练习英语写日记。I came to practice writing English diary as well as spoken English.=not only did I but also I中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 She called on you as well as I.She called on you as well as me.中考英语作文

21、校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 她和你一样都是老师。(as well as)She as well as you is a teacher.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件As well=too He is a poet as well as a worker.He is a worker,and a poet as well.我能说英文,但也能说日文。I can speak English,but I can speak Japanese as well.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 My teachers are very kind to me.T

22、hey often help me with my study.(it is.)中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件help sb with 帮助。做。帮助。做。老师和同学经常帮助我学习和生活。Teachers and classmates always help me with my study and life.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 你人真好,谢谢你帮我拿行李 Its kind of you to help me to take the luggage.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件Make friends with 因为她是一个很

23、好相处的女孩,所以所有人都喜欢和她做朋友。(so/such.that.)She is such a easy-going girl that everybodylike to make friends with her.Out-going活泼开朗的活泼开朗的中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件Keep in mind 我会永远记住你所说的每一句话。I will keep every word of you in mind forever.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 所以请记住,我们和父母间的争吵是充满爱的,我们做儿女的应该理解并珍惜。So please kee

24、p in mind,an argument between us and our parents consists of priceless love,which we children should understand and treasure.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件用心学习 用心学习,快乐学习 Learn by heart,learn for fun中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件stay/keep/be in touch with 与与保持联系保持联系 请与我保持联系哦。Please keep in touch with me.信末中考英语作文

25、校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 Although old school life was busy,I still felt very delighted.And I promise that I will study even harder in the future.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 Although old school life was busy,I still felt very delighted.我的心中仍然充满了喜悦之情 My heart is still filled with delightful/joyful feelings中考英语

26、作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件delighted a 高兴的,喜欢的高兴的,喜欢的 他对这个结果感到非常满意。He was very much delighted with the results.To hear the results中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 Jane小姐收到了这样的一封信,将会怎样高兴啊!How delighted Miss Jane will be to receive such a letter!中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 很高兴见到你!Delighted to meet you.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作

27、文校园优质课件In addition 递进关系 In addition to Besides Not only.but also.As well as Whats more中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 参加这个课程不仅能提高分数,还能培养独立解决问题的能力。Taking this course can raise/improve the scores.In additon,it can cultivate/develope the ability of solving problems independently.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件theref

28、or 因果关系 So For this reason thus中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件 英语是一项长期积累的学习过程,因此没有捷径可走。English is a long-term learning process.No short-cuts is therefore existed.中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件总分总结构一个观点一个细节中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件HomeworkGrowing pains and gains成长的快乐与烦恼中考英语作文校园优质课件中考英语作文校园优质课件1应该认识到,阅读是学校教育的重要组成部分




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