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1、Clothes for a Cold DayLesson 10 Colours and ClothesUnit 2 同学们,上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在同学们,上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧!大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧!A:What do you like to wear for a cold day?B:I like to wear(colour)(clothes)A:What dont you like to wear?B:I dont like to wearDanny is ready for school.He sa

2、ys goodbye to his mum.Mrs.Dinosaur:Wait,Danny!Its cold today.You cant wear a Tshirt and shorts.Danny:Mum,I look nice in this green Tshirt.And I like shorts.Mrs.Dinosaur:Look!Its raining.You may catch a cold.Danny:OK,Mum.1)You may catch a cold.(Danny goes back and puts on a jacket.)Mrs.Dinosaur:Danny

3、!Your jacket doesnt go well with your shorts.Danny:Well,I dont like to wear pants.Mrs.Dinosaur:OK.Dont forget your umbrella.Danny:Its in my schoolbag.Bye,Mum.Skirt,sweater,dress and hat.These,those,this and that!Pants,shoes,shirts and socks.Take them all out of the box!Red,yellow,blue and white.Colo

4、urful clothes are so bright!2)Colourful clothesLearning TipYou can catch a cold,but you can also catch a ball,catch a fish,catch a train or catch a bus.catch/kt/v染上染上(疾病疾病);接住;抓住;接住;抓住 n抓球抓球(游戏游戏)考向考向考查考查catch的一词多义。的一词多义。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点1 1catch 组成的短语:catch a ball(抓/接住球);catch a fish(抓住鱼);catch a

5、train(赶上火车);catch a bus(赶上公共汽车);catch a cold 感冒。典例典例He doesnt feel well.He may_(患上)a cold.【点拨点拨】catch有很多词义,其中有有很多词义,其中有“患上,染上患上,染上”的意的意思。思。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨catchbe ready for.准备好准备好考向一考向一一般现在时态中,be动词随主语的变化而变为am,is或are。eg:I am ready for class.我准备好上课了。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点2 2辨析辨析be ready for和和be ready to(1)be

6、ready forsth.eg:I am ready for lunch now.现在我准备好吃午饭了。be ready意为意为“准备好的准备好的”。eg:Supper is ready.晚饭准备好了。考向二考向二【拓展拓展】讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨(2)be ready todo sth.eg:I am ready to have lunch.我准备好吃午饭了。wear/we/v穿穿(着着),戴,戴(着着)考向考向辨析辨析wear,in,dress和和put on讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点3 3eg:They wear gloves.他们戴着手套。inprep.不能作谓语其后跟服装

7、或颜色构成介词短语,强调状态eg:The girl in red is my sister.穿红色衣服的那个女孩是我的妹妹。Lucy is in a coat.露西穿着一件大衣。wearv.能作谓语其后跟服装强调状态eg:I like to wear pink skirts.我喜欢穿粉色的短裙。dressv.能作谓语其后只能跟人(名词/代词)表示给某人穿衣服eg:She can dress her sister.她能给她的妹妹穿衣服。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨put on动副词组能作谓语其后跟服装,若跟的是代词,必须放在两词中间。若跟的是名词,既可放两词中间,也可放后边。强调动作eg:It is

8、 cold today.Please put on your coat/put your coat on.今天天气冷。请穿上你的大衣。This is your shirt.Put it on.这是你的衬衫。穿上它。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨Your jacket doesnt go well with your shorts.你的夹克衫和你的短裤不相配。你的夹克衫和你的短裤不相配。考向考向讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点4 4考查固定短语考查固定短语go well with。go well with与与相配;协调相配;协调eg:Your coat goes well with the sca

9、rf.你的大衣和这条围巾很相配。此句是含有行为动词的一般现在时的否定句。Dont forget your umbrella.别忘了你的别忘了你的雨伞。雨伞。考向考向【难点难点】讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点5 5 辨析辨析forget sth.,forget to do sth.和和forget doing sth.词义例句forget sth.忘记某事I forgot your phone number.我忘记了你的电话号码。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨forget to do sth.忘记去做某事(事还没做)I forgot to close the door.我忘记关门了。(门没有关)

10、forget doing sth.忘记做过某事(事已做过)I forgot closing the door.我忘记关门了。(门已经关上了,我却忘了)Im sorry,Mr.Li.I left my English homework at home.Dont forget _(take)it to school tomorrow.(黑龙江齐齐哈尔改编)典例典例to take【点拨点拨】本题采用本题采用语法判定法语法判定法,forget之后接动词有两种之后接动词有两种形式,形式,forget to do sth.表示忘记去做某事表示忘记去做某事(还未做还未做),forget doing sth.

11、意为意为“忘记做过某事忘记做过某事(已做过已做过)”,而题目中说,而题目中说“对不对不起,李老师。我把英语作业落在家里了。起,李老师。我把英语作业落在家里了。”回答应是不要回答应是不要忘记明天把作业带到学校,故用忘记明天把作业带到学校,故用to take。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨take.all out of.把所有的把所有的从从里里取出来取出来考向考向讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点6 6考查考查take.all out of.短语。短语。eg:Please take the books all out of the desk.请把所有的书从书桌里拿出来。1)What does Dann

12、y like to wear?Listen and circle the correct pictures.Lets Do It!Lets Do It!听力材料听力材料Conversation Danny is ready for school.He says goodbye to his mum.Mrs.Dinosaur:Wait,Danny!Its cold today.You cant wear a Tshirt and shorts.Danny:Mum,I look nice in this green Tshirt.And I like shorts.Mrs.Dinosaur:Loo

13、k!Its raining.You may catch a cold.Danny:OK,Mum.(Danny goes back and puts on a jacket.)Mrs.Dinosaur:Danny!Your jacket doesnt go well with your shorts.Danny:Well,I dont like to wear pants.Mrs.Dinosaur:OK.Dont forget your umbrella.Danny:Its in my schoolbag.Bye,Mum.2)Read the lesson and answer the ques

14、tions.1.How is the weather?2.Does Danny like to wear shorts or pants?3.What does Danny finally wear to school?4.Where is Dannys umbrella?Its cold and raining.He likes to wear shorts.Jacket and shorts.In his schoolbag.Lets Do It!Lets Do It!3)Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words or p

15、hrases in the box.forget be ready forgo well with catch a coldput on1.Its 7:00 am.now.We _breakfast.2.I dont want to _your phone number.Can you write it down?3.Dont go outside without a jacket.You may_.4.Her new dress doesnt _her old shoes.5._your coat.Its cold outside.are ready forforgetcatch a col

16、dgo well withPut onLets Do It!Lets Do It!4)What clothes does your mum tell you to wear for different weather?Match the right clothes with the right weather.Then write Mum says.Mum says:Its raining today.Put on your boots.And dont forget your umbrella.Mum says:_Its sunny today.Put on your Tshirt.And

17、dont forget your sunglasses.Mum says:_Its snowing today.Put on your coat.And dont forget your gloves.Lets Do It!Lets Do It!一、根据句意一、根据句意及汉语提示及汉语提示写出单词的正确形式写出单词的正确形式1.These clothes are very_(耀眼的)2.Dont_(忘记)your schoolbag.3.Where is my_(雨伞)?Its raining outside.4.This colour is_(那么)nice.I like it.5.We a

18、re_(准备)for the party.来自来自点拨点拨brightforgetumbrellasoready来自来自点拨点拨二、用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空二、用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空6.Jack wants to go to school.He_his mother.7.Look!She_a skirt.It looks nice.8.It is 12:00 am.Danny_lunch.9.Its snowy.You may_.10.Her gloves _ her coat.wear;catch a cold;go well with;be ready for;say

19、 goodbye tosays goodbye tois wearingis ready forcatch a coldgo well with三、单项选择三、单项选择11.Its 8:00 oclock.The students_class.Aare ready to Bare ready forCis ready for Dis ready toB来自来自点拨点拨【点拨点拨】本题采用本题采用词语辨析法词语辨析法。be ready for名词意为名词意为“准准备好备好”,be ready to do sth.意为意为“准备好做某事准备好做某事”。class是名词,意为是名词,意为“上课上课”

20、,故选,故选B。12.Its cold outside._your sweater before you go out.(天津)APut on BTurn on CPut up DGive upA【点拨点拨】本题采用本题采用词语辨析法词语辨析法。put on意为意为“穿上穿上”。题意。题意为:外面天气冷。在你出去前穿上毛衣。为:外面天气冷。在你出去前穿上毛衣。A选项符合题意,选项符合题意,而而B选项意为选项意为“打开打开”,C选项意为选项意为“建造建造”,D选项意为选项意为“放弃放弃”,不符合题意,故选,不符合题意,故选A。来自来自点拨点拨来自来自点拨点拨13.Jenny takes the

21、books all out_her handbag and does her homework after school.Aof BonCinDatA【点拨点拨】take.out of.意为意为“把把从从取出来取出来”。故选。故选A。14.Its time to _you.I have to go now.Asay goodbye to Bsay hi toCsay goodbye for Dsay hi forA【点拨点拨】本题采用本题采用词语辨析法词语辨析法。say goodbye to sb.意为意为“向向某人告别某人告别”,say hi to.意为意为“向向问好问好”,从题中,从题中I

22、 have to go now“我现在得走了我现在得走了”判断此处是告别,故选判断此处是告别,故选A。来自来自点拨点拨15.Its raining outside.Dont forget _your umbrella with you.Ataking Btake Cto take Dto makeC【点拨点拨】本题采用本题采用词语辨析法词语辨析法。forget to do sth.意为忘记去意为忘记去做某事,事情还未做,做某事,事情还未做,forget doing sth.意为忘记做过某事,意为忘记做过某事,事情已做。题中说外面正在下雨,别忘记带你的雨伞,事情事情已做。题中说外面正在下雨,别忘

23、记带你的雨伞,事情还未做,故用还未做,故用to take。take意为意为“带走带走”,D选项选项make意为意为“制作制作”,不符合题意,故选,不符合题意,故选C。本节课主要学习了以下重点内容本节课主要学习了以下重点内容:(1)重点单词:)重点单词:catch,wear,forget,these等。等。(2)重点短语:)重点短语:be ready for,say goodbye to sb.go back,go well with,take all out of等。等。1.1.熟记本课时的词汇熟记本课时的词汇 2.2.完成本课时的课后作业完成本课时的课后作业课后作业课后作业A A(选自典中点选自典中点)课后作业课后作业B B(选自选自点拨训练点拨训练)


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