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1、 Stories and PoemsUnit 4The Fable of the Woodcutter lesson 21 公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件Lesson 21 The Fable of the Woodcutter 课文课文呈现呈现知识知识讲解讲解词词汇汇听听写写课课堂堂导导入入课课文文1 1课课堂堂小小结结课

2、课后后作作业业课课堂堂练练习习公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件 同学们,上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在同学们,上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧!大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧!公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the Woodc

3、utterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件These pictures are all fables.Do you like reading fables?公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories an

4、d Poems PPT免费课件THINK ABOUT ITDo you like reading fables?What fables have you read?Do you think it is important to be honest?Why?Long ago,there was a good and honest woodcutter.One day,when he was cutting wood beside a lake,he lost his axe in the water.The water was deep,and he could not get his axe

5、back.He had only one axe,and he needed it to make his living.He sat down and began公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件to cry.As he cried,a spirit appeared.She asked the man what was wr

6、ong.She listened to the woodcutter and felt sorry for him.But what could she do to help?Suddenly she came up with a great idea.The spirit dove into the lake and brought back a gold axe.“Is this the axe you lost?”asked the good spirit.The man looked at the gold axe,knowing it wasnt his.Because he was

7、 honest,he admitted to the spirit that it wasnt his axe.So the spirit dove into the water again and brought back a silver axe.Once again,the man said that was公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poe

8、ms PPT免费课件not his axe.The spirit went down a third time and returned with the woodcutters old axe.“That is the right one!”said the woodcutter.The spirit was so happy with the woodcutters honesty that she gave him the other two axes as presents.Honesty truly is the best policy.Learning TipThis story

9、is adapted from a European fable.A fable is a fictional story about animals,plants,forces of nature,etc.It always has a moral lesson.公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件 make ones livi

10、ng 谋生谋生考向考向相当于相当于make a living,还可相当于,还可相当于earn a/ones living。在表达在表达“靠做靠做维持生活维持生活”时,常用时,常用“make a/ones living by doing sth.”。eg:I heard that it was easier to make a living in big cities.我听说在大城市谋生更容易。The little boy made his living by selling newspapers.这个小男孩靠卖报纸为生。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点1 1 eg:What do most

11、 people do to make their living?大多数人靠做什么谋生呢?公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件典例典例The man makes a living _working in a small company.He works very hard.AforBwithCby【点拨点拨】考查介词用法。句意:这个

12、人通过在一个小公司考查介词用法。句意:这个人通过在一个小公司工作为生。他工作很努力。工作为生。他工作很努力。A.为了;为了;B.带有;带有;C.通过。通过。结合句意,综合分析可知,选项结合句意,综合分析可知,选项C正确。正确。C讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件 spirit/sprt/n.精灵精灵,幽灵

13、幽灵,精神精神考向考向in spirit在心里,在精神上;在心里,在精神上;out of spirits无精打采。无精打采。eg:I shall be with you in spirit.我的心将和你在一起。My sister seems out of spirits these days.这些天我妹妹似乎无精打采。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点2 2eg:The fisherman set the spirit free from the jar.渔夫把精灵从坛子里放了出来。The students are in high spirits.同学们情绪高涨。公开课课件优质课课件PPT优

14、秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件 bring/br/v.带来,拿来带来,拿来考向考向【重点重点】讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点3 3eg:Can you bring your new book to school tomorrow?明天你能把你的新书拿到学校吗?bring,take,carry与与fetch 的辨析的辨析bring 带来,拿来,从远

15、处到近处 I have brought my photos.我把我的照片拿来了。公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件take 带走,拿走,从近处到远处 Im afraid of the dog.Please take it away.我害怕狗。请把它带走。carry 搬运,搬动,不强调方向 I can carry the heav

16、y box.我可以搬动这个重箱子。fetch 去取回,去拿回,表示往返的动作I left my bag at home.I will fetch it.我把包忘在家里了。我将把它取回来。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件典例典例When she saw the clouds she went back t

17、o the house to _her umbrella.AcarryBfetchCbring Dreach【点拨点拨】考查动词的辨析。根据句意可知她是返回房子取考查动词的辨析。根据句意可知她是返回房子取雨伞,是往返的动作。故选项雨伞,是往返的动作。故选项B正确。正确。B讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件

18、 admit/dmt/v.承认,赞同承认,赞同考向考向讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点4 4admit的用法:的用法:(1)admit sth.承认某事。承认某事。eg:He admitted his mistake.他承认了他的错误。(2)admit doing sth.承认做了某事。eg:I admitted breaking the glass.我承认打碎了玻璃杯。eg:He admitted to the thing.他承认了这件事。公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课

19、件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件(3)admit to sb.向某人承认。eg:He admitted to the old man.他向这位老人坦诚了。(4)admit sb.to beadj.“承认某人是”。eg:She admitted him to be right.她承认他是正确的。(5)admit 后跟that从句。eg:I admitted that I was wrong.我承认我是错的。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下

20、载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件 sothat如此如此 以至于以至于考向一考向一讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点5 5eg:The old man was so weak that he couldnt move.那位老人如此虚弱以至于他不能动。sothat用来引导结果状语从句。其中用来引导结果状语从句。其中的的so是副词,后跟形容词或副词,是副词,后跟形容词或副词,

21、that是是连词,后跟从句。连词,后跟从句。eg:This book is so interesting that everyone wants to read it.这本书如此有趣以至于人人都想看它。公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件考向二考向二【难点难点】sothat句式可以和以下四种句式句式可以和以下四种句式进行转换。进行

22、转换。sothat句式 可以转换的句式 当从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且that从句是否定式时。tooto do句式 当从句的主语和主句的主语不一致,且that从句是否定式时。toofor sb.to do 句式 当从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且that从句是肯定式时。.enough to do句式 当从句的主语和主句的主语不一致,且that从句是肯定式时。.enough for sb.to do句式 讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课

23、件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件The girl is so young that she cant go to school.The girl is too young to go to school.这个女孩太小了,不能上学。The question is so hard that we cant answer it.The question is too hard for us to answer.这个问题太难了,我们回答不上来。The man is so strong that he

24、can lift the heavy box.The man is strong enough to lift the heavy box.这个男人很强壮,他能举起这个重盒子。The question is so easy that we can answer it.The question is easy enough for us to answer.这个问题很简单,我们能回答。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PP

25、T免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件典例典例 Li Na is _ famous _ all the tennis fans in China know her.Atoo;to Benough;to Cas;as Dso;that【点拨点拨】此题考查此题考查sothat的表达。的表达。sothat“如如此此以至于以至于”。so为副词,后常跟形容词或副词。为副词,后常跟形容词或副词。故此题应选故此题应选D。D讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the Woo

26、dcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件 the rest of.其余的其余的考向一考向一讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点6 6eg:You can take the rest of the fruit away.你可以把其余的水果拿走。the rest of.作主语时,谓语动词的单复数作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于取决于of后面的名词的单复数形式。后面的名词的单复数形式。eg:The rest of the fo

27、od is yours.其余的食物是你的。The rest of the books are yours.其余的书是你的。公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件考向二考向二 the rest作主语时,代替可数名词复数,句子作主语时,代替可数名词复数,句子谓语动词用复数;代替不可数名词,句子谓语谓语动词用复数;代替不可数名词,句子谓语

28、动词用单数。动词用单数。eg:The five apples are mine,and the rest belong to you.这五个苹果是我的,其余的属于你。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件 Dont forget to 不要忘记不要忘记讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点7 7eg:Dont

29、forget to do your homework on the weekend.周末不要忘记做你的作业。公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件forget doing sth.忘记曾经做过某事 He forgot telling her about it.他不记得曾经告诉过她这件事了。forget to do sth.忘记要做某

30、事 The light in the classroom is still on.He forgot to turn it off.教室的灯还亮着。他忘记关了。考向考向【易错点易错点】辨析辨析 forget to do sth.与与forget doing sth.讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件典例典

31、例 Its going to rain.Dont forget _ an umbrella.Thanks.I wont.AtakeBto takeCtaking Dtakes【点拨点拨】考查考查forget to do sth.与与forget doing sth.的用法。的用法。forget to do sth.“忘记要做某事忘记要做某事(事情未做事情未做)”;forget doing sth.“忘记曾经做过某事忘记曾经做过某事(事情已做事情已做)”。句意:。句意:要下雨了,要下雨了,不要忘记带上一把雨伞。不要忘记带上一把雨伞。谢谢。我不会忘的。故选谢谢。我不会忘的。故选B。B讲解来自讲解来

32、自点拨点拨公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件1.Read the lesson and answer the questions.1What happened to the woodcutter when he was cutting wood beside a lake?2Who appeared as the woodcut

33、ter cried?3How did the woodcutter get back his old axe?4Why did the spirit give the woodcutter the other two axes as presents?He lost his axe in the water.A spirit.The spirit dove into the water and brought it back.Because the woodcutter is honest.Lets Do It!Lets Do It!公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fa

34、ble of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件2.Read the lesson again.Think about the spirit and the woodcutter.Match each person with the words that describe them.helpful warmheartedclever honest foolish dishonest kindpoorL

35、ets Do It!Lets Do It!公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件3.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words or phrases in the box.silver admit make ones living come up with dive

36、into1He _to his parents that he broke the window.They were happy with his honesty.2That old lady is very poor.She _ by selling newspapers.3Im afraid to _the swimming pool.4He _a fun way to learn maths.5She wore a _chain around her neck.admitted makes her livingdive into comes up with silverLets Do I

37、t!Lets Do It!公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件4.Work in groups to learn more about fables.You can do one of the following tasks:Find the rest of the fable on the Internet.Act it out

38、.Find another fable and act it out.You can search on the Internet or look in books.Dont forget to find the moral in your fable.Lets Do It!Lets Do It!公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课

39、件一、根据一、根据句意及句意及首字母首字母或汉语或汉语提示完成提示完成单词单词1I liked reading _(寓言)stories when I was young.2.He thinks honesty truly is the best _(政策)3The woodcutter needs an a to cut wood.4If you are the second in the match,you will get a s medal.5The man d into the river to save the children.来自来自点拨训练点拨训练fablepolicyxei

40、lverove公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件来自来自点拨训练点拨训练二、二、选用适当的介词填空选用适当的介词填空6Li Ming sits _ the window.7We all felt sorry _him when we heard the bad news.8The film is adapted _ a famo

41、us novel.9Bobs mother is happy _ his grade at school.10The boy lost his key _ the water.beside With,beside,from,for,infor from with in 公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件来自来自点拨训练点拨训练三

42、、单项选择三、单项选择11I have two cousins.One is a policeman,and _ is a reporter.Aother Banother Cothers Dthe other12The old man makes _ by fishing.Ahe living Bhis living Chis live Dhe life13Its polite to take some flowers _ a gift when you go to visit a friend.Afor Bwith Cas DbyDBC公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The

43、 Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件来自来自点拨训练点拨训练14(中考荆门)Sam,my iPhone is in my bedroom.Could you _ it for me?No problem.Abring Bfetch Ctake Dcarry15(中考长沙)When Jims mother came in,he _ his homework.Ais doing Bhas

44、 done Cwas doingBC公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PPT免费下载The Fable of the WoodcutterStories and Poems PPT免费课件本节课主要学习了以下重点内容本节课主要学习了以下重点内容:(1)重点单词:)重点单词:spirit,bring,admit等。等。(2)重点短语:)重点短语:make ones living,a third time等。等。(3)重点句式:)重点句式:soth

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