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1、Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.Review Read the story“The Shirt of a Happy Man(Part I)”again.Look at the possible endings to the story about the unhappy king.Do you think any of these is the right one?If so,which one?What are some other possible endings to the story?Dis

2、cuss it with your partner.Listen Listen to The Shirt of a Happy Man(Part II)and check the things that happened in the rest of the story.Questions 1.How long did it take the general to find the happy man?2.What was the poor man doing on the street?3.What made the poor man so happy even though he had

3、no power,money or fame?4.Do you think the general will return to the king with the poor mans shirt?Why or why not?Discuss Do you agree with the poor mans thoughts about happiness?Discuss your ideas with your group.Role-play Role-play the story.Talking Have you ever made a mistake?How did it make you

4、 feel?Talk to your partner about it.Reading Read the story on page.New Words weight n.重量;分量 shoulder n.肩;肩膀 goal n.球门;射门;目标 coach n.教练;私人教师 kick v.踢;踹 courage n.勇敢;勇气 pull v.拉;拖 nod v.点头 agreement n.(意见或看法)一致;同意Task 1 Number the events in the correct order.Answer the questions:1.Why did Peter feel a

5、ngry and worried?2.What kind of advice did Peters father offer him?3.Do you agree with Peters father?Why or why not?4.What happened after Peter told his teammates that he was sorry?5.Why did Peter think that he was on a winning team even though they lost the last game?Task 2 Find idioms or phrases f

6、rom the story to replace the underlined parts of these sentences.Task 3Role-play Role-play a conversation between Peter and his father.Talking Think of some experiences that made you feel very happy or sad.Tell your partner about them.Use the following ideas to help you.Homework Write a story simila

7、r to the one in 2b.In your story,try to explain the following:Once upon a time and in a country a long way off,there was a king who was very ill.A famous doctor from another country said there was only one thing that cure him.“What is that?“said the king,whatever you want shall be brought for you!Yo

8、u must for sleep one night!“said the doctor,in the shirt of a happy man!So the king sent two men to find the happy man and,when they had found him,they must bring back his shirt.The Shirt of a Happy Man Story TimeRead the story after class.Well,they went first to the richest man in the city and aske

9、d him if he was a happy man.How can i be happy?he said,When i never know whether my ships are going to be wrecked next day.How can a man be happy with worries?So they went to the kings chief minister.Are you a happy man?Dont be silly,“he said,There are other country threatening to make war on us any

10、 day.There are some people trying push me out of power.How can i be a happy man?编后语 老师上课都有一定的思路,抓住老师的思路就能取得良好的学习效果。在上一小节中已经提及听课中要跟随老师的思路,这里再进一步论述听课时如何抓住老师的思路。根据课堂提问抓住老师的思路。老师在讲课过程中往往会提出一些问题,有的要求回答,有的则是自问自答。一般来说,老师在课堂上提出的问题都是学习中的关键,若能抓住老师提出的问题深入思考,就可以抓住老师的思路。根据自己预习时理解过的逻辑结构抓住老师的思路。老师讲课在多数情况下是根据教材本身的知

11、识结构展开的,若把自己预习时所理解过的知识逻辑结构与老师的讲解过程进行比较,便可以抓住老师的思路。根据老师的提示抓住老师的思路。老师在教学中经常有一些提示用语,如“请注意”、“我再重复一遍”、“这个问题的关键是”等等,这些用语往往体现了老师的思路。来自:学习方法网 紧跟老师的推导过程抓住老师的思路。老师在课堂上讲解某一结论时,一般有一个推导过程,如数学问题的来龙去脉、物理概念的抽象归纳、语文课的分析等。感悟和理解推导过程是一个投入思维、感悟方法的过程,这有助于理解记忆结论,也有助于提高分析问题和运用知识的能力。搁置问题抓住老师的思路。碰到自己还没有完全理解老师所讲内容的时候,最好是做个记号,姑且先把这个问题放在一边,继续听老师讲后面的内容,以免顾此失彼。来自:学习方法网 利用笔记抓住老师的思路。记笔记不仅有利于理解和记忆,而且有利于抓住老师的思路。2022-11-7最新中小学教学课件182022-11-7最新中小学教学课件19谢谢欣赏!


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