1、人教版九年级英语全一册unit8_It_must_belong_to_Carla_Section_B_(1a-1d)ppt课件UFO:unidentified flying object 不明飞行物,飞碟不明飞行物,飞碟alienHow do you think of them?Do you like them?1.Look at the pictures.Then use the words from the box to write a sentence about each picture.land man UFO run alien chase1 1a.The UFO is landi
2、ng.b.The alien is chasing the man.New wordschase v.追赶追赶,追击追击 The cat is chasing the mouse.猫在追老鼠。猫在追老鼠。We must chase the enemy from our country.我们必须把敌人赶出我国。我们必须把敌人赶出我国。He never ceased to chase after his dream in his vigorous youth.在精力充沛的年轻时代他从未停止过追求自己的梦想。在精力充沛的年轻时代他从未停止过追求自己的梦想。c.The man is running.2
3、a Listen and number the pictures 1-3 above.Then write two or three sentences to finish the story.Why do you think the man is running?The strange creature is running after the man.scared adj.惊慌的惊慌的;吓坏的吓坏的 He is horribly scared now.现在他害怕极了。现在他害怕极了。Im scared of mice.我怕耗子。我怕耗子。I am scared to fly in a pl
4、ane.我怕坐飞机。我怕坐飞机。I am scared that the plane might crash.我怕飞机会失事。我怕飞机会失事。2b Listen again.Complete the sentences.a helicopteran alienfrom the TV newsrunning for exercise2c Role play the conversation between the man and woman.A:Why do you think the man is running?B:He could be running for exercise.A:No,
5、hes wearing a suit.He might be running to catch a bus.Sample dialogue:A:Why do you think the man looks scared?B:There might be something strange.A:Yes,there is a strange creature running after him.Sample dialogue:A:Why do you think the strange creature is running after the man?B:It could be playing
6、with the man for fun.A:No,cant you see it is very fierce?It must be hungry.选择最佳选项。选择最佳选项。选择最佳选项。选择最佳选项。根据汉语完成句子根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。每空一词。1.你为什么认为那个人在逃跑呢你为什么认为那个人在逃跑呢?_ _ _ _ the man is escaping?2.他每天早上爬山的目的是为了得到锻炼。他每天早上爬山的目的是为了得到锻炼。He climbs mountains every morning _ _.Why do you think for exercise 编后语常常可见
7、到这样的同学,他们在下课前几分钟就开始看表、收拾课本文具,下课铃一响,就迫不及待地“逃离”教室。实际上,每节课刚下课时的几分钟是我们对上课内容查漏补缺的好时机。善于学习的同学往往懂得抓好课后的“黄金两分钟”。那么,课后的“黄金时间”可以用来做什么呢?一、释疑难 对课堂上老师讲到的内容自己想不通卡壳的问题,应该在课堂上标出来,下课时,在老师还未离开教室的时候,要主动请老师讲解清楚。如果老师已经离开教室,也可以向同学请教,及时消除疑难问题。做到当堂知识,当堂解决。二、补笔记 上课时,如果有些东西没有记下来,不要因为惦记着漏了的笔记而影响记下面的内容,可以在笔记本上留下一定的空间。下课后,再从头到尾
8、阅读一遍自己写的笔记,既可以起到复习的作用,又可以检查笔记中的遗漏和错误。遗漏之处要补全,错别字要纠正,过于潦草的字要写清楚。同时,将自己对讲课内容的理解、自己的收获和感想,用自己的话写在笔记本的空白处。这样,可以使笔记变的更加完整、充实。三、课后“静思2分钟”大有学问 我们还要注意课后的及时思考。利用课间休息时间,在心中快速把刚才上课时刚讲过的一些关键思路理一遍,把老师讲解的题目从题意到解答整个过程详细审视一遍,这样,不仅可以加深知识的理解和记忆,还可以轻而易举地掌握一些关键的解题技巧。所以,2分钟的课后静思等于同一学科知识的课后复习30分钟。最新中小学教学课件2022-11-7thank you!最新中小学教学课件2022-11-7