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1、Unit 3A taste of English humour 漫漫 画画 欣欣 赏赏 画画 面面 描描 述述 寓寓 意意 理理 解解 你能否对此加以扩展你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇,写一篇120词左右的小短文?词左右的小短文?A man is hung on a scale,which is balanced by the weight.The man is carrying something while his eyes are staring at the weight,which stands for value.The man is eager to get more in retu

2、rn for what he has done for the society.Without pay he would probably do nothing.短文填空短文填空 根据课文根据课文A Taste of English Humor完成下列短文。完成下列短文。Some humor can be cruel,but some people seem to enjoy seeing other peoples bad luck at times.Perhaps it makes us feel more with our life because we feel there is so

3、meone else .off than ourselves.However,some actors can astonish us with the deep feelings they can inspire in us for a character.Charlie Chaplin,the most famous actor during the period of silent films,was such an actor.He was able to make terrible situations funny and at the same time show the human

4、ity and kindness that can be found in the most difficult circumstances.content worse The Gold Rush for example.The film is set _ California in the middle of the nineteenth century.Chaplin and his friend wash sand from the river in a pan of water and expect to find gold but they have been not (fortun

5、e)enough to find any.,they (catch)in a snowstorm in a small wooden house,they have nothing to eat.They are so hungry they have to boil a pair of leather shoes and eat it.Chaplin seems to eat every mouthful with great enjoyment and makes it seem as if it (be)one of the best meals he has ever had!Take

6、 in fortunate Instead are caught where that were.单词拼写单词拼写1He was caught in a (暴风雪暴风雪)when he was doing his research in Mount Everest(喜马拉雅山喜马拉雅山)2I was _(幸运幸运)to have a good teacher,so I learned English very well in middle school.3He (使欢乐使欢乐)us for hours with his stories and jokes yesterday.4It (使吃惊使

7、吃惊)me that no one has thought of this before.snowstorm fortunate entertained astonishes 5The book I want is right at the _(底部底部)of the pile.6T their marriage he had only once seen her cry.7Dr Yang Zhenning won the Nobel Prize for his o .work in physics in 1957.8F is the mother of success.9Is there a

8、ny p colour you would prefer to?10He is c with his present job,so he decides to stay.bottom hroughout utstanding ailure articular ontent.短语填空短语填空1 ,no wonder drug has been found which can cure cancers.2He seems to a fairly minor role in the government.3Sarah has missed her chance of in the school pl

9、ay.4Thieves _ the bank by digging a tunnel and took away lots of money.5We have two lessons this morning,but theres some free time .Up to now be content with starring in broke into in between 6As time _,my credit history was gradually building up.7They were _ for not paying their phone bill.8He went

10、 a doctor for his sick wife.9She was from dozens of applicants for the job.10Tom has been out of work for years.He is now quite _.went bycut off in search of picked out badly off.完成句子完成句子1Some humour can be cruel but some people seem to (喜欢看别人倒霉喜欢看别人倒霉)at times.(enjoy)2First he picks out the laces a

11、nd eats them _(好像它们是好像它们是)spaghetti.(as)3_(碰巧碰巧)this flower was a new species which I had been growing throughout the summer.(happen)enjoy seeing other peoples bad luck as if they were It happened that核心词汇梳理核心词汇梳理1astonish v.使惊讶使惊讶 She astonished me with her beautiful handwriting.她那秀丽的书法让我惊异。她那秀丽的书法

12、让我惊异。I was astonished at the news of his escape.听到他逃跑的消息,我感到惊讶。听到他逃跑的消息,我感到惊讶。派生派生 astonishing adj.令人吃惊的令人吃惊的 astonished adj.惊讶的;惊愕的惊讶的;惊愕的 astonishment n惊讶;吃惊惊讶;吃惊搭配搭配 be astonished to do sth.对做某事感到惊讶对做某事感到惊讶be astonished by/at.对对感到惊讶感到惊讶to ones astonishment使某人惊讶的是使某人惊讶的是in astonishment吃惊地吃惊地用用asto

13、nish的正确形式填空的正确形式填空(1)She us by saying she was leaving.(2)She seemed that I had never been to Paris.(3)She ran 100m in an speed.(4)He stared in at the stranger.astonished astonished astonishing astonishment 2overcome vt.(overcame,overcome)战胜,克服;胜过,征战胜,克服;胜过,征 服服vi.得胜得胜 He has overcome the bad habit o

14、f smoking.他改掉了吸烟的坏习惯。他改掉了吸烟的坏习惯。I believe truth will overcome.我相信真理将会获胜。我相信真理将会获胜。完成句子完成句子 (1)世界上没有我们不能克服的困难。世界上没有我们不能克服的困难。There will be no difficulty in the world .(2)你们克服了这样的困难,值得表扬。你们克服了这样的困难,值得表扬。It is greatly to your credit .that we cant overcome that you have overcome such difficulties 3conte

15、nt adj.满足的;满意的满足的;满意的 句型句型 be content with sth.对对感到满意或满足感到满意或满足 be content to do sth.满足于做某事满足于做某事 完成句子完成句子 (1)她目前对自己的工作非常满意。她目前对自己的工作非常满意。She her job at the moment.(2)约翰非常满足于一连几小时不停地看电视。约翰非常满足于一连几小时不停地看电视。John is quite for hours at a stretch.提示提示 作定语时要用作定语时要用contented。(3)她带着满足的表情看着我。她带着满足的表情看着我。She

16、looked at me with a _ expression.is content with content to watch television contented 联想联想 be satisfied with对对感到满意感到满意 be pleased with对对感到满意感到满意4.convince vt.使确信;说服使确信;说服 搭配搭配 convince sb.of sth.使某人相信某事使某人相信某事 convince sb.to do sth.说服某人做某事说服某人做某事 be convinced of sth./be convinced that.确信确信,坚信,坚信完成句

17、子完成句子(1)你要使他们相信你殷切希望得到这份工作。你要使他们相信你殷切希望得到这份工作。Youll need to _ your enthusiasm for the job.(2)我一直劝他去看病。我一直劝他去看病。Ive been trying to _ see a doctor.(3)她确信我是无辜的。她确信我是无辜的。She _ my innocence.(4)我确信我们做的事情是正确的。我确信我们做的事情是正确的。I _ we were doing the right thing.convince them of convince him to was convinced of

18、was convinced that5particular adj.特别的;特殊的;特定的;讲究的;挑剔的特别的;特殊的;特定的;讲究的;挑剔的 Is there any particular thing thats worrying you?有什么特别让你烦恼的事吗?有什么特别让你烦恼的事吗?搭配搭配 be particular about对对很挑剔或很讲究很挑剔或很讲究 in particular特别地;特别是特别地;特别是完成句子完成句子(1)她对衣着特别挑剔。她对衣着特别挑剔。Shes very .(2)他对吃的东西很挑剔。他对吃的东西很挑剔。He is very particular

19、 about _.(3)她特别喜爱这首歌,因为她妈妈过去常唱。她特别喜爱这首歌,因为她妈妈过去常唱。She loves the song _,because her mother used to sing it.particular about her clothes what he eats in particular 6entertain v.使使快乐;使感兴趣;款待;招待快乐;使感兴趣;款待;招待 He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes.他给我们讲故事、说笑话,让我们高兴了好几小时。他给我们讲故事、说笑话,让我们高兴了

20、好几小时。搭配搭配 entertain sb.to sth.招待某人吃招待某人吃 entertain sb.with sth.以以款待某人完成句子款待某人完成句子 (1)昨晚鲍勃和利兹设宴招待了我们。昨晚鲍勃和利兹设宴招待了我们。Bob and Liz _ last night.(2)我喜欢在家里用音乐和茶点招待朋友。我喜欢在家里用音乐和茶点招待朋友。I like to and refreshments at home.entertained us to dinner entertain friends with music 派生派生 entertainment n接待;招待;款待;娱乐;消遣

21、接待;招待;款待;娱乐;消遣She was busy preparing for the entertainment of the guests.她忙着准备接待客人。她忙着准备接待客人。7.occasion n.场合,时机,机会;场合,时机,机会;(pl.)(pl.)工作,职业工作,职业 Her dress befits the occasion.她的服装适合那种场合。她的服装适合那种场合。联想联想 on occasion有时有时 by occasion of由于,因为由于,因为 for the occasion临时临时8.fortunate adj.幸运的,吉祥的幸运的,吉祥的 You we

22、re forunate to escape being injured.你没有受伤真是幸运。你没有受伤真是幸运。He is fortunate in having a good wife.他真有福气,有一位贤妻。他真有福气,有一位贤妻。联想联想 fortune n命运;机会;运气命运;机会;运气C财产财产 chance机会;偶然的事机会;偶然的事 opportunity机会机会 occasion时机时机 fate命运命运辨析辨析 fortune/wealth/possession作作“财产财产”讲,讲,fortune和和possession是可数名词。是可数名词。wealth是不可数是不可数名

23、词;名词;possession强调的是个人的所属品。强调的是个人的所属品。完成句子完成句子(1)(他很幸运他很幸运)that he just left the city when the earthquake happened.用用fortune,wealth,possession填空填空(2)He is a man of _ and position.(3)His father left him a _.(4)The childs favorite _ was a little dog.(5)What a good _ she has a fine husband!It was fortun

24、ate for him wealth fortune possession fortune9.sense v.感觉;觉察;意识到感觉;觉察;意识到nC意识;理性;有道理意识;理性;有道理 I did not sense his meaning.我没有领会到他的意思我没有领会到他的意思。搭配搭配 make sense讲得通,有意义讲得通,有意义 make sense of理解理解 in a sense在某种意义上在某种意义上归纳归纳 a sense of hearing听觉听觉have no sense of shame无羞耻心无羞耻心She has a strong sense of duty

25、.她有强烈的责任感。她有强烈的责任感。lose ones senses丧失理智丧失理智out of ones senses神志不清神志不清come to ones senses清醒过来清醒过来(1)I think he may be right _ a sense.(2)No one can make _ what you write,so I think this sentence doesnt make _.in sense of sense 10direct adj.直的,不弯曲的直的,不弯曲的v指导,指引;管理;支配指导,指引;管理;支配 Which is the most direc

26、t way to New York?到纽约去哪条路最近?到纽约去哪条路最近?Can you direct me to the post office?你能指示我去邮局吗?你能指示我去邮局吗?辨析辨析 direct/directlydirect与与directly两者均是副词,前者指不两者均是副词,前者指不 走弯路,或不间断地,多具体意义;后者指直接;立刻地,走弯路,或不间断地,多具体意义;后者指直接;立刻地,指以直接的方法作某事,多抽象意义指以直接的方法作某事,多抽象意义。用用direct的正确形式填空的正确形式填空(1)I have _ that all measures _(take)fo

27、r our defense.(2)We flew _ to Paris.(3)Ill see you _ after lunch.directed be taken direct(directly)directly 11.whisper n.耳语;低语耳语;低语vt.&vi.低语;小声说低语;小声说 搭配搭配 whisper sth.to sb.低声对某人说某事低声对某人说某事 whisper in sbs ear附耳低语附耳低语 say sth./speak in whisper低声说话低声说话 翻译句子翻译句子 他们在课堂上低声说话。他们在课堂上低声说话。(两种译法两种译法)(1)_ (2

28、)_They whispered in class.They spoke in whisper in class.12react vi.作出反应;回应作出反应;回应 搭配搭配react to对对作出反应作出反应 react on/upon对对有影响;起作用于有影响;起作用于 react against反抗;反对反抗;反对 派生派生 reaction n反应反应 根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。(1)我们的眼睛对光起反应。我们的眼睛对光起反应。Our eyes _ light.(2)朋友间会相互影响。朋友间会相互影响。Friends will .(3)他强烈反对浪费纸张。

29、他强烈反对浪费纸张。He _ wasting paper.react to react on/upon each other reacts strongly against 重点短语例释重点短语例释1be badly off(生活生活)穷困潦倒;处境糟糕穷困潦倒;处境糟糕 (1)他穷困潦倒。甚至租不起个小房子。他穷困潦倒。甚至租不起个小房子。He _.He even cant rent a small room.(2)从这个方面讲,黑人的处境甚至比印第安人还要糟糕。从这个方面讲,黑人的处境甚至比印第安人还要糟糕。In this aspect the Negroes were even _tha

30、n the Indians.链接链接 be well off富裕,经济宽裕富裕,经济宽裕is badly offworse off2.pick out 挑出;辨别出;看清楚,弄懂挑出;辨别出;看清楚,弄懂 联想联想 pick up捡起;收听;获得;学到捡起;收听;获得;学到 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。根据汉语意思完成英语句子。(1)请把你想看的书选出来。请把你想看的书选出来。that youd like to read.(2)你能在这人群中认出你姐姐来吗?你能在这人群中认出你姐姐来吗?in this crowd?(3)盒子太脏,我们看不清标签盒子太脏,我们看不清标签(lable)上的说明。上的

31、说明。The box was so dirty that _ the directions on the label.Please pick out the books Can you pick out your sister we couldnt pick out3cut off 切断;断绝切断;断绝 理解理解 说出下列句中划线部分的意思说出下列句中划线部分的意思 (1)He had his fingers cut off in an accident at work.(2)We were cut off in the middle of our conversation.(3)The ex

32、pedition team was cut off from its base.答案答案:(1)切断切断(2)断线断线(3)失去了联系失去了联系4star in 担任主角;主演担任主角;主演 She has starred in some thirty films.她主演过大约三十部影片。她主演过大约三十部影片。5at times 有时;偶尔有时;偶尔 At times I go out to the beach.有时候我去海滩。有时候我去海滩。We have a pie for dinner at times.有时我们吃饭会吃一些肉馅饼有时我们吃饭会吃一些肉馅饼(果馅饼果馅饼)。联想联想 a

33、t one time一度;从前;一次;同时一度;从前;一次;同时 at a time一次;同时;连续地一次;同时;连续地 at the same time同时;但是同时;但是 at all times老是;时常老是;时常 now and then有时,偶尔有时,偶尔 once in a while有时,偶尔有时,偶尔6.be set in 以以为背景为背景(写作、拍摄写作、拍摄);(故事故事)发生在发生在 (1)那部电影以那部电影以20世纪世纪20年代的巴黎为背景。年代的巴黎为背景。The scene of that movie _ in the 1920s.(2)故事发生在十八世纪的伦敦。故

34、事发生在十八世纪的伦敦。The story in London.is set in Paris is set in the 18th century 疑难语句细解疑难语句细解1The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted.(卓别林卓别林)这场表演是那么有说服力,以至于你会认为这顿饭是这场表演是那么有说服力,以至于你会认为这顿饭是 他所吃过最美味的一餐。他所吃过最美味的一餐。句型句型 one of最高级复数名词定语从句最高级复数名词

35、定语从句(完成时完成时)翻译下列句子或按中文意思补全句子。翻译下列句子或按中文意思补全句子。(1)他是我见过最有意志力的运动员。他是我见过最有意志力的运动员。He was one of the most determined athletes _.(2)这是我看过的最有特色的一届运动会。这是我看过的最有特色的一届运动会。This was that I had ever watched.(3)汶川大地震是中国人民所经历的最严重的一次自然灾害。汶川大地震是中国人民所经历的最严重的一次自然灾害。The big earthquake in Wenchuan was one of .disasters

36、that Chinese _.that I had ever seen one of the most charming Olympics the most serious had gone through 2Finally he tries cutting and eating the bottom of the shoe.最后他使劲切割鞋底来吃。最后他使劲切割鞋底来吃。点拨点拨 try doing sth.意为意为“试着做某事试着做某事(看一看结果如何看一看结果如何)”,而,而 try to do sth.则意为则意为“试图做某事;设法做某事;努力去做某试图做某事;设法做某事;努力去做某

37、事事(以争取成功或达到目的以争取成功或达到目的)”。(1)如果前门没人应,你可试着敲一敲后门。如果前门没人应,你可试着敲一敲后门。If nobody answers at the front door,.(2)我试图说些什么,但我嘴里塞满了药棉。我试图说些什么,但我嘴里塞满了药棉。I _,but my mouth was full of cottonwool.try knocking at the back door tried to say something联想联想 stop doing停止做停止做stop to do停下来去做停下来去做remember doing记得做过记得做过reme

38、mber to do记住去做记住去做forget doing忘记曾经做过忘记曾经做过foget to do忘了去做忘了去做 技巧八:巧用排除方法,缩小选择范围。技巧八:巧用排除方法,缩小选择范围。有时我们会遇到这样的情况,对正确选项的含义,用法不甚明有时我们会遇到这样的情况,对正确选项的含义,用法不甚明白,但发现其他选项有显而易见的错误。这时可以尝试采用排除白,但发现其他选项有显而易见的错误。这时可以尝试采用排除法。所谓排除法就是将选项逐一检查、验证,发现错误的立即剔法。所谓排除法就是将选项逐一检查、验证,发现错误的立即剔除。随着选择范围的缩小,选中正确选项的几率逐渐增大。排除除。随着选择范围

39、的缩小,选中正确选项的几率逐渐增大。排除法如果运用得好,可以大大节省时间和精力。法如果运用得好,可以大大节省时间和精力。He kept sneezing(打喷嚏打喷嚏)and his nose was running.For two days he was 50 by his mother.As he rested more,his defense strengthened and I began to feel the 51 (pressure)(2009重庆卷重庆卷)50A.protected Bnursed Cscolded Daffected 解析解析:可以用排除法来解答此题。前文说可

40、以用排除法来解答此题。前文说“He kept sneezing.”可知,他感冒了,由此可以判断可知,他感冒了,由此可以判断A、C、D三项均三项均 不符合语境,只有不符合语境,只有B项才合情理。项才合情理。答案答案:B 典例典例 I wanted to be a dancer,not a nurse.My goal was to live and dance professionally in New York City.A friend who was studying nursing 1 me that if I took a couple of years off to receive a

41、 nursing degree,I could have a good job.I thought her suggestion was a great idea,even though I felt that my place in life was to make people happy by 2 them.But when I began working in the hospital as a nurse,my life was 3 .I 4 that as a performer I made people happy for a few minutes but I did not

42、 have a 5 influence on their lives.Nurses 6 about people.One day,I was told we were getting a(n)7 injured patient.Soon after the operation,her brain activity stopped.I had a 8 .connection to this patient since she was only two years younger than I.Two days later,she began to open her eyes,which made

43、 us 9 .A few days later,she stood up.The 10 in the eyes of her mom was satisfactory enough to last a lifetime.This made me believe that I was where I needed to be in my life.【文章大意文章大意】也许对大多数人来说,做一名舞蹈家远比做一名也许对大多数人来说,做一名舞蹈家远比做一名护士更有吸引力。虽然护士更有吸引力。虽然“作者作者”最终选择了后者,但她在人生最终选择了后者,但她在人生的舞台上同样奉献了一场最伟大的演出。的舞台上

44、同样奉献了一场最伟大的演出。1A.cheated Ballowed Creminded Dconvinced 解析解析:动词辨析。动词辨析。convince sb.that.“说服某人说服某人”。朋友。朋友 说服了说服了“我我”,使,使“我我”改变了要当一名舞蹈家的梦想,成改变了要当一名舞蹈家的梦想,成了一了一 名护士。名护士。答案答案:D2A.caring Bentertaining Chelping Dsaving 解析:解析:语境化选词。语境化选词。entertain使有兴趣,使快乐。语境:使有兴趣,使快乐。语境:尽管我认为在生活中我的位置就是通过娱乐别人而使他们快尽管我认为在生活中我的

45、位置就是通过娱乐别人而使他们快 乐。这里的乐。这里的“my place in life”指作者前面说的当一名专业的舞指作者前面说的当一名专业的舞 蹈家。蹈家。答案答案:B3A.transformed Brelaxed Cruined Dguaranteed 解析解析:动词辨析。由下文的介绍可以看出,作者通过护理工动词辨析。由下文的介绍可以看出,作者通过护理工 作,认识到了该工作的重要意义,自己的生活得到了改变作,认识到了该工作的重要意义,自己的生活得到了改变 (transformed)。答案答案:A4A.recognized Brealized Cdecided Ddoubted 解析解析:动

46、词辨析。这里强调的是开始不知道,经过长时间或动词辨析。这里强调的是开始不知道,经过长时间或 一些事情后才逐步一些事情后才逐步“意识到意识到”,所以要用,所以要用realize。答案答案:B5A.harmful Bmerciful Cmeaningful Dpainful 解析解析:形容词辨析。这里要表达的意思是:我意识到作为一形容词辨析。这里要表达的意思是:我意识到作为一 个演员只能给人们几分钟的快乐,而作为一名护士,却能给个演员只能给人们几分钟的快乐,而作为一名护士,却能给 人们的生活带来意义深远的人们的生活带来意义深远的(meaningful)影响。影响。答案答案:C6A.talked B

47、worried Cthought Dcared 解析解析:动词辨析。根据常识可知,护士的工作就是护理病动词辨析。根据常识可知,护士的工作就是护理病 人,所以要用人,所以要用care about“关心,关爱关心,关爱”。答案答案:D7A.approximately Bseriously Cdeliberately Dmentally 解析解析:副词辨析。由下文的副词辨析。由下文的“Soon after the operation,her brain activity stopped.”可以看出,这位病人病得很严重可以看出,这位病人病得很严重。答案答案:B8A.special Bconsisten

48、t Cmedium Doptimistic 解析解析:形容词辨析。形容词辨析。special“特殊的特殊的”。由下面的。由下面的“since she was only two years younger than I”可以推出,由于年龄相可以推出,由于年龄相 仿,我对这位病人有着特殊的感情。仿,我对这位病人有着特殊的感情。答案答案:A9A.sad Binteresting Cfunny Damazed 解析解析:形容词辨析。前面提到,这位病人病得很严重,手术形容词辨析。前面提到,这位病人病得很严重,手术 后大脑的活动都停止了,所以两天后她睁开了眼睛使我们感后大脑的活动都停止了,所以两天后她睁开了眼睛使我们感 到很吃惊,所以要用到很吃惊,所以要用amazed。sad悲伤的;悲伤的;interesting有趣有趣 的;的;funny有趣的,滑稽可笑的。有趣的,滑稽可笑的。答案答案:D10A.anger Bsympathy Cgratitude Dmercy 解析解析:名词辨析。女儿恢复得这么好,母亲对为此做出了名词辨析。女儿恢复得这么好,母亲对为此做出了 很大努力的护士自然心存感激,所以选很大努力的护士自然心存感激,所以选gratitude。答案答案:C


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