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1、新思维综合英语(3)课程辅导Unit 12(5660)巴州电大Unit12 Learning objectivesvReport an event/conversation转述事情/会话vTalk about possibilities谈论可能性vMake a judgment做出判断vWrite a news report学习写新闻报道ReadingSkills v报刊阅读的技巧1、通过标题把握文章的精髓。标题是一篇文章的核心,尤其是一篇报道。报刊上的标题可以披露一些最重要的信息,因此在进行报刊阅读的时候,首先把标题细读两边,抓住文章的中心思想。2、通过第一段把握文章主要内容。在一篇叙述性的

2、报刊文章中,对第一段要详细阅读,因为往往作者在第一段就会给出事件的主要要素,如时间、地点、人物、主要事件等。因此在进行报刊阅读的时候,抓住第一段的内容,相当于抓住了文章的主要内容。3、英文报刊或其网站:v中国日报 China Daily21世纪 The 21th Century今日美国报(USA Today)usatoday/美国广播公司(ABC News)abcnews.go/芝加哥论坛报(Chicago Tribune)chicagotribune/纽约时报(New York Times)nytimes/华盛顿邮报(Washington Post)washingtonpost/商业周刊(B

3、usiness Week)businessweek/时代周刊(Time)time/财富(Fortune)fortune/华尔街日报(Wall Street Journal)wsj/英国广播公司(BBC)bbc.co.uk/金融时报(Financial Times)ft/泰晤士报(The Times)timesonline.co.uk/卫报(The Guardian)guardian.co.uk/经济学家(The Economist)economist/Lesson 56 Whose fault is it?vMain Idea and Structure这是一篇典型的报道性文章。文章先描述了1

4、994年发生在加利福尼亚南部地区的the Big One,一次大地震的结果。然后借一个在那次地震中死里逃生的家庭之口,再现了地震的惨烈情景,让读者有如亲身经历那场浩劫。报道随后谈到,虽然科技发展到一定程度,能够较为成功地预测地震发生的时间和震级,但依然不能完全地掌控地震活动的情况。Focus Questionsv1.How was the community after the earthquake on January 17,1994?v2.Why Joans family could move back into their apartment?v3.Whats the Big One?v

5、4.Do scientists know everything about predicting the earthquake?How do you know?Language Points in the Readingv第1段:On January 17,1994,an earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale changed the lives of people living near Los Angeles in the San Fernando Valley of southern California.1994年1月17日,一场里氏

6、6.6级的地震改变了居住在加利福尼亚南部San Fernando山谷洛杉矶附近的人们的生活。学习句中的两个定语从句。an earth quake measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale=an earth quake that measured 6.6 on the Richter scale,“测量为里氏6.6级的地震”。people living near Los Angeles =people who live near Los Angeles,“住在洛杉矶附近的人们”。The disaster left at least 55 people dead,des

7、troyed or damaged thousands of homes,brought down major highways,and ruptured gas and water mains.这场灾难造成了至少55人死亡,摧毁破坏了成千上万所房屋,破坏了公路干线,造成了煤气和主输水管道破裂。造成的损失估计在300亿美元左右。这是一个简单句,只有一个主语,但有几个并列的谓语动词,并列的谓语部分用逗号隔开,最后两个谓语动词之间要用一个and隔开。如:Jack bought a pack of cigarettes,unwrapped it,took one out and lit it.Jac

8、k买了一包烟,打开它,取出一根,点燃了。v第2段:Even though the residents of California have always realized that earthquakes are a very real threat,most say going through one is an experience that you cant imagine until its actually happened.虽然加利福尼亚的居民都一直意识到地震的威胁是现实的,可很多人说地震这种经历,在它真正发生之前你是无法想象的。这是个转折关系的复合句,even though,“虽

9、然,即便”。earthquakes are a very real threat.主谓是复数,宾语是单数,是把主语当作一类现象来看,“地震是一个真实的威胁”。vnot(A)until(B),“直到(B)才(A)”。not也可以用其他否定副词代替,如课文中:but I never felt it until I was together with my family outside and saw that my feet were bleeding.我和家人到了外面看到我的脚流血的时候才发现(我的脚破了)。They managed to escape safely,except for the

10、 cuts on Joans bare feet.他们总算安全逃脱,只是琼的光脚给划破了。except for,“除了”,表达美中不足的遗憾。如:The painting is mostly perfect,except for a small taint on the left margin of the paper.这幅画几乎完美无缺,只可惜画纸左边有一个小污点。v第3段:Not everyone was that fortunate.并非所有人都那么幸运。用否定词not开头后接一个泛指代词,用来表示部分否定。如:Not all are present.不是所有人都出席了(有部分人没有出席

11、)。Not anyone is responsible for that.不是任何人都有责任(有部分人没有责任)。第4段:Could anyone have predicted this quake?有人预测到了这场地震吗?情态动词+现在完成时,用来猜测已经发生的动作。如:Several people must have wounded in the traffic accident.这场车祸中一定有几个人受伤了。变为一般疑问句就是:Must several people have wounded in the traffic accident?回答:Yes,they must./No,the

12、y mustnt.vIn the areas where they cant pass,pressure builds,eventually erupting into an earthquake.在移动不开的地方,就产生了压力,最终导致地震的爆发。这句话的主干其实就是pressure builds,前面部分in the area where they cant pass是地点状语,“在移动不开的地方”,后面部分是伴随状语,说明pressure builds产生的结果,eventually erupting into an earthquake=which eventually erupts

13、into an earthquake,“最终导致地震的爆发”。v第5段:The aftershocks of the quake can give scientists some help in mapping out where these hidden fault lines are.一场地震的余震能够帮助科学家预先绘出隐藏着的断裂带的位置。1to give sb.sth.,这里give后接双宾语,类似用法的动词还有tell,ask,lend等。如:Tell her the truth,or she will find nothing.告诉她真相,否则她什么也不知道。2help in(do

14、ing)sth.,在某方面的帮助。3to map out绘出Answers to the Focus Questionsv1How was the community after the earthquake on January 17,1994?The disaster left at least 55 people dead,destroyed or damaged thousands of homes,brought down major highways,and ruptured gas and water mains.2Why Joans family could move back

15、 into their apartment?Because their buildings steel construction allowed it to move and sway.3Whats the Big One?It is an earthquake along the San Andreas fault that could measure around 8.0 on the Richter scale.4 Do scientists know everything about predicting the earthquake?How do you know?No,they d

16、ont.We can figure it out from the sentence,However,scientists realize that there are a large number of fault lines under the Earth,many of which are unknown to them.Lesson 57Did you hear about the blackout?vFocus Questions1.Where is Paulo when all the lights suddenly went out?2.What did Paulo do to

17、make people calm down?3.What did Paulo have the ushers do?4.What caused the blackout?Language Points in the Dialoguev1.转述别人的话:直接引语变间接引语(1)主句为一般现在时陈述句:Paulo says,I was in the theater office when all the lights suddenly went out.-Paulo says he was in the theater office when all the lights suddenly wen

18、t out.一般疑问句:Celia asks,Did you hear about the blackout downtown last night?-She asks whether I heard about the blackout downtown last night.特殊疑问句:Phyllis asks,What did he do?-Phyllis asks what he did.v2)主句为一般过去时陈述句:Paulo said,I was in the theater office when all the lights suddenly went out.-Paulo s

19、aid he was in the theater office when all the lights suddenly went out.一般疑问句:Celia asked,Did you hear about the blackout downtown last night?-She asked whether I had heard about the blackout downtown the night before.特殊疑问句:Phyllis asked,What did he do?-Phyllis asked what he had done.v间接引语变成直接引语间接引语变

20、成直接引语 陈述句:Paulo said people were mad because the movie had stopped.-Paulo said,People are mad because the movie has stopped.一般疑问句:Phyllis asked Celia whether everyone panicked.-Phyllis asked,Does everyone panic?特殊疑问句:Celia asked what had caused the blackout.-Celia asked,What caused the blackout?Answ

21、ers to the Focus questionsv1.Where is Paulo when all the lights suddenly went out?He was in the theater office when all the lights suddenly went out.2.What did Paulo do to make people calm down?He explained what had happened and told everyone to stay seated.3.What did Paulo have the ushers do?He had

22、 the ushers lead the people out one by one.4.What caused the blackout?We dont know,but according to Phyllis,it must have been caused by the heat.vLesson 60WritingSkills在这个单元中,我们来学习写一篇报告文。一般来说在报告开头就要给出几个要素,即时间、地点、人物、事件或发生的问题,然后还要写一下问题的解决办法。我们的课本要求你结合着几篇图来试着学习写几篇简单的小报告,并要学会如何把直接引语转为间接引语这是因为在一篇报告中,可能会设

23、计到一些与之相关的人物对象的口述,需要用他们的话去丰富这篇报告。Learning ObjectivesvReport an event/conversation转述事情/会话Talk about possibilities谈论可能性Make a judgment做出判断Write a news report学习写新闻报道Phrases and Expressionsv to measure on the Richter scale测定为里氏测定为里氏级别(地震)级别(地震)thousands of 成千上万的成千上万的to bring down 倒塌倒塌even though 尽管尽管not

24、until 直到直到才才to manage to do sth.设法做成某事设法做成某事except for 除了除了to get out of 摆脱,逃离摆脱,逃离a couple of 一些一些because of 因为因为to keep out sb.阻止某人进入阻止某人进入 to separate into分为,分成分为,分成to give sb.sth.给某人某物给某人某物to hear about sth.听说某事听说某事to be stuck in sth.陷入某问题陷入某问题/麻烦中麻烦中to go out(灯)熄灭(灯)熄灭to go crazy疯狂疯狂in general总体来说总体来说to stay seated保持在座位上保持在座位上one by one一个接一个一个接一个


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