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1、Talk about the family photo.This is her father.This is her mother.These are her parents.This is Mary.This is her grandfather.This is her grandmother.These are her grandparents.1.这是我的朋友简。这是我的朋友简。_ _ my friend Jane.2.那是我的爷爷。那是我的爷爷。_ my grandfather.3.这是我的兄弟们。这是我的兄弟们。_ _ my brothers.Fill in the blanks.T

2、his isThats These are 4.那是我的父母亲。那是我的父母亲。_ _ my parents.5.她是谁她是谁?_ she?6.她是我的妹妹。她是我的妹妹。Shes my _.7.他是谁他是谁?_ he?8.他是我的弟弟。他是我的弟弟。_ my brother.Those are Whos sisterWhos Hes 9.他们是谁他们是谁?_ they?10.他们是我的祖父母。他们是我的祖父母。_ my grandparents.WhoreTheyre Look at the following pictures and finish the summary.单数单数 复数复

3、数 this 这,这个这,这个 these 这些这些 that 那,那个那,那个 those 那些那些(距离较近距离较近)(距离较远距离较远)this或或that作主语时作主语时,连系动词连系动词be用单数形式用单数形式_;these或或those作主语时作主语时,连系动词连系动词be用复数形式用复数形式_。isareThis is a key.That is a pen.These are cups.Those are rulers.观察例句观察例句,然后将结论部分补充完整。然后将结论部分补充完整。This _ my sister.That _ his brother.She _ his a

4、unt.He _ my uncle.These _ her parents.Those _ her friends.They _ my family.isareisisisareareisareIs this/that a ruler?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Are these/those your sisters?Yes,they are./No,they arent.含有指示代词含有指示代词(作主语作主语)的句型的句型This/That is.”和和These/Those are.”变为一般疑问句时变为一般疑问句时,需把需把is和和are提至主语前。提至主语前。対対Is

5、 this/that a(n).?”或或Are these/those.?”进行简略回答时进行简略回答时,常用常用_代替代替this/that,用用_代替代替these/those。Is this/that a ruler?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Are these/those your sisters?Yes,they are./No,they arent.itthey Whos that boy?那男孩是谁那男孩是谁?Hes my cousin.他是我的堂弟。他是我的堂弟。who意为谁意为谁;什么人什么人”,是一个疑问代词是一个疑问代词,用于対用于対人的身份进行询问。人

6、的身份进行询问。_是是who is的缩写形式的缩写形式,用于対单个人进行询问用于対单个人进行询问,回答时常回答时常_。whosHes或或Shes _(=who are)用于対两个或两个以上的人进用于対两个或两个以上的人进行询问行询问,回答时常用回答时常用_。theyrewhore Whore they?他们是谁他们是谁?Theyre my brothers.他们是我的兄弟们。他们是我的兄弟们。thats是是that is的缩写形式。当人称代词、的缩写形式。当人称代词、指示代词及疑问词与指示代词及疑问词与be动词动词am,is,are等连用时等连用时,为了简便常为了简便常用缩写形式。试着写出以下

7、缩写形式用缩写形式。试着写出以下缩写形式:who is=_ who are=_ they are=_ I am=_ she is=_ he is=_ it is=_ what is=_ whoswhoretheyreImsheshesitswhatsA:That _ my family.Thats my mother.B:_ he?A:_ my father.B:Whos _?A:Shes _ sister.isWhosHesshe3a Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner.myB:And _ they?A:_

8、my grandparents.whoreTheyrethisthatthesethose3b Look at the picture.Make sentences with the words in the three boxes.myyourfather mothergrandfather grandmotherparents grandparentsbrother sisterThats my brother.This is my sister.Thats my grandfather.Those are my grandparents.This is my father.This is

9、 my mother.Thats my grandmother.Ask and answers questions about the photo of Tinas family.A:Whos he?B:Hes.A:Whos she?B:Shes.A:Whore they?B:Theyre.根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。1._(that)are my pens.2.Tom,who _(be)the girls?3._(he)are OK.4.Mary,_(be)this your CD?Those are They is A:This _ my fam

10、ily.B:Whos he?A:_ my father.B:_ she?A:_ my mother.are,they,are,is,thanks,whos,is,hes,shesII.从方括中选择恰当的单词补全対话。从方括中选择恰当的单词补全対话。isHesWhosShesB:_ those your grandparents?A:Yes,_ _.B:_ that your brother?A:Yes.Hes my brother,Dale.B:Oh,I see.Well,have a good day!A:_!You,too.Arethey areIsThanksare,they,are,i

11、s,thanks,whos,is,hes,shesThis isThatsThese areThose are用以下句型介绍一张你的家庭照片。用以下句型介绍一张你的家庭照片。同学们,你们要相信梦想是价值的源泉,相信成同学们,你们要相信梦想是价值的源泉,相信成功的信念比成功本身更重要,相信人生有挫折没功的信念比成功本身更重要,相信人生有挫折没有失败,相信生命的质量来自决不妥协的信念,有失败,相信生命的质量来自决不妥协的信念,考试加油考试加油!奥利给奥利给结束语结束语a.Unit 2 Its Show Time!a.Lesson 10 Music and Dancea.objectives能听懂关

12、于谈论乐器的対话能听懂关于谈论乐器的対话 掌握重点单词、短语及过去时句子。掌握重点单词、短语及过去时句子。cant wait to do sth.,take part in,be different from,the same way,Why dont you.?a.What is your talent?When did you start to develop this a.talent?Where or how do you practice it?a.What is it?a.Its the erhu.a.What is it?a.It is a violin.a.a.fluflute

13、tea.a.accordioaccordion n a.Words and expressionsa.realizeb.richc.Westernd.violine.dancera.v.认识到认识到;实现实现b.adj.丰富的丰富的;富有的富有的c.adj.西方的西方的;西式的西式的d.n.小提琴小提琴e.n.跳舞的人跳舞的人a.Phrases b.1.walk home 步行回家c.2.think about 思考;考虑d.3.so much 如此多e.4.play the erhu 拉二胡f.5.cant wait to do sth.迫不及待要做某事g.6.take part in 参加

14、a.Li Ming and Wang Mei are walking home from school.a.Listen and read.a.Li Ming:Im still thinking about b.our trip to the Silk Road.c.I realized many things.a.China has so much history.And our b.culture is so rich and colourful.c.Wang Mei:Yes,I know.I feel the same way.a.Li Ming:The trip gave me an

15、idea.b.Wang Mei:Really?What is it?c.Li Ming:I want to learn to play the erhu!It is a part of ancient Chinese culture.Many Western people call it the Chinese violin”.d.Wang Mei:Thats a great idea,Li Ming!e.a.Li Ming:I cant wait to play music for all b.my friends.c.Wang Mei:You will be a great erhu d.

16、player,Li Ming.e.Li Ming:I hope so.Wang Mei,you are a f.good dancer.Why dont you g.learn a traditional Chinese a.b.dance?Then we can take part in the Spring Festival show together.I will play music and you can dance!a.Wang Mei:I like that idea!Maybe I can wear some b.traditional clothes,too!a.The er

17、hu is a Chinese instrument and b.the violin is a Western instrument.a.Do you know any other Chinese or Western instruments?Make a list of instruments you know.Draw a picture b.to go with each instrument.a.Lets Do It!a.Listen and tick the correct answers.a.a.1 1a.1.What did Li Ming realize on his tri

18、p to the Silk Road?b.China has a long history and rich culture.c.China is very big.a.a.2.What instrument does Li Ming want to learn?b.He wants to learn to play the erhu.c.He wants to learn to play the violin.d.3.What will Wang Mei learn?e.A traditional Chinese dance.f.A traditional Chinese song.a.a.

19、a.Read the lesson and write true(T)or b.false(F).a.a.2 2a.1.Many Western people call the erhu the b.Chinese violin”.()c.2.Wang Mei is a good singer.()d.3.Li Ming and Wang Mei will sing and dance at the Spring Festival show.()a.Ta.Fa.Fa.Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.a.a.3 3a.1.Li

20、 Ming thought about their trip to the Silk Road.He(realizes/realized)many things.b.2.Our culture is different from(West/Western)culture.a.3.Yang Liping is a great(dancer/dance).b.4.Bob is a good basketball(player/play)in our school.c.5.Jack wants to(take part/take part in)the sports meet.a.Xianthe W

21、alled Citya.Language points1.1.Im still thinking about our trip to the Silk Road.2.think about 意为考虑意为考虑”。后接名词、代。后接名词、代词、动名词、或者宾语从句。词、动名词、或者宾语从句。3.他正在考虑一个问题。他正在考虑一个问题。4.Hes thinking about a problem.5.我在考虑去美国。我在考虑去美国。6.Im thinking about going to America.a.Xianthe Walled Citythink about 思考思考;考虑考虑think

22、of 认为认为;想起想起What do you _ Guilin?Its a beautiful city.A.think B.think aboutC.think out D.think ofa.D a.Xianthe Walled City1.2.realize v.意识到意识到;认识认识,了解了解2.Has he realized his mistake yet?3.他认识到自己的错误吗他认识到自己的错误吗?4.When I heard the noise on the roof,I realized that it was raining.5.当我听到屋顶上的声音时当我听到屋顶上的声音

23、时,我意识到下雨了。我意识到下雨了。6.He didnt realize that he had done wrong.7.他没有意识到自己做错了事。他没有意识到自己做错了事。a.Xianthe Walled City1.3.so much/so many 如此多如此多2.so much+不可数名词不可数名词3.so many+可数名词复数可数名词复数4.I have _ homework to do today.5.He has _ friends in this city.6.街上有如此多的人。街上有如此多的人。7.There are _ _ people in the street.a.

24、Xianthe Walled City1.4.我想学拉二胡。我想学拉二胡。2.I want to learn to play the erhu.3.那个男孩正在学习游泳。那个男孩正在学习游泳。4.That boy is learning to swim.1.learn to do2.learn about3.learn from sb.向向学习学习a.Xianthe Walled Citya.5.很多西方人称呼它为中式小提琴很多西方人称呼它为中式小提琴”。b.Many Western people call it the Chinese violin”.c.她很喜欢西餐。她很喜欢西餐。d.Sh

25、e likes Western food very much.e.中国西部地区的人民正变得越来越富中国西部地区的人民正变得越来越富有。有。f.People in the western part of China are g.getting richer and richer.a.Xianthe Walled Citya.【探究总结【探究总结Western/western辨析辨析b.(1)Western 用来表示西方特色的用来表示西方特色的;西西 c.方国家的方国家的;欧美的欧美的;西式的西式的”。地理概念。地理概念d.(2)western 用来表示用来表示 西方的西方的;西部的方位西部的方位

26、 e.概念概念a.Xianthe Walled City1.6.cant wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事迫不及待做某事2.放学后放学后,我们迫不及待地回家。我们迫不及待地回家。3.After school,we _ go home.4.我会等你。我会等你。5.I will _.6.请等一会请等一会,让我记下来。让我记下来。7.Please_.Let me write it down.a.cant wait toa.wait for youa.wait a momenta.Xianthe Walled Citya.【探究总结cant wait的用法b.cant wait意为迫不及待

27、”,后常跟_(动词不定式/动名词)或由_(to/for)构成的介词短语。a.a.动词不定式动词不定式a.a.f forora.7.a good dancer 优秀的舞者优秀的舞者b.dancer 名词名词,跳舞的人跳舞的人”c.Wang Mei is a good dancer.王王梅是个优秀的舞者。梅是个优秀的舞者。a.Xianthe Walled City Why dont you+动原动原.?为什么不为什么不.?”Why not+动原动原.?how about/what about+动词动词-ing.?做做如何如何?”a.提建议提建议a.8.Why dont you learn a tr

28、aditional Chinese dance?a.Xianthe Walled Citya.Exercises1.单项选择单项选择a.1.He cant wait the box.b.A.open B.to open c.C.opened D.openingd.2.She wants to play piano.e.A.a B.an C.the D.不填不填a.B a.C a.Xianthe Walled Citya.3.I learned the room.b.A.clean B.to clean c.C.cleaning D.cleanedd.4.He likes to .e.A.pla

29、y the football B.play a footballf.C.play football D.play an footballa.B a.C a.Xianthe Walled City1.根据汉语提示完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子2.1.Were _ _(考虑考虑)our trip to Beijing.3.2.Taiwan Island is _ _ _(的一部分的一部分)China.4.3.China is a great country with _ _(古老文化古老文化).a.thinking abouta.a part ofa.ancient culturea.Xianthe

30、 Walled City1.4.I _ _ _ _ _ 等不及弹奏音乐等不及弹奏音乐for all my friends.2.5.We can _ _ _(参加参加)the school trip.a.cant wait to play musica.take part ina.Xianthe Walled Citya.6.There are many shows in the _b._ _(春节晚会春节晚会).c.7.Our culture is so _ and _.d.8.I want to learn to _ _ _ e.(拉二胡拉二胡).a.Springa.Festival sho

31、wa.rich colourfula.play the erhua.Xianthe Walled Citya.9.Wang Mei,you are a good _b.(dance).c.10.I will _ _(弹奏音乐弹奏音乐)and d.you can dance!a.dancera.play musica.Xianthe Walled Citya.Homeworka.Work in pairs.What are you good at?b.Can you sing or dance?Can you draw or c.play an instrument?Write a short

32、passage d.about something you are good at.Present e.it to the class and show your classmates f.what you can do!a.Task tips:b.What is your talent?c.When did you start to develop this talent?d.Where or how do you practice your talent?a.Thank you!1.同学们,你们要相信梦想是价值的源泉,相信同学们,你们要相信梦想是价值的源泉,相信成功的信念比成功本身更重要,

33、相信人生有挫折成功的信念比成功本身更重要,相信人生有挫折没有失败,相信生命的质量来自决不妥协的信念没有失败,相信生命的质量来自决不妥协的信念,考试加油,考试加油!奥利给奥利给a.结束语结束语a.第三课时Section B(1a1e)a.Unit4Wheres my schoolbag?a.根据图片提示写出准确的单词或短语。b.1.Is this a?c.Yes,it is.d.2.Two are on the table.a.model planea.clocksa.3.Are the on the table?Yes,they are.b.4.I hear morning news(新闻)o

34、n the .c.5.I have two .a.tapesa.radioa.English booksa.单项填空。b.()1.(阜阳市第四次月考)_ is the soccer ball(足球)?c.I think its under the sofa.d.A.What B.How C.Who D.Wherea.Da.根据答语可知询问地点。a.()2.Wheres the bag?I think _ in your _ room.b.A.its;parents B.its;parents c.C.its;parent D.its;parentsa.Ba.()3.What do you _

35、for school?b.A dictionary and some notebooks.c.A.need B.play C.help D.calla.Aa.()4.Where is my watch?_.b.A.Yes.it is B.Sorry,I dont knowc.C.Yes,its here D.No,its not yoursa.Ba.()5.Where _ your keys?b._ in my schoolbag.c.A.are;Its B.is;TheyreC.are;Theyre D.is;Itsa.Ca.问句中的主语your keys是复数,故be动词用are;答语部分

36、用they替代my keys。a.阅读理解。b.This is Mikes room.You can see a desk,a chair and a bed in the room.A schoolbag and three books are on the desk.A clock is on the desk,too.You can see a baseball under the desk.A box is on the bed.Do you know whats in the box?a.Ah,its a computer game.Mike and his brother Bob

37、always play(玩)it.Is his dog on the bed,too?No,his hat is on the bed.Where is his model plane?Its on the bed,too.Whats on the chair?Its a map of China.We can see a photo on the map.Its Mikes photo.b.()1._ books are on the desk.c.A.Two B.Three C.Four D.Fivea.a.B a.()2.Whats under the desk?b.A.A clock.

38、B.A map.C.A baseball.D.A box.c.()3.What cant you see on the desk?d.A.A book.B.A schoolbag.e.C.A computer game.D.A clock.f.()4.Wheres Mikes hat?g.A.On the desk.B.In the box.h.C.On the chair.D.On the bed.a.C a.C a.D 1.同学们,你们要相信梦想是价值的源泉,相信成同学们,你们要相信梦想是价值的源泉,相信成功的信念比成功本身更重要,相信人生有挫折没有功的信念比成功本身更重要,相信人生有挫折没有失败,相信生命的质量来自决不妥协的信念,考试失败,相信生命的质量来自决不妥协的信念,考试加油加油!奥利给奥利给a.结束语结束语


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