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1、中考英语作文必背高分句子全力以赴全力以赴 金榜题金榜题名名 一、开头句一、开头句 良好的开端是成功的一半,用这些“闪亮吸睛”的句型一下子就可以吸引评卷老师,提高对你的书面表达的印象分。1.I think/As far as I know/In my opinion 我认为我认为 I think that honesty is more important than money.我认为诚实比金钱更重要。In my opinion,we should know more about good manners.在我看来,我们应更懂礼貌。As far as I know,its very helpfu

2、l to improve English by learning English songs.在我看来,学习英文歌曲对于提高英语水平很有帮助。2.It is clear that/Clearly,显而易见,显而易见,It is clear(that)this city needs more schools,buses and hospitals.显然,这个城市需要更多的学校、公共汽车和医院。Clearly,people who laugh more are healthier!显然,笑得更多的人更健康!3.As an old saying goes,俗话说俗话说 As an old sayin

3、g goes,“Good health is worth more than wealth.”俗话说:“健康比财富更重要。”As the saying goes,“an old horse knows the way.”常言道:“老马识途。”4.generally speaking 一般来说;总的来说一般来说;总的来说 Generally speaking,I think life is better today.总的来说,我认为如今的生活更好了。5.Nothing is more important than 是最是最重要的重要的/没有比没有比更重要的。更重要的。Nothing is mor

4、e important than to receive education.没有比接受教育更重要的事。6.The topic of is becoming more and more popular recently.最近最近话题越来话题越来越流行越流行 The topic of shopping online is becoming more and more popular recently.最近,网购的话题越来越火热。7.it is believed+(that)从句从句 It is believed that the Internet has both advantages and d

5、isadvantages.人们认为互联网有利也有弊。8.it is said(that).据说据说 It is said that about half of the people in China smoke.据说在中国大约有一半的人吸烟。二、衔接句二、衔接句 衔接句的作用是让你的作文承上启下,过渡自然。1.in spite of 不管;尽管不管;尽管 He went on with his work in spite of the heavy rain.尽管下着大雨,他还在继续工作。2.though 虽然;尽管虽然;尽管 Though we are young,we can still d

6、o something to help.虽然我们年轻,但我们还是可以做点事来帮忙的。Hell probably say no,though its worth asking.他很可能会拒绝,不过还是值得一问。3.even though/even if 即使;虽然即使;虽然 Even though they are busy,they are always thinking of me.即使很忙,他们也总会想着我。4.however 但是;不过;然而但是;不过;然而 He was feeling bad.However,he went to school.他感觉不舒服,但他还是去上学了。5.no

7、t(that)but(that)不是不是而是而是 Life is not a competition,but a trip,step by step.生活不是竞赛,而是一场一步接着一步的旅行。6.On one hand,;on the other hand,一一方面,方面,;另一方面,;另一方面,On one hand,I want to go to the party,but on the other hand I ought to study for the exam.一方面我想去参加宴会,但是另一方面我又得复习迎考。7.reason for(doing)sth One good reas

8、on for reading is that it is useful.要读书的一个很好的理由就是它很有用。8.reason+(why/that)从句从句 The reason that I ask for leave is that I hurt my left foot in the P.E.class this afternoon.我之所以请假是因为今天下午在体育课上伤了左脚。9.for some reason 不知什么原因不知什么原因 For some reason he looked unhappy today.不知什么原因,今天他看上去不高兴。三、结尾句三、结尾句 好的结束语可以总

9、括全文,提炼并深化主题,起到余音绕梁,让人回味的作用。1.in short 总之;简言之总之;简言之 In short,I didnt want to go to the party.总之,我不想去参加这个聚会。2.in a word 总之;简言之;一句话总之;简言之;一句话 In a word,I will never give up.总之,我决不会放弃。3.in other words 也就是说;换句话说也就是说;换句话说 In other words,we make our own happiness by ourselves.换句话说,我们要自己来创造幸福。4.in conclusion 最后;总之最后;总之 In conclusion,you can get a lot from the trip.总之,你能从这次旅行中收获很多。5.finally 最后;最终最后;最终 They finally realized their mistakes.他们终于意识到了自己的错误。Finally,thank you all for your help.最后,感谢你们所有人的帮助。中考英语作文必背高分句子全力以赴全力以赴 金榜题金榜题名名


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