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1、人教人教PEPPEP版英语五年级上册版英语五年级上册Unit 3 What would you like?Lets try&Lets talkPart ADrink some water.Drink some water.Eat some fish.Eat some fish.Eat some rice.Eat some rice.Cut the cake.Cut the cake.Warm upLats chant点击画面 播放视频What would you like to eat today?Sing a songLead inId like some Look and saySarah

2、 is hungry.What would she like to eat?Listen and fill in the blanks.She would like some _ and _.breadnoodleschickenbread chickenLets trySarah:Mum:Sarah:Mum:Sarah:Mum,Im hungry!What would you like to eat?Id like some bread and chicken,please.Here you are,dear.Have some chicken sandwiches.Thanks,Mum.听

3、力原文:听力原文:在录音播放前快速准确浏览题目,根据指令语提示,抓住关键句型。Lets talkLook at the picture.Who are they?Where are they?What are they talking about?They are talking about the food.Lets watch the video.点击画面 播放视频Sarah,father and mother.They are at home.PresentationWatch the video again and answer the questions.点击画面 播放视频1.Wha

4、t would Sarahs father like to eat?Hed like to eat a sandwich.Hed like to drink some water.2.What would Sarahs father like to drink?drink 喝;饮sandwich 三明治Read after the tape.Father:Mother:Father:Mother:Sarah:Father:Sarah:Father:Im hungry.What would you like to eat?A sandwich,please.OK.What would you l

5、ike to drink?Id like some water.Im thirsty!Here you are.Thanks.Tips:一般情况下,陈述句、表示命令的祈使句、感叹句、特殊疑问句等需要读降调,标“”。如“What would you like to eat”是特殊疑问句,应读降调。thirsty 口渴的1.Read it freely.Father:Mother:Father:Mother:Sarah:Father:Sarah:Father:Im hungry.What would you like to eat?A sandwich,please.OK.What would y

6、ou like to drink?Id like some water.Im thirsty!Here you are.Thanks.2.Read it in groups and find the best group.Language points1.What would you like to eat?A sandwich,please.【详解】这组对话用来询问及回答某人想吃什么。可以用食物直接回 答,也可以用“主语+would like+食物名称.”回答。Would like可以缩写成“d like”。句型结构:What+would+主语+like to eat?回答:主语+would

7、 like+食物名称./食物名称.e.g.What would you like to eat?Noodles.e.g.What would they like to eat?Theyd like some fish.2.Im hungry.【详解】此句型用来描述某人的感受。be动词要随主语的变化而变化。句型结构:主语+be 动词+表示感受的形容词.e.g.Im cold.The poor little boy is thirsty.We are happy today.Read again.Then act in roles according to the following inform

8、ation.Father:Mother:Father:Mother:Sarah:Father:Sarah:Father:Im hungry.What would you like to eat?A sandwich,please.OK.What would you like to drink?Id like some water.Im thirsty!Here you are.Thanks.Lets act.to drinkto eatchicken and breadorange juicerice and vegetablesteaRead and then put them into t

9、heir home.Practicechicken and breadbeef noodleswaterorange juicetearice and vegetablesWhat would you like to eat?What would you like to drink?Ask and answerPair workWhat would you like to?Id like/123456789 一列同学前一个问,后一个答,答者接着问下一个同学。进行What would you like to eat/drink?Id like 问答练习。看看哪列同学速度最快,说得最标准。一、单项

10、选择。()1.What _ you like to drink?A.are B.do C.would()2.Id like to drink some _.A.apples B.water C.waters()3.I _ like to eat some eggs.A.will B.would C.doCBBExercises1.some,orange,like,I,would,juice(.)_2.like,what,to,eat,you,would(?)_3.hungry,he,is(.)_I would like some orange juice.What would you like

11、 to eat?He is hungry.二、连词成句。西方餐饮礼仪1.辨认餐桌刀叉。一份正宗的西餐餐具包括:牛油刀、面包碟、前菜用刀叉、主菜用刀叉、喝汤用汤匙、甜品用茶匙、红酒酒杯、白酒酒杯。2.正确摆放餐巾。餐巾不仅要摆在腿上,还应该注意要将其对折,并将折痕靠近自己。中途暂时离席应将餐巾放在椅子上或用刀压着餐巾一角任其垂下,绝对不要将其挂在椅背上或放回餐桌上。3.双手取食物。向自己的盘中取食物时,一定要用双手。取一只烤土豆也要用左手拿叉,右手持汤匙将食物夹到自己的盘中。不要只用一只叉子将食物叉到盘中了事,那是极不礼貌的。I want to knowSummary七彩课堂 伴你成长1.学习了

12、新的食物名词:sandwich,tea。2.学习了下列句型:What would you like to eat/drink?Id like/七彩课堂 伴你成长制作所学的食物名词卡片,与同伴运用所学句型进行问答。onetwoHomework听、跟读Lets talk并朗读流利。Unit 3 What would you like?Part ALets learn&Role-play人人 教教 PEP 版版 英英 语语 五五 年年 级级 上上 册册Drink some water.Drink some water.Eat some fish.Eat some fish.Eat some rice

13、.Eat some rice.Cut the cake.Cut the cake.Warm upLats chantFree talk.What would you like to eat?What would you like to drink?Lead inPresentationLets learnTheyre eating.What would Sarah like to eat?Lets listen.What would you like to eat?Id like a sandwich,please.Id like some sandwiches?What would you

14、like to eat?Id like an ice cream,please.ice(冰)+cream(奶油)=ice cream(冰激凌)What would you like to eat?Id like a hamburger,please.What would you like to eat?Id like some salad,please.What would you like to eat?Id like some tea,please.联想sea meateat短语green tea 绿茶black tea 红茶ice creamsandwichsaladhamburgert

15、eaLook and matchListen and read after it.sandwichsaladhamburgerice creamteaWhat would you like to eat?Id like a sandwich,please.我指你说我指你说老师指图片,三名同学比赛说英语,看谁又快又准确。Practice萝卜蹲萝卜蹲五人一组,分别带上食物名词的头饰,围成一个圈。由老师五人一组,分别带上食物名词的头饰,围成一个圈。由老师随意指令某一个同学蹲开始游戏。反应慢的同学将被淘汰。随意指令某一个同学蹲开始游戏。反应慢的同学将被淘汰。Role-playA:Can I help

16、you?What would you like to eat?B:Id like a sandwich.A:OK.What would you like to drink?B:Id like some water.Thank you.A:You are welcome.A:What would you like to eat?C.A hamburger,please.A:What about the drink?C:Juice is OK.Apple juice.For example:Bs orderFood:A sandwichDrink:WaterCs orderFood:A hambu

17、rgerDrink:Apple juiceA:Can I help you?What would you like to?B:Id like A:OK.What would you like to?B:Id like.Thank you.A:You are welcome.A:What would you like to?C.,please.A:What about the?C:is OK.PracticeZooms orderFood:a sandwich,a hot dog,a hamburgerDrink:some teaWhat would you like to eat?What w

18、ould you like to drink?Id like a sandwich,a hot dog,a hamburger Id like some tea.What would Zoom like to eat?Zips orderFood:Drink:What would you like to eat?What would you like to drink?Id like Id like.Write Zips order and then make a dialogue.Exercises一、分一分。sandwichtea ice creamsaladwaternoodles ju

19、icehamburgermilksandwich,ice cream,salad,noodles,hamburger tea,water,juice,milk二、情景交际。()1.当你问别人想吃什么时,应说:_ A.What would you like to eat?B.What do you like to buy?()2.当你想吃些冰激凌时,你应说:_ A.Have some ice cream,please.B.Id like some ice cream.ABSummary七彩课堂 伴你成长1.学习了下列单词:sandwich,hamburger,salad,tea,ice crea

20、m。2.学习了询问他人饮食需求及回答的句型:What would you like to eat/drink?Id like 七彩课堂 伴你成长制作所学的食物名词卡片,与同伴运用所学句型进行问答。onetwoHomework背过本课所学的食物名词。Unit 3 What would you like?Part ALets spell人人 教教 PEP 版版 英英 语语 五五 年年 级级 上上 册册Warm upWatch,listen and sing with it.点击画面 播放视频Lead inbabyhappywindysunnysorry“辅音字母+y”结尾:y读作/。feetbee

21、fmeetteareadeat/i:/PresentationWhat can you see?snowyellowow/flowerow/a/downA yellow flower.White snow is falling down.From where can I see the snow and flower?From my window.Wow,spring is coming.windowow/wowow/a/Look,who are they?A cow and a snail.The snail walks so slowly.It is slow.cowow/slowow/a

22、/总结规律snowslowwowflowerdownyellowow/ow/a/cowwindow总结规律down window wow snow flower yellow cow slowdownwowcowowflower/a/windowsnowslowowyellow/Watch the video and read after it.flowerwowdownslowsnowyellowcowwindow点击画面 播放视频Read,listen and chantflower wow down slow snow yellowcowwindowLets chant together

23、.Pay attention to the red words.It is winter.I look out of my window.I can see white snow.Down comes the snow.Slow,slow,slow.It is spring.I look out of my window.I can see something yellow.Up comes a flower.Slow,slow,slow.点击画面 播放视频1.cow snow down 2.how flower window3.now snowy slow 4.wow tomorrow ye

24、llowListen,circle and sayListen and circle the words you hear and then read them.Listen,write and sayI see a yellow _.Slow _!_ about tomorrow?flowerdownHowListen and write down the words you hear.PracticePlay a game“Im fast”.lowcowslowbowlnowsnowyellowflowerwowbelowwindowdownDo you know more words l

25、ike this?tomorrowbrownhowmouthPlease read freely.Pay attention to and ./a/Exercises一、按划线部分读音归类。know _wow _slownowcowdown snowwindowflowertomorrowhowyellowslow,snow,window,tomorrow,yellownow,cow,down,flower,how二、判断下列单词划线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同。()1.The snow is falling down.()2.There is a yellow flower.()3.How

26、about playing the guitar?()4.Wow,look at the big cow!()5.It has a big brown mouth.FFTTT 三、对话匹配。()1.What would you like to drink?()2.What would Sarah like?()3.Here you are.()4.Whats for dinner?()5.Would you like some beef?A.Yes,please.B.Thanks.C.Id like some juice.D.Fish and vegetables.E.Shed like a

27、sandwich.CEBDASummary七彩课堂 伴你成长字母组合字母组合owow发音发音词语词语cow flower wow downslow snow yellow window/a/七彩课堂 伴你成长Homework写两组单词。一组单词中ow发/a/,另一组单词中ow发/。将本课所学的歌谣唱给自己的爸爸妈妈听。onetwo人教人教PEPPEP版英语五年级上册版英语五年级上册Unit 3 What would you like?Lets try&Lets talkPart BWarm upWhat would you like to eat today?点击画面 播放视频Sing a s

28、ongSharp eyes.Lead inLets tryZhang Peng and Sarah are thirsty.Listen and match.听前:借助图片及指令语的提示预测将要听到的对话内容。人物:Zhang PengSarah饮料:milkgrape juice指令语:matchZhang Peng and Sarah are thirsty.Listen and match.听中:抓住关键信息(人物及喜欢的饮料)Sarah:Zhang Peng:Sarah:Zhang Peng:This grape juice is sweet.I like grape juice.It

29、s my favourite drink.Whats your favourite drink?Milk.Come on.Lets go to the lunch room.Im thirsty.听力原文:听力原文:Listen again then act in roles according to the following information.Sarah:Zhang Peng:Sarah:Zhang Peng:This grape juice is sweet.I like grape juice.Its my favourite drink.Whats your favourite

30、 drink?Milk.Come on.Lets go to the lunch room.Im thirsty.What are Zhang Peng and Sarah talking about?They are talking about their favourite drinks.My favourite drink is orange juice.Whats your favourite drink?favourite 特别喜爱的PresentationI like noodles.I like sandwiches better.I like hamburgers best.I

31、 like hamburgers best.My favourite food is hamburgers.Whats your favourite food?food 食物Zhang Peng and Sarah are talking about their favourite food.Watch and answer.点击画面 播放视频1.Whats Zhang Pengs favourite food?2.Whats Sarahs favourite food?Noodles.Beef noodles.Fish.Lets talkRead the text and answer.Wh

32、at kind of food does the restaurant have today?Why does Zhang Peng love beef noodles?They are delicious.Beef noodles and fish sandwiches./z/z/说一说I love/like _.Its/Theyre delicious.My favourite food/drink is _.Its/Theyre delicious.Language points1.Whats your favorite food?Noodles.【详解】此句是询问某人最喜欢什么的句型。

33、答句还可以用以下句型:”My favourite is”,“is/are my favourite”,“I like best.e.g.Whats your favourite drink?Milk./My favourite drink is milk./Milk is my favourite drink./I like milk best.2.Theyre delicious.【详解】此句型用来描述食物的味道,be动词随主语的变化而变化。句型结构:主语+be动词+表示味道的形容词.e.g.The ice cream is sweet.The hamburger is delicious.

34、Listen again and read after it.Sarah:Zhang Peng:Sarah:Zhang Peng:Sarah:Whats your favourite food?Noodles.I love beef noodles.They are delicious.Whats your favourite food?Fish.Well,lets see.We have beef noodles and fish sandwiches today.Great!Tips:在英语句子中,感叹句一般读降调,用符号“”表示。如“Great!”是感叹句,需读降调。Role play

35、according to the following information.Sarah:Zhang Peng:Sarah:Zhang Peng:Sarah:Whats your favourite food?Noodles.I love beef noodles.They are delicious.Whats your favourite food?Fish.Well,lets see.We have beef noodles and fish sandwiches today.Great!Lets act.Ask your friends about their favourite fo

36、od and drinks.NameFavourite foodFavourite drinkSarahs favourite food is fish.Her favourite drink is milk.Practice课堂情景剧课堂情景剧【内容】Sarah和张鹏在一家餐厅吃饭,他们进入餐厅后找了一个位置坐下,两人互相询问彼此的饮食爱好,之后一个服务员走过来给他们点餐。【要求】用到句型Whats your favourite food?Whats your favourite drink?及What would you like to eat?Exercises()1.Whats _ f

37、avourite food?A.you B.Zhang Peng C.Sarahs()2._ favourite drink is milk.A.Her B.She C.He()3.Zhang Peng is _.He would like some water.A.hungry B.thirsty C.happy()4.I love beef noodles._ delicious.A.They are B.It is C.ImCAAB一、单项选择。1.favourite,is,what,food,your(?)_2.today,have,noodles,we,beef,sandwiches

38、,and,fish(.)_3.is,favourite,Sarahs,ice cream,food(.)_4.delicious,noodles,are(.)_ What is your favourite food?We have beef noodles and fish sandwiches today.Sarahs favourite food is ice cream.Noodles are delicious.二、连词成句。I want to knowVery sweet.Yum!Dont eat too much!Id like some noodles.Its my birth

39、day today.吃东西要注意节制,避免多吃甜食,养成健康的日常饮食习惯。粒粒皆辛苦。我们应该在生活中节约粮食。中国饮食文化生日时常吃寿面,借用长长的面条祝福长寿。Summary七彩课堂 伴你成长1.学习了下列单词:sweet,delicious,favourite,food。2.学习了下列句型:Whats your favourite food?Noodles.Theyre delicious.Sarahs favourite food is fish.七彩课堂 伴你成长Homework听并跟读Lets talk,做到朗读流利。继续运用句型Whats your favourite food

40、/drink?调查好朋友的饮食爱好。onetwoUnit 3 What would you like?Part BLets learn&Look,write and say人人 教教 PEP 版版 英英 语语 五五 年年 级级 上上 册册Warm upSing a song:What do you have for lunch?点击画面 播放视频Its cold.You often eat it in summer.Its sweet.Lets have a guess.Lead inIts a kind of western food.You can see vegetables and f

41、ruit in it,like apples,strawberries,bananas.Its healthy.Lets have a guess.I think it is a kind of fruit.But I am wrong.Its so hot.Lets have a guess.PresentationLets learnWhats Chen Jies favourite food?Why?Listen and find.Ice cream.Its sweet!What would Mike like to eat?Why?Salad.Its healthy!They both

42、 like salad.Its healthy.Its good for their health.What can you see in the picture?Grapes and green leaves.So they are fresh.Is the milk fresh?No,it isnt.Peppers are hot.They are delicious.Lets write.Listen again and read after it.freshhealthydelicioushotsweetWhats your favourite food?Ice cream.Its s

43、weet!Play a game.Practice火眼金睛 找相同Practice in pairs.以“Whats your favourite food?”为话题,使用五个新单词中的一个或几个进行对话。eg.A:Whats your favourite vegetables?B:Tomatoes.Theyre delicious.A:Whats your favourite food?B:Fresh vegetables.They are healthy.()sweet.()sweet.It isThey are()hot.()hot.It isThey are()delicious.()

44、delicious.It isThey areLook,write and sayIt is very _.They are _.They are _.They are _.I love ice cream.Its sweet.What about you?(每种食物可能有不同的特征和味道。)hotfreshdelicioussweet小组调查汇报小组调查汇报模板:I love _.Its/Theyre _.What about you?小组内,依照给出的模板,优先使用本单元新学习的10个单词进行说话练习,最后,小组选出一个代表,做汇报。1.喜欢吃和不喜欢吃的食物;2.喜欢和不喜欢的饮料;3.

45、适当解释原因;4.多使用本单元所学习的10个四会单词。上台介绍自己的饮食爱好范文 Hello,My name is Tom.My favourite food is salad.It is delicious,and it is healthy too.I like fresh bananas very much.They are sweet and healthy.Tea is my favourite drink.I do not like peppers.They are too hot!What about you?Exercises一、补全单词。()1._ _t A.h i B.h

46、e C.h o()2.f_e_ _ A.r a h B.r s h C.r c h()3.s_ _ _t A.v e e B.u e e C.w e e()4.d_ li_ _ous A.e c i B.i s I C.i c e()5._ _ _ lthy A.h e a B.h e e C.h a e CBCAA二、读一读,用“/”划掉错误的一项。1.The ice cream(is are)cold.2.Look at the bananas.(Its Theyre)on the table.3.Id like some beef noodles.(Its Theyre)very del

47、icious.4.Have some milk,please.(Its Theyre)good for you.三、补全对话。Sarah:_ Jim:Vegetables.Sarah:_ Jim:Because it is healthy.Sarah:_ Jim:Bananas.Sarah:_ Jim:Because they are sweet,and they are healthy,too.Sarah:_ Jim:No,water is my favourite drink.A.Do you like milk?B.Whats your favourite fruit?C.Why do

48、you like bananas?D.Why do you like vegetables?E.Whats your favourite food?EDBCASummary七彩课堂 伴你成长1.学习了下列单词:fresh,healthy,delicious,hot,sweet。2.学习了询问某人喜欢什么的句型:Whats your favourite food?Ice cream.3.学习了描述事物特征和味道的句型:Its sweet/hot/.七彩课堂 伴你成长Homework学会用本课所学的单词形容食物的味道。在自己家的厨房找找看,你能找到几种味道。onetwoUnit 3 What wo

49、uld you like?Part B&Part CRead and writeStory time人人 教教 PEP 版版 英英 语语 五五 年年 级级 上上 册册Warm upSing together点击画面 播放视频Sharp eyes.e.g.fresh,fresh,新鲜的 开火车,说一说开火车,说一说I love _.It is/They are _.What about you?Lead inDo you like robots?Do you know what robots can do?Robin is a robot,too.What can he do?Lets see.

50、PresentationPre-readingLook at the picture.What will Robin do today?Robin will cook today.He will cook for Wu Yifan and Grandpa.Whats Wu Yifans favourite food?Whats Grandpas favourite food?Can you guess?While-readingStep 1:Skimming readingRun your eyes over the text.Underlinethe food and circle thew


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