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1、成才之路成才之路 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索外研版外研版 必修必修2 No DrugsModule 21.1.1集合的概念第二课时第二课时Grammar1.1.1集合的概念Module 2课内合作探究课内合作探究 2基基 础础 巩巩 固固4课后强化作业课后强化作业 5课前自主预习课前自主预习1新课标语法新课标语法 3课前自主预习课前自主预习选词填空并指出其在句中所作的成分或结构特点。I stole something every day _(to pay/paying)for the drugs.()Adam went to the man _(so a

2、s that/so as to)buy cannabis.()She doesnt go out with the people who smoke _(in order not to/in order to not)start smoking again.()Some people feel _(so/such)nervous that they call the police.()It was _(so/such)a dangerous drug that he nearly died.()答案:to pay作目的状语so as to作目的状语in order not to作目的状语so“

3、so形容词that”结构such“such a/an形容词that”结构课内合作探究课内合作探究1.follow v.(1)在之后;跟随;跟着The lightning was quickly followed by/with heavy thunder.闪电过后紧接着是响雷。(2)按照;听从;采用follow the instructions 按指示办事follow sb.s advice 听从某人的劝告(3)沿(路而行)Follow the road signs while driving.开车时要沿着路标。(4)遵循;仿效;仿照Students under 16 are always f

4、ollowing the fashion.16岁以下的学生总是爱追求时尚。注意:(1)following可看作follow的现在分词,表主动“跟着;继之后”;过去分词followed则表被动关系,“被跟随”。(2)following也可以看作介词,意思是“以后”;作形容词,意思是“第二天的”;作名词,意思是“以下”。We went upstairs,following the old man.(现在分词)我们跟着老人上了楼。We went upstairs,followed by the old man.(过去分词)我们上了楼,后面跟着老人。即学即用(辽宁高考改编)The old couple

5、 often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog _(follow)them.答案:following本题考查with的复合结构。在这个with的复合结构中,宾语their pet dog与宾补之间为主谓关系,故用following作宾补。句意:这对老夫妇经常在晚饭后带着他们的宠物狗在花园里散步。2likely adv.可能的My younger brother is likely to help me with the work.我的弟弟很可能来帮我做这项工作。知识拓展(1)likely既可作形容词,意思是“很可能的

6、”,也可作副词,意思是“或许,很可能”。(2)likely作形容词时,主语可以是人,也可以是物。(3)It is likely that he will finish his homework on time.他很可能会按时完成作业。辨析:likely,possible和probablelikely强调表面上看来有可能,与probable意思接近,有时可互换,但likely常暗示从表面迹象来判断。常用结构有:sb.is likely to do sth.和It is likely that从句。possible不能用人作主语,常用It is possible to do sth.;It is

7、possible for sb.to do sth.;It ispossible that.等结构。如:It is possible for me to do it.我可能做那件事。probable不能用人作主语,表示某人可能做某事用It is probable that sb.结构。如:It is probable that he will come tonight.很可能他今晚要来。即学即用If you hurry up,I think it quite _(like)you will catch the flight to Hong Kong.There are 40 minutes l

8、eft.答案:likelylikely为形容词,意为“可能的”。3disagree vi.不同意;意见不合;不一致;(气候、食物)不适合Even friends disagree sometimes.即便是朋友有时也有分歧。The statements of several witnesses disagree.几名证人的证词不一致。The climate disagrees with me.我不适合这种天气。搭配disagree with 与意见不一;(食物或气候等)不适合(某人)disagree about/on/over对意见不一I disagree with you about/on

9、this matter.在这件事上我跟你意见不同。Experts disagree on how much the programme costs.专家们对该项目的费用意见不一。拓展disagree的相关词动词agree动词disagree名词agreement名词disagreement注意:agree表示“一致”时,可以说agree to/with,但只能说disagree with。Lets agree to disagree.让我们各自保留自己的意见吧。即学即用语法填空What do you think of the meal?Although some dishes _(agree)

10、with me,its really a nice meal.答案:disagree题意:“你觉得这饭菜怎么样?”“尽管有些菜不合我的口味,但这确实是一顿美味。”disagree在此意为“(气候、食物)不适合”,符合题意。4ban vt.禁止;查禁 nC禁止;禁令They threatened to ban the book.他们威胁说要查禁此书。She has been banned from driving for six months.她已被禁驾六个月。There is a ban on smoking in the theatre.剧场内严禁吸烟。搭配ban sth.查禁某物ban s

11、b.from doing sth.禁止某人做某事the/a ban on 对的禁令lift/impose a ban 取消/实施禁令即学即用语法填空Smoking should be _(ban)because it is harmful to both the smokers and other people.答案:banned5horrible adj.令人不快的;极讨厌的;恐怖的The horrible weather kept us in all the day.这讨厌的天气使我们整整一天不能外出。It tastes horrible.这味道很不好。助记horrible及其相关词hor

12、r令人毛骨悚然的恐怖形容词horrible动词horrify名词horrorterr令人感到危险的恐怖形容词terrible动词terrify名词terror辨析horrible,terribleI have a horrible feeling that were going to lose her.我有一种恐怖的感觉,我们要失去她了。Were worried that something terrible might have happened to Greg.我们担心格雷格有可能遇到了什么可怕的事情。horrible“可怕的;恐怖的”,含有恐怖到产生战栗的意思。terrible“可怕的;

13、恐怖的”,指极端的恐怖,足以压服人的理解力。即学即用语法填空After the storm,there was a _(horror)sight!答案:horrible考查horror的形容词形式。句意:暴风雨过后,是一片可怕的景象!horrible“令人不快的;恐怖的”,符合题意。1.in order to为了In order to catch the train,she hurried through her work.为了赶火车,她匆匆做完了她的工作。He bought this present in order to give his son a surprise.为了给儿子一个惊喜,

14、他买下了这件礼物。联想so as to为了He came to China so as to study Chinese.他为了学习汉语来到中国。辨析in order to,so as to(a)He got up early in order to(so as to)catch the first bus.(b)In order to catch the first bus,he got up early.(不用so as to)他早起以便赶上第一班公共汽车。in order to只能表示目的,在句首或句中均可,比so as to正式,否定结构用in order not to。so as t

15、o可表示目的,其位置一般在句中,否定结构用so as not to。注意:in order that与so that 都可以引导目的状语从句,相当于so as to do和in order to do 充当目的状语。(a)Well hold a meeting in order that we can discuss the programme.(b)Well hold a meeting so that we can discuss the programme.我们将举行一场会议,以便讨论这个节目。即学即用语法填空In order _find a better job,he decided

16、to leave his company and go abroad.答案:to句意:为了找到更好的工作,他决定离开公司出国。in order to“为了”,符合题意。Please check the list carefully so as _ avoid mistakes.答案:to句意:请仔细核对单子以避免出错。so as to“为了”,符合题意。同义句转换She decided to work harder.She wanted to catch up with others._ _ _ catch up with others,she decided to work harder.L

17、ets hurry,or well be late for the meeting.Lets hurry _ _ _ _ _ late for the meeting.答案:In order toin order not to be/so as not to be2refer to指的是;涉及This paragraph refers to the events of last year.这一段说的是去年发生的事。The star refers to items which are intended for the advanced learners.标有星号的项目是给程度较高的学习者用的。知

18、识拓展(1)refer to还有“谈起,说起,提到;查阅,参考”等意思。I promised not to refer to the matter again.我答应过再也不提这事了。You may refer to your notes if you want.如果你需要,可以查阅笔记。(2)refer to.as.称为;refer.to.将送交给She always refers to Ben as“that nice man”她总是称本为“那个好人”。My doctor referred me to a specialist.我的医生把我介绍给了一位专家。即学即用How often do

19、 you refer_ the dictionary when you are doing reading?Not very often.Only when I find it is necessary.答案:torefer to意为“查阅”,句意为:“当你阅读时你查字典的频率是多少”,refer to符合句意。新课标语法新课标语法表解语法助记不定式属于非谓语动词,在句中可以作主语、表语、定语、状语、补语等成分。本模块主要学习不定式作目的状语。其用法主要有以下三个特点。方面特点例句句意上通常译成“为了”。To avoid any delay please phone your order di

20、rect.为免延误,请直接打电话预订。位置上可位于句首或句末,一般在句首属于强调用法。(a)I have done a comparative analysis to illustrate my point.(b)To illustrate my point I have done a comparative analysis.为说明我的观点,我做了对比分析。语法上指发生在谓语动词之后的动作,即一个尚未发生的将来动作。To kill bugs,spray the area regularly.为了杀死臭虫,这地方要经常喷洒(药水)。注意:有时为了强调,可以在不定式前加上in order或so

21、as,但是so as to不可以位于句首。Many farmers fertilize their crops in order to make them grow more quickly.许多农民给庄稼施肥,为的是让庄稼长得更快些。表解语法在复合句中作结果状语的从句叫做结果状语从句。结果状语从句通常由so that,so/such.that引导,一般位于主句之后。引导词用法例句so that从句表述一种事实,一般不用情态动词can,may,could等,与主句之间往往有逗号隔开。He studied hard so that he passed the exam.他学习用功,所以考试通过了

22、。引导词用法例句so.thatso形容词/副词thatHe speaks so fast that no one can catch him.他说话太快,无人听得明白。so形容词a(n)单数名词thatThere is so rapid an increase in population that a food shortage is caused.人口增长如此迅速,以致造成了粮食短缺。somany/much/few/little等不可数名词/复数名词thatHe had so many falls that he was black and blue all over.他摔了许多跤,结果全身

23、都是伤。such.thatsucha(n)形容词单数可数名词thatHes such a good person that we mustnt blame him.他是个好人,我们不能怪他。such形容词不可数名词/复数名词thatIt is such nice weather that I would like to go to the beach.天气如此之好,我想去海滩。注意:由so that和so.that引导的结果状语从句有时可与表示结果的so as to和so.as to引出不定式短语转换。(a)He wrote so carefully that he made no mista

24、kes.(b)He wrote so carefully as to make no mistakes.他写得很仔细,所以没有出错。即学即用(重庆高考改编)More TV programs,according to government officials,will be produced _(raise)peoples concern over food safety.答案:to raise本题考查非谓语动词。句意:根据政府官员的意见,为了提高人们对食品安全的关心意识,要制作更多的电视节目。根据句子可知,此处用不定式作目的状语。不定式的一般时态表示的动作与谓语动词同时发生或在谓语动词之后,而

25、不定式的完成时态,表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前。(浙江高考改编)If they win the final tonight,the team are going to tour around the city _(cheer)by their enthusiastic supporters.答案:to be cheered考查非谓语动词。句意:如果他们赢得今晚的决赛的话,他们队将在他们热情的支持者欢呼中环游该城。cheer动作在将来发生,所以采用不定式。He hurried to the hospital,only _(tell)his father had passed away.答案:to

26、 be told不定式作状语表示出乎意料。句意:他急匆匆赶到医院却被告知的结果。他爸爸已经去世了。(浙江高考改编)No matter how bright a talker you are,there are times when its better _(remain)silent.答案:to remain本题考查非谓语动词。句意:不管你是多么聪明的讲话者,有时你保持沉默比较好。it是形式主语,不定式to remain silent是真实主语。(山东高考改编)George returned after the war,only _(tell)that his wife had left hi

27、m.答案:to be told本题考查非谓语动词,“only to do”作结果状语。句意:战后乔治回来了,结果被告诉他妻子已离他而去。only to do sth.表示意料之外的结果。由此可知本题用to be told。基基 础础 巩巩 固固.单词拼写1I buy a new lock as an additional insurance against _(盗窃)2Dont take him for a friend.He is nothing but a _(罪犯)3Its _(违法)to read peoples private letters without permission.4

28、After a course of _(治疗)she became herself again.5Todays weather forecast says that it is _(可能)to be fine tomorrow.6Small children dont like books that are intended for _(成年人)7There are many others besides me who _(不同意)with what you say.8I think smoking should be totally _(禁止)in the office.9The medic

29、ine was so _(难吃)that I could hardly get it down.10If a war broke out,many other countries will be _(影响)答案:1.burglary2.criminal3.illegal4.treatment5.likely6.adults7.disagree8.banned9.horrible10affected.改正下列各句中的错误,每句只有一处1I couldnt agree much._2He is possible to come in time._3As a result his illness,h

30、e couldnt go to school last week._4His house was broken in last night,but luckily nothing was stolen._5It seems that the girls death has much connected with her drug abuse._答案:1.muchmore2.possiblelikely3.result后加of4ininto5.connectedconnection.完成句子1为了赶上末班车,他跑得很快。He ran very fast _ _ the last bus.2要做人

31、民的先生,须先做人民的学生。_ _ a teacher of the people,one must first be their pupil.3老师讲得慢,以便学生能听懂。The teacher spoke slowly _ _ the students could understand him.The teacher spoke slowly _ _ _ the students could understand him._ _ _ let the students understand him,the teacher spoke slowly.4请说得再大点声,以便我们能听得清楚。Ple

32、ase speak louder _ _ _ we can hear clearly.5工人们完成了这么难的工程,结果他们得到了奖金。The workers finished _ _ _ _ _ they were given a prize.The workers finished _ _ _ _ _ they were given a prize.6他吸毒成瘾,结果身体非常虚弱。He was addicted to taking drugs,_ _ he was very weak.7他昨天晚上熬夜太晚以致今天早上起床比以前晚了。He stayed up _ _ last night _ he got up later than before.答案:1.to catch2.To be3.so thatin order thatIn order to4.in order that5.so difficult a project thatsuch a difficult project that6.so that7.so late;that课后强化作业课后强化作业(点此链接)(点此链接)


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