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1、Key words expressionsLesson 68 Persistent persistent adj.1.(人、行为)不屈不挠的,执拗的,顽固的persistent efforts 坚持不懈的努力He was persistent in his question.他一直追问到底2.(事物)持久的,不断的(lasting)persistent rain 持续不断的雨水persistent noise 不间断的噪音persist v.执意,坚持persist in sth/doing 坚持做.执意做.eg.Does he always persist in his opinion li

2、ke that?他总是那样固执己见吗?She persisted in taking her dog with her.她执意要带着她的狗。He persists in believing that he is right.他执意要骑那辆破自行车。persistence n.u 坚持不懈,执意,持续eg.His persistence touches me.他的持之以恒令我感动avoid v.避开,躲避,避免,预防avoid+n./doing eg.Fortunately,we were able to avoid an accident.幸运的是我们避开了一次事故The car turned

3、 to the left to avoid a collision.车辆左转避免了一次碰撞He crossed the street to avoid seeing me.他过了马路以避免看见我Try to avoid driving in rush hours.避免在交通高峰期间驾驶avoid sb/sth like the plague 极力躲避,尽量避开avoidable adj.可避免的v.+able adj.可.的,能够.的lovable 可爱的washable 耐洗的acceptable 可以接受的understandable 可以理解的insist 1.v.坚持做.insist

4、on/on doing sth 坚持/坚决要求做某事insist that sb(should)do.eg.I insist on your coming with us.I insist that you should go with us.He insisted that I should apologize.He insists on going swimming.2.v.坚持说,坚信,固执的声称eg.She insisted that she was innocent.她坚持说她是清白的I insisted that I hadnt done that.我坚持说我没有做那件事insis

5、tent adj.坚持的,不容拒绝的或反对的insistence n.u 坚持insistence on/about sth 对某事的坚持insist on/persist instick to /keep on insist on+n.insist on doing sth 坚持要求,坚持认为(要求,看法,主张,意见)She insisted on her opinion at the meeting.He insisted on going with us.persist in+n.persist in doing 表示对某种活动坚持不懈或对某种信念不改,固执He insisted on

6、playing golf.(玩了没有不知道)He persisted in practicing golf for an hour.(坚持练了一个小时,动作已发生)stick to+n.stick to doing 坚持不放弃愿望,原则,决定,诺言,理想We should stick to the study of Marxism-Leninism.我们应该坚持学习马列主义Stick to it!坚持住keep on:continue to do on 是副词,有继续的意思We kept on working although we are all tired.Keep on practici

7、ng and you will speak English well.1.I _ the street to avoid meeting him,but he saw me and came running _ me.2.It was no use pretending that I had not seen him,_I waved to him.3.He _ has anything to do.4.No matter _busy you are,he always insists on _with you.5.I was just wondering how to _ the morni

8、ng-until I saw you.6.Not at all,I lied,but Im going to the _.7.Theres always plenty to read in the _ room!Listen and fill in the blanks.crossedtowardssoneverhowcomingspenddentistswaitingI crossed the street to avoid meeting him,but he saw me and came running towards me.cross vt.穿过 cross vs.through_

9、the tunnel_ the riverthroughacrossI crossed the street to avoid meeting him,but he saw me and came running towards me.分词做状语分词做状语逻辑主语逻辑主语 It was no use pretending that I had not seen him,so I waved to him.It is no use doing做做没有用没有用It is no use crying over the spilled milk.覆水难收。He never has anything t

10、o do.No matter how busy you are,he always insists on coming with you.No matter 可以和疑问词(how,who,when,where,what 等)一起引导让步从句,表示“无论”。Eg:No matter where he goes,he always brings his cell phone.You have a try!无论是什么时候要走,我都会去送你。No matter when you leave,I will see you off.I had to think of a way of preventing

11、 him from following me around all morning.prevent.from doing stop from doingprotectfrom doingKeep from doingNo one could protect himself from being hurt all the time.His parents prevent him from using drugs。No one can keep you from smoking but yourself.Fancy meeting you here!fancy+Ving 喜欢喜欢.fancy th

12、at.=imagine that想象下,想象下,Ian竟然不知道这么简单问题的答案!竟然不知道这么简单问题的答案!Fancy that Ian doesnt knowing the answer to such an easy question!天气真好,我喜欢开车去海边一趟。天气真好,我喜欢开车去海边一趟。Its a fine day and I fancy driving down to the coast.Would you mind my coming with you?=Would you mind me coming with you?动名词复合结构:由名词所有格或物主代词与动名词

13、构成His leaving is a great loss.Mother dislikes my(me)working late.动名词复合结构多作主语或宾语,作主语时是所有格(名词所有格,形容词性物主代词),但作宾语时可以用所有格,也可用普通格(人称代词宾格)Theres always plenty to read in the waiting room!There is always an angel and a devil quarrelling in my mind when I am lying on the bed.There be 句型中非谓语动词用法:1.There be 后为

14、能表示主动发出动作的名词,则用Ving;2.There be 后名词与非谓语动词构成动宾关系,则用to do Retell the story in your own language.How do you think of this kind of person?Do you like such person?For more,go to next pageExercise-Joining words Make these short sentences into a long one,using the joining words provided.1.There was a dentis

15、t nearby.She knew him well.Elizabeth decided to go there.She would explain what had happened.(Aswhomin order to)as(因为)whom(引导定语从句)in order to(目的状语)As there was a dentist nearby whom she knew well Elizabeth decided to go there in order to explain what had happened.2 Elizabeth left.The dentist went in

16、to the waiting room.Do you want to have your teeth examined?he asked Nigel.(Afterand asked Nigel if)Afrer Elizabeth left,the dentist went into the waiting room and asked Nigel if he wanted to have his teeth examined.Key structures 动名词的应用:动词加ing,起到名词的作用,成为动名词1.动名词作动词的宾语avoid doing 避免做.enjoy doing 喜欢做

17、.deny doing 否认做过.fancy doing 想象做.以下动词常接动名词作宾语:admit appreciate avoid complete delay deny enjoy fancy finish mind stand practise resent risk suggest allow Key structures examples:1.He always avoids traveling in rush hours.2.He enjoys playing football.3.He completely denies taking it.4.Fancy meeting y

18、ou here!5.Would you mind opening the wondow?6.I dont mind waiting.7.I cant stand people shouting and pushing.Key structures 2.固定结构:Its no use doing.做某事是没有用的Its no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收Its(not)worth doing (不)值得做.be busy(in)doing 忙于做Cant you see I am busying writing?do some shopping do some

19、washing Key structures 3.动名词的逻辑主语的表达形式(是谁的动作,由谁执行)Would you mind opening the window?整个句子只有一个主语,都是you,打开窗户的动作是you执行的Would you mind my opening the window?你介意我打开窗户吗打开窗户的执行者是“我”,my是动名词opening 的逻辑主语Key structures Do you mind smoking?你介意吸烟吗?(你自己吸烟)Do you mind my smoking?你介意吸烟吗?(我吸烟)Fancy writing a letter

20、like that.句子没有出现主语,但是可以理解为“我”,“真想不到我写了那样一封信”Fancy her writing a letter like that.Key structures His leaving is a great loss.his 修饰leaving,是逻辑主语Mother dislikes working late.妈妈不喜欢工作到很晚(主语是mother)Mother dislikes my working late.妈妈不喜欢我工作到很晚(逻辑主语是my)Key structures 现在分词和动名词的比较:4.see,notice,hear,smell等感官动词

21、后面接现在分词做宾语:see,hear.sb doing 正在做.see,hear.sb do 做过,做完.see,hear.sth done 被.I saw him coming.He heard me opening the door.I can smell something burning.I heard her singing in the room.Key structures 5.go 与come 加现在分词,表示伴随go dancing go skiing go riding go shopping go skating Come swimming with me tomorr

22、ow.1.I crossed the street to avoid meeting him,but he saw me and came running towards me.avoid doing sth 避免做.We should avoid making the same mistake.came running towards me中的running是现在分词作状语,修饰动词came,是怎样来的2.It was no use pretending that I had not seen him,so I waved to him.its no use+v-ing.做某事是没有作用的i

23、t作形式主语,v-ing短语是真正的主语eg.Its no use complaining about it.抱怨是没有用的。wave to sb 向某人挥手I waved a greeting to the teacher.挥手问好I waved him goodbye.我和他挥手道别I waved him out.我挥手叫他出去I waved him in.我挥手叫他进来pretend v.假装pretend that.假装.eg.He pretended that he was working hard.pretend to do 假装做.eg.He pretended to be de

24、ad when he met a bear.pretend to be doing 假装正在做.The boys pretended to be sleeping.3.I never enjoy meeting Nigel Dykes.He never has anything to do.我就怕见到他,他从来都是无事可做enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事句子中连用两个never,带有很强烈的感情色彩4.No matter how busy you are,he always insists on coming with you.no matter how(what,which,who

25、,where,when)无论如何(什么、哪一个、谁、何地、何时)No matter what happens,dont be discouraged.insist on doing sth 坚持做.5.I had to think of a way of preventing him from following me around all morning.think of a way of doing 想个办法做某事prevent sb(from)doing sth.stop sb(from)doing sth.keep sb from doing sth.阻止(某人)做.eg.Her su

26、dden arrival prevented him from going out.prevention n.预防谚 Prevention is better than cure.预防胜于治疗preventive adj.预防的,防止的preventive measures against fire.防火措施文中两个动名词preventing 和following,作介词宾语6.Hello,Nigel,I said.Fancy meeting you here!真想不到在这儿见到你fancy 想象fancy+宾语+as/to be I cant fancy him as a teacher.f

27、ancy doing.想象(某人)做.常用语祈使句中表示惊叹Fancy Tom reading such difficult books.正想不到Tom读这么难的书fancy that.I fancy(that)I have met her somewhere.fancy n.空想,幻想fancy 是非现实的imagination 是既现实又实际的想象 He shut himself in a world of idle fancy.他把自己关在幻想世界里fancy adj.精致的,花哨的Those shoes are too fancy for me.a fancy party 化妆舞会 7

28、.Hi,Elizabeth,Nigel answered.I was just wondering how to spend the morning until I saw you.You are not busy doing anything,are you?how to do 做wonder 的宾语be busy(in)doing sth 忙于.8.No,not at all,I answered.Im going to.not at all 根本不,一点也不eg.I dont like maths at all.There is nothing to eat at all.9.Would

29、 you mind my coming with you?he asked,before I had finished ing 为动名词,my为逻辑主语Would you mind coming with me?come的动作执行者是you文中句子动作come的执行者是我finish doing sth 结束做,完成做.10.Not at all,I lied,But Im going to the dentist.lie 说谎 v.lie-lied-lied-lying n.tell a lie 说谎a white lie 善意的谎言a black lie 恶意的谎言11.Then Ill

30、come with you,he answered.Theres always plenty to read in the waiting room!plenty to read很多读的东西不定式to read作plenty 的定语waiting room 候车室,候诊室(动名词作定语,表示某种功能)对比:a waiting car 一辆正在等候的车现在分词作定语,表示动作正在进行avoid doing sth 避免做某事enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事insist on doing sth 坚持做某事prevent sb from doing sth 阻止做某事fancy doin

31、g sth 想象做某事be busy doing sth 忙于做某事mind doing sth 介意做某事finish doing sth 完成做某事只能接doing做宾语 的动词:suggest,avoid,complete,feel like,finish,find,practise,escape from,delay,give up,admire,enjoy,mind,miss,keep,forgive,admit,deny,consider,be busy,fancy,imagine,require 只能接to do 的动词:want,would like,ask,tell,orde

32、r,hope,wish,advise,promise,decide,expect,refuse,offer,pretend,fail,help,afford,allow,plan,intend,happen,invite,remind,prepare,agree,determine,learn,manage,encourage,punish,warn sb not to do 既可以接to do,又可以接doing 的动词:stop,forget,remember,hate,like,love,prefer,begin,start,try,continue,mean,regret,need,g

33、o on,be afraid No one enjoys _ at.A laughing B to laugh C being laughed D to be laughed You must do something to prevent your house _.A to be broken in B from being broken in C to break in D from breaking in Jack said that he wouldnt mind _ for us.A to wait B wait C waiting D waited No one can avoid _ by advertisements.A to be influenced B being influenced C influencing D having influenced Hes very busy _ his papers.He is far too busy _ shopping.A to write,to go B writing ,go C writing,to go D to write,going


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