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1、Module 2 Fantasy Literature话题导入 The very first recorded literary works in history were fantasy:Homers Odyssey,The Book of a Thousand Nights and a Night and countless others.Modern literature forms are based on them.Fantasy is particularly the only form of literature that has no clear boundaries betw

2、een adult fiction and childrens fiction.Lewis Garrolls books Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass,for instance,were published over 100 years ago.The books were in fact written for a childthe original Alice,who was the daughter of a friend of Carrolls.However,they are just as

3、 often read by adults looking for an escape back to a simple time.A more modern example is JK.Rowlings Harry Potter series,which have caused a revolution in the publishing world.While these again are aimed at a youth market,they have become a fashion for people of all ages.Recently,fantasy has enjoy

4、ed popularity(流行流行)The main reason for the popularity is the success of The Lord of the Rings series of films.Fantasy novel sales have benefited from social change,with the original The Lord of the Rings novels,the Harry Potter series becoming a force on bestseller lists.Even more recently,a work of

5、 historical fantasy,Dan Browns The Da Vinci Code,has caught the imagination of the world.The novel was on top of The New York Times hardcover fiction bestseller list on April 11,2005.It is clear that fantasy is showing no signs of reducing in popularity.True(T)or False(F).1.Modern writers are influe

6、nced by recorded literary works in history when writing.()2.Fantasy is a form of literature that has very clear boundaries between adult and childrens fiction.()3.J.K.Rowlings Harry Potter series are aimed at people of all ages.()4.Fantasy will continuously enjoy popularity in the future.()FFTT基础自测课

7、文预读内容索引要点探究当堂达标Period OneIntroduction&Reading and Vocabulary9、要学生做的事,教职员躬亲共做;要学生学的知识,教职员躬亲共学;要学生守的规则,教职员躬亲共守。2022-11-72022-11-7Monday,November 07,202210、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2022-11-72022-11-72022-11-711/7/2022 10:33:56 PM11、一个好的教师,是一个懂得心理学和教育学的人。2022-11-72022-11-72022-11-7Nov-227-Nov-2212、要记住,你不仅是教课的

8、教师,也是学生的教育者,生活的导师和道德的引路人。2022-11-72022-11-72022-11-7Monday,November 07,202213、He who seize the right moment,is the right man.谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。2022-11-72022-11-72022-11-72022-11-711/7/202214、谁要是自己还没有发展培养和教育好,他就不能发展培养和教育别人。2022年11月7日星期一2022-11-72022-11-72022-11-715、一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;终身之计,莫如树人。2022年11月20

9、22-11-72022-11-72022-11-711/7/202216、提出一个问题往往比解决一个更重要。因为解决问题也许仅是一个数学上或实验上的技能而已,而提出新的问题,却需要有创造性的想像力,而且标志着科学的真正进步。2022-11-72022-11-7November 7,202217、儿童是中心,教育的措施便围绕他们而组织起来。2022-11-72022-11-72022-11-72022-11-72、Our destiny offers not only the cup of despair,but the chalice of opportunity.(Richard Nixon

10、,American President)命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。二二一年六月十七日2021年6月17日星期四3、Patience is bitter,but its fruit is sweet.Patience is bitter,but its fruit is sweet.(Jean Jacques Rousseau,French thinker)忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。10:516.17.202110:516.17.202110:5110:51:196.17.202110:516.17.20214、All that you do,do with your m

11、ight;things done by halves are never done right.All that you do,do with your might;things done by halves are never done right.-R.H.Stoddard,American poet做一切事都应尽力而为,半途而废永远不行6.17.20216.17.202110:5110:5110:51:1910:51:195、You have to believe in yourself.Thats the secret of success.You have to believe in

12、 yourself.Thats the secret of success.-Charles Chaplin人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。-Thursday,June 17,2021June 21Thursday,June 17,20216/17/2021基础自测1.n.系列,丛书系列,丛书2.n.(小说、电影中的小说、电影中的)男主角男主角 n.(小说、电影中的小说、电影中的)女主角女主角3.n.小说小说 n.小说家小说家4.v.消失消失5.v.表现,举动表现,举动 n.举止,行为举止,行为.重点单词重点单词seriesheroheroinenovelnovelistvanishbehav

13、ebehaviour6.adv.确定地,一定地确定地,一定地7.v.犹豫,迟疑犹豫,迟疑 n.犹豫,踌躇犹豫,踌躇8.n.怀疑怀疑9.n.方向方向10.n.疲惫,精疲力竭疲惫,精疲力竭11.adj.看不见的看不见的 adj.看得见的看得见的definitelyhesitatehesitationdoubtdirectionexhaustioninvisiblevisible12.n.惊慌,恐慌惊慌,恐慌13.adv.大概地,粗略地大概地,粗略地14.v.弯腰,屈身弯腰,屈身15.v.做梦做梦16.adj.醒着的,清醒的醒着的,清醒的alarmroughlybenddreamawake.重点短语

14、重点短语1.在在中起重要作用,对中起重要作用,对有重要影响有重要影响2.放下放下3.伸出伸出4.朝朝走过来走过来5.走开走开6.向向扩展扩展7.注视,盯着看注视,盯着看8.注视,凝视注视,凝视9.寻找,搜索,想办法寻找,搜索,想办法10.四处寻找四处寻找play an important part input downhold outcome up toturn awaysweep overkeep ones eyes onfix oncast aboutlook around for.重点句式重点句式1.make1.makeit itadj./n.adj./n.(for sb.)to do

15、sth.(for sb.)to do sth.In the first book,Lyras scientist father _ other worlds.在第一本书中,利拉的科学家父亲使进入其他的世界成为可能。在第一本书中,利拉的科学家父亲使进入其他的世界成为可能。makes it possible to enter2.2.独立主格结构Then she leapt backwards,.然后她向后一跃,脊背拱起,毛发竖立,尾巴僵直地伸着。然后她向后一跃,脊背拱起,毛发竖立,尾巴僵直地伸着。back arched and fur on endtail held outstiffly3.as

16、if 3.as if 引导表语从句 someone had cut a patch out of the air,about two metres from the edge of the road.看上去就像有人在距离路边大约两米的地方将空间切开了一块看上去就像有人在距离路边大约两米的地方将空间切开了一块It looked as if4.find4.find宾语宾语补足语He under a row of trees.他发现自己站在一排树下。他发现自己站在一排树下。found himself standing课文预读.阅读课文,匹配段落大意阅读课文,匹配段落大意1.Para.1A.Will

17、found where the cat vanished.2.Paras.27 B.Descriptions of the patch in the air.3.Para.8 C.What he saw in another world.4.Para.9 D.The strange behavior of the cat.5.Paras.1011 E.Will went into another world.6.Para.12 F.Will found a different world.7.Paras.1315 G.Will saw a cat.课文阅读理解课文阅读理解1.Why did t

18、he cat leap back with her back arched and fur on end?A.Because she sensed danger ahead of her.B.Because she was going to attack.C.Because she didnt know what to do.D.Because she was so hungry.答案123452.Why did Will blink?A.Because he couldnt see things clearly.B.Because he was interested in the cat.C

19、.Because he was astonished by what he saw.D.Because his eyes were affected by the dust from the road.答案123453.The sentence“He knew it at once,as strongly as he knew that fire burned and kindness was good.”in Para.11 means that .A.Will believed in the power of kindnessB.Will was aware of the danger o

20、f fireC.Will believed the patch of grass on the other side must be in a different worldD.Will was sure of the reasons 答案123454.From the last three paragraphs,we know that .A.Will was fascinated by the new worldB.Will was afraid of the new worldC.Will was worried about the safety of the catD.Will had

21、 a habit of dream walking 答案123455.Why did the author choose“The Cat That Vanished”as the title of this passage?A.Because the cat was Wills loved pet cat.B.Because it was the cat that led Will to another world.C.Because the cat belonged to another world.D.Because the cat was said to have super power

22、s.1234 答案5要点探究重点词汇经典句式难句分析1The children have many extraordinary adventures in these different worlds,and play an important part in a war that could destroy the universe.在这些不同的世界里,孩子们经历了各种离奇的探险,并在一场在这些不同的世界里,孩子们经历了各种离奇的探险,并在一场足以毁灭宇宙的战争中起到了非常重要的作用。足以毁灭宇宙的战争中起到了非常重要的作用。重点词汇play an important part in在在中扮

23、演重要角色;在中扮演重要角色;在中起重要作用中起重要作用play a role in在在中扮演角色;在中扮演角色;在中起作用中起作用play the part/role of sb.扮演某人扮演某人归纳拓展(1)He played an important part in the TV play.他在那部电视剧中扮演一个很重要的角色。他在那部电视剧中扮演一个很重要的角色。(2)She played the part/role of a teacher in the film.她在这部电影中扮演了一位老师。她在这部电影中扮演了一位老师。语境助记(1)用适当的介词填空用适当的介词填空Besides

24、 dieting,exercising also plays an important part losing weight.In the play,I take the part a policeman.(2)单句改错单句改错Michelle Yeoh played part of a martial arts master.Nowadays,the Internet plays an important part on our lives.theinin题组训练of2someone who shows you which direction to go in一个给你指明方向的人一个给你指明

25、方向的人(1)direction n.方向;指导;用法说明方向;指导;用法说明(常用复数常用复数)in all directionsin every direction朝四面八方朝四面八方in the direction of 朝朝的方向的方向under the direction of sb.在某人的指导下在某人的指导下sense of direction方向感方向感(2)direct v.指路;指挥;命令;指路;指挥;命令;adj.笔直的;直接的;坦白的;笔直的;直接的;坦白的;adv.笔笔直地;直接地;直达地直地;直接地;直达地(3)directly adv.径直地;立即;直接地;径直地

26、;立即;直接地;conj.一一就就归纳拓展(1)When the police arrived,the crowd scattered in all directions/in every direction.警察赶到后,人群便向四面八方散开了。警察赶到后,人群便向四面八方散开了。(2)We finished the experiment under the direction of our teacher.在老师的指导下我们完成了实验。在老师的指导下我们完成了实验。(3)Directly the teacher came in,everyone was quiet.老师一进来大家就安静了。老

27、师一进来大家就安静了。语境助记(1)单句语法填空单句语法填空She drove the direction of Qingdao.The investigation was carried out the direction of a senior police officer.I often have no sense of (direct)when I get to a new place.(2)句型转换句型转换I went home as soon as I finished my work.I went home I finished my work.inunderdirectly/i

28、mmediately题组训练direction(3)单句改错单句改错We flew directly to Hong Kong.direct3Will put down his shopping bag and held out his hand,and the cat came up to rub her head against his knuckles,just as Moxie did.威尔放下他的购物袋,伸出手,那只猫便跑到他身边,在他的手威尔放下他的购物袋,伸出手,那只猫便跑到他身边,在他的手指间来回蹭起了脑袋,就像指间来回蹭起了脑袋,就像Moxie常常做的那样。常常做的那样。pu

29、t down放下;记下;镇压放下;记下;镇压put off 取消,撤销;让取消,撤销;让下车;推迟,延迟下车;推迟,延迟put forward提出;把提出;把(时针等时针等)向前拨向前拨put out伸出;熄灭,扑灭;关掉伸出;熄灭,扑灭;关掉put up举起;张贴;搭建;建造举起;张贴;搭建;建造put up with忍受,容忍;经受忍受,容忍;经受归纳拓展1(1)After he finished his exercise,he put down his pen.他做完练习,就放下了钢笔。他做完练习,就放下了钢笔。(2)She put forward some good proposals

30、 for the educational reform.她为教育改革提出了一些很好的建议。她为教育改革提出了一些很好的建议。(3)You see what I have to put up with.你看到我不得不忍受什么了吧。你看到我不得不忍受什么了吧。语境助记1(1)写出下列句子中写出下列句子中put down的汉语意思的汉语意思The meeting is on the 22nd this month.Put it down in your diary._The armed rebellion(叛乱叛乱)was soon put down by the government.Put do

31、wn that knife before you hurt somebody!_记下,写下记下,写下题组训练1放下放下镇压镇压_(2)用适当的介、副词填空用适当的介、副词填空They had put the fire before the firefighters arrived.Put your hands if you have any questions.The game was put because of rain.(3)单句改错单句改错Mary is really good at taking notes in class.She can put up almost every w

32、ord her teacher says.offdownoutuphold out伸出;维持,坚持伸出;维持,坚持hold back阻止;抑制阻止;抑制(情感、情绪情感、情绪);隐瞒;踌躇;隐瞒;踌躇hold on(打电话时用语打电话时用语)请等一下,不要挂断;坚持请等一下,不要挂断;坚持hold up举起;阻挡,拦截;延迟,阻碍举起;阻挡,拦截;延迟,阻碍归纳拓展2(1)We should hold out the hand of friendship and cooperation to them.我们应该向他们伸出友谊和合作之手。我们应该向他们伸出友谊和合作之手。(2)She just

33、could not hold back her excitement.她简直按捺不住激动的心情。她简直按捺不住激动的心情。(3)A lot of cars were held up in the accident.许多车辆在这次事故中被耽搁。许多车辆在这次事故中被耽搁。语境助记2(1)用适当的介、副词填空用适当的介、副词填空We lack water but could hold for another day.Hearing the news,she couldnt hold her tears.Could you hold?Ill just see if the manager is in

34、.The road was held by bad weather.(2)单句改错单句改错I had a strong desire to reach in and play with the toy,but held back thankfully by the shop window.(2015湖南湖南)题组训练2wasoutbackonupturn away走开;转身;把某人拒之门外;解雇走开;转身;把某人拒之门外;解雇turn in上交上交turn down关小,调低;拒绝关小,调低;拒绝turn up开大,调高;出现;被找到开大,调高;出现;被找到turn to翻到;求助于翻到;求助

35、于turn out证明是,结果证明是,结果(是是);生产;生产4Eventually this cat turned away.终于,这只猫转身走开了。终于,这只猫转身走开了。归纳拓展(1)The chairman shook hands with him and then turned away.主席握了握他的手就转身走了。主席握了握他的手就转身走了。(2)Nobody seems to understand.I dont know who to turn to.似乎没人懂。我不知道该向谁求助。似乎没人懂。我不知道该向谁求助。(3)The job turned out(to be)harde

36、r than we thought.这份工作比我们想象的要难。这份工作比我们想象的要难。语境助记用适当的介、副词填空用适当的介、副词填空(1)The manager turned the salesman,because he didnt do his work well.(2)Have you all turned your homework for last night?(3)Dont worry.Im sure it will all turn fine.(4)Dont worry.Im sure your missing glasses will turn sooner or late

37、r.(2015湖北湖北)(5)Tom had to turn the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too busy.(2015天津天津)awayin题组训练outupdown(1)behave v.表现,举动表现,举动behave well/badly举止得体举止得体/差劲差劲behave oneself注意举止,守规矩注意举止,守规矩(2)behavior/behaviour n.举止,行为举止,行为5Will,still watching,saw the cat behave curiously.威尔仍然盯着看,发

38、现猫的举动很奇怪。威尔仍然盯着看,发现猫的举动很奇怪。归纳拓展(1)The parents asked the children to behave well in front of the guests.父母要求孩子们在客人面前举止得体。父母要求孩子们在客人面前举止得体。(2)Behave yourself;dont make a fool of yourself.注意你的举止,别闹出笑话来。注意你的举止,别闹出笑话来。(3)Nobody before has fully understood the behaviour of chimps.在这之前没有人全面了解过黑猩猩的行为。在这之前没有

39、人全面了解过黑猩猩的行为。语境助记(1)用所给词的正确形式填空用所给词的正确形式填空Their (behave)towards me shows that they dont like me.Behave (you),Tom.Dont be so childish.(2)单句改错单句改错The children do not know how to behave themselves good at the party.behavior/behaviouryourself题组训练well6It wasnt easy,because there was nothing to fix on,but

40、 when he came to the place and cast about to look closely,he saw it.这并不容易,因为他无法将目光集中在某件东西上。但是当他靠这并不容易,因为他无法将目光集中在某件东西上。但是当他靠近那个地方,设法仔细观察时,他看出了端倪。近那个地方,设法仔细观察时,他看出了端倪。归纳拓展fix ones attention on/upon集中注意力于,专心于集中注意力于,专心于fix sth.up修理;装饰;准备好修理;装饰;准备好(1)The soldier fixed his eyes on a target.这个士兵目不转睛地注视着靶子

41、。这个士兵目不转睛地注视着靶子。(2)As students,you should fix your attention on your studies.作为学生,你们应该把注意力集中到学习上。作为学生,你们应该把注意力集中到学习上。(3)They fixed up the house before they moved in.他们把房子装修了以后才搬入。他们把房子装修了以后才搬入。语境助记单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Mary kept her attention fixed the speaker.(2)The girl sat there quite silent,with her ey

42、es (fix)on the ceiling.(3)We could fix it and make it new again.up题组训练fixedon7But Will knew without the slightest doubt that that patch of grass on the other side was in a different world.但是威尔深信不疑,另一边的那块草地在一个不同的世界里。但是威尔深信不疑,另一边的那块草地在一个不同的世界里。doubt n.怀疑,疑惑;怀疑,疑惑;v.怀疑,不相信怀疑,不相信beyond doubt毫无疑问地毫无疑问地no

43、 doubt无疑地;很可能无疑地;很可能without doubt毫无疑问地毫无疑问地There is no doubt that/about.毫无疑问毫无疑问注意:注意:(1)doubt作名词时,在肯定句中作名词时,在肯定句中doubt后面一般接后面一般接whether引导引导的同位语从句;在否定句中,后面一般接的同位语从句;在否定句中,后面一般接that引导的同位语从句。引导的同位语从句。(2)doubt作动词时,后常接名词、代词或从句。作动词时,后常接名词、代词或从句。doubt用于肯定句时,用于肯定句时,后面一般接后面一般接whether或或if引导的宾语从句;在否定句和疑问句中,后面

44、引导的宾语从句;在否定句和疑问句中,后面一般接一般接that引导的宾语从句。引导的宾语从句。归纳拓展(1)I doubt whether/if he will do as I told him.我怀疑他是否会按我告诉他的去做。我怀疑他是否会按我告诉他的去做。(2)I dont doubt that he will keep his word.我不怀疑他将信守诺言。我不怀疑他将信守诺言。(3)Without doubt,he is a lucky dog.毫无疑问,他是个幸运儿。毫无疑问,他是个幸运儿。语境助记(1)用适当的连接词填空用适当的连接词填空There is a little doub

45、t he will keep his word.There is no doubt this candidates advantage lies in his ability to communicate with foreigners in English.(2015湖北湖北)He doubted they would give him another chance.whetherthat题组训练whether/if(2)一句多译一句多译毫无疑问,这个小男孩在整堂课中很守规矩。毫无疑问,这个小男孩在整堂课中很守规矩。the little boy behaved well in the who

46、le class.the little boy behaved well in the whole class.the little boy behaved well in the whole class.(3)单句改错单句改错I have no doubt whether it will bring about closer ties between us.Without/Beyond/No doubtThere is no doubt thatNobody doubts thatthat8What he saw made his head swim and his heart thump

47、harder,but he didnt hesitate.他看到的一切使他头晕目眩,心跳加速,但他却丝毫没有迟他看到的一切使他头晕目眩,心跳加速,但他却丝毫没有迟疑疑(1)hesitate v.犹豫,迟疑犹豫,迟疑hesitate about/over对对犹豫犹豫/迟疑迟疑hesitate to do sth.犹豫犹豫/迟疑迟疑/不情愿做某事不情愿做某事(2)hesitation n.犹豫,踌躇犹豫,踌躇have no hesitation in doing sth.毫不犹豫毫不犹豫/情愿做某事情愿做某事without(a moments/any)hesitation毫不迟疑毫不迟疑归纳拓展(

48、1)Hes still hesitating about/over taking part in the sports meeting.他对是否参加运动会仍拿不定主意。他对是否参加运动会仍拿不定主意。(2)He didnt hesitate to ask her to sit beside.他毫不犹豫地请她坐在他身旁。他毫不犹豫地请她坐在他身旁。(3)Without hesitation,Meng Xiangbin jumped into the river to save the drowning girl.孟祥斌毫不犹豫地跳下河去救那个溺水的女孩。孟祥斌毫不犹豫地跳下河去救那个溺水的女孩。

49、语境助记(1)用所给动词的正确形式填空用所给动词的正确形式填空We are at your service.Dont hesitate (turn)to us if you have any further problems.We had no hesitation in (help)the Japanese when the terrible earthquake hit Japan.I didnt hesitate for a moment about (take)the job.to turnhelping题组训练takingOnce I decide what I want to do

50、,I will do it without_ (hesitate).(2)单句改错单句改错After some hesitate,one of them began to speak.hesitationhesitation1In the first book,Lyras scientist father makes it possible to enter other worlds.在第一本书中,利拉的科学家父亲使进入其他的世界成为可能。在第一本书中,利拉的科学家父亲使进入其他的世界成为可能。经典句式句中句中makes it possible to enter是是“makeit(形式宾语形式


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