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1、Unit 11English ICan I Help You?Contents Aims and Requirements Integrated Skills Development Applied Writing Grammar Focus Merry Learning Words&Phrases Lead-in Dialogues Passage A Learn to communicate Build up your language stock Extra reading Passage BAims and Requirements询问和介绍物品的规格、质量、颜色、款式等询问和介绍物品

2、的规格、质量、颜色、款式等Communicative FocusLanguage FocusAims and RequirementsFocal Words and ExpressionsLanguage Focuseagerlyspringstocktightvarietytry onfitting roomspring salemake room forAims and Requirements1)Good morning.Can I help you?What can I offer/show you?Can I be of any assistance to you?May I hel

3、p you?2)Id like to see some(typical Chinese dolls).May I have a look at(that T-shirt)?Do you have(blue skirts)in size Large?May I see(that blouse),please?Language FocusFocal Function and PatternsAims and Requirements3)I prefer those light-colored(jackets).The blue/white(skirt)looks nice.May I try it

4、 on?(My husband)wears size Large,but this one looks small.4)It fits me well.But I dont like the style.The color is nice.But its not the right size.Have you got the dark-colored(suit)in size 44?Thats just(my)size.But it looks small.I think its too tight.Language FocusFocal Function and PatternsAims a

5、nd Requirements5)Oh,great.I like this design.Perfect.The color looks nice!The color matches my skin.Language FocusFocal Function and PatternsAims and Requirements熟读对话与课文,背诵对话和课文的语句,并能就课文内容进行问答。熟读对话与课文,背诵对话和课文的语句,并能就课文内容进行问答。(Listening and SpeakingSkills Development能朗读并翻译(英译汉)有关有关询问和介绍物品的规格、质量、颜色、能朗读

6、并翻译(英译汉)有关有关询问和介绍物品的规格、质量、颜色、款式等等的小短文。款式等等的小短文。Reading and Translatinga.能使用所学词汇、句型和语法写出有关询问和介绍物品的规格、质量、能使用所学词汇、句型和语法写出有关询问和介绍物品的规格、质量、颜色、款式的英文语句。颜色、款式的英文语句。b.熟悉平面导购图和其他简单的购物指南图。熟悉平面导购图和其他简单的购物指南图。WritingIntegrated Skills DevelopmentSince there are a lot of shopping places,you can buy clothes in a su

7、permarket,a department store or a boutique selling fashionable clothes.Many stores will have various items on sale during holiday seasons.The prices are lower than the original ones.So at this time,you can get good buys.Lead-in Do you know it?shopping places(Alice is at a large department store.She

8、wants to buy a blouse.The salesperson is helping her.)Salesperson:Good afternoon,maam.May I help you?Alice:Yes,thank you.May I see that blouse,please?Salesperson:Which one,maam?Alice:The green one on the third shelf,next to those blue socks.Salesperson:Here you are.Alice:What size is it?Integrated S

9、kills DevelopmentDialogueMay I Help You?售货员售货员A货架货架袜子袜子Salesperson Its size 6.Alice:Thats just my size.But it looks small.May I try it on?Salesperson:Of course.The fitting rooms are over there on your right.Integrated Skills DevelopmentDialogue试穿试穿当然;试衣室当然;试衣室A(Alice goes into the fitting room.Minut

10、es later,she comes out,wearing the green blouse.)Salesperson:How does it fit?Alice:I think its too tight.May I try size 8,please?Salesperson:Im sorry.I dont have a green one in size 8.What about that yellow one?Alice:Okay.It looks nice.Ill try that.I like that color,too.(Alice tries on the yellow on

11、e.)Alice:Yes.This is perfect.How much is it?Salesperson:Its 128 yuan.Alice:Dont you have any discount on this blouse?Salesperson:Im afraid not.Alice:OK,Ill take this one.Integrated Skills DevelopmentDialogueHow Does It Fit?紧小的紧小的(人 民(人 民币)元币)元BA large store is having its spring sale on shoes and boo

12、ts.It is the first day of the sale,and the shoe department is full of women.They are eagerly trying to buy the shoes and boots.There are all kinds of shoes and boots in a variety of colors,and the prices are much lower than usual,because the store wants to sell all of them in order to make room for

13、new stock.Integrated Skills DevelopmentPassageI Dont Need a Bag春季大甩卖春季大甩卖靴靴满是满是急切地急切地各种各样各种各样存货存货AThe cashiers are very busy.Now Mrs.Green comes to one of them with her money in her hand and says,“I dont need a bag,thank you.Im wearing the new shoes.”“Would you like a bag to put your old shoes in th

14、en?”the cashier asks politely.“No,thank you,”Mrs.Green answers quickly,“I have sold those to someone else.”Integrated Skills DevelopmentPassage收款员收款员礼貌地礼貌地其他的其他的AIntegrated Skills DevelopmentAnswer the following questions according to the dialogues.11.What does Alice want to buy?2.What size does she

15、 usually wear?3.How does size 6 fit her this time?4.What colors does Alice like?5.How much does the blouse cost?She wants to buy a blouse.She usually wears size 6.Its a bit too tight this time.She likes green and yellow.It costs 128 yuan.Integrated Skills DevelopmentAre the following statements true

16、(T)or false(F)according to the passage.21.The large store sells shoes and boots only in spring.2.The store is open to women for the first time.3.Women are eager to buy shoes and boots at a discounted price.4.The big store intends to sell all the shoes and boots to make big money.5.The cashiers are b

17、usy receiving money and offering bags.6.Mrs.Green does not need any bags.7.She sold her old shoes and wears the new ones.FFTFTTTIntegrated Skills DevelopmentMatch the items in the two columns and write out the whole sentences.31.The cashier a.are of all kinds and colors2.The store b.are much lower t

18、han usual3.The shoes and boots c.offers Mrs.Green a bag4.Mrs.Green d.is having a sale5.The prices e.has sold her old shoescdaebIntegrated Skills DevelopmentRead the following patterns and expressions often used in shopping and try to learn them by heart.41.Good morning.Can I help you?What can I offe

19、r/show you?Can I be of any help to you?2.Id like to buy some typical Chinese dolls.May I have a look at that T-shirt?Do you have blue skirts in size large?3.I prefer those light-colored jackets.The blue/white skirt looks nice.May I try it on?My husband wears size large,but this one looks small.Integ

20、rated Skills DevelopmentRead the following patterns and expressions often used in shopping and try to learn them by heart.44.It fits me well.But I dont like the style.The color is nice.But its not the right size.Have you got the dark-colored suit in size 44?5.Oh,great.I like this design.Perfect.The

21、color looks nice!The color matches my skin.Integrated Skills DevelopmentSuppose you are a salesperson in a gift department.You notice that a foreign tourist is trying to buy something.Begin your conversation with him.5You:Good 1 _.What can I 2 _you?Tourist:Im just looking for a present for my mother

22、.You:Then 3 _this yellow silk blouse?Tourist:The style is nice,but the color may not match her skin.Do you have a silk blouse 4 _,but 5 _?You:Yes.What do you think of this white one with blue flower patterns?Tourist:Thats 6 _.The color looks nice.But what is the 7 _?You:Its size large.8 _size for yo

23、ur mother?Tourist:Yes.My mother wears size large.Ill take it.morning/afternoonshow/offerwhat aboutin the same stylea different colorgood/nice/greatsizeIs it the rightSupplementary SentenceIntegrated Skills DevelopmentMatch the responses on the right with the questions on the left.61.How does it fit?

24、a.Yes.I wear size 8.2.Can I help you?b.Of course.Here you are.3.Which one,maam?c.The yellow one on the second shelf.4.May I have a look at that d.Oh,I think its too small.dress,please?5.Is this the right size?e.Actually I dont like the color.6.How about the red one?f.Yes.Id like to see that T-shirt.

25、dfcbaeIntegrated Skills DevelopmentComplete the dialogue by using the proper words or expressions.7Assistant:Good afternoon.1 _you?Customer:Yes.2 _ that shirt,3 _?Assistant:4 _.Here you are.Customer:Its the right size.But I 5 _ the color.6 _ that white one?Assistant:Im sorry,I 7 _ the white one in 8

26、 _.Customer:Then may I see the green shirt 9 _ the blue socks?Assistant:Sure.You may 10 _.The fitting rooms are over there.Can I helpMay I seepleaseOf coursedont likeMay/Can I havedont haveyour sizenext totry it onIntegrated Skills DevelopmentTranslate the following sentences into English.81.对不起,我看一

27、下那件大衣好吗?对不起,我看一下那件大衣好吗?(have a look at sth.)2.这条裙子合适吗?很合适,可我不喜欢这种颜色。这条裙子合适吗?很合适,可我不喜欢这种颜色。(fit sb.well)3.我丈夫喜欢淡颜色的衣服。我丈夫喜欢淡颜色的衣服。(light-colored)Excuse me.May I have a look at that coat,please?How does this skirt fit?It fits me well.But I dont like the color.My husband likes/prefers light-colored clo

28、thes.Integrated Skills DevelopmentTranslate the following sentences into English.84.那件淡蓝色的夹克有那件淡蓝色的夹克有44号的吗?号的吗?(in size 44)5.埃丽丝正在试穿那条黄裙子,裙子有点长。埃丽丝正在试穿那条黄裙子,裙子有点长。(try on)6.这件夹克衫有点紧,可以换件大号的吗?这件夹克衫有点紧,可以换件大号的吗?(in size large)Do you have that light-blue jacket in size 44?Alice is trying on that yello

29、w skirt.It is a little bit too long.This jacket is a bit too tight.May I have one in size large?Integrated Skills DevelopmentRead the following sentence patterns selected from Passage A,paying attention to the italicized parts and then translate sentences a,b and c.91.It is the first day of the sale

30、,and the shoe department is full of women.a.It is the first day of the new term,and the university campus is full of students.b.这是黄金周的最后一天,火车站里到处是游客。这是黄金周的最后一天,火车站里到处是游客。c.这是每天的交通高峰时间,路上车满为患。这是每天的交通高峰时间,路上车满为患。这是开学的第一天,大学校园里到处是学生。这是开学的第一天,大学校园里到处是学生。It is the last day of the golden week,and the rail

31、way station is full of tourists.It is the rush hour of the day,and the streets are full of cars and buses.Integrated Skills DevelopmentRead the following sentence patterns selected from Passage A,paying attention to the italicized parts and then translate sentences a,b and c.92.Would you like a bag

32、to put your old shoes in then?a.Would you like a chair to sit in for a while then?b.那么你想要根绳子把书捆一下吗?那么你想要根绳子把书捆一下吗?c.那么你想要本词典查一下吗?那么你想要本词典查一下吗?那么你想要把椅子坐一下吗?那么你想要把椅子坐一下吗?Would you like a rope to tie all the books with then?Would you like a dictionary to refer to then?Supplementary ExercisessentenceExe

33、rcise Im a shop assistant in a large department store.I meet a lot of customers every day.And I often find that some customers,especially ladies,are really big spenders.When they are planning to buy a skirt,for instance,theyll often look for something to match the skirt,such as a jacket,or a blouse.

34、If they buy a sweater,they are likely to buy a pair of slacks to match it.If they need to buy a sheet,theyll also think,“Oh,the color of the sheet is so nice,Id better have something to match that”.So they buy pillow-cases and blankets to match.Then they think theyll have some curtains to match.In t

35、his way,theyll spend several hundred yuan or even more than a thousand yuan.I dont know what they tell their husbands.Integrated Skills DevelopmentIntegrated Skills Development花钱人花钱人例如例如夹克夹克运动衫运动衫休闲裤休闲裤床单床单枕头套;被套枕头套;被套窗帘窗帘Read the following passage and decide whether the statements that follow are t

36、rue(T)or false(F).10Integrated Skills DevelopmentIntegrated Skills Development101.The writer is a salesperson in a department store.2.Most customers,especially women customers,are big spenders.3.Big spenders spend a lot of money buying things that are often unnecessary.4.The word“match”in this passa

37、ge means“to go well with”.5.When big spenders buy things,they do not mind how much they spend.TFTTTRead the following passage and decide whether the statements that follow are true(T)or false(F).When you go shopping,there are three points you should remember in order to save money.First,read as many

38、 shopping ads as you can.In this way,youll have a clear picture of where to buy things at the lowest prices.If you are lucky,youll get good bargains at even lower prices than you expected.Second,collect some coupons which offer discounts.With these coupons,you can save some money.Integrated Skills D

39、evelopmentPassageHow to Save Money in Shopping购物购物广告广告运气好的运气好的便宜货便宜货预料预料收集;折扣券收集;折扣券BThird,you must remember that prices vary from store to store and from time to time.When you visit open-air markets,flea markets,or yard sales,the prices of some goods are not final.There are always chances that you

40、can get good buys by bargaining or asking for discounts.Remember these points when you go shopping,and youll save money.Integrated Skills DevelopmentPassage变动变动露天的;旧货露天的;旧货市场;庭院市场;庭院最终的最终的BIntegrated Skills DevelopmentIntegrated Skills DevelopmentAre the following statements true(T)or false(F)accord

41、ing to the passage?11.Selling old furniture in front of ones house is called a yard sale.2.Prices are the same in all stores.3.You can save money by bargaining or asking for discounts.4.Open-air markets are places where you can get good buys by bargaining.5.The authors three suggestions will help yo

42、u make money.TFTTFIntegrated Skills DevelopmentRead the following sentence patterns selected from Passage B,paying attention to the italicized parts and then translate sentences a,b and c.21.There are always chances that you can get good buys by bargaining or asking for discounts.a.There are always

43、chances that you can learn to speak English by talking with native speakers.b.通过加盟大公司,你很可能会得到提升。通过加盟大公司,你很可能会得到提升。c.通过上网搜索我们很可能会查到需要的信息。通过上网搜索我们很可能会查到需要的信息。通过与外国人谈话,你就有机会学会说英语。通过与外国人谈话,你就有机会学会说英语。There are always chances that you can get promoted by joining big companies.There are always chances tha

44、t we can get the necessary information by searching online.Integrated Skills DevelopmentRead the following sentence patterns selected from Passage B,paying attention to the italicized parts and then translate sentences a,b and c.22.In this way,youll have a clear picture of where to buy things at the

45、 lowest prices.a.In this way,youll have a clear picture of how to make the most of the library.b.这样我们就清楚如何以最低的成本获得最大的利润。这样我们就清楚如何以最低的成本获得最大的利润。c.这样我们就清楚如何帮助那些穷人又不伤害他们的感情。这样我们就清楚如何帮助那些穷人又不伤害他们的感情。这样你就清楚如何充分利用图书馆。这样你就清楚如何充分利用图书馆。In this way,well have a clear picture of how to get the biggest profit at

46、 the lowest cost.In this way,well have a clear picture of how to help the poor without hurting their feelings.Integrated Skills DevelopmentRead the following sentence patterns selected from Passage B,paying attention to the italicized parts and then translate sentences a,b and c.23.Remember these po

47、ints when you go shopping,and youll save money.a.Remember my advice when you take the driving test,and youll pass it.b.告诉我实情我就原谅你。告诉我实情我就原谅你。c.选一两本好的练习册并坚持做,你就会得到满意的成绩。选一两本好的练习册并坚持做,你就会得到满意的成绩。考驾照时别忘了我的忠告,你就会通过的。考驾照时别忘了我的忠告,你就会通过的。Tell me the truth,and Ill forgive you.Take one or two good exercise b

48、ooks and stick to them,and youll get the satisfactory result.Applied Writing除了整体商店导购图以外,还有各个楼层的平面除了整体商店导购图以外,还有各个楼层的平面导购图和其他简单的购物指南图。平面导购图通导购图和其他简单的购物指南图。平面导购图通常以问讯处或某一点为中心,顾客可以通过各部常以问讯处或某一点为中心,顾客可以通过各部门直观的位置向左或向右找到所要找到的位置。门直观的位置向左或向右找到所要找到的位置。这种图形的编制主要是先把正确的位置图设计好,这种图形的编制主要是先把正确的位置图设计好,然后再添上各销售部门的名

49、称就可以了。然后再添上各销售部门的名称就可以了。Formats and PatternsFormats and PatternsApplied WritingSample 1 3rd Floor Mens ArticlesApplied WritingSample 2 Pick up your grammar谓语动词的现在完成时态谓语动词的现在完成时态在肯定句、否定句和疑问句中的用法举例:主语主语havehas宾语、表语或状语等宾语、表语或状语等其他成分其他成分 译文译文TheyI 他们已经去了北京。他们已经去了北京。我还没有干完这件工作。我还没有干完这件工作。have gonehavent

50、finishedto Beijing.the job yet.Johnhas beenin China for three years.约翰在中国已有约翰在中国已有3年了。年了。(疑 问疑 问词词)havehas译文译文主语主语V-ed宾语或状语宾语或状语等其他成分等其他成分Have 你去过北京吗?你去过北京吗?youbeento Beijing?has谁通过了测试?谁通过了测试?passedthe test?When(not)+V-edFill in the blanks with the proper forms of the verbs in the brackets.11.They _


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