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1、外研社必修二Module5 readingppt课件外研社必修二Module5 readingppt课件headlineheadline nC(新闻报道等)标题;pl.(广播或电视的)新闻提要辨析:headline,titleheadline 是指报纸报道的大字标题。title 指书画,戏曲,乐曲的名称或文章的标题。例句:A bold back headline screamed out from the front page.在报纸的头版上出现了一条触目惊心的粗黑体大字标题。The time is 12 oclock.Here are the news headlines.现在时刻12点,以

2、下是新闻提要。By Christmas,the publisher experts to have 25 titles available.到圣诞节时,出版商期望能出版25种书。workwork 不及物动词,不可数名词。常用词组有:work on 从事work on sb./sth.对某人/物有影响work out 计算出;理解;制定出work at 学习;研究out of work 下岗,失业at work 在工作;从事于work as 担任工作work for 为尽力;参加work up interest/courage 产生/激起兴趣/勇气People who work on newsp

3、apers and magazines.从事报纸和杂志工作的人们。例句:His words dont work on me.他的话对我不起作用。He sat down at his table to work out his plan.他坐在桌子上,制定自己的计划。Im trying to work up enough courage to go tothe dentists.我努力鼓起勇气看牙医。I will see you at work.明天上班见。用work的适当用法填空:(1)It took me some time to work _what was causing this.(2

4、)Some of us have been _of work for years.(3)He has spent the last two years working a book about children.(4)One of the girls I worked_is getting married this weekend.(5)He has worked_the maths problem for nearly an hour but he simply cant work it_.答案:(1)out(2)out(3)on(4)with(5)on;outadd 及物动词,表示“加,增

5、加;进一步说、写”;作不及物动词时表示“增添;加起来”后接to。补充说到/又说“I hope you can come here with your family”,he added.常用词组:(1)add to 添加,增添(2)add up to 总计,总共(3)addto 把加到中去 Add some hot water to the strong coffee.(4)add up 把加起来 Can you add these figures up?Add details to other studentsnews items.给其他同学的新闻事件补充详细材料。例句Please add s

6、ome water to the glass.请往杯子中加些水。Our explanation seemed only to add to his puzzlement.我们的解释似乎只能使他更加困惑。Add your scores up and we will see who win.把你们的得分加起来,我们就可以看出谁赢了。The cost of the books added up to 30 dollars.这些课本的花费加起来总计30美元。The woods and the newly dug river through the campus _ the beauty of this

7、 world-known university.Aadd upBadd toCare added up Dare added to 解析:选B。考查动词短语辨析。add.to.把加到上。句意:小树林和新挖的贯穿校园的小河增添了这所世界著名大学的美丽ReadingVocabulary Vocabulary The style of this article is most probably _.A.a notice B.a diaryC.a piece of news D.a storyStyle and StructureStyle and StructureConversations in

8、SpaceCongratulations from Around the WorldOctober 16th,2003 PredictionPrediction外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)A.Conversations in SpaceB.October 16th,2003C.Congratulations from Around the World Part 1Part 2Part 3SkimmingSkimming外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5

9、 reading(共69张PPT)Chinese Taikonaut Back on Earth!中国宇航员返回地球!1.Chinas first taikonaut Lieutenant Colonel Yang Liwei landed safely this morning in the Shenzhou V capsule in Inner Mongolia,300 kilometres northwest of Beijing.中国首位宇航员杨利伟今天上午乘坐神舟五号太空舱在北京西北300公里以外的内蒙 古安全着陆。2.Yang was in space for twentyone

10、and a half hours and made 14 orbits of the earth.杨在太空待了21.5个小时,飞船绕地球飞了14圈。3.“It is a great moment in the history of Chinaand also the greatest day of my life,”said Yang.他说:“这是中国历史上的一个重要时刻也是我生命中最重要的一天。”外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)4.When he was orbiting in the capsule,h

11、e took photographs of planet earth.当他在太空舱内环绕地球飞行的时候,他拍了很多地球的照片。5.“Our planet is so beautiful,”he said.他说:“我们的星球真是太美了。”6.The Beijing Space Control Centre said the flight was a“complete success”.杨北京航天指挥控制中心说这次飞行是一个“巨大的成功”。7.When Yang landed,Premier Wen Jiabao telephoned the Control Centre to offer his

12、 congratulations.杨着陆时,温家宝总理向指挥控制中心打电话表示祝贺。外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)8.When Yang took off from Jiuquan in northwest China at 9 am yesteday,China became the third nation to send a man into space.昨天上午9点,当杨从中国西北部的酒泉起飞时,中国成为世界上第三个把人送入太 空的国家。9.Yang is the 431st person to

13、travel in space,including astronauts from 32 countries.在来自32个国家的宇航员中,杨是第431个在太空旅行的人。10.In total,these astronauts have spent more than 26,000 days in space.这些宇航员总共在太空待的时间已经超过26,000天。外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)Read the first part of the article and match the questions

14、with the answers.A.Inner MongoliaB.Shenzhou VC.JiuquanD.430E.26,000 1.How many people had travelled in space before Yang?2.What was the name of the capsule?3.Where did Yang land?4.Where did Yang take off from?5.How many days have astronauts spent in space in total?外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修

15、二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)Part1Chinas first taikonaut Lieutenant Colonel Yang Liwei 1.safely this morning in the Shenzhou 2.in Inner Mongolia,300 kilometres northwest of Beijing.Yang was in space for twentyone and a half hours and made 14 3.of the earth.The Beijing Space Control Centre said the 4.was

16、 a“complete success”When Yang landed,Premier Wen Jiabao telephoned the Control Centre to offer his 5.Yang is the 431st person to travel in space.6.,these astronauts from 32 countries have spent more than 26,000 days in space.Practice Practice landedcapsuleorbitsflightcongratulationsIn total外研社必修二Mod

17、ule5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)8.When Yang took off from Jiuquan in northwest China at 9 am yesterday,China became the third nation to send a man into space.翻译:当杨于昨天上午9点从中国西北部的酒泉起飞的时候,中国成为第 三个将人送上太空的国家。解析:本句的主干是“China became the third nation”;“to send a man into space”是不定式结构作定语,修

18、饰前面的 nation;when引导的是一个时间状语从句。外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)9.Yang is the 431st person to travel in space,including astronauts from 32 countries.翻译:来自32个国家的宇航员中,杨利伟是第431位太空旅行者。解析:(1)本句的主干是“Yang is the 431st person”;(2)“including astronauts from 32 countries”是现在分词结构作状语。(3

19、)“to travel in space”是不定式结构作定语,修饰前面的person,被修饰的词是序数词;含有序数词的名词词组;形容词的最高级修饰名词后多用不定式作定语。外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)例句:He is always the first to come and the last to leave the classroom.他总是第一个到,最后一个离开。Tom is the first student in our school to win such a special honour.汤姆

20、是我们校第一个获得此特殊荣誉的学生。拓展:include “包含、包括”常见有两种形式:including和included。其区别是:including后接所包含的东西;而所包含的东西应included之前。例如:本句中的“including astronauts from 32 countries”可以改写为 “astronauts from 32 countries included”。外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)(1)The last one_pays the meal.Agreed.Aarri

21、ved Bto arrive Carriving Darrives解析:选B。句意:最后一个到来的埋单。不定式短语作定语,前面是序数词。arrived 是过去式;to arrive 是不定式;arriving是动词的ing形式表示正在进行;arrives是一般现在时。外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)(2)This company was the first_potable radios and cassette tape recorders in the world.Aproduce Bto produce

22、 Cproduced Dproduces解析:选B。the first 是序数词。序数词修饰名词时一般用不定式作定语。produce是动词原形;to produce是不定式;produced是过去式;produces是一般现在时。外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)land safely 安全着陆 in space 在太空中 take a photograph/photographs of拍照外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)

23、congratulation n.常用复数。祝贺,贺词。congratulate v.祝贺,向道喜,恭喜;congratulate sb.on sth.祝贺某人某事;congratulations to sb.on sth.:因某事祝贺某人 I offer you my hearty congratulations on the New Year.我衷心向你祝贺新年。You have passed the driving test!Congratulations!你驾驶考试及格了!恭喜!外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共6

24、9张PPT)congratulate,celebrationcelebrate对节日,生日,胜利等的“庆祝”;congratulate指对某人取得的成就或喜庆之事表示“庆贺”;Li Ming held a party to celebrate his admission to Qinghua University,and his friends congratulated him on his success.李明举办了一个聚会来庆祝他考入清华大学,他的朋友们都 祝贺他的成功。外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT

25、)(1)Let me congratulate you_the birth of your daughter.Aat Bon Cin Dby解析:选B。congratulate sb.on sth.祝贺某人某事。句意:让我就你女儿的生日表示祝贺。外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)(2)The three sisters decided to hold a family party to _ their parents silver wedding.Acelebrate Bmemorize Ccongratul

26、ate Dwelcome解析:选A。celebrate对节日,生日,胜利等的“庆祝”;memorize 记住,记忆;congratulate 指对某人取得的成就或喜庆之事表示“庆贺”;welcome 欢迎。句意:姐妹三人决定举行一个家庭聚会来庆祝他们父母的银婚。外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)(3)The two sportsmen congratulated each other _ winning the match by shaking hands.Awith Bon Cin Dto解析:选B。句意:

27、两位运动员握手祝贺比赛的胜利。congratulate sb.on sth.,介词用on 而不是其他介词。外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)success的用法及其同根词的用法 succeed in doing sth.成功地做某事be successful in 在成功例句:You will be successful in whatever you do and you will have a very full and interesting life.你不管做什么都会成功,并且会过着非常充实有趣的生活

28、。with success 事事如愿achieve success 取得成功外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)take off的意思很多:起飞;匆忙离开;受欢迎;脱下(衣服);休假The plane took off despite the fog.尽管有雾,飞机仍起飞了。He took off for the station at a run.他匆忙向车站跑去。The dictionary has really taken off.这部词典极受欢迎。It is very warm in the room a

29、nd you had better take off your coat.房间里很暖和,你最好脱掉外套。Im taking next week off.我下周要休假。外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)常用短语:外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)用take的适当用法填空:(1)We tried to find a table for seven,but they were all taken_.(2)He has taken_

30、drink.(3)She has taken_a job as a teacher.(4)When she was ill,her daughter took_the business from her.(5)I take_what I said just now.答案:(1)up(2)to(3)up(4)over(5)back外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)in space 宇宙中,空中make space for 让出空间sendinto space 将.送进太空 in total=in all=tot

31、ally=all together 合计,总共more thanmore or less 或多或少 外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)1.While he was travelling in space,Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station,which is orbiting the earth,American astronaut Edward Lu and Russian cosmonaut Yuri Mal

32、enchenko.在太空旅行期间,杨与正在环绕地球飞行的国际空间站上的两位宇航员通了话,那 两位是美国宇航员爱德华卢(卢杰)和俄罗斯宇航员尤里马林年科。2.Lu,whose parents were born in China,spoke to Yang in Chinese during his flight.卢的父母出生在中国,他用中文与飞行中的杨交谈。3.“Welcome to space,”he said.他说:“欢迎来到太空。”4.Malenchenko said,“I am glad there is somebody else in space with us.Its great

33、 work by thousands and thousands of people from China.”马林年科说:“我很高兴在太空还有别人与我们在一起,这是千百万中国人的杰作”外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)Part2While travelling in space,Yang spoke to two foreign astronauts 7.the International Space Station.The American astronaut Edward Lu,whose parents

34、 were born in China,spoke to Yang in Chinese during his flight“8.to space”Practice Practice aboradWelcome外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)1.While he was travelling in space,Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station,which is orbiting the earth,Amer

35、ican astronaut Edward Lu and Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko.解析:(1)本句的主干是“Yang spoke to two astronauts”;(2)“aboard the International Space Station”是一个介词结构作定 语,修饰前面的astronauts;(3)which引导的是一个定语从句,修饰前面的Station;(4)“American astronaut Edward Lu and Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko”是同位语,解释说明前面的 astro

36、nauts;(5)“While he was travelling in space”是时间状语从句。外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)aboard adv/adj.在船、飞机、车上 例句:Welcome aboard!请登机/上船!All aboard,please!请登机/上船!Welcome aboard the flight to Washington DC.!欢迎搭乘本次飞往华盛顿特区的航班!on board=go aboard the plane/the train/the boat 在飞机/车/

37、船上 All the people aboard/on board were killed in the accident.船上所有的人在这次事故中都死了。外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)词义辨析:aboard/abroad/board/broad He was already aboard the plane.他已经登上飞机了。There are several professors from abroad in our university.在我们学校有几位来自国外的教授。I boarded the p

38、lane bound for England.我登上了飞往英格兰的飞机。He had broad shoulders and powerful arms.他肩膀宽大,双臂有力。词义 aboard上(飞机、船、火车等)abroad在国外,出国,往国外的 board董事会,甲板;上(飞机、船、火车等);寄宿 broad宽阔的,宽阔地外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)The passengers are all_the plane and they are listening to the news.Aabroad

39、 BbroadCaboard Dboard解析:选C。句意:乘客都上飞机了,他们正在听新闻。外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)Welcome(1)vt 欢迎,迎接 (2)adj.受欢迎的(3)随意的.例句:You are welcome to stay with us as long as you like.-Thank you for the coffee.-You are welcome .I am happy that I was warmly welcomed.我很高兴受到了热烈欢迎外研社必修二Mod

40、ule5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)It is a pleasure to welcome you to our home.欢迎你光临寒舍。Your letter was very welcome.很高兴收到你的信。sb be welcome to do sth 欢迎某人干某事 be welcome to do sth 可以随意做某事 be welcome to sth 可以随便拥有 You are welcome 不用谢/别客气 give sb/sth a warm welcome 热烈欢迎某人/欣然接受(邀请/建议)外研社必

41、修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)(1)Bill,can I get you anything to drink?_.A.No problem B.You are welcome C.Doesnt matter D.I wouldnt mind a coffee 答案:B(2)I feel greatly honored _into their society.Ato welcome Bwelcoming Cto be welcomed Dwelcomed解析:选C。进入他们的社会圈非常荣幸。外研社必修二Module

42、5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)1.Many countries around the world sent messages of congratulations.世界上很多国家发来了贺信。2.Sean OKeefe from NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)in the US said that Yangs space flight was“an important historical achievement and NASA wishes China c

43、ontinuing success with its space flight programme”.来自美国NASA(国家航空航天管理局)的先奥基夫说杨利伟的太空飞行是重要的历 史性成就。美国国家航天局希望中国太空飞行不断成功。3.United Nations SecretaryGeneral Kofi Annan called the flight“a step forward for the whole world”联合国秘书长科菲安南称这次飞行是全世界向前迈出的一大步 外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT

44、)Part3Many countries around the world sent messages of congratulations.Sean OKeefe from NASA said that Yangs space flight was“an important 9.10.”Practice Practice historicalachievement外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)wishsuccess/luck 祝成功/好运wish sb.sth.祝愿某人某事wish sb.adj.祝愿w

45、ish 之后的从句,表示现在无法实现的愿望时,从句的谓语用一般过去式,系动词 be用were.表示过去无法实现的愿望时,从句的谓语用过去完成式。I wish you a happy journey.祝你一路顺风。I wish I were a bird.我希望我是一只鸟。外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)(1)Jack wishes that he_business instead of history when he was in university.Astudied Bstudy Chad been s

46、tudying Dhad studied解析:选D。句意:杰克希望他在大学期间学的是商业而不是历史。上大学是过去的事,对过去事情的假设用过去完成时。(2)I wish there _ no misunderstanding on this matter.A.to B.to be C.be D.are解析:选B。句意:我希望在这件事上没有误解。there to be no misunderstanding on this matterthere were no misunderstanding.外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading

47、(共69张PPT)Practice Practice 外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)1The passage Part 1 is mainly about .AChinas first taikonaut Yang Liwei landed safely from space.BThe flight to space is a great moment in the history of China.CYang Liwei was a great success.2Whats the text mainl

48、y about?ACongratulations from all over the world.BChinas first man in space.COctober 16th,2003a great moment in the history of China.Practice Practice 外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)3While orbiting the earth,Yang did many things EXCEPT .Aenjoying the beautiful scenery of

49、 the earth Btaking a lot of photographs of the earth Creceiving messages of congratulations4“It is a great moment in the history of Chinaand also the greatest day of my life”,the sentence said by .APremier Wen Jiabao BEdward Lu CYang Liwei5Whats the purpose of this reading?ATo introduce Yang Liwei.B

50、To welcome to space.CTo tell the fact that China succeeded in sending a man into space.Practice Practice 外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)外研社必修二Module5 reading(共69张PPT)Practice Practice 用所给单词或短语的正确形式完成课文缩写 message;land;photograph;in history;achievement;offer one s congratulations;travel;astronaut;orbit


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