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1、Unit 10The Introduction of Childrens The Introduction of Childrens Cognitive GrowthCognitive Growth 儿童的认知发展简介儿童的认知发展简介Practice for Childrens English Teaching Skills1、Play the following game for children.2 2、Read the expressions for classroom Read the expressions for classroom managementmanagement3、R

2、ead the following story4 4、Read the following rhymesRead the following rhymes5 5、Read the following chantsRead the following chants6 6、Sing the following songSing the following song1、Play the following game for children.Weather Cards (天气卡片)(天气卡片)Firstly,teacher pastes a global map on the wall.And th

3、en sets out some cards,on them there are some symbols representing weather of sunny,cloudy,rainy and so on.One child says about the weather in some place,for example as“London is rainy.”Other children should pick up the rainy card as soon as possible and paste the card on the map where represent Lon

4、don.Who is fast,who is the winner.2 2、Read the expressions for classroom Read the expressions for classroom managementmanagement(1)排队!)排队!Line up!(2)立正!)立正!Attention!(3)站站直!)站站直!Straighten up!(4)报数。)报数。Count off.(5)一个跟着一个走。)一个跟着一个走。Go one after another.弯弯膝盖。弯弯膝盖。Bend your knees.(8)(9)游戏的名字叫。The name

5、 of the game is./The game is called.(10)碰碰脚趾。碰碰脚趾。Touch your toes.拍拍手。拍拍手。C lap your hands.(15)跳得高。)跳得高。Jump high.(16)往后跨。)往后跨。Step backward.(17)往前跨。)往前跨。Step forward.(18)站成一条直线。)站成一条直线。Stand in a line.3、Read the following storyThe Storm(暴风雨)(暴风雨)A friend of mine has a beautiful four-year-old daught

6、er.She is smart and loves to talk.If a contest were being held for the cutest little girl,she would win hands down.One night there was a violent thunderstorm.The lightning flashed and the thunder rumbled-it wasone of those scary storms that force everyone to stop and tremble a bit.My friend ran upst

7、airs to his daughters bedroom to see if she was afraid and to tell her that everything would be all right.He got to her room and found her standing on the windowsill,against the glass.When he shouted“What are you doing?”,she turned away from the flashing lightning and happily said,“I think God is tr

8、ying to take my picture.”4 4、Read the following rhymesRead the following rhymes It Is Raining(下雨了)(下雨了)It is raining,it is raining,On my head,on my head.Pitter,patter,raindrops,Pitter,patter,raindrops,Im all wet!Im all wet!Rainbow(彩虹彩虹)Rainbow purple,rainbow blue,Rainbow green and yellow,too.Rainbow

9、 orange,rainbow red,Rainbow shining over head.Snow(雪)(雪)Snow cold,snow soft,Snow clean,snow white.With the snow balls,The boys will fight.The Sun(太阳)(太阳)The sun is up,Between the trees.To wake the birds.The sun is up and shining.Wind Tricks(风儿戏法)(风儿戏法)The wind is full of tricks today.It blew our new

10、spaper away.It chased the trash can down the street,And almost blew us off our feet!Clouds(云)(云)When I look into the sky,I can see the clouds go by.They dont ever make a sound,As the winds push them around.Push them around.Some go fast and some go slow.I wonder where the clouds all go.5 5、Read the f

11、ollowing chantsRead the following chants Hot and Humid(又热又湿)(又热又湿)Its hot today.Its hot today.Hot and humid.Hot and humid.Its hot today.Its hot today.Isnt it?Isnt it?It sure is.It sure is.Hot and humidHot and humidToo hot.Too hot.Much too hot.Much too hot.Too hot to work.Too hot to work.Too hot to p

12、lay.Too hot to play.Too hot to walk to work today.Too hot to walk to work today.Its hot today.Its hot today.Hot and humidHot and humidToo hot.Too hot.Much too hot.Much too hot.Too hot to work.Too hot to work.Too hot to play.Too hot to play.Too hot to walk to work today.Too hot to walk to work today.

13、Rain on My Umbrella(雨点落在我伞上)(雨点落在我伞上)Drip drip,drip,drip,Drip drip,drip,drip,Drip drip,drip.Drip drip,drip.Rain on my umbrella,Rain on my umbrella.Never stops.Drip drip,drip.6 6、Sing the following songSing the following songQuestions for text discussionrelatev.讲讲,叙述叙述;使联系使联系;与与有联系有联系/关系关系 mentaladj.

14、精神的精神的,智力的智力的literacyn.有读写能力有读写能力providev.供应供应,供给供给,准备准备 relevantadj.有关的有关的,适当的适当的critically adv.批判性地批判性地reasonv.推理推理,推断推断,分析分析 directvt.指引指引,指导指导manipulatevt.操作操作,摆布摆布,控制控制 inquire v.询问询问,问明问明classifyvt.分类分类,分等分等label vt.贴标签于贴标签于;把把归类归类comparev.比较比较,相比相比,experimentvi.尝试尝试,进行实验进行实验 meaningfuladj.意味深

15、长的意味深长的cognition n.认识能力认识能力achievementn.成就成就,功绩功绩peern.同龄人同龄人,同等的人同等的人manipulativeadj.用手控制的用手控制的,巧妙处理的巧妙处理的 progressvi.前进前进,进步进步,reinforcevt.加强加强,强化强化originaladj.新颖的,独创的新颖的,独创的;有有独到见解的独到见解的 in words用语言;口头上用语言;口头上Childrens Cognitive Development Cognitive development is about knowing and thinking.It r

16、elates to knowledge and how that knowledge is acquired.As you begin to plan for children in this developmental focus area,consider childrens development of mental abilities,language,memory,creativity,communication,and literacy.The setting that enhances cognitive development is one that provides inte

17、resting and relevant opportunities for children to develop their thinking and communication abilities.Play allows the child to think critically-to see,to explore and to reason.The natural curiosity of children directs their interest in solving a problem.The manipulating and exploring of real objects

18、 encourages children to discover,to inquire,to remember,to classify,to label,to compare,and to see cause and effect.These are critical thinking skills that emerge when children are allowed to experiment and make meaningful choices.The language or languages a child acquires are the first and most app

19、arent outcome that indicates cognition is developing.The capability to think about ideas and then to communicate those ideas in words is a significant cognitive achievement.Language is the foundation to a childs interaction with family and peers.Language affects emotional behaviors as well.Teachers

20、should encourage children to reason and to communicate throughout the day with exploratory and manipulative materials.Cognitive growth progresses as children acquire skills in critical thinking and language.You will support children in their cognitive development and language development by helping

21、them to recognize new ideas and by reinforcing their original and creative ideas.1.It relates to knowledge how that knowledge is acquired.它与知识有关,与怎样获得知识有关。它与知识有关,与怎样获得知识有关。(1)relate vt.讲,叙述:使联系;显示讲,叙述:使联系;显示的关系:的关系:e.g.He related what he had seen in the theatre.他把在剧场中所看到的情况叙述了一遍。他把在剧场中所看到的情况叙述了一遍。Th

22、e Belgian language is closely related to French.比利时语与法语密切相关。比利时语与法语密切相关。(2)vi.与与有联系有联系/关系关系(常与常与to连用连用):e.g.She is concerned only about what relates to herself.她只关心与自己有关的事。她只关心与自己有关的事。2.The setting that enhances cognitive development is one that provides interesting and relevant opportunities for ch

23、ildren to develop their thinking and communication abilities.提高认知发展的环境只有一个,那就是为提高认知发展的环境只有一个,那就是为发展儿童的思维和交际能力提发展儿童的思维和交际能力提供有趣的和适当的机会。供有趣的和适当的机会。(1)provide(sth.)for sb./sth.为为提供;为提供;为做准备;做准备;为为提供生计,赡养提供生计,赡养e.g.The local government provided special buses for the guests.地方政府为宾客提供了专车。地方政府为宾客提供了专车。We m

24、ust provide for the future.我们必须为将来做好准备。我们必须为将来做好准备。He has a wife and seven children to provide for.他需要赡养他需要赡养妻子和七个孩子。妻子和七个孩子。(2)provide(sb.)with sth.给给提供提供 e.g.Beijing University provided her with an allowance when she was studying there.北京大学在她学习期间给她提供了津贴。北京大学在她学习期间给她提供了津贴。3.-to see,to explore and t

25、o reason.-去看,去探去看,去探索,去推理。索,去推理。reason vi/vt.推理推理,思维思维;讲道理讲道理(常与常与with连用连用);推断推断,分析分析(常接常接 that 宾语从句宾语从句):e.g.Animals do not have the ability to reason.禽兽禽兽没有思维能力。没有思维能力。It is useless to reason with her.跟她讲道理没用跟她讲道理没用He reasoned that since she had not answered his letter she must have left here.他推断,

26、由于她没有给他他推断,由于她没有给他回信,她一定是已经离开这里了。回信,她一定是已经离开这里了。4.The manipulating and exploring of real objects 摆弄和探究真实的实物摆弄和探究真实的实物 manipulate vt.操作操作,摆布摆布,控制控制e.g.He quickly learned how to manipulate the controls of a plane.他很快学会了操作飞机的操纵他很快学会了操作飞机的操纵装置。装置。It is a simple matter to manipulate such a situation.控制这种

27、局面是很简单的事情。控制这种局面是很简单的事情。5.to see cause and effect.去看原因与结去看原因与结果。果。(1)cause n.原因原因,起因起因;e.g.Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death and disease.在可以预防的引在可以预防的引发死亡和疾病的因素当中,吸烟排在第一位发死亡和疾病的因素当中,吸烟排在第一位(2)vt.引起引起,导致导致,造成造成 e.g.The earthquake caused great damage.地震造成很大损害。地震造成很大损害。7.The language or

28、 languages a child acquires are the first and most apparent outcome that indicates cognition is developing.儿童获得的一种或几种语言儿童获得的一种或几种语言是最早的、最明是最早的、最明显的,表明认知在发展的结果。显的,表明认知在发展的结果。8.The capability to think about ideas and then to communicate those ideas in words is a significant cognitive achievement.考虑想法的

29、能考虑想法的能力和随后用语言交流那些想法,力和随后用语言交流那些想法,是个有重要意义的认知成就。是个有重要意义的认知成就。in words 用语言;口头上用语言;口头上 e.g.The beauty of the scene cannot be expressed in words.景色之美无法用言语表达。景色之美无法用言语表达。I found it hard to convey my feelings in words.我觉我觉得难以用言语来表达我的感情。得难以用言语来表达我的感情。9.Cognitive growth progresses as children acquire skill

30、s in critical thinking and language.在儿童获得批判性思维和语言技巧时,认知发展进步了在儿童获得批判性思维和语言技巧时,认知发展进步了。(1)progress n.前进;进步前进;进步 e.g.The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer.医学界在抗癌的斗争中不断取得进步。医学界在抗癌的斗争中不断取得进步。(2)vi.前进;发展;进步前进;发展;进步e.g.We are progressing fairly with the work.我们正在顺利地进我

31、们正在顺利地进行工作。行工作。She is progressing in her studies.她学习有进步。她学习有进步。St.Patricks Day St.Patricks Day is celebrated on March 17,the saints religious feast day and the anniversary of his death in the fifth century.The Irish have observed this day as a religious holiday for over 1,000 years.On St.Patricks Da

32、y Irish families would traditionally attend church in the morning and celebrate in the afternoon.People would dance,drink and feast-on the traditional meal of Irish bacon and cabbage.Saint Patrick,who lived during the fifth century,is the patron saint and national apostle of Ireland.Born in Roman Br

33、itain,he was kidnapped and brought to Ireland as a slave at the age of 16.He later escaped,but returned to Ireland and was credited with bringing Christianity to its people.In the centuries following Patricks death(believed to have been on March 17,461),the mythology surrounding his life became ever

34、 more ingrained in the Irish culture:Perhaps the most well known legend is that he explained the Holy Trinity(Father,Son and Holy Spirit)using the three leaves of a native Irish clover,the shamrock.In modern-day Ireland,St.Patricks Day was traditionally been a religious occasion.In fact,up until the

35、 1970s,Irish laws mandated that pubs be closed on March 17.Beginning in 2019,however,the Irish government began a national campaign to use interest in St.Patricks Day to drive tourism and showcase Ireland and Irish culture to the rest of the world.Today,approximately 1 million people annually take p

36、art in Irelands St.Patricks Festival in Dublin,a multi-day celebration parades,concerts,outdoor theater productions and fireworks shows.圣帕特里克节圣帕特里克节 庆祝圣帕特里克节是在庆祝圣帕特里克节是在3月月17日日,它是圣徒的宗它是圣徒的宗教盛宴日教盛宴日,是他在第五世纪死亡的周年纪念日。爱是他在第五世纪死亡的周年纪念日。爱尔兰已经把这一天作为一个宗教节日庆祝已有尔兰已经把这一天作为一个宗教节日庆祝已有1000多年的历史了。在圣帕特里克节那天多年的历史了。在





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