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1、Book 3 Module 6Old and NewLearning aims1.Students can master some important words and useful expressions.2.Students can properly use these words and expressions in grammar filling,error correction and writing.Homework Checking(1)词性变化1.accommodate.v._n.(住宿,膳食供应)2.history.n._adj.(与历史有关的)_adj.(历史的,有历史意

2、义的)3.poem.诗歌(可数)n._n.(诗人)_n.诗歌,诗集,诗意(不可数)4.observe.监视,评论,遵守,庆祝v._n.(观察)_n.(瞭望台)accommodationhistoricalhistoricpoetpoetryobservationobservatoryHomework Checking(1)词性变化5.fog.n._adj.(多雾的)6.remove v._n.(移动,搬迁,开除)7.freeze.v.使结冰,冻僵,(因害怕(因害怕)不动,惊不动,惊呆,吓呆呆,吓呆 _(过去式)_(过去分词)_adj.冷冰冰的,极冷的 _adj.冷冻的,冻坏的foggyremo

3、valfrozefrozenfreezingfrozenHomework Checking8.construct v._ n.建造,建设9.narrow adj.狭窄的,勉强的,vt.使变窄 _ adv.狭窄地,勉强地narrowlyconstructionHomework Checking1.追溯到,起源于_ 2.把从中移开/开除_3.梦想(做某事)_ 4.阻止,抑制,隐瞒,踌躇_5.实现梦想_ _6.全球变暖_7.有年的历史_ 8.在建设中_9.有意义,有道理_ 10.结束,终止_date from/date back to removefromhold back (make)the dr

4、eam come true;achieve/realise the dreamglobal warming have a history of under constructionmake sense bring an end to dream of/about(doing sth)1.date(P82)n.日期,时代,约会 v.始于(某一历史时期);与约会 1.out of date(style)过时的,陈旧的 up to date 最新式的,现代的 2.date back to/date from 始于,追溯到始于,追溯到常用于一般现在一般现在时主动语态,不用于被动语态,常用其现在分词现在

5、分词做后置定语后置定语。e.g:This chair dates back to 300 years ago.an old temple dating back to/from Ming Dynasty.无冠词无冠词2.accommodate(P82)容纳容纳;提供膳宿;给提供膳宿;给提供方便;适应提供方便;适应1.accommodation n.膳食供应,提供膳食供应,提供住宿住宿 2.accommodate sb.with sth.=provide sb.with sth.帮忙,为帮忙,为提供方便提供方便3.accommodate oneself to(doing)sth 使自己适应使自己

6、适应 =adjust oneself to/adapt oneself to4.hold(held-held)相关短语1.hold back prevent sb/sth from moving forward or crossing sth,拦阻,阻挡not tell sb sth they want or need to know隐瞒stop yourself from expressing your feeling 抑制,控制情感make sb hesitate(使)犹豫,踌躇hold sb backeg:hold back tears/useful information/anger4

7、.hold相关短语2.hold uphold sb./sth up delay or block the movement or process of sth.延迟,阻碍,耽误support sb/sth and stop them from falling 支撑,举起,抬起e.g:The traffic was held up by an accident.4.hold相关短语3.hold on(电话用语)别挂断tell sb to wait or stop 等着,停住survive in a difficult or danderous situation 坚持住,挺住4.hold on

8、to keep holding 抓紧保住优势,不送或不买某物5.hold out 伸出,伸出,维持维持5.make sense(P83)sense n.意义,感受;v 感觉到,感知到mon sense 常识2.in a sense 在某一方面 in no sense 决不3.a sense of humour/direction/responsibility/achievement/safety/jutice幽默感/方向感/责任感/成就感/安全感/正义感5.make sense(P83)4.make sense of sth.了解,懂得的意义5.make sense to sb 对某人有意义6

9、.It(doesnt/didnt)make sense to do sth.做某事有(无)意义,做某事有(无)道理There is no sense in(doing)sth.做某事无意义,做某事无道理6.take/spend/pay/cost/写出四个动词的过去式与过去分词 take spend pay costtook taken spent spent paid paidcost cost 6.take/spend/pay/cost/It take(s)sb time/money to do sth.sth.take sb time/money to do sth.做某事花了某人多少时间

10、/金钱sb.spend time/money on sth./(in)doing sth.Sb.pay money for sth./to do sth.sth cost sb.time/money.翻译:我买这本书花了十美元。Practice 1Grammar fillingOn a (freeze)cold day,the government held a discussion _ whether to remove the old temple _(date)back to Ming Dynasty and build a park there.Some people thought

11、made sense to do so they thought only in this way could their dream of(improve)life come true,while others tried to hold it because they thought this old temple deserved protecting.Whats more,_(remove)the enormous historic _(construct)was ridiculous.At last,they had to bring end to the discussion.On

12、 a (freeze)cold day,the government held a discussion _ whether to remove the old temple _(date)back to Ming Dynasty and build a park there.Some people thought made sense to do so they thought only in this way could their dream of(improve)life come true,while others tried to hold it because they thou

13、ght this old temple deserved protecting.Whats more,_(remove)the enormous historic _(construct)was ridiculous.At last,they had to bring end to the discussion.freezingon/aboutdatingitbecauseimprovingbackremovingconstructionanPractice 2 1.当我们面对误解时,我们不仅要向别人解释清楚,还要抑制住我们的怒火。(face,explain,hold back)2.为了实现你

14、的梦想,你应该努力地适应新的学校生活。(come true/realise/achieve;accommodate/adjust/adapt to)3.电脑游戏是如此的使人上瘾,以至于一些学生花大量的时间玩电脑游戏,这使他们的父母非常担心。(addictive,sothat,spend time doing)4.把历史遗迹从我们的城市移除是没有意义的。(remove,historical site;make sense)5.当务之急是采取措施终止全球变暖。(urgent,bring an end to,global warming)Practice 2 1.当我们面对误解时,我们不仅要向别人解

15、释清楚,还要抑制住我们的怒火。When we are faced with misunderstanding,we should not only explain it to others clearly,but also hold back our anger.Faced with/Facing misunderstanding,we should not only explain it to others clearly,but also hold back our anger.Practice 2 2.为了实现你的梦想,你应该努力地适应新的学校生活。In order to realise

16、/achieve your dream,you should make great efforts to accommodate/adjust/adapt yourself to the new school life.In order to make your dream come true,you should make great efforts to accommodate/adjust/adapt yourself to the new school life.Practice 2 3.电脑游戏是如此的使人上瘾,以至于一些学习花大量的时间在玩电脑游戏上,这使他们的父母非常担心。Com

17、puter games are so addictive that some students spend much time playing them,which makes their parents worried.Practice 2 4.把历史遗迹从我们的城市移除是没有意义的 It doesnt make sense to remove the historical site from our city.There is no sense in removing the historical site from our city.5.当务之急是采取措施终止全球变暖。It is urg

18、ent to take measures to bring an end to global warming.Practice 2 1.Faced with/Facing misunderstanding,we should not only explain it to others clearly,but also hold back our anger.2.In order to realise your dream,you should make great efforts to accommodateyourself to the new school life.3.Computer

19、games are so addictive that some students spend much time playing them,which makes their parents worried.Practice 2 4.It doesnt make sense to remove the historical site from our city.5.It is urgent to take measures to bring an end to global warming.SummaryWhat we have learned in this class?Words?phr

20、ases?sentences?Homework 1.完成学案上的完成学案上的Practice1-6 2.完成完成 P83-84 The best way to make your dream come true is to believe yourself and work hard!1.date(P82)Practice 1 1.The old man has a large collection of records _(date)back to the 1950s.2.I want to throw away the clothes out of the date.(改错)dating2

21、.accommodatePractice 2 1.Thank you for accommodating us _ such great service.2.After the earthquake,the first thing the local government did was to provide _(accommodate)for the homeless families.3._(accommodate)himself to the life abroad,he has to keep his knowledge and skills updated.withaccommoda

22、tionTo accommodate3.freeze(freeze-froze-frozen)Practice 1.She died in_(freeze)weather in a miserable cottage they shared.2.In order to keep healthy,wed better avoid eating too much_(freeze)food.freezingfrozen4.hold(hold-held-held)(P82-83)Practice 4Fill the blanks with proper phrases about“hold”1.The

23、 mail _ for two days because of the snow storm.2._,everything will be OK.3.The story was so moving that I could hardly _ my tears.4.The food supplies can _ for a week.5.The expression gives him away,I am sure he tries to_some secrets.was held upHold onhold backhold outhold backPractice 51.Having bee

24、n explained many times,she finally made a sense of the sentence.(改错)2.There is no sense in _(complain)to your friends about your difficulty.3.Whether you attend the party doesnt make any sense _ me意义的。It doesnt make sense to compain to your friend about your difficulty.There is no sense in complaini

25、ng to your friend about your plainingto6.take/spend/pay/cost/Practice 61.The accident cost him his life.It took his wife three years_(pay)off the debts he left.2.The old lady decided to spend the remaining time she could afford _(travel)around the world.3.In order to broaden our horizons,we should s

26、pend some time travel different places.to paytravellingtravlellingPractice 7 根据提示,利用本模块所学知识,完成下面的小作文。在寒冷的一天,市政府就是否把追溯到1 000年前的历史遗迹移走,在那儿建个公园展开讨论。(freezing;date back to;remove)一些人认为这样做有道理,因为他们认为只有以这样的方式,改善生活的梦想才能实现。(make sense;dream of;come true)而另一些人试图阻止,因为他们认为这座历史遗迹值得保护,而且把如此庞大的历史建筑移走是荒唐的。(hold bac

27、k;enormous;historic construction;ridiculous)最后,他们不得不终止了讨论。(bring an end to)在寒冷的一天,市政府就是否把追溯到1 000年前的历史遗迹移走,在那儿建个公园展开讨论。On a freezing cold day,the government held a discussion on/about whether to remove the historical site dating back to Ming Dynasty and build a park there.一些人认为这样做有道理,因为他们认为只有以这样的方式,

28、改善生活的梦想才能实现。Some people thought it made sense to do so because they thought only in this way could their dream of improving life come true,而另一些人试图阻止,因为他们认为这座历史遗迹值得保护,而且把如此庞大的历史建筑移走是荒唐的。However,others tried to hold it back because they thought this historical site deserved protecting.Whats more,remov

29、ing the enormous historic construction was ridiculous.最后,他们不得不终止了讨论。At last,they had to bring an end to the discussion.On a freezing cold day,the government held a discussion on/about whether to remove the historical site dating back to Ming Dynasty and build a park there.Some people thought it made

30、 sense to do so because they thought only in this way could their dream of improving life come true,However,others tried to hold it back because they thought this historical site deserved protecting.Whats more,removing the enormous historic construction was ridiculous.At last,they had to bring an en

31、d to the discussion.On a (freeze)cold day,the government held a discussion _ whether to remove the old temple _(date)back to Ming Dynasty and build a park there.Some people thought made sense to do so they thought only in this way could their dream of(improve)life come true,while others tried to hol

32、d it because they thought this old temple deserved protecting.Whats more,_(remove)the enormous historic _(construct)was ridiculous.At last,they had to bring end to the discussion.freezingon/aboutdatingitbecauseimprovingbackremovingconstructionanOn a (freeze)cold day,the government held a discussion

33、_ whether to remove the old temple _(date)back to Ming Dynasty and build a park there.Some people thought made sense to do so they thought only in this way could their dream of(improve)life come true,while others tried to hold it because they thought this old temple deserved protecting.Whats more,_(

34、remove)the enormous historic _(construct)was ridiculous.At last,they had to bring end to the discussion.Error correctionOn a frozen cold day,there was a poor poet who had written many poem.He had set a date for dinner with a rich man,hope the rich man could accommodate him for a delicious meal.However,his dream was not come true.Practice 7 1.当我们面对学习方面的困难时,我们只有控制我们沮丧的情绪。2.为了实现你的梦想,你应该努力地适应新的学校生活。3.电脑游戏是如此的使人上瘾,以至于一些学习花大量的时间在玩电脑游戏上,这使他们的父母非常担心。4.把历史遗迹从我们的城市移除是没有意义的 5.


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