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1、Lesson93 Our new neighbourDaily EnglishDo one thing at a time,and do well.一次只做一件事,做到最好。一次只做一件事,做到最好。Never forget to say“Thanks”.永远不要忘了说永远不要忘了说“谢谢谢谢”!Page 3RevisionPage 41.一般将来时一般将来时Ill miss him.我会想念他的。我会想念他的。将来时的结构:将来时的结构:助动词助动词shall(第一人称第一人称)+动词原形动词原形或或 will(第一、二、三人称第一、二、三人称)+动词原形动词原形 或或 be going t

2、o(第一、二、三人称第一、二、三人称)+动词原形动词原形Page 5一般将来时一般将来时 的特征词特征词 tomorrow,next year this month the day after tomorrow the year after the next in five hours time Page 6注意以下缩写注意以下缩写nwe will=wellnthey will=theyllnhe will=hellnshe will=shellnit will=itllnI will=Illnwill not=wontnshall not=shantPage 7Please make sen

3、tencen她什么时候搬进这所新房子呢?她什么时候搬进这所新房子呢?nWhen will she move into this new house?Page 8否定形式句型的回答否定形式句型的回答或证实或证实 He didnt want to leave this house.No,he didnt want to leave,but his wife did!是的,是的,他不想离开。他不想离开。注意对注意对否定形式句型的回答否定形式句型的回答或证实:如果表达肯定,用或证实:如果表达肯定,用yes,回答;回答;表达否定,用表达否定,用No,回答。回答。如:如:He doesnt like ca

4、ts,does he?他不喜欢猫,是吗?他不喜欢猫,是吗?如他喜欢猫,应该如他喜欢猫,应该肯定肯定回答:回答:Yes,he does.如他不喜欢猫,应该如他不喜欢猫,应该否定否定回答:回答:No,he doesnt.不,他喜欢猫。不,他喜欢猫。是的,他不喜欢猫。是的,他不喜欢猫。Page 9动词原形动词原形-过去式过去式-过去分词过去分词n cut cut cutn put-put putn read read readn set set setn shut shut shutn do-did donen come came comen give gave-givenn swim swam-s

5、wumn take took-takenn eat ate-eatenn tell-told toldn sweep swept-sweptn go-went gonen rise rose risenn see saw seenn speak spoke spokenn buy bought boughtn find found foundn get got gotn have had hadn hear heard heardn leave left leftn lose-lost lostn meet met metn make made madePage 102022-11-8New

6、words and expressionsPage 11看音读词看音读词想一想:重读(stress)在哪个音节/palt/mdrid/rt:n/fla/nju:j:k/flu:/tk/fln/Page 12pilot /palt/n.飞行员飞行员return /rtn/v.返回返回New York /nju:j:k/n.纽约纽约Tokyo /tk/n.东京东京Madrid /mdrd/n.马德里马德里fly /fla/v.飞行飞行flew/flu:/flown/fln/看词读音看词读音Page 13词汇详解词汇详解Page 14 pilot n.飞行员飞行员 I want to be a pi

7、lot.我想当一名飞行员。我想当一名飞行员。Page 15 return v.返回返回 1.v.回,返回回,返回nSpring will return soon.n春天很快又会回来的。春天很快又会回来的。2.v.归还归还 =give back eg.(1)我明天要去还书。我明天要去还书。I will return the book tomorrow.=I will give back the book tomorrow.(2)你已经把钱还给他了吗?你已经把钱还给他了吗?Have you returned money to him?Page 16returnreturn to life retu

8、rn to 回到回到eg.He will return to New York.他将回到纽约。他将回到纽约。return from 从从回来回来eg.He will return from New York.他将从纽约回他将从纽约回来。来。return to =go back to eg.return to school=go back to school return home=go back homeLets return to our topic.言归正传。言归正传。回到某种状态回到某种状态return to oneself Page 17 fly (flew flown)n1.v.飞行

9、飞行 I will fly to Shanghai next month.下个月我将飞往上海。下个月我将飞往上海。n2.n.飞行飞行 A long fly 长途飞行长途飞行n3.n.苍蝇苍蝇 butterfly 蝴蝶蝴蝶 dragonfly 蜻蜓蜻蜓Page 18flydragonflybutterflyfly to.=go to.by plane=go to.by air开飞机去,乘飞机去开飞机去,乘飞机去flewflownPage 19单词复习单词复习npilot n.纽约纽约nreturn v.飞行飞行nNew York n.飞行员飞行员nTokyo v.返回返回nMadrid n.马德

10、里马德里nfly n.东京东京Page 20首都首都 VS 国家国家 VS 国家的国家的/人:人:Beijing-China-ChineseBeijing is the capital of China.Page 21城市城市 VS 国家国家 VS 国家的国家的/人:人:Tokyo-Japan-JapaneseTokyo is the capital of Japan.London-England-EnglishLondon is the capital of England.Japan and China are close neighbours.Page 22城市城市 VS 国家国家 VS

11、 国家的国家的/人:人:Madrid-Spain-SpanishMadrid is the capital and the biggest city of Spain.New York-America-AmericanNew York is the biggest city of America.Page 23Where will Nigel fly to next month?When will Nigel fly to Tokyo?Where is Nigel now?When did Nigel fly to Spain?When will Nigel return to London?

12、Listen and answerPage 24Page 25Notes on the text课文注释Page 261.Nigel is our new next-door neighbour.1.neighbour=next door2.next-door 是一个复合词,作定语。是一个复合词,作定语。Page 271.the R.A.F.=the Royal Air Force 英国皇家空军英国皇家空军2.royal 皇家的皇家的 air force 空军空军 navy 海军海军 army 陆军陆军2.He is a pilot.He was in the R.A.F.Page 281.f

13、ly to 飞往飞往2.next month 下个月下个月3.will 用在一般将来时,用在一般将来时,will 可用于所有人称,可用于所有人称,后后面面用动词原形用动词原形,疑问句疑问句式把式把will提前提前,否定句否定句在在will后后面面加加not,缩写形式,缩写形式wont.n Eg.I will cook a meal for my parents this Sunday.这个星期天我将为父母做顿饭。这个星期天我将为父母做顿饭。n Eg.Will you come next week?你下周过来吗?你下周过来吗?3.He will fly to New York next mont

14、h.Page 29n the month after next 下下个月下下个月n after next 再下个,下下个,类似地,再下个,下下个,类似地,the week after next 再下个星期再下个星期 the year after next 后年后年4.The month after next hell fly to Tokyo.Page 30nat the moment=now 目前,现在目前,现在n Eg.She is doing her homework at the moment.她现在正在做作业。她现在正在做作业。n a week ago 一周前,一周前,ago是过去时

15、的标志是过去时的标志5.At the moment,hes in Madrid.He flew to Spain a week ago.Page 31nflew 是是 fly 的过去式的过去式n Eg.They flew to Japan an hour ago.一小时前,他们飞往日本了。一小时前,他们飞往日本了。nflown 是是 fly 的过去分词的过去分词n Eg.They havent flown in a plane.他们还没乘坐过飞机。他们还没乘坐过飞机。Page 32 return to 回到回到n Eg.He will return to New York.他将回到纽约。他将回

16、到纽约。return from 从从回来回来n Eg.He will return from New York.他将从纽约回来。他将从纽约回来。6.Hell return to London the week after next.Page 33n 1.only 仅仅,只有仅仅,只有n 2.forty-one years old 41岁岁 =forty-one year-old 41岁岁 =forty-one7.Hes only forty-one years old.Page 348.and he has already been to nearly every country in the

17、 world.n 1.already“已经已经”,用于肯定句,否定句和疑问句中用,用于肯定句,否定句和疑问句中用yet.n 2.have been to“曾经去过曾经去过”,表示说话人在跟前,表示说话人在跟前 have gone to“已经去了已经去了”,表示说话人不在跟前,表示说话人不在跟前 3.nearly 几乎,将近几乎,将近 every强调整体,意为强调整体,意为“每,各每,各”,指,指三个或三个以上三个或三个以上的整体中的每一个的整体中的每一个。She knew every student of the class.她认识班里的所有学生。她认识班里的所有学生。Page 35n a l

18、ucky dog 幸运儿幸运儿n Good luck!祝你好运!祝你好运!n stay at home 呆在家里呆在家里9.Nigel is a very lucky man.But his wife isnt very lucky.She usually stays at home!Page 36根据汉语提示补全句子根据汉语提示补全句子1.Lily will go to Beijing _(下周四下周四).2.Jim will fly to Marid _(下下个月下下个月).3.Will you go to London _(下周下周)?-No,I wont.4.They wont go

19、to Shanghai _(今年今年).5.Nigel will return to New York _(后年后年).用所给动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空1.Sam _(fly)to Paris tomorrow.2.Is he _(go)to Tokyo the month after next?-No,he isnt.3.They _(arrive)there in two days.4.Will you _(have)dinner with me,Julie?-Yes,Id love to.5.She _(come)back home last month.Lesson94

20、When did you/will you go to?你过去你过去/将在什么时候去将在什么时候去?Page 38Athens/inz/n.雅典雅典 Greece ri:s n.希腊希腊Berlin/b:lin/n.柏林柏林 Germany d:mni n.德国德国Bombay/bmbei/n.孟买孟买 India indi n.印度印度Geneva/dini:v/n.日内瓦日内瓦 Switzerland switslnd n.瑞士瑞士Moscow/msku/n.莫斯科莫斯科 Russia r n.俄罗斯俄罗斯Rome/rum/n.罗马罗马 Italy itli n.意大利意大利Seoul/s

21、ul/n.汉城汉城 Korea kri n.韩国韩国Stockholm/stkhum/n.斯德哥尔摩斯德哥尔摩Sweden swi:dn n.瑞典瑞典Sydney/sidni/n.悉尼悉尼 Australia streilj n.澳大利亚澳大利亚Page 39城市城市 VS 国家国家 VS 国家的国家的/人:人:n Beijing-China-Chinese;n Tokyo-Japan-Japanesen London-England-English;n Stockholm-Sweden Swedishn Madrid-Spain-Spanishn New York-America-Ameri

22、can;n Rome-Italy-Italiann Berlin-Germany-German;n Seoul-Korea-Koreann Moscow-Russia-Russiann Sydney-Australia-Australian;n Bombay-India-Indian n Paris-France-French;n Athens-Greece-Greek;n Geneva-Switzerland-Swiss;Page 40Athens雅典雅典Athens is the capital of Greece.Athens/inz/n.雅典雅典 Greece ri:s n.希腊希腊P

23、age 41Berlin/b:lin/n.柏林柏林 Germany d:mni n.德国德国Berlin柏林柏林Berlin is the capital of Germany.Page 42Bombay孟买孟买MumbaiBombay/bmbei/n.孟买孟买 India indi n.印度印度Page 43Geneva日内瓦日内瓦Geneva/dini:v/n.日内瓦日内瓦 Switzerland switslnd n.瑞士瑞士Geneva is the second largest city in SwitzerlandPage 44Moscow莫斯科莫斯科Moscow/msku/n.莫

24、斯科莫斯科 Russia r n.俄罗斯俄罗斯Page 45Rome罗马罗马Rome/rum/n.罗马罗马 Italy itli n.意大利意大利Page 46Seoul首尔首尔(汉城)汉城)Seoul/sul/n.汉城汉城 Korea kri n.韩国韩国Page 47Stockholm斯德哥尔摩斯德哥尔摩Stockholm/stkhum/n.斯德哥尔摩斯德哥尔摩Sweden swi:dn n.瑞典瑞典Page 48Sydney悉尼悉尼 Sydney/sidni/n.悉悉 尼尼 Australia streilj n.澳大利亚澳大利亚Sydney,the largest city of Au

25、stralia.Page 49句型操练:句型操练:When will you go to+城市名?城市名?I will go to+城市名城市名+将来时间将来时间。BeijingAthensBerlinGenevaLondonMadridMoscowNew YorkParisRomeSeoulStockholmSydneyTokyoBeijing/next week Page 50He went to New York last week.P192 A:模仿例句改写下列句子,用上模仿例句改写下列句子,用上willwill+gonext weekHe will go to New York ne

26、xt week.Page 51He went to Beijing last year.He will go to Beijing next year.1.He went to New York last week.2.She went to Sydney last month.3.I went to Paris the year before last.4.We went to Stockholm last year.5.They went to Geneva the week before last.Page 52P192 B:模仿例句回答问题。模仿例句回答问题。Will you go t

27、o Athens next week?BeijingNo,I wont go to Athens next week.Ill go to Beijing.Page 53Will you go to Athens next week?(Beijing)No,I wont go to Athens next week.Ill go to Beijing.1.Will Helen return to Geneva next year?(Bombay)2.Will you fly to London tomorrow?(Geneva)3.Will you and Tom go to Madrid next year?(London)4.Will Tom arrive from Moscow next month?(Madrid)5.Will Carol and Helen stay in New York next month?(Moscow)Page 54作品欣赏作品欣赏谢谢观看!谢谢观看!


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