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1、Chapter III IntonationUnit 3The Functions&Uses of Intonation语调的功能和使用FOCUSThe Functions&Uses of Intonation语调的功能和使用The Correct Use of Intonation inCommunications 运用正确的语调交际Exercises 练习The Functions&Uses of IntonationThe Semantic Function 语义功能语义功能Intonation may differentiate the meaning of an utterance

2、with different intonation.The different place of nucleus conveys different meaning of the same sentence.For example:A:He only promised to come.B:He only promised to come.In sentence A,the nucleus is the last word“come”and it is the place where the information center is.The meaning of the sentence is

3、:He just promised to come,not promised to do other things.But in sentence B,the place of the nucleus changes.It is not the word“come”,but the word“promised”.The information center changes,and so does the meaning.The sentence can be explained as:He promised to come,but whether he will come or not is

4、not sure.The Functions&Uses of IntonationThe Semantic Function 语义功能语义功能句子会因说话者的不同语调而表达不同的意思。同一句子中因调核的位置不同所传递信息也不同。例如:A:He only promised to come.B:He only promised to come.在句子A中,调核是“come”,是说话者想要传递的最重要的信息。句子被理解为:“他做了来的许诺,而不是做了其他的许诺。”在句子B中,调核的位置变了,最重要的信息词不是“come”,而是“promised”;句子被理解为:“他许诺要来,但是他到底来不来还不能肯

5、定。”The Functions&Uses of IntonationThe Attitudinal Function 态度功能态度功能Intonation is used to convey our feelings.Speakers employ different kinds of intonation(include voice,sound,tone)to show his/her attitudes,such as:interested,bored,neutral,polite,timid,rude,etc.It can be realized by the changing of

6、the fall and rise,and accent.For example:That is the end of the news.(Fall:finality,definiteness)Red,brown,yellow or blue.(Rise:listing,encouraging)You may be right.(Fall-rise:doubt,uncertainty)You were first.(Rise-fall:surprise,being impressed)The Functions&Uses of IntonationThe Attitudinal Functio

7、n 态度功能态度功能语调可以用来传递情感。说话者通过用不同的语调(包括音质、声高、语调)表明其态度,诸如“关心的”、“厌倦的”、“中立的”、“礼貌的”、“胆怯的”、“无礼的”。例如:That is the end of the news.(降调:表示“完结”、“确定”)Red,brown,yellow or blue.(升调:表示“例举”、“鼓励”)You may be right.(降升调:表示“怀疑”、“不确定”)You were first.(升降调:表示“意外”、“印象深刻”)The Functions&Uses of IntonationThe Grammatical Functio

8、n 语法功能语法功能The division of intonation group,the place of nucleus and the choice of tones type have direct relation with the sentences structure.If one of the three factors changes,the structure of the sentence will be changed and so does the sentences meaning.For example:A.This is my sister,May.B.Thi

9、s is my sister,May.In sentence A,the word“sister”is in the fall,but“May”not.It indicates that the Speaker is introducing his/her sister to“May”.The sentence means:Hey,May,this is my sister.In sentence B,both the“sister”and“May”are in the fall,so the word“May”is an appositive.The sentence means:Hey,t

10、his is my sister.Her name is May.The Functions&Uses of IntonationThe Grammatical Function 语法功能语法功能语调群的划分、调核的位置、语调的选择与句子结构有着极大的关系。其中一个成分的改变将改变句子的结构,句子所传递的意思也随之改变。例如:A.This is my sister,May.B.This is my sister,May.在句子A中,降调落在“sister”上,表明说话者正在向“May”介绍自己的妹妹。在句子B中,降调落在“sister”和“May”上,“May”是“sister”的同位语,表明

11、说话者正在向对方介绍自己的妹妹,她的名字是“May”。The Functions&Uses of IntonationThe Accentual Function 重音功能重音功能Intonation helps to distinguish foreground and background information.Foreground information will be accented,from which people can find the new or important information.For example:A.They like pop music.B.They

12、 like pop music.C.They like pop music.In sentence A,the word accented is“pop”,it means:They like music,the kind of the music is“pop”,not classic or jazz.In sentence B,the accented word is“like”,so the sentence focuses on their feeling of the music,they like,not“dislike”,pop music.In the last sentenc

13、e,the important information is“they”,so,the people who like the pop music is“they”,not others.The Functions&Uses of IntonationThe Accentual Function 重音功能重音功能语调有助于区别重要信息和次重要信息。重要信息总是被重读,重音使得倾听者领会新的和重要的信息。例如:A.They like pop music.B.They like pop music.C.They like pop music.在句子A中,“pop”是被重读的,句子的意思是“他们喜欢

14、的音乐是流行乐”;在句子B中,“like”是被重读的,句子的意思是“他们喜欢(而不是厌恶)流行音乐”;在句子C中“They”是被重读的,句子的意思是“他们(而不是别人)喜欢流行音乐”。The Functions&Uses of IntonationExercises1.Mark the intonation of the following sentences according to the recording and practicereading them.(1)Sara,listen,this is between you and me.(2)Peter,here are the ch

15、ildren.(3)David,I want to have a word with you.(4)You are not telling me,Ann,that you havent even started.(5)And now,my child,its time you went to bed.(6)How do you do,Frank.(7)Will you come this way,madam?(8)Its rather late,my dear.(9)Pass it to Sara,Tim.(10)Welcome back to school,boys and girls.(1

16、1)I know his uncle,David.(12)I know his uncle,David.The Functions&Uses of IntonationExercises2.You are absentminded when people ask you the following questions.You have to check what they have said as you havent heard them properly.Give responses with appropriate intonation and compare them with the

17、 ones you hear from the recording.Then mark the tones of the sentences.(1)Can you tell me the way to the station?Where?(2)Do you know what the time is?What?(3)Im looking for boots.What were you looking for?(4)Do you know the time of the next bus?Pardon?(5)Youve dropped your purse.What did you say?(6

18、)Arent you Lilian Green?What?(7)Would you like to come and have a drink?Sorry?(8)Can you tell me the price of a cup of tea?What?(9)Jane has a new boyfriend.Who?(10)I didnt go on Friday.You didnt go?(11)Hes been promoted.Promoted?(12)I found your keys in the kitchen.In the kitchen?The Functions&Uses

19、of IntonationExercises3.Intonation marking.Listen and mark the intonation used in the following conversations.Pay special attention to the location of the nucleus in the intonation unit.The most common position for the nucleus is on the last information word of the intonation unit.Role play them.(1)

20、At the Department StoreA:Ties?B:Yes.The trendy kind.A:The brown ones?B:No.A:The black ones?B:No,Im tired of black and brown.A:The green ones then?B:No!Look at that.A:The red?B:Yes.Shiny red ties.(2)Arguing about a movieA:Its great.B:Its not great.A:It is great,B:No.It isnt.A:Yes,it is.Its truly grea

21、t.B:As far as Im concerned,it stinks!(3)Solving a math problemA:Thats wrong.B:Its not wrong.A:It is wrong.B:No,its not.A:Its totally wrong.B:Its not totally wrong.A:Well,maybe partially wrong.B:It seems okay to me.A:Well,it isnt.Its wrong.The Functions&Uses of IntonationExercises4.Mark the intonatio

22、n of the following sentences according to the context(the implication is in brackets)and practise reading them.(1)Well,my mom doesnt agree.(Though she does understand my point of view.)(2)You ought to try.(Even if youre not likely to succeed.)(3)Itd be better to go by boat.(Although it will take muc

23、h less time by fly.)(4)You neednt pay.(So dont be put off by the thought of the expense.)(5)I only had three.(And you knew that wasnt enough.)(6)I love knitting,but I cant sew.(So Im afraid that I wont be able to do it for you.)(7)Id love to stay with you.(If only it were possible.)(8)Hes never sure

24、.(So it wouldnt be wise to rely on him.)(9)I dont believe its true.(In spite of all the rumors.)10)It doesnt look new.(But it seems all right,though.)(11)That questions too hard for the child.(But no doubt his brother can manage it.)(12)It would be nice if you could stay.(But I suppose you really mu

25、st go.)(13)I didnt think she was shy.(Whatever else she might be.)(14)Id like to come if I may.(I hope theres no objection.)(15)Id like it if its blue.(But Im not interested in having any other color.)The Functions&Uses of IntonationExercises5.Read the following passage with good pronunciation and i

26、ntonation.D-Day Order speech by Dwight EisenhowerJune 6th 1944You will bring a bout the destruction/of the German war machine,/the elimination of Nazi tyranny/over the op pressed peoples of Europe,/and security for our selves/in a free world.Your task will not be an easy one./Your enemy is well trai

27、ned,/well e quipped,/and battle-hardened./He will fight savagely.But this is the year 1944./Much has happened/since the Nazi triumphs of 1940-41.The United Nations have inflicted upon/the Germans great de feat/in open battle/man to man./Our air offensive has seriously reduced their strength/in the a

28、ir/and their capacity/to wage war/on the ground.Our home fronts/have given us an over whelming superiority/in weapons and munitions of war/and placed at our disposal great reserves/of trained fighting men.The tide has turned.The free men of the world/are marching together to victory./I have full con

29、fidence in your courage,/devotion to duty,/and skill in battle.We will accept nothing less/than full victory.Good luck,/and let us all beseech the blessings/of Al mighty God/upon this great and noble under taking.The Functions&Uses of IntonationExercises6.Watch the video and learn the song from“The Sound of Music”


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