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1、8B UNIT1 知识点 讲解及练习在碗里在碗里 in the bowl 在盘子里在盘子里_初识现在完成时的结构:助动词have/has+动词的过去分词 如have/has seen 已经看见,已经吃_ 已经改变_ on the platehave/has eaten have/has changedComic&Welcome 短语past n.过去 in the past在过去在过去 adj.刚过去的,昔日的.in/over/during the past/last few years prep.过,half past ten 十点半十点半 adv.经过 go/walk/run/ride/d

2、rive/swim.past sp.=pass sp.People _(live)a hard life in the past.He _(visit)many foreign countries in the past few years.This village_(not change)over the years.Our car was _(驶过驶过)the Tiananmen Square when it broke down.A woman saw it happen when she walked _(经过)(经过)._在过去的几年中,常用于现在完成时在过去的几年中,常用于现在完成

3、时1.have lived 2.has visited 3.hant changed 4.driving 5.past过去和现在past and present present n.目前,现在 at _=now n._ =gift adj.be present at the meeting 出席会议 v.呈现,赠送,给予 present_礼物出席的present sb.with sth.time n.时间(u.)1).He spent some time _ _play)after fininshing his homework.2)The children had a good time _

4、(visit)the Eiffel Tower,but they were too excited to have any time _(take)photos.次数次数(c.)once,twice,three times,some _times_,last/this/next timetimes n._transport at _(不同的时代).类比:some time_,some times_,sometime_(,sometimes_all the time_,at half-time_,at the same time _),at a time_ Playing visitingto

5、take时代,时期,在不同在不同 的的时代 Different times(一些时间)(几次)某个时候)(有时)(一直)(中场休息)(同时(每次)交通方式交通方式乘地铁上学乘地铁上学 go to school _=_ school 乘出租车去乘出租车去戏院(theatre)go to the theatre by_=_ _ theatre 地铁:地铁:_;长途汽车长途汽车_方便快捷be _ convient_ and _ fast_by underground take an underground to taxi take the taxi to the underground coach

6、非常了解金先生非常了解金先生 _ _ 对京剧你对京剧你有多了解 _ do you know Beijing Opera?()-How well do you know your school?-I know it quite_.A.good B.well C.fine D.bad(How well)Bknow_Mr.King _ very much了解,熟悉 know sb/sth well Ive live here since I was born.自从我出生以后,我就住在这儿。since prep.自自以来以来Since后接点时间,如后接点时间,如since 1978,since 2 d

7、ays ago,since last year(谓语动词用现在完成时)1).We _(live)here since 1978.2).Our city has _(改变改变)since 10 years ago.1)have lived changedsince conj.引导时间状语从句,从句用一般过去时,主句用引导时间状语从句,从句用一般过去时,主句用现在完成时或一般现在时 1).We _ never_(see)each other since he _(leave)here.2).It _(be)two years since we _(come)to this school 1)Hav

8、e seen left)has been camesince conj.既然,由于,引导原因状语从句,通常引导原因状语从句,通常置于句首,指双方都知道的原因置于句首,指双方都知道的原因 Since everyone is here,lets begin our meeting.从那以后_事实上事实上_since then in fact move(1)搬家 _(2)搬到搬到 另一个公寓公寓 move to _ flat(3)搬走 _(4)搬入新公寓新公寓 _new flats.(区别move in 无宾语)(5)搬出小镇 move out of the town (区别:move out 无宾

9、语)搬到两个街区搬到两个街区以外move two blocks _ 搬到搬到其它城市move to _ 搬到一个新学校搬到一个新学校_ a new school搬走 move away 她已经搬走了。她已经搬走了。She _already _ away.把某物移开,挪开 move sth away,搬开石头搬开石头move the stones away=move away the stonesanothermove house,move away move into awayAnother cityMove toHas moved(南部的南部的southern,西部西部western,住在在

10、小镇北部住在在小镇北部 live_ town )in the northern part of China=_in_ China=in _China in the northern part of northern the south of(1)和某人结婚_(千万不要和with连用连用)10年前,她和一个医生结婚了。年前,她和一个医生结婚了。She _ a doctor 10 years ago.married 作形容词.她结婚了。她结婚了。She is _.(表语表语)She is a _(已婚的已婚的)woman.(作定语作定语).marriedget married(to sb)marr

11、ied_marriedmarry 用法用法注意:marry 是married的动词形式:A marry B:(中文?中文?)_ Mr.Li married Miss Wang._ _,She married a rich man._ _When did your father_your mother?()marry B.married to C.marry with D.get married娶/嫁李先生娶了王小姐她嫁给了个有钱人答案:A在过去的几年里 在过去的一个在过去的一个世纪里里 in the past century (这两个时间状语常常和这两个时间状语常常和现在完成时连用连用)在小镇

12、中心在小镇中心 in the town centre=_the town 在城市中心 In the city centre=_ the cityin the center of in the centre ofover the years.turninto =changeinto把变成 turn into或change into 变成.Bad beginnings may turn into good endings.turn构成的以下短语 turn on_ turn off_ turn up_ turn down_turn around_ by turns_ in turn_ turn in

13、_take ones turn_ Its ones turn to do sth._开开关关调高(指音量)调高(指音量)调低(指音量)调低(指音量)转身转身轮流轮流,交替交替 依次依次;轮流轮流 交出交出;上交上交依次依次;轮流轮流 轮到某人做某事轮到某人做某事小镇中心小镇中心的一部分 part of the town center 把小镇中心一部分变成一个新公园把小镇中心一部分变成一个新公园 _ part of the town _ a new park 去年他们把这栋大楼变成了一个图书馆去年他们把这栋大楼变成了一个图书馆They _ the building _ a _last year.

14、答案:1)turn into 2)turned into library三种三种污染污染:_,_ 空气污染空气污染_ 空气污染是空气污染是最严重的问题:_ _ is the most _ problem.答案:Water pollution,noise pollution Air pollutionAir pollution serious钢铁厂钢铁厂a steel factory 在河边在河边曾经有一个钢铁厂有一个钢铁厂:(曾经曾经_)There was _ a steel factory near the river.=There _ _ _ a steel factory near th

15、e river.答案:once used to be往河里往河里排放排放废料:废料:_ the river.waste n(u).废弃物,垃圾,浪费废弃物,垃圾,浪费 v.浪费 waste.on sth/waste.(in)doing sthadj.无法利用的,废弃的 waste land,waste paperput the waste intoLater the government realized the problem and took action to improve the situation.后来政府意识到这个问题,并采取行动来改善这个情况。realize 认识到,明白,意识

16、到,realize sth,realize that/wh-疑问词意识到这个问题:意识到这个问题:realize the problem 意识到这个错误_ the mistake 1.He has _(realize)his mistakes/what I mean.2.The villagers_(not realize)how serious the pollution was until all the fish in the river died.答案:1.realized 2.didnt realize2)我的我的梦想实现了。了。My dream has come true.=I h

17、ave realized my dream.(come true 的主语是的主语是dream,而,而realize ones dream 的主语是sb.)采取行动采取行动改善这种情况:_提高你的英语提高你的英语 _ your English improve v.改进,改善其英文释义是改进,改善其英文释义是makebetter。improve the living standard _improves,improved,improving,n.improvementI dont know _ _ _ my _.我不知道怎样改善我的记忆力。答案:He is trying to improve hi

18、s reading skills.同义句转换He is trying to_ his reading skills_.答案:take action to improve the situation.improve提高生活质量提高生活质量how to improve memory make bettersituation n.情况,形势 The economic situation is now different.现在经济情势不现在经济情势不同了。同了。in the same situation _处理污染问题处理污染问题 deal with the pollution problem (处理

19、 deal with(how)/do with(what)在同样的形势下used to过去常常,曾经(1)used to do sth,他过去常抽烟,他过去常抽烟He _ _ _.(2)used to be+adj.她过去对我们很好。她过去对我们很好。She _ _ _ _ to us.(3)used to be+n.我爷爷曾经是一名工程师我爷爷曾经是一名工程师My grandfather_ _ _ _ engineer.(4)某地曾经有什么:There used to be+n.我们学校附近曾经有一条小河我们学校附近曾经有一条小河.There _ _ _ a river near our s

20、chool.1)used to smoke(2)used to be kind(3)used to be(4)used to be习惯于习惯于(1)习惯于做某事 _eg:She _is_used to _walking_(步行步行)to school.我们习惯于早起我们习惯于早起We _ _ _ _ up early.习惯于某物 be used to sth.我父母习惯茶,我父母习惯茶,而不是咖啡咖啡 My parents _ used _ _,_ of coffee.她她不习惯这儿干燥的气候。这儿干燥的气候。She _ used _ the _ weather.(3)逐渐习惯于 get/be

21、come used to doing sth/sth 你们会逐渐习惯于使用电脑。你们会逐渐习惯于使用电脑。You will _ _ _ _ computers.She is getting used to the life in the country.(中文中文)_be used to doing sth are used to getting are to tea,instead isnt to dry(1)get used to using(2)她会逐渐习惯于农村的生活。练习练习(1)().He used _ on the right in China,but he soon got u

22、sed _ on the left in England.A.to drive;to driving B.to drive;to drive C.to driving;to drive D.to driving;to driving(2)I am used to _(drive)in all kinds of weather。(3)Are you used to _(read)books before _(go)to sleep.(4)They used to _(chat)on the Internet.A drivingreading going chat注意注意sth.be used t

23、o do sth.=sth be used for doing sth.某物被用来做某事某物被用来做某事(被动语态被动语态)钱是用来买东西的。钱是用来买东西的。Money is _ _ _(buy)things.=Money is _ _ _(buy)things.答案:used to buy used for buying感到孤独感到孤独_ 独自居住独自居住_;单干单干_I live in a lonely village(中文中文?_)feel lonely Live aloneWork alone 答案:我住在一个偏僻的村子里。有点有点,有些有些a little+adj/adv a bi

24、t+adj/adv a bit 和和a little 的区别:的区别:(1)a bit 和a little+adj/adv 感到有点紧张感到有点紧张feel _ _ nervous=feel _nervous aa little+不可数,但是,但是a bit+of+不可数/一点咖啡 a little coffee=_ A _ acoffee一些水一些水 a little water=_ a_ _ bit_ _ of_ _water(a few+_?)a little bit+adj/adv 可以连用,可以连用,有点干燥有点干燥 a _ _dryA littleA bit bit of_ 可数名

25、词A little bit和某人住在一块和某人住在一块_在某种程度上_,在去某地的路上在去某地的路上 _ 但是,然而但是,然而 but=_,否则,要不然否则,要不然_or_,尽管,即使这样尽管,即使这样_大部分大部分我的老朋友我的老朋友 _大部分当地人大部分当地人 _ 他们中大部分人他们中大部分人 _most_ _of_ them,像以前那样经常像以前那样经常 _看望彼此看望彼此_ 像以前一样看望彼此对我们来说,已经不可能了。像以前一样看望彼此对我们来说,已经不可能了。It has become _答案live together(with sb)in some wayson the way t

26、ohowevereven thoughmost_ of my old friends most of local people as often as before see each other,:impossible for us to see each other as often as before有时候有时候:_=_=_看到令人惊奇的变化:看到令人惊奇的变化:see the _采访某人采访某人_ =_某人一生某人一生,某人一辈子某人一辈子 _from time to time=sometimes=at times surprising changeshave an interview(

27、n.)with sb.interview(v)sb.all ones life 发生发生 take place=happen 举办:举办:take place,和和happen两者的区别?两者的区别?A spelling competition will _(举办举办)next week.We will _(举办举办)a Spelling competition next week.take placetake place这个小镇过去是什么样子?这个小镇过去是什么样子?_ in the past?这个小镇100年后是什么样子?What _ in 100 years?明天的天气如何?What _

28、tomorrow?(Whats like?.怎么样?)What was the town like will the town be likewill the weather be like 1.现在完成时的含义现在完成时的含义A.表示从过去某一时刻开始一直持续到现在的动作或状态。这个动作可能刚停止,可能仍然在进行。常带有for和since等表示一段时间的状语。如:如:Mike borrowed the book two days ago.(两天前借了书,但是现在有没有还不知道两天前借了书,但是现在有没有还不知道)Mike has kept the book for two days.(借了这

29、本书两天,这本书还在麦克那里借了这本书两天,这本书还在麦克那里)He has taught here since 1981(可能还要继续教)(可能还要继续教)I havent seen her for four years.(我已经四年没有见过她了。)(我已经四年没有见过她了。)B表示过去某时发生的行为对主语目前产生的影响。即用过去发生的某个行为来说明现在的某种情况。如:如:She has gone.(她走了,这里可看出她走了,这里可看出”走走“的动作时过去发生的,而对现在造成的动作时过去发生的,而对现在造成的结果她不在这里了。的结果她不在这里了。)We are good friends.(现

30、在的情况)现在的情况)I knew him in 1997.(过去的动作)(过去的动作)We have known each other since 1997.(现在完成时把过去动作和现在联系起来并着眼于(现在完成时把过去动作和现在联系起来并着眼于现在)现在)2.现在完成时的构成现在完成时的构成(一)肯定式 主语助动词have has 过去分词其它 例:例:Ive just copied all the new words 我刚抄写了所有的生词。我刚抄写了所有的生词。(表示不要再抄表示不要再抄了了)(二)否定式(二)否定式 主语助动词主语助动词have hasnot过去分词其它过去分词其它 1

31、)I havent finished my homework yet我还没有完成我的作业。我还没有完成我的作业。注:有时注:有时not可以用可以用never代替,表示代替,表示“从来没有从来没有”的意思。又如:的意思。又如:2)I have never seen him before以前我从来没有见过他。以前我从来没有见过他。(三)一般疑问式 助动词Have Has 主语过去分词其它?例:例:1)Have you ever made dumplings?你曾经做过饺子吗?你曾经做过饺子吗?Yes,I have 是的,我做过。是的,我做过。注意:当句中有否定词注意:当句中有否定词not,hard

32、ly(几乎不),(几乎不),never的时候,在改为反意疑问句时,附加部分的时候,在改为反意疑问句时,附加部分用肯定形式。例如:用肯定形式。例如:You have never come to our school,have you?你以前从来没有来过我们?你以前从来没有来过我们学校,是吗?学校,是吗?3.动词过去分词的构成方法动词过去分词的构成方法A规则变化。规则变化与过去式相同。a通常加通常加-ed,如:,如:visited,finished。b以不发音的以不发音的e结尾的直接加结尾的直接加d,如:,如:lived,moved。c重读闭音节的双写最后一个辅音加重读闭音节的双写最后一个辅音加-

33、ed,如:,如:travelled,planned。d以辅音字母以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,把结尾的动词,把y变为变为i再加再加ed,如:,如:studied,cried。B不规则变化。(需逐一记忆)4.与现在完成时连用的标志词或短语与现在完成时连用的标志词或短语for时间段,表示一段时间,用how long来提问。-How long have you studied English?你学英语多长时间了?你学英语多长时间了?-I have studied English for more than 20 years.我学英语我学英语20多年了。多年了。since时间点从句(一般过去时),表示一段

34、时间,用how long来提问。-How long have you studied English?你学英语多长时间了?你学英语多长时间了?-I have studied English since 20 years ago.20年前我就学英语了。年前我就学英语了。I have studied English since I was in primary school.我上小学就学英语了。我上小学就学英语了。I have already had my breakfast.我已经吃过早饭了。我已经吃过早饭了。already意为“已经”,用于肯定陈述句,否定句中要改为yet。yet用于疑问句,表

35、示“已经”;用于否定句,表示“还”。Have you finished your homework yet?你已经完成你的家庭作业了吗?你已经完成你的家庭作业了吗?I havent finished my homework yet.我还没有完成我的家庭作业。ever用于疑问句,表示“曾经”。Have you ever moved house?你曾经搬过你曾经搬过家吗?家吗?just意为“刚刚”,强调刚发生的事,用于陈述句中。They have just arrived.他们刚到。他们刚到。never意为“从未;从不”,强调过去一直没有做过某事,用在句中表示否定。I have never wat

36、ched this film.我从未看过这部电影。我从未看过这部电影。recently意为“近来;最近”,表示从不久前到现在的时间,可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句。用表示到说话为止的过去时间状语,如用表示到说话为止的过去时间状语,如recently,just,before,up to now,the past few years等等 I have seen her before,but I can not remember where.He has been there three times the last few days.I havent eaten Guangdong food bef

37、ore我以前没吃过广东菜。我以前没吃过广东菜。They have bought a new car recently.他们最近买了一辆新汽车。他们最近买了一辆新汽车。(D)-Fred is studying Japanese in an evening school.Is that true?-He has_ told me about it.A.ever B.even C.already D.never.用包括用包括“现在现在”在内的时间状语,如:在内的时间状语,如:now,today,this morning(month,year,term)等。等。如:-Have you met him

38、today?-No,I havent.How many times have you been there this year?5.现在完成时的句型现在完成时的句型aIt is the first/second/time that+从句(从句用现在完成时)It is the first time that she has visited the city.这是她第一次参观这座城市。这是她第一次参观这座城市。译:这是我第三次看这部电影。译:这是我第三次看这部电影。_b.This is the+形容词最高级+名词 that+从句(从句用现在完成时)This is the best film tha

39、t Ive(ever)seen.这是我曾看过的最好电影。这是我曾看过的最好电影。I must say that its the best model I have ever seen.这是我玩过的最有趣的游戏。这是我玩过的最有趣的游戏。c.Its+一段时间+since从句(或It has been+一段时间+since从句)自从某事发生已有一段时间了.It is/has been two years since my brother joined the army.Its over twenty years since we last met.Its a long time since our

40、 last vacation.Its a long time since we _(meet)last,isnt it?答案:It is the third time that I have seen the movie.答案:met 6.现在完成时与一般过去时的区别现在完成时与一般过去时的区别现在完成时与一般过去时都表示现在完成时与一般过去时都表示“动作已经发生动作已经发生”,但不同点在于:,但不同点在于:现在完成时强调这一动作与现在的关系,即对现在产生的结果、影响等,而一般现在完成时强调这一动作与现在的关系,即对现在产生的结果、影响等,而一般过去时只表示过去的事实,不表示和现在的关系。过去

41、时只表示过去的事实,不表示和现在的关系。He has learned French for three years.他学法语已经三年了。他学法语已经三年了。He learned French for three years.他曾经学过三年法语。他曾经学过三年法语。Who has taken my bag?I couldnt find it.谁拿走了我的包?我找不到了?谁拿走了我的包?我找不到了?He cleaned the house yesterday.他昨天打扫过房间。他昨天打扫过房间。The room is clean,for he has cleaned it already.房间很干

42、净,因为他已经打扫过了。房间很干净,因为他已经打扫过了。现在完成时不可与表示过去的时间副词连用,而一般过去时则可以。现在完成时不可与表示过去的时间副词连用,而一般过去时则可以。He has done some washing.He did some washing yesterday.他昨天洗衣服了。他昨天洗衣服了。EX:1.-Look,the floor is so clean.Who _(sweep)it?-Li Ming _(sweep)the floor yesterday afternoon.2.Jim (make)many friends since he (come)to Chi

43、na.3.He _ _ already _ _(write)a letter to the factory to ask them to stop making noise.4.He _(try)many ways to restart the computer,but it doesnt work.5.He _(try)his best to swim across the river,but failed.答案:1.has swept swept 2.has made came 3.has written 4.has tried 5.tried6.It is the second time

44、 that I (see)the film.Titanic.7.It is the best works of art that she _ _(create).8.They (know)each other for about ten years.9.When _ _ she _ _(leave)?Two hours ago.10.you (see)the film before?Yes,I .Where you (see)it?At The Queens Cinema.6.have seen 7.has created 8.have known 9.did leave 10.Have se

45、en have did see教了我们很多关于教了我们很多关于中国历史的内容的内容 teach _ China.南京的变化南京的变化 Nanjing,南京的过去和现在南京的过去和现在 北京的变化北京的变化 in Beijing.北京的过去和现在北京的过去和现在Beijings_ 听说听说 _收到某人的来信收到某人的来信_.收到我的来信还可以写成:我的来信还可以写成:_=_计划做某事 _制定一个计划_vv_(飞机飞机_plane_)us a lot about the history of the changes inNanjings past and presentthe Changes Pa

46、st and presenthear of.=hear about;hear from sbreceive a letter from get a letter from plan to do sth.Make a plan Integrated skills环境,周围状况n._居住条件居住条件 living conditions 成为一个现代化的城镇成为一个现代化的城镇become a _ modern_ townworking conditions 工作环境;使用状态(可数)natural condition 自然条件(可数)in good condition 情况良好(指身体状况 不可数

47、)an air condition 一台空调 一个火车站一个火车站 a railway station 在铁轨上散步在铁轨上散步walk on the _railway_.乘出租车乘出租车往返于小镇 travel to and from the town by bus environment return 的用法(1)返回 return(to+地点)=come/go back to+地点 返回俄国返回俄国(Russia)_Russia.=_ Russia.答案:归还某物给某人归还某物给某人_=_ 把书还给他们把书还给他们 _ =_ them.注意:return 一定不可以和 _ 连用 Retu

48、rn to come back toreturn sth to sb.give sth back to sb.Return books to them Give books back to backlast 1).n.末尾,最后;末尾,最后;at last _最后最后_2).adj.最后的;最近的,最新的 in the last few years _ last but not least 最后但并不是最不重要的 3).vi.持续;维持,够用;持久 The bad weather will _(持续很久持续很久).4).adv.最后地;上次,最近 自从我们上次见面已有自从我们上次见面已有2个月

49、了个月了.It has been 2 months since we _ _ _ _.答案:在过去的几年里last longlast met each other出国出国 _出国留学出国留学_,出国旅游出国旅游 _.在在小学_ keep in touch with sb.=stay in touch with sb(主要)通过电子邮件交流 _mostly _communicate by email _(communicate名词_ 学会如何与他人交流是重要的学会如何与他人交流是重要的Its important to learn _ _ _others.网络使交流更加容易 The Interne

50、t makes communication much _.和某人交流和某人交流 _commnicate_ with sb.浏览_go abroad study abroad travel abroadat primary school 与某人保持联系 communicationto communicate with easier_look throughStudy skills&Main task一条小河一条小河穿过小镇中心。A river _the centre of the town.生活生活在某种程度上变得更好了。变得更好了。Life is getting(becoming)better


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